A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
If you ever feel stupid, just remember that some take Shapiro seriously
Читать полностью…Alte Taufe (ancient tub) is a huge natural stone located in the Deister Forest, Germany. It was and still is a sacred object. Make sure to visit it if you get a chance.
Читать полностью…Reconstruction of the 13th century Wend female costume
Читать полностью…It is through mutual respect, not erasing ones ancestral identity nor rewriting our legends, is how our faiths can and will work together
Читать полностью…I’m not a big fan of Spiderwick Chronicles franchise, but I did read the book and watch the 2008 movie back in the day. Now there’s a Netflix adaptation. Of course, Netflix did what it does best. I still have the book and here’s an illustration depicting the main characters, Jared and Simon. Here are the same characters from the Netflix version.
Читать полностью…christianity is part of the problem, you can't unite with a part of the whole you want destroyed.
What we are doing is uniting with other Europeans who are all Pagan since you can't be a true European not being one.
@ColeWolfsson and some judeo-christian
Читать полностью…New channel (not mine) but it's always nice to see how the community grows.
Created Instagram yet again. Will try to be as careful as possible, without getting boring, of course.
The essential feature of modernity is autonomy: auto-nomos, literally self-law. Everything wrong with the world comes back to man attempting to give himself law, rather than getting it from the gods.
The Christian tries to do this by saying "conscience is the voice of God". Bad enough when the king's conscience is the voice of the god; Christianity makes every man's conscience the voice of the god. What kind of law can be based on this?
What Christianity does openly, Platonism does covertly. Platonism makes every man a lawgiver by interpreting the gods' actions and commands allegorically. The worshipper must decide for himself if the deeds of Odin or Zeus are lawful. If their deeds don't meet his personal standard, they are deemed "allegorical"; the god must have meant something different, something to be filled in, naturally, by the worshipper himself. The result is that the gods are in no position to correct us, because where we disagree, it must be "allegory". This is a subtle, and for that reason especially dangerous, crowning of the individual.
The Enlightenment completes this self-law by simply doing away with the god. Because if the god can never correct us, even in principle, what is the difference if he doesn't exist?
Don't be fooled by the toga, the tonsure, or the tri-corner hat. Whether Platonism, Christianity, or the Enlightenment, all these are just modernity.
Only folkish paganism presents any alternative.
Sift Footed Achilles, Son of Peleus and Immortal Thetis, Affliction on the Trojans, Slayer of Hector
by Brother Bjorn
As mentioned before, Moon is addressed as king in songs and prayers
Jaunas mėnuo, kunigaiksti!
Young/New moon, king!
Jaunas mėnulaicis
Dangaus karalaici
Young/New moon
King of the sky
Jaunas mėnuо jaunikaitis
Dangaus zemes karalaitis
Young/New Moon
King of the sky and land
In Lithuanian (and other Slavic) traditions Moon is a masculine deity and Sun’s husband. In songs and prayers he is often addressed as king or prince. He has close connections with young women and love magic e.g. he could bless the water which a young woman washes her face with. Blessed water will make her more beautiful and healthy.
In folklore Moon can also kidnap a young woman is she is close to water and insults Moon or points a finger at the Moon which is a taboo.
Stream will begin shortly 😎
Читать полностью…An idol of Perun at night
Читать полностью…While in service of Lithuanian king Olgerd, Antony and John tried to hide themselves being christian, but could not, because they differed too much from pagans in customs and actions. They did not want, like others, to cut their hair and beards like pagans did. They did not want to eat meat on fast days. They did not honor any pagan customs which went against christianity. And when the king asked them why they do not follow ancient Lithuanian customs, the saints fearlessly revealed being christians.
The Lives of Saints recited by st.Demetrius of Rostov
AI art by ᚠᚸ
Starting another translation from the lives of early European saints who were executed by Pagans. Would be nice to have an illustration for one of the interesting tales I found. If you are familiar with historical art let me know in the comments.
Читать полностью…Christians like to cope that paganism is small compared to Christianity. They say "you can't win, there are too few of you and many of us". They assume that there will be no conversion to paganism, and no conversion away from Christianity.
But every day thousands of white people leave Christianity. This faith born outside of Europe is returning to its non-European roots, and becoming the religion of the third world. Already most Christians in the world are non-white. This will only get worse.
As Christianity increasingly belongs to the third world, you will see white people increasingly reject it as "their thing, not ours". This process can't be stopped, and was assured the moment Paul made Christianity the common possession of all humanity. Europeans did not need Christianity to prosper; Christianity needed Europeans to prosper. Now it has no more need of us. And we have no need of it.
Though my memory is hazy, I remember the best element of the book. The plot is about admiring the past and traditions. A family from New England moves into and old estate and the protagonist learns about his grandfather’s research of fairies, brownies, hobgoblins etc. Even meets them. Learning about folklore is presented as exciting and magical. That’s why changing the race of the main characters is not only insulting, it doesn’t work in a story about Americans reconnecting with their roots full of reference to Irish and Scottish folklore.
Читать полностью…There's a reason why the symbology of ancestral faith still remains even through christianization. Because it speaks to our blood and our soul in ways judeo-christianity never could
Читать полностью…christcucks were the ones who led jews into Europe and helped them get as powerful as possible. nowadays the same christcucks kvetch about jewish power. Ironic.
Читать полностью…Art by Alexander Subota
Читать полностью…Paganism is not occult
Since christianity began as an occult cult slowly creeping it’s way into Europe most Europeans now who try to return to the pre-christian faith end up with a very post-christian worldview. They see divine as something supernatural i.e. above and outside real, natural world. Gods are seen as omnipotent and omnipresent, even though all myth show that Gods are potent, but not omni. There’s an attempt by those occult-minded to separate divine and nature. They remove Gods from daily surrounding, essentially from reality. Their great deeds are shoved into so-called mythical time which is some schrodinger's cat of time e.g. to occultists Odin has both eyes and only one eye at once. Do not mistake this with the concept of cyclical time, since in it the Gods and the world still change, but eventually reset, while in the mythical time there’s neither change, no return.
^ Self-law is also the reason christianity exists. Without it the first converts would never dare abandon the ancestral tradition. But when one places himself the moral pedestal and looks down on the tradition judging his Gods and forebears heresy is always the result. It was like that even before christianity with platonism, naturalism and all those other -isms. Modern woke left is the same thing. socrates, xenophanes, plato, akhenaten, buddha, zoroaster, zalmoxis etc do not look like blue-haired troons of today, but the basis of self-law is still there.
Читать полностью…Getting back on Instagram. Are there still any channels there worth following?
Читать полностью…There is a simple reason why folkish paganism is going to win. We're a fertility cult.
Unlike Christians, our religion is not an instrument of modern globalism bent on destroying its own flock. Unlike secular humanists and fake pagans, we actually have children. Even Muslims and other migrants end up with sub-replacement fertility after about two generations.
Go to a folkmoot. You'll see children everywhere. Folkish paganism is a life-affirming fertility cult, and the fastest growing religion in the world.
Folkishness is the future.
In the stories about kidnappings they are a result of the girl’s actions. A woman carrying water at night says that the Moon is too dim and, interestingly, in all those stories she claims that her ass is brighter.
Mano subinė labjaus švieč nekaip tas mėnuo!
My ass shines better than this moon!
Mani gurni spožāhi nekā tu!
My hips are brighter than you!
Tai švietėjas, tai mėnuо, nieko nesimato nei kur eiti, geriau aš su save rūrū pašviesčiau.
This light, this moon, can’t see where to go, I’d shine brighter with my ass.
After such insults Moon takes the girl. Lithuanians say that one can see a woman with a shoulder pole on the surface of the Moon.
I will soon write a little more about the Moon and Sun in Slavic tradition, specifically Lithuanian
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