A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
^ Note that even a kid was outlawed for not sacrificing to the Gods as well as not prostrating himself before them. And nowadays some fools talk about not kneeling and Paganism not having such thing as heresy. Hopefully one day more people will realize that religion is dogmatic and those not following the laws are to be punished.
Читать полностью…On the altar was to lie a great armband, made of silver. The temple godi was to wear it on his arm at all gatherings, and everyone was to swear oaths on it whenever a suit was brought. A great copper bowl was to stand on the altar, and into it was to go all the blood which came from animals or men given to Thor. They called this sacrificial blood and the sacrificial blood bowl. This blood was to be sprinkled over men and animals, and the animals that were given in sacrifice were to be used for feasting when sacrificial banquets were held. Men whom they sacrificed were to be cast into a pool which was outside by the door; they called it Blotkelda (Well of Sacrifice).
Kjalnesinga saga
Reverence also in other ways is paid to the grove. No one enters it except bound with a chain, as an inferior acknowledging the might of the local divinity. If he chance to fall, it is not lawful for him to be lifted up, or to rise to his feet; he must crawl out along the ground.
The costumes of magnates from 16th c. Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Читать полностью…An example of traditional Slavic style can be found in the recent Nosferatu adaptation. Orlok’s long mustache with no beard, the scalp lock and the delia (kontusz) coat all fit what a corpse of a Romanian nobleman would look like. Didn’t like the movie’s feminist elements, but at least the vampire looked as he should.
Читать полностью…Giant builder with his horse Svaðilfari by Iwobrand
Читать полностью…Bridge of Kings
Felix Ortiz
Zadorozhnyj designed the interior of a restaurant "Bratina" in Kyiv made in Slavic Pagan style
Читать полностью…Attila the Hun by Valentyn-Ivan Zadorozhnyj
Читать полностью…New art by Brother Bjorn
Bellerophon fights Chimera
Arthur Rackham
Nice illustration, a shame there’s no better photo online
Читать полностью…The latter point is where the first trait comes in. It’s possible that the giants are helping humans who would be the ones struggling with rough terrain or raging rapids.
Also, in the tales the trio supports a young hero. Though that’s where their giant size disappears and they start acting like typical incompetent allies many folk tales have. Must have been some mix up of the original minor roles getting expanded ironically loosing their characteristics.
The third giant is Water-Turner. His domain is rivers which he separates with his extremely long moustache.
Читать полностью…I chose Svyatogor as an example since he combines all three traits, but he is not the best example of the second one. There are other giants, a group of three to be exact, who are much more representative of the elemental nature. Their names differ slightly and can be translated. I’ll just pick the best-sounding option.
The first is Oak-Turner. As the name implies he uproots (upturns if you will) oaks, turning forests into valleys.
Bui was thought to be peculiar as he grew up: he never wanted to make sacrifices and said it was undignified to prostrate himself…Thorgrim the Godi kept a close eye on people who were not willing to sacrifice, and they came in for some very harsh treatment from him.
In the spring of the year that Bui was twelve…Thorstein charged Bui at the Kjalarnes Assembly with false religion…and Bui was declared an outlaw.
Kjalnesinga saga
Thorgrim built a farm at Hof that spring. It was called the godord of the men of Brynjudal, and he was called Thorgrim the Godi. He made many pagan sacrifices.
He had a large temple built in his hayfield, a hundred feet long and sixty wide. Everybody had to pay a temple fee. Thor was the god most honored there. It was rounded on the inside, like a vault, and there were windows and wall-hangings everywhere. The image of Thor stood in the centre, with other gods on both sides. In front of them was an altar made with great skill and covered with iron on the top. On this there was to be a fire which would never go out — they called it sacred fire.
Kjalnesinga saga
Done recording a little interview. May take a while, but it looks interesting and will involve many Pagans I know and am eager to hear.
Читать полностью…Similar garments were popular among Polish, Lithuanian and Ukrainian elites too. Ironically for people who spent centuries fighting Turks and it’s mostly oriental. Then again Ottoman Empire was a big deal and had major influence on all the Central Europe especially in military spheres.
Читать полностью…"Christian nationalism" can never mean ethnic nationalism.
Just ask the "Christian nationalist" calling for deportation, if he will deport fellow Christians. If he says no, he's a civic nationalist. If he says yes, he's a heretical Christian.
Don’t google viking woman with a baby. Damn AI, can’t even put a curse on a bunch of numbers and pixels.
Читать полностью…European stone sculptures by Halyna Sevruk
Читать полностью…Attila by Valentyn-Ivan Zadorozhnyj
a better photo
Nice Medieval-style illustrations of the tale of Mykyta the Tanner by Valentyn-Ivan Zadorozhnyj
Читать полностью…There are different schools of thought when it comes to the intrigal parts of one's being in Germanic Faith.
Some say there are three, while others say there are nine. From my research, I have been able to discern twelve.
Ọnd: akin to breath/ vitality, one could also say potential or spirit.
Óð: these would be your senses of perception.
Lá: heat from within that keeps you alive.
Lito Góða: goodly-hue or healthy skin color.
Lík: the physical body which remains after death.
Hugr/Minni: thoughts & memories.
Hamr: akin to one's form, shape or blueprints that don't change such as sex, birthmarks etc.
Fylgja: commonly thought of as an animal-spirit of one's self/ family & is typically a guardian of sorts.
Hammingja: this is one's luck which is always present & can be built up or degraded through honor or lack thereof.
Læti: this is often translated as motive force or the actualizing of potential.
Họfðo: this is blood, but also one's genetics which ties to the ancestors & descendants.
Örlög: one's fate.
Here’s to all Pagan couples having a good day. Let us hope that this year more men and women come together bound not only by love but faith too.
Читать полностью…Terraforming and elemental nature have become a focus of many modern reconstructions of Pagan belief. Such ideas are not unprecedented, though by the time most epic tales were written down giants were already rare in folklore.
Читать полностью…What’s noteworthy is that the three giants are engaged in what can be called terraforming. Making the wilds into passable land. It’s hard to say why exactly they do it since for someone as big as them even the widest of rivers, the highest of mountains and the most dense forests pose no issue.
Читать полностью…The second giant is Mountain-Turner. Same as the last one, but he deals with mountains.
Читать полностью…3. Age
Most giants are at least implied to be old. Svyatogor is a good example. Also there’s a short, but peculiar story about a young giant finding some of the first humans and being really surprised by their size. He brings them to his mother who prophesies that despite their weakness humans will replace giants.