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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The myth I allude to is a reconstructed battle between Perun and the Chaos Serpent. My theory is that folklore preserved (albeit in bits and pieces) a part of this myth in tales about the origins of flying parasitic insects. New life being created out of body parts of some primordial being is a common concept found in many traditions.
Hence it’s possible that originally the myth featured Perun burning the Serpent with his lightning and the resulting ashes turning into insect gads (possibly other types too).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Mykyta killed the dragon, but, at the very end of the tale it is stated that Mykyta made a mistake by burning the dragon’s corpse because the ashes from it’s head flew by the wind and turned into mosquitos, flies and other flying gads.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

One Croatian legend also links the origins of fleas, mosquitos and flies with a snake. In it these insects come from the sparks produced by a snake’s tail as it hit coals after being thrown into a bonfire. The sparks scattered and got on a man’s body each turning into corresponding insects.

"One of the sparks hit a man’s forehead, he pressed it and found a flea under his thumb."


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In terms of their locus gads are mostly linked with earth and underground world (snakes, insects and many other gads come from under the earth and hide in it), though some of them can also dwell in the water, air and human body.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

What this new reconstruction started with was very mundane. Due to it currently being the mosquito season I remembered that there was some interesting folklore regarding the origins of the nasty insects. This led me to a Croatian legend, an epic song I once translated before and other ethnographic material here and there.
What I did not expect to find was a common thread which led me to reconstructing a myth, which in Slavic tradition is no easy task.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

I’ll let you decide on the new one, but the last reconstruction seems solid enough. At least I am confident. It’s Swarog crafting lightning bolts for Perun. Read, if you haven’t.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Remembered two interesting stories from folklore and decided to re-analyze them 10+ years after the first read. Found some interesting stuff. Just need to translate the texts themselves and find good illustrations. Though considering how obscure the tales are there’s probably no drawings or painting of them specifically. Will have to improvise.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Don’t be like that. Don’t go around screaming skal. Don’t use jewish symbols (like vegvisir) and most importantly don’t be a universalist/syncretist/platonist etc. Folk for the folk.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

To this day the majority still have this conditioning to hate swastika in particular and their traditions in general. In russia swastika is still banned due to it being a quote on quote a symbol of fascism (yes, those fools can’t tell fascism from National-Socialism).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

How communists fought swastikas

Slavic clothes and embroidery are full of swastika. But, Slavs themselves were forced to forget it. The ban began when commissar Lunacharski wrote an article in 1922. In it he basically said that whoever dares to use the symbol will get punished. It wasn’t openly saying that, but considering the context it was clear that this was basically an official prohibition.
After 1930 swastika is now rarely even mentioned in scientific works. The term was just avoided and substituted at best. Simply using such combination of words as Russian history or Russian native culture was now enough to make you an enemy of the state and people (reminds me of modern "liberal" countries).

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

29th of June
Pagan Revolt Day

In 983 as a response to christian persecution of Pagans Slavs who lived along the Elbe (modern Germany) revolted. Led by the tribe of Lutici they drove christians off their lands.

As Adam of Bremen put it:

They have swept through other Slavic lands burning down churches, they tortured priests and other clergymen in many ways and left no trace of christianity on the other side of the Elbe.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Christians and Muslims are starting to notice the folkish worldview. They're calling us "fundamentalists". They're not wrong.

fortissax/note/c-59921900" rel="nofollow">

Christians are not scared of the "transcendentalists". Few men ever fought and died for a metaphor. Fundamentalists are the ones who will die in battle because they will go to Valhalla.

Folkishness is fundamentalism.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Art by Anatoly Tarabanov

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

1) The myths are literally true
2) Different mythic sources contradict each other

Both of these are required for a serious pagan theology. We're not atheists, so we believe the first. We've read the sources, so we believe the second.

Some heathens see (2) as such a problem that they end up rejecting (1). They will say that straightforward belief in the myths is a "Christian" or an "Abrahamic" thing. This is ridiculous. It just as much an Egyptian thing, an Igbo thing, a Yakut thing, etc. Believing that your myths really happened, believing that your tradition is not lying, is an "every folk" thing. The only thing it's not is a Platonist thing.

We need to build a new framework for interpreting myth (really, we need to rebuild the oldest one). We can't import one from classical Greece.

We have work to do. It would be negligent to just copypaste a defective framework from a dying civilization and call it a day.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The tale of Christ’s life as related in the gospels shares many parallels with other religious figures besides Buddha. Another one was Dionysus, who was said by the Greeks to be the son of Zeus-the “father of the gods.” In other words, Dionysus was considered the “son of god,” or the “son of the father.” His mother was a mortal named Semele, who was supernaturally impregnated by Zeus.
Dionysus, like Christ, was a traveling teacher and he was alleged to be the god of wine. This too is similar to Christ, who put a heavy emphasis on wine, both in the ceremonial “Lord’s Supper” and the “miracle” of turning water into wine at the Cana wedding feast.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In all those sources, as well as some minor ones like Ukrainian belief that flying gads come from ashes (мошки, комарі, мухи... завелись з попелу), we can see the same three elements:

1. A snake is killed
2. It gets burned
3. It’s body produces parasitic insects

Those are too common to be a mere coincidence and, at least to me, hint at an ancient mythological battle and it’s result.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Another example of this motif is found in one of my favorite stories. The tale of Mykyta (Nikita/Kirilo) the Tanner has already been retold on this channel, but I haven’t mentioned that in the end of the story, after Mykyta defeats the dragon there’s an interesting detail added by some versions.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Legends and beliefs about the origins of bedbugs, fleas and lice tell of their close relation to chthonic gads, especially snakes.
According to the legend from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Christ once saved a snake by taking it off a burning oak set on fire by shepherds. Insidious snake coiled around Christ’s neck and began threatening to bite him. Christ cunningly escaped the bite. He managed to throw the snake on the ground which led it to crumble to ashes. Fleas came from the snake’s ashes, while bedbugs came from it’s vile blood.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

According to Aleksandr Gura, a philologist who dedicated many works to the topic of animals in folklore there’s a peculiar classification found in ethnographic material.
Despite their vast differences, in folklore snakes, lizards, frogs, flies, mosquitos and fleas (as well as some other parasitic insects) are all seen as members of one group. The latter is called gad (Proto-Slavic *gadъ “creepy creature”, Proto-West Germanic *kwād “evil”).

Gads (as we’ll address them hereafter) are chthonic creatures associated with the Underworld and disease.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Before we begin with the new reconstruction, let me remind you about the fight between Perun and Chaos Serpent. This reconstructed myth will be important at the end of the new one when I make my conclusion.
What’s important to note is that the Serpent is not Weles as some fools claim. It would make very little sense. I’ve delved into this topic before and will also address this issue again.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

If I had a penny each time I manage to reconstruct a Slavic myth I’d have 2 pennies. Not much, but that’s twice the amount an average academic has.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Poseidon by M.Nikolaevich

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Heretics are such snowflakes

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

The new order of USSR had no place for any national identity, culture and/or pride, everyone was just a citizen with no origin destined to be blended into a new type of man homo soveticus.
Later, during the WWII an incurably rare stock of traditional embroidery was destroyed completely by museum workers in Kargopolsk. Members of NKVD terrorized the countryside by hunting down traditional clothes and embroidery and confiscating it leaving people not only robbed of their material possessions, but also their traditions.
The most disturbing thing is that even long after the end of the soviet regime museum workers kept vandalizing ancient embroidery by cutting swastikas off. That’s what communism did to them, a generation programmed to react in this way to their own national symbols. A pavlovian conditioning to be a self hating trash.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

On 29th of June Slavs plundered bishop’s seat at Havelberg which was followed by other settlements. Lutici soon found allies among other Slavic tribes and went all the way to Hamburg freeing the lands from foreign occupation.
The revolt led to the independence and ensured that the area was ruled by Pagan Slavs.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

^ the conflict of atheistic pagans (platonists, perennialists, evolians etc) and folkish ones is not some new schism as outsiders may suppose. It's a conflict as old as Ancient Greece at the very least and probably much older. Negative tendencies have always existed, they just kept growing which led to the sad state of modern world.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Antique still life Anatoly Tarabanov

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

Pagan practices are about establishing personal connection with the Gods of your people. One can’t have anything personal with abstract notions and empty titles such as Sky Father or Thunderer. Pray to Odin or Thor, not academic theories which present Gods as fictional archetypes molded by humanity. It’s basically atheism i.e. heresy.

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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

In “The Bacchae,” a play written by Euripides in the fifth century BC, we find that Dionysus “gave the pain-removing delight of wine equally to the wealthy man and to the lesser man.” Here we see that Dionysus, like Christ, was reputed to be concerned about the poor and the rich alike.
Within the same play just mentioned, we see that Dionysus was arrested for claiming to be divine, and was consequently interrogated by King Pentheus, similar to what is claimed to have happened to Christ at the hand of the Jewish leaders of his day.


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Aryan Paganism, Traditions and Art (APTA)

- In Matthew 7:3 Jesus said: “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
In the Dhammapada Buddha wrote: “The faults of others are more easily seen than one’s own, but seeing one’s own failings is difficult.”
- Christ said that he who chooses him as Lord must take up the cross, deny oneself, and follow him. He also said that his yoke was easy and his burden light.
Buddha said: “He who wishes to follow me must know himself and bear my yoke.”
- Christ said to love our fellow man and to do good to those who persecute us.
Buddha stated: “Hostility is never conquered by hostility in this world; hostility is conquered by love.
That is the eternal law.”


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