A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
Wolfskin-clad raider by Stefano Gaudiano
Читать полностью…Reconstruction of the 14th century Latgallian female costume
Читать полностью…New idols have already been erected, though their quality is lower (carver’s own opinion).
Читать полностью…A few days ago russian temple of Krina commune was vandalized. All idols were cut down. It’s unknown who did this, but abrahamists are the usual suspects.
Even though Krina are zigger commies and deserve it, the attack was motivated by anti-Pagan hatred which makes it worth talking about.
Instead of going into details of the short and basic plot I’d rather quote a latter Howard wrote to Lovecraft (who was a self-professed Pagan).
"In making Odin a purely evil spirit, I did that partly for dramatic effect, and partly because I was writing from the viewpoint of the ancient Irish. They must have considered that god an utter devil, considering the murdering, looting and destroying habits of his worshippers. Their shrines and monasteries were burned and demolished, their priests slaughtered, their young men and young women butchered on the altars of the one-eyed deity, and over all towered Odin."
Expret craftsmanship, pious dedication and honour made the grand temples and mega-structures of our forefathers, not aliens
Читать полностью…How racemixers think they look
Читать полностью…The best thing about the Wolfshead is it’s unique mix of traditional European werewolf story (though with an odd mechanics of the curse) and African setting. What I like is how back then one could write about a group of Europeans having a party in Africa and taking slaves without getting destroyed socially. The respect for old Europe is felt strongly in the work, especially when it comes to battle and three European nobles stand their ground against a horde of Africans.
Читать полностью…In the forest of Villefere is a very short and plain story, but I feel quite nostalgic about it. Howard wrote it when he was 19 and I’ve read it around 15. The premise is simple, a Frenchman from Normandy called de Montour needs to cross the border as soon as possible and ignores the warnings of the locals about a wolf roaming the road at night. He is alone at first, but soon meets a masked stranger who offers to lead him through a secret passage in the forest.
Though the story is very short, it has some suspense. The twist is obvious, wouldn’t even call it one, but it’s a worthy read. Later Howard returned to de Montour in Wolfshead.
Wicca is just a leftist counterculture, not a religion.
Читать полностью…An individual is a link in the family chain which ultimately stems from the Gods themselves forever tying one to his ancestors
Читать полностью…Religion was the sole factor in the evolution of ancient Greece and Rome, the bonding of family and state was the work of religion, that because of ancestor worship the family, drawn together by the need to engage in the ancestral cults, became the basic unit of ancient societies, expanding to the gens, the Greek phratry, the Roman tribe, to the patrician city state, and that decline in religious belief and authority in the moral crisis provoked by Roman wealth and expansion doomed the republic and resulted in the triumph of Christianity and the death of the ancient city-state.
Joseph M.McCarthy
If you want to read a detailed analysis of how Xenophanes was a proto-platonist you can read the authors above.
In short, both Xenophanes and Plato considered Gods (traditional, literal interpretation) to be imperfect and too human-like (even though Gods created men in their own image, not vice versa).
Both came up with a God above all. Though this may sound reasonable as Gods do have chieftain(s), one who reads further soon sees that this deity is completely unlike the ones in the myth. It is neither male nor female, has no race and ethnicity, it does not exist in real world, being seated above and beyond reality. It’s as ganz andere as it gets, just like christians got to see their god (remember that many influential ones were neoplatonists).
Meanwhile Heraclitus was known as an arrogant misanthrope and an outcast, just like Xenophanes. As Diogenes writes:
"Finally, he became a hater of his kind and wandered on the mountains, and there he continued to live, making his diet of grass and herbs"
And like most ancient heretics he hated the Greek tradition. Again, according to Diogenes Heraclitus used to say that "Homer deserved to be chased out of the lists and beaten with rods…"
Early christian apologist Justin Martyr considered both Socrates and Heraclitus christians before christ. Ancient heretics like them were generally well-liked by christians since they too opposed traditional belief. Remember that many church fathers were platonists.
Honestly the ancient approach was correct. One does not need to claim that Gods don’t exist and never had to be an atheist.
Euheremists claim that Gods did exist, but were mortals.
Naturalists say that Gods do exist, but are just natural phenomena like rain or sunlight.
There is also a metaphysic interpretation which claim that Gods exist, yet not here and now but in some mythical realm beyond.
In the end it’s all the same. Literal existence of the Gods is denied by all of them and it was enough to be charged with atheism.
If you follow Christianity faithfully to the letter, you will find yourself anti-tradition, anti-family, and anti-racist.
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14;26)
This is why Christians accuse you of taking scripture "out of context". A straightforward reading of the Gospels will make you the worst kind of liberal.
No, according to Christians, you have to read the deep and hidden meaning out of scripture (or into it).
This is ridiculous. The New Testament is not very profound. Most of it is just well ackshuallys overturning what was considered common wisdom in all traditions, like honour your father and mother. Its meaning is completely straightforward and plain. Jesus was speaking to slaves and lepers and prostitutes, not philosophers. But a straightforward reading will turn you against everything good and true and right in this world.
The religion of these primitive ages was exclusively domestic; so also were morals. Religion did not say to a man, showing him another man, That is thy brother. It said to him, That is a stranger; he cannot participate in the religious acts of thy hearth; he cannot approach the tomb of thy family; he has other gods than shine, and cannot unite with thee in a common prayer; thy gods reject his adoration, and regard him as their enemy; he is thy foe also.
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges
Video from the vandalized temple
Читать полностью…The conquest of America was the latest manifestation of the great Aryan spirit
I’ve seen some Europeans being standoffish with Americans and it’s strange to me. Being born outside of Europe doesn’t make them any less of our kin. We were once known for spreading far and wide, wrestling the wild frontier. That’s exactly what the men who built the West did. The cowboy is a great ideal just like a viking or a spartan.
Cairn on the Headland
This obscure work of Howard’s is probably one of the most important ones to estimate the author’s religious belief. I’ve heard people in our circles talk of Conan being a big influence on them and at least esthetically a lot of the author’s works are Pagan, but Howard himself was (as far as I can tell) quite agnostic. In Cairn he did not hesitate to write a story from a very christian perspective since in it Wodan is treated as a malevolent being who dies in the battle of Clontarf and then almost returns, but gets banished by the Cross of Saint Brandon.
Jews were God’s Race until a date that Christians now set at sometime between A.D. 29 and 34; thereafter, they became a religion, since Jews who have been laundered in holy water miraculously cease to be Jews.
The effect of this paradox was to make Christianity seem anti-Jewish and therefore attractive to all the goyim who resented their exploiters, while preserving for the Jews their prestige as a wonderfully “righteous” and “god-fearing” people, who had long been the intimates of the Christians’ own god.
Revilo Oliver
This same religion watched with care over the purity of the family. In its eyes the greatest of crimes was adultery. For the first rule of the worship was that the sacred fire should be transmitted from father to son, and adultery disturbed the order of birth. Another rule was, that the tomb should contain only members of the family; but the son born of adultery was a stranger. If he was buried in the tomb, all the principles of the religion were violated, the worship defiled, the sacred fire became impure; every offering at the tomb became an act of impiety. Worse still, by adultery the series of descendants was broken
Numa de Coulanges
Wolfshead is set in Africa. As Howard calls it: "dark, mystic continent, that baffler of explorers". Many of his stories feature an exotic atmosphere of the black continent. Despite the foreign land the main events occur at a European castle where a party of noblemen gather. One of them is our protagonist and the story is told from his point of view as a tale recounted years later. In the castle he meets de Montour.
The mystery is next to none since the reader can easily guess the culprit behind the murders, but the author still tells a memorable enough tale with a mix of European gothic and African exotic. The ending was rather weak though, somewhat conflicting with the tone of the rest of the tale.
I want to re-read some of the Robert E. Howard’s works. Interestingly, though I’ve read a few stories about Conan, the books I had in my library (back then it was my late grandfather’s) were mostly compilations of Howard’s novellas and short stories (e.g. Skull-Face or In the forest of Villefère), so to me he is a horror and mystery author first and fantasy second.
May end up writing some reviews, or just recommendations.
The significance of this type of band of young warriors in Srubnaya culture is particularly interesting since it may provide clues about early Indo-European migration and expansion processes across Eurasia.
Initial raids led by young warriors could have led to the establishment of new settlements in foreign lands. These ‘riders’ (perhaps in the literal sense of the word) may have prepared the ground for a greater migration of other sections of the population, including whole tribes with women, children and elderly people.
A.Kaliff & T.Oestigaard
But myth, so we are told, is only poetry. What have we said when we say that? Do we mean that it rose out of an arbitrary act of the imagination? Nobody seriously believes that. Genuine poetry is never arbitrary. The philologist knows quite well that the poets of antiquity asked the gods to fill them with the spirit of truth.
Whatever we may think about the nature of poetic creativity, and no matter how demonstrable or probable it is that many individual poets wrote and continued to write poetry around myth, it should be quite clear that all of this poetry from individuals has as its basic premise the existence of the world of myth; and that this original myth can not, in turn, be explained away by that which we call "the poetic process."
Читать полностью…Though fragmented and obscure Xenophanes’ heretical teachings did effect one man, a man who is heralded for centuries first by christian and then by atheistic (both anti-Pagan) academics as the philosopher. I’m talking about Aristocles of Athens aka Plato. In fact, many scholars would agree with me saying that Xenophanes’ universalistic doctrine is proto-platonism. To name a few:
If we look closely, however, some of the leading themes and topics of Plato's Republic, dating from roughly a century and a quarter after Xenophanes, appear already in Xenophanes' fragments.
H.S. Long, Xenophanes' Concern with Ultimate Reality and Meaning
In the Republic, Plato shows himself the spiritual heir of Xenophanes when he states that the guardians of his ideal state are more deserving of honors and public support than the victors at Olympia, criticizes the stories told about the gods by the poets…
L.James, Xenophanes The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Atheism has sporadically appeared in pre-Socratic philosophy, but due to prompt action failed to cause long-term effect. As Nilsson states:
A very severe criticism of the gods and of their cult had been made by Xenophanes and Heraclitus without doing much harm.
The reason why Xenophanes’ teachings were not as influential as those of later atheists is because the man was quickly exiled after he, according to Diogenes, wrote poetry “attacking Hesiod and Homer and denouncing what they said about the gods”. Thus showing great hubris considering himself a moral authority above the Gods themselves. For this the heretic was exiled and lived the rest of his life a wandering outcast.
“Any one who shall have eaten or drank with him, or who shall have touched him,” said the law, “should purify himself.”
Ancient Greeks considered all forms of impiety atheism. To quote M.Nilsson:
"The contention that the sun was a glowing lump and the moon another inhabited world could hardly be counted as atheism."
Yet no real distinction was made between those who outright denied the existence of the Gods like Critias (a student of Socrates and Plato’s cousin who considered Gods an invention of rulers to control the masses) and naturalists like Prodicus (a friend of Socrates who saw Gods as personifications of nature).
To Greeks all of the above were equally guilty of atheism, despite their differences.