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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)


"Struggle against what is specifically Hellenic", "Struggle against polytheism". In these words we can summarize Xenophanes. Notice that Nietzsche is somewhat impressed with the heretic and paints him as a person who wanted to purify the religion of his people. As a result he just took the people out of it. While Nietzsche claims that Xenophanes’ god is not akin to christian ganz andere (impersonal spirit) I disagree. Blurring of spirit and matter leads to divine becoming diluted to the point where everything is god and as a result nothing truly is. As Pagans we can point at our Gods and call them Gods, then point at, say, a park bench and call it a park bench. In pantheistic-monotheistic blur such separation of Gods and not Gods is impossible.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

He noticed that everyone imagines the gods like themselves:
Negroes [see them as] black and flat-nosed; Thracians, blue eyed and red

His main propositions include the following:
One god, greatest among gods and men, in no way similar to mortals either in body or in thought.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

We do not know much about Xenophanes. He was banned from his father city and lived in Zancle [in Sicily], Catana, and Elea.
His last primary work was On Nature, in which he fought against the opinions of Thales (whom he admired as an astronomer) and Pythagoras, as well as those of Epimenides.
His primary struggle, however, was directed against Homer and Hesiod; in this regard we are shown his relation to the religio-ethical movement of his century. He disputes the polytheistic folk beliefs, an incredible struggle that led to his exile.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Well, how did he [Heraclitus] view the religious excitement of his times? In Dionysian excitement he saw only an invitation to ill-bred drives by way of hot-blooded festivals of desire. He turns against the existing ceremony of expiation: “When defiled they purify themselves with blood, as though one who had stepped into filth were to wash himself with filth.”

He attacks worship of images: “They pray to images, much as if they were to talk to houses; for they do not know what gods and heroes are.” Yet he reserves a special hatred for the creators of popular mythology, Homer and Hesiod. “Homer deserved to be chased out of the lists and beaten with rods, and Archilochus likewise.”

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Ancient Greek philosophy and it’s role in the downfall of traditional belief is a topic I sporadically return to. Now’s the time to explore it again, but this time with some assistance. I will turn to good old Nietzsche to be the guide and provide some commentary to his words.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The "gods are metaphors" interpretation makes divinity into something abstract and often straight up mathematical. This is where you get all kinds of autism about sacred geometry, which often ends up looking kind of Islamic. The gods are not triangles or equations.

You can't push this abstract interpretation of the gods back further than about the 6th century BCE in Europe. But you can trace the "gods are literally real" interpretation back as far as myth itself. Because our forefathers all believed this.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Even the sanest christian is still anti-European. Most of them would literally slaughter White Pagans for not praying to a jewish literary character. And they did just that back in the day. Not effectively though considering that peasantry (99% of the population) stayed true to the ancestral faith (hence the term pagan).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

This year’s Semik falls on the 20th of June

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Going to write on a coming Pagan festival from Slavic tradition. It’s a beautiful and obscure one.
Some may guess the festival by this picture.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Because Tom from Survive the Jive (STJ) made this post recently, I am going to release another public statement. I have no other choice here.

I firmly maintain my innocence in spreading slander against both him and against his family. These things simply are untrue accusations. I never once even mentioned anything about his family, either, or against his kinsmen.

Tom is not the same person that his followers see in one-on-one conversations. All of his academic decorum quickly fades away the moment he is confronted about the falderal he speaks and spreads and about his associations. He actively promotes bestiality, and he is on record for saying things such as "If I was a Bronze-Age king, I would bang a female horse maybe once in my life. Only a faggot like you would think of such things in a profane and inverted way." What else is there? When it comes to the sensible, literal interpretation of the myths and the Gods, he has responded by saying things such as, "Do you understand that the literal interpretation of myth has absolutely no bearing on the belief in the Gods? Why don't you actually read a single Pagan philosopher for once instead of making New-Age arguments? Mythic literalism is fine for peasants but no intelligent people thought that was how to understand the gods. The gods are very real and the myths are there to help you understand them." (Yes, he calls people "peasants" a lot, all the time, as well as "retards" and "idiots".) On top of it all, he actively associates with Jewish individuals, one whom I can name, Dr. Boaz / Borja Villalonga.

I was going to let the rest be history, but it seems Mr. Tom is so unbelievably preoccupied with his image that he dares try to levy the charge of slander against those he finds disagreement. Tom here is a parody of a Heathen. Did I even mention he charges his members of his following money to access material that is openly available in the public domain? Am I wrong, too, about that, his being someone capitalizing on folkish faith? All of these details about him are public knowledge, not private, and I know for a fact that I am not the only one that shares these complaints and grievances.

Be careful with whom you associate, especially Survive the Jive. He is just that, a hilding and nithing, and an academic shyster and an unethical shell of a man.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Belarusian graveyards sometimes feature oak tree stumps instead of tombstones. This tradition is at least 200 years old and signifies that the deceased was the last one in his clan.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Red corner
by Bendis

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

A sledovik damaged by radical christians using dynamite.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Sledovik/Chashechnik stones are Pagan relics often (but not exclusively) found on Slavic lands. While temples and godpoles got destroyed, these stones were left mostly untouched.
Sledovik can be translated as a footprint-stone. The sockets on the surface of the stones are oval or round. After christianization people kept bringing offerings and asking for different things. Chashechnik derives from chashka cup. A cup stone.
It is unlikely that cup stones were used as altars for sacrifices due to their size. Maybe they were a source of water used in rituals as the hollow sockets on their surface are perfect for accumulating dew and rainwater.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Classical Landscape by Leopold Rothaug

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Xenophanes struggles for a mythical, general notion of nature.
It is not some doctrine of an (im)personal God existing beyond the world, which would be some pure spirit; rather, the entire dichotomy between spirit and matter, deity and world, is absent here. He resolves the identification of God and man in order to equate God and nature. In this regard he leads a heightened ethical consciousness that seeks to distance all things human and unworthy from the gods; we are shown here a struggle against what is specifically Hellenic, as in his other ethical notions.

What naturally comes into consideration here, then, is not Xenophanes as a philosopher but rather his struggle [Kampf] against polytheism…

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)


I already wrote quite a lot on Xenophanes, an exiled heretic who influenced Socrates (who was executed for heresy) and through him (and plato) all christians and even other abrahamics. For example, Xenophanes is very respected in Islam generally seen as somewhat of a proto-prophet of Allah. Islamic anti-anthropomorphism owes more to heretics like Heraclitus, Xenophanes and Socrates than any Divine Inspiration muslims think they had.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)


Heraclitus was one of the first anti-Pagan heretics of the Ancient world. He attacked both the rituals and belief of his own people. He (much like other heretics) also attacked Homer and Hesiod, the educators of Greece who presented a traditional worldview where theology was not smeared with anti-Pagan philosophy.
Obviously Heraclitus had great influence on christians (e.g. do not worship images), but he wasn’t the only one.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In his analysis of pre-platonic philosophers Nietzsche goes over many different thinkers. We will focus on the ones who were precursors to christianity.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Hear me out. I think historical accuracy is a beautiful thing, but not everything has to be a documentary. If it's fiction then a horned-helmet, biker viking is not necessarily bad. I know a guy who was drawn to Paganism due to pure aesthetics, but later became a real, pious and knowledgeable practitioner.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Need someone with photoshop skills. Nothing too challenging, just a meme picture to make.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Wreath of fate

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

On Semik girls and women went to the forest ("under the trees, under the birches), brought pies "as sacrifice", porridge and scrambled eggs, worshiped birch trees, sang songs, danced, made wreaths, conducted initiation rites.

M.N. Galkovski

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The Överhogdal Tapestry: A Window into Heathen Traditions

This remarkable piece of textile art was discovered in 1910 in the small village of Överhogdal, Sweden. Dating back to the Viking Age or early medieval period (9th to 12th centuries), the tapestry provides a rare and fascinating glimpse into the heathen traditions and the newly adopted Christian customs and imagery.

The Överhogdal Tapestry is renowned for its intricate designs and expert craftsmanship. Created using wool and plant dyes, the tapestry showcases the incredible skill of its weavers. The detailed depictions include trees, animals, human figures, and scenes that are thought to represent mythological events and everyday life in ancient Scandinavia.

The tapestry's images are a vibrant display of Norse mythology and culture:
-Mythical Trees: Representations of the Yggdrasil -the World Tree. A representation of the cosmology.
- Animals and Beasts: Iconic creatures from Norse myths
-Human Figures: Scenes that might illustrate historical events or legendary sagas, reflecting the values and beliefs of the time.

For those who follow traditional heathenry, the Överhogdal Tapestry is more than just an artifact; it is a sacred connection to our ancestors and their ways. The meticulous craftsmanship and the themes woven into the fabric reflect the worldview of our ancestors.

By studying and preserving these tapestries, we honor the memory and skills of the ancient artisans who created them. Their work continues to inspire us to keep the old ways alive and to celebrate our rich heritage.

Today, the Överhogdal Tapestry is carefully preserved and displayed, allowing us to appreciate the artistry and spiritual depth of our ancestors. It serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of heathen traditions and an important glimpse into the past.

#thetraditionalheathens #Heathenry #ÖverhogdalTapestry #NorseMythology #CulturalHeritage #TraditionalCraftsmanship

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Since stj is at it again, I'll address the whining this time. I never wrote anything about his family. Anyone saying otherwise is a liar. I did call tom an atheist because he says that Gods are not real, myth are just poetry and only retarded peasants have genuine belief. Sounds a lot like platonism because it is. He also quoted platonists and praised plato himself saying that he (a heretic) deserves a temple. Seems like dr.Boaz’s influence. Not much else to add. Let stj do his thing (grift and promote heresies), while Folkish Pagans like me and Norrœna Society revive traditional European spirituality.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The Last Pagan King of England: Arwald

During England's history, one figure stands out as a symbol of resilience and tradition: King Arwald of the Isle of Wight. Much of his story will be found in Bede's Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, Arwald is the last known pagan king in England, and his story is a poignant reminder of the ancient beliefs that once flourished across the land.

King Arwald ruled the Isle of Wight during the 7th century, a time when the spread of Christianity was rapidly changing the religious landscape of Britain. Despite the growing influence of Christian missionaries, Arwald remained steadfast in his adherence to the old ways, embodying the enduring spirit of Germanic paganism.

Arwald's resistance to conversion was not merely a personal choice but a defense of his people's cultural heritage. His reign symbolized a last stand for the pagan traditions that had been practiced for centuries. Unfortunately, this defiance led to conflict. In 686 AD, Arwald faced the forces of King Caedwalla of Wessex, a newly converted Christian king with ambitions to expand his territory.

After a fierce battle, Arwald was killed, and his kingdom fell into the hands of Caedwalla. In a tragic turn, Arwald's brothers, who were captured and baptized under duress, were also executed shortly after. This marked the end of the last pagan kingdom in England, but Arwald's legacy lived on.

Arwald's story is more than a historical footnote; it is a testament to the resilience of ancient traditions in the face of overwhelming change. As we honor his memory, we celebrate the rich cultural and spiritual heritage of our ancestors.

#TheTraditionalHeathens #PaganHistory #KingArwald #NorseMythology #CulturalHeritage #GermanicPaganism

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Modern villagers bringing offerings to a slaedovik at Kremenets, Belarus.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The stones were often reinterpreted to be footprints of different christian figures (mostly saints). This led to some churches transporting the stones inside their temples and claiming them to be sacred.

Image: An icon of virgin Mary standing and therefore leaving footprints on a sledovik stone.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Have a good Thursday

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Is 21st century Pagan always an autodidact?

Back in the 90s I would say yes. We had to teach ourselves. This made Paganism a religion with homework. Despite the seeming scarcity of sources, there is a lot of data to comb through. Folklore is especially time-consuming to research, yet well worth it.
Nowadays, due to the rise of Paganism in Europe both regular practitioners and priests can be easily found online sharing their knowledge and experience. This is a double-edged sword. Some turned out to be (un)intentionally subversive. Others are literally in it only to make money e.g. I know a channel run by a literal, open atheist (he saw my success and decided to copy it).

Modern Pagan is not necessarily self-taught, but he can be misdirected by grifters and/or heretics which is why it’s important for us to promote accurate, folkish approach.

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