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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The races of Partholon, Nemed, and the Tuatha De Danann succeeded one another in Ireland like the golden race, the silver, and the bronze races in Greece. The first had disappeared on the arrival of the second, and the second had died out when the third came. The third race, the Tuatha De Danann, was subjugated by the ancestors of the modern Irish, and took shelter behind the veil of invisibility, which it no longer raises now, save under exceptional circumstances. The question naturally arises as to how any knowledge of this remote past could have come down to us, seeing that it is concerned with races from whom the actual inhabitants of the country can claim no descent, and to whom, therefore, neither their family nor their national traditions can be traced back.

A. de Jubainville

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The race of Partholon landed in Ireland on the feast-day of the god of the Dead, and on the anniversary of the same, was stricken with the fatal pestilence which destroyed the whole race within a period of seven days; this fatal week began on the first of May, on a Monday, and ended on the following Sunday, when of the five thousand persons that then inhabited Ireland, only one remained alive.

Arbois de Jubainville

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Nativism is the core tenant of Pagan spirituality; the belief that we are of our Gods, and they are bound to us. This relationship we share is a perfect smbiosis of material and spiritual also.

Just as we can give them material form, it is they who forged us in spirit and blood:

Gylfaginning 10
... as Bor’s sons went along the sea-strand they found two stocks, shaped out of them men. The first gave soul
and life, the second wit and will to move, the third face, speech, hearing, and eyesight, gave them clothing and names; the man bight Ask, but the woman Embla; and thence was the kind of man begotten, to whom an abode was given under Midgard.

The Gods divined our forms and made us so - lips and eyes, soul and senses, life and breath...

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

^ it’s a response to CI propaganda

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

This is one of the largest horses recorded in history. His name was Brooklyn Supreme. Standing at 10 foot, two inches or 19.2 hands tall, weighing over 3,200 lb (the weight of a car), certainly was a horse worthy of Legend.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The stream went well. We discussed many interesting topics and hopefully will do it again. Here are the channels of my special guests:



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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Balor, a fearsome leader of Fomorians and Lugh’s grandfather who was slain by the latter.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Partholon's people are credited with the introduction of the first cattle and ploughs…
Plains were cleared for farming.
Houses, cauldrons, guest-houses and ale were among the achievements of this group.


Partholonians were also the first to fight the Fomorians in bloodless battles of magic.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Have a few more in the works. From left to right I have mammoth ivory, walrus ivory, and walrus cheek bone.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Elagabalus the Degenerate

Roman Emperor known as Elagabalus was, just like Egyptian Akhenaten, a traitor who went against the religion of his people (though he wasn’t a Roman himself). Just like Akhenaten he tried to introduce sun-worshipping henotheism mixing Greek Helios and foreign deity El Gabal (El is the same word used for the god in the bible, while Gabal means mountain).
He also encouraged jews and christians to visit the newly build temple too so that it: "might include the mysteries of every form of worship". In other worlds he tried to create a global religion.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

🎙 NEW Kulture Dads — HOW TO BUILD A CLAN

👉 Get it HERE

Mike and Dave turn to practical advice in this one. Everyone talks about the need for the mannerbund, brotherhood, and the tribe. How do you actually build one? We give some down-to-earth advice, and Dave describes what that looks like at scale, with a run-down of the festivities at Folkish Summer Hallowing.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kostroma has no divine features and unlike Kostrubonko is also dressed as a human. Before the main part of the ritual the doll is carried around the village and mourned as a human.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

I wrote on Kostubonko aka Kostrub ritual before. Moccus did a great job, give him a like.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Algiz is a real Pagan and a great artsman, I recommend checking his works out.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Syncretism and monism
Subversion in plain sight

They stress similarities between different Gods in order to create a global paganism of sorts, sure it’s an absolute oxymoron, but wait till you hear their word salad full of axial age decadence and esoteric gibberish.
Ignoring the differences between the Gods or trying to brush them away as mere cultural interpretations of the same divine power is just a sleepy slope. Later they will apply the same logic to ethnicities and races themselves. They want to erode ethnic belief because christianity is no longer doing that (today it’s majority Black and Hispanic).
Some may be genuine, after all don't attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity, but don’t rule out malice.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

When Hesiod, in his Works and Days, relates briefly the history of the three first races that inhabited the earth — the golden, the silver, and the bronze, each of which had perished before the creation of the other, leaving no posterity behind, he does not stop to enquire how the memory of these races and their history could have come down to him. In the poetical domain of mythology a Greek was untrammeled by any such consideration. The Irish, however, took a more serious view of the matter.

A. de Jubainville

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The Crusaders Did Not Save Europe

The Crusades were far more devastating to Europe than to the Middle East. People seem to be under the impression that they played a significant role in the Arab-Byzantine Wars (7th-11th century), but those had already largely concluded when the First Crusade (1096-1099) was launched to "retake" the "Holy Land."

After gaining and losing territory repeatedly, the Crusaders shifted their focus in the 13th century and started to Christianize the Baltic Old Prussians (during which those who refused to be baptized were subjugated, killed, or exiled), sack Constantinople (after slaughtering its Roman Catholic inhabitants), massacre Cathars at Béziers (killing nearly every man, woman, and child in the town)—and the list goes on.

While the Crusaders were annihilating their fellow Europeans—destroying European cities and ancient works—the Mongols ended the Islamic Golden Age by sieging Baghdad in 1258.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

“Tandragee Man”, stone sculpture of a male figure with a horned helmet, discovered somewhere in county Armagh, Northern Ireland.

The statue is thought to depict the deity Nuada of the Silver Hand. According to Irish myth, Nuada and his people, the Tuatha Dé Danann, invaded Ireland and displaced its former inhabitants, the Fir Bolg, after defeating them at the first Battle of Maige Tuired. King Nuada lost his hand in the battle, during a single combat with the Fir Bolg champion Sreng. The loss of his hand temporarily disqualified Nuada from being king, but this was remedied when a silver prosthesis was made for him by the physician god Dian Cecht; hence his epithet.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/CelticEurope

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Absolutely retarded takes.

The lactose intolerant thing is one of the stupidest arguments they make. Lactose intolerant people are not the same as those having a lactose allergy. At worst, lactose intolerance simply makes one gassy and gives them some stomach cramps, or in the case of young children they may vomit. Yet these retarded CI types think that having a lactose intolerance means one cannot have any lactose what so ever or they'll die. Lactose intolerant folks can still have some lactose with no ill effects. Someone with lactose intolerance can still have about 8 ounces of whole milk before they even start to feel any effects.
Now most cheeses and butters have very low lactose content. This is due to the whey being largely removed, which is where the bulk of the lactose is.
Of course, these retards never look into that sort of stuff.

Lamentations 4:7 speaks of a people being bright and glowing but this seems to be a means on contrasting the next verse wherein they are described as black to show death. Also, they try and say that these people had the eye color of sapphire but the word "polishing" (as in "their eyes had the polishing of sapphire") means the shape or cut of the stone, not the color.

Revelation 1 is also a retard take because it also describes Jesus as having a voice like rushing waters with a sword coming out of his mouth. Hardly a dependable physical description.

The description by Publius Lentullus has been proven to be a forgery.

The Achko Volume was a MASSIVE fraud, which the author William Dennes Mahan was tried and proven as being a liar and fraudster who claimed to have visited libraries in Rome while he was still in America, and met people who never existed yet supposedly worked at these libraries he claimed to have visited.

The letter from Pontius Pilate was also proven to be a forgery. I believe this was the letter that was written in a much later dialect of Latin.

The Emerald of Tiberius Caesar is an alleged reproduction of an original piece that supposedly existed but there's 0 evidence that it did. This emerald was crafted in the 19th century if memory serves me well. It is a forgery of an original which never existed.

I do not have much research on the other points which I didn't touch on but my guess is that these are more wishful conclusions or forgeries. That would seem to be the trend.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

If you want to commission me for work, here's a basic guide. Read the price carefully as it's £ GBP. You can also commission me for more specific projects that don't necessarily fit this guide, and we can negotiate price. I take payment on PayPal.

If you're a content creator with a platform substantially larger than my own, I'm open to collaborating for free.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Beowulf illustrations

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

A Nobleman is Lured by Fairies, by Frederik Storch

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Paul Bunyan
American traditional “tall tales” as myth

Paul Bunyan was a hero of North America’s lumberjacks known for his giant size, strength and skill. Tradition says he cleared forests from the northeastern United States to the Pacific Ocean. In both iconography and function he (as well as similar characters of American folklore) reminds traditional cultural hero who brings order into the early chaotic world in the age of heroes. Typical examples of this archetype are Heracles, Mikula Selyaninovich and Parthalon.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Even in secular matters he was incompetent, intentionally so, often assigning his lovers to important positions. He also allowed women into the Senate.
Thankfully, Elagabalus’ reign was short and both him and his mother were executed by their own guard and dragged through the streets.All of his close associates and lovers were killed too.
Elagabalus was also an ugly transvestite who dressed as a woman, wanted to cut off his penis and got circumcised. As always only degenerates go against folk traditions. Damnatio memoriae is the only thing they deserve.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Artistic reconstruction of the 4th century B.C. Gallic chieftain buried at Ciumesti, in Satu Mare county, Romania. 🇷🇴 Among the grave goods entombed with him was a beautiful bronze helmet with a raven perched at the top, and a pair of bronze greaves, probably imported from Greece. Art by Maria Lashkevich; 2008.

Celtic Europe - channel link (please share!): /channel/CelticEurope

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Overall Kostroma might actually be a remnant of some sacrificial practice, while Kostubonko is a deity, albeit a minor one. Today Kostroma is more popular which leads to some (both intentional and not) misinterpretations of her as a Goddess.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kostroma is a female sacrificial doll which gets destroyed in a ritual very similar to Kostrub. Some even suggest that the two were originally one, but the tradition changed later, there are also theories of both are remnants of human sacrifice, but I disagree. I think the two are very different. Kostrub clearly does not represent a human. His features are too exaggerated (akin to Greek Priapus) and his ritualistic death marks the beginning of spring, a season of vegetation and fertility.
While Kostroma’s ritual death itself is similar the character itself is much more human.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Kostubonko tradition - An Eastern Slavic ritual drowning of a straw doll, representing a male fertility god.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

New Mammoth Ivory Mjolnir pendant for sale!
This piece measures 1.75 inches tall by 1.25 inches wide (that's 4.4 cm by 3.17 cm for those who speak metric) and is hand carved from ancient Mammoth Ivory found in the Alaskan tundra.
It is hand sanded and polished to a fine luster with one of the lower sides of the hammer left in the naturally weathered (but polished) condition with mineral deposits and oxidization, this feature is a testament to the truly ancient origins of this ivory.
The backside is left in the natural state as well, polished to a cream colored finish.
The face of this hammer is stained with mineral deposits due to being buried in the tundra silt and mud for some 15,000 (+/-) years! I have left a hearty layer of this mineral layer in place to display it's ancient character.
Comes with a paracord necklace. DM me if you are interested. I offer fast and free shipping.
I accept PayPal, Chime, CashApp, and Venmo.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Speaking of atheists, most are actually christian. As R.Oliver wrote:

They do not believe that one-third of a god became incarnate in the most squalid region on earth to associate with illiterate peasants, harangue the rabble of a barbarian race, and magically exalt the ignorant and uncouth to “make folly of the wisdom of this world,” so that “the last shall be first” — that they do not believe, but they cling to the morbid hatred of superiority that makes Christians dote on whatever is lowly, inferior, irrational, debased, deformed, and degenerate.

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