For all those traveling to see the eclipse this coming Monday the 8th, here are the local times it'll occur
Читать полностью…The same artist (A.Kankava) also illustrated a book about Greek myth and legends, but sadly I don’t have it. The print run was small so it’s very rare.
Читать полностью…Communists often say that religion was created by shamans (priests) and forced on folk using superstition and tricks. Of course it’s projection. Communism was created by jews and forced on subverted population via empty promises and grand speeches.
Natural religions came from the bottom up, from daily practices of common men, from farming, hunting, foraging and seasonal customs. Priests conducted rituals, but did not invent them (or the Gods).
The most serious Christian theologians don't say that Christianity is opposed to liberal secular humanism. Only meme-tier DEUS VULT Christians think this. The most serious Christian theologians know that liberal humanism is a continuation of Christianity. Their main critique of liberal humanism is that it is the profanation of Christianity, that all its "eternal truths" have been perverted and reduced to a merely secular expression.
This fails because a good idea is a good idea, whether sacred or profane.
The worship of the dead and land spirits is the sacred expression whose profane expression is blood and soil. This is a good idea no matter how it's expressed. On the other hand, modern progressivism is the profane expression of the idea of Christian supersession. Scientism is the profane expression of Christian "logos". Wokeness is the profane expression of Christian "meek shall inherit the earth". All these are bad profane ideas, because they're bad sacred ideas.
Lisun feeds the wolves
There were two brothers. One was rich, another was poor since nothing grew on his land. Eventually the poor one decided to leave the farm. He wandered the wild forests.
One night, before St. George’s day he climbed an oak to sleep up high. At midnight the forest was shook by howling and clamour. And it was getting closer.
There came a man shepherding a pack of wolves with a cart behind him. It was Lisun. He rode under the oak tree and began feeding his beasts bread from the cart. He fed all of them, but one loaf was still left in the cart. Lisun said:
—Whom to give this one? I’ll give it to the man on the tree. Climb down, take it and go home!
The man climbed down and took the bread. Lisun left.
Wolves have a herdsman called polisun. He shepherds them like sheep. He is tall and looks like a man.
Hunters have deals with him and serve him, having renounced God. Then he gives them different game. When hunters gather to hunt wolves, he turns into a wolf himself, gathers a pack and leads it to the hunters who strike down those they choose.
Lisovyk was later replaced by st. George in his functions which is seen from the tale "Lisun feeds the wolves"
V.Gnatyk Remnants of pre-christian religious worldview of our ancestors
Premiering now on YouTube
In the Middle Ages people often received catechesis. They did not receive the sacrament of baptism, which is one of the most important sacraments in christianity. They demonstrated that theoretically would like and maybe would be willing to be baptized.
Famous emperor Constantine the Great, under whose rule christianity became a state religion in Byzantium, who opened the temples and took part in religious life of the country wasn’t baptized. He took baptism only on his deathbed.
F. Uspenski
The skins of various quadrupeds having been used by the most ancient inhabitants of Greece for clothing and defense, we cannot wonder that the goat-skin was employed in the same manner.
In order that a goat-skin might serve this purpose, two of its legs would probably be tied over the right shoulder of the wearer, the other extremity being fastened to the inside of the shield. In combat the left arm would be passed under the hide, and would raise it together with the shield, as is shown in a marble statue of Athena, preserved in the museum at Naples, which, from its style of art, may be reckoned among the most ancient in existence.
Nowadays many Slavic Pagans, dare I say most, either don’t consider Lada a deity at all, or think that it was a female deity. Personally I think the latter is rather absurd and baseless, since the word itself has nothing associating it with feminine and as a recreated (academic, armchair mythology) Lada is redundant being a copy of Mokosh both in iconography and role in the pantheon.
Читать полностью…In Slavic languages a non-domestic animal can be called divъ(jь) or dikъ(jь). Meat of wild animals is called divina, dich, dichina etc .
For example, in Lithuanian dieva zuosis means wild goose, goose of Dievas. Also dieva vērši means wild bull, bull of Dievas.
So it’s possible that domesticated animals were seen as belonging to men while wild ones belong to the Sky/Div.
Hittite language has a similar expression šiunaš ḫuitar which means wild animals and animals who belong to Sius, a major deity of Hittite religion.
Mullein (Verbascum) is known in Slavic languages as divizna. According to Bulgarian philologist and linguist V.I. Georgiev the name derives from PIE Diwes-h₁ewsmn̥ (heat of Sky/Deus)
Читать полностью…Speaking of pseudo pagans, platonists are not alone. There are naturalists (like varg), euhemerists, stoics etc. Some just don’t realize is that not all self-proclaimed Pagans were/are Pagan. Back in the day they were exiled/executed.
Читать полностью…Indo-European is a subversive term
Indus Valley was conquered and ruled by a tribe of Europeans until they racemixed and went extinct. Today India is dravidian genetically and culturally. It’s disgusting.
There’s no reason for the Indo- part when talking about the ancients.
Some nice illustrations from a children’s book about folklore spirits I’ve bought.
Читать полностью…It is our duty at this time to allow nature to heal from the devastation of modernity.
From this, we gain the favor of Gods and of the spirits inhabitanting the land, the streams, the seas, and the air.
I have heard it said that if the ocean was allowed to heal for 10 short years, it would regain 90% of the life lost through over-fishing and pollution. We should keep this in mind as we gain strength in numbers. For as we grow, so too does the healing and the blessings will pay us back tenfold
The man returned home and soon became even richer than his brother. The loaf could never be eaten completely. After one half of it was left, the rest always returned next day, as if growing back.
The envious brother decided to get a loaf like that too. He waited before the st.George’s, found the tree and climbed it. After some wait Lisun came again and began feeding his wolves. One was left without his share.
—Well, wolf, since you didn’t get yours, eat the one on top of the tree.
The envious brother heard it and got so scared he fell down. The wolf tore him apart at that very moment.
That’s what God gives to those who want more than enough.
According to ancient mythology, the aegis worn by Zeus was the hide of the goat Amaltheia, which had sucked him in his infancy.
Hyginus relates that, when he was preparing to resist the Titans, he was directed, if he wished to conquer, to wear a goat-skin with the head of the Gorgon. To this particular goat-skin the term aegis was afterwards confined. Homer always represents it as part of the armor of Zeus, whom on this account he distinguishes by the epithet aegis-bearing. He, however, asserts, that it was borrowed on different occasions both by Apollo and by Athena.
In many Slavic folk songs one can hear a refrain div-lado. Most think it has no meaning, but in one Croatian song written down in XVIII c. Lado is addressed as holy God and asked to listen.
It’s possible that lado is related to aldi, aldius, elder etc. from IE *aldhós (grown up).
The theory suggests that Div Lado is therefore fully semantically parallel to Dуéus Pətḗr.
Speaking of Gods and flowers, Iris Germanic aka bearded iris is known in Slavic languages as perunika i.e. Perun’s flower.
Читать полностью…The first line also mentioned treetop. Possibly indicating that Div is the God who sits high on his throne on top of the world tree (similar to Odin in Asgard). I’ve already written on the topic of Slavic Axis Mundi (which was probably an oak tree).
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