A place for Aryan (European) Folkish Pagans
@ColeWolfsson and some judeo-christian
Читать полностью…New channel (not mine) but it's always nice to see how the community grows.
Created Instagram yet again. Will try to be as careful as possible, without getting boring, of course.
The essential feature of modernity is autonomy: auto-nomos, literally self-law. Everything wrong with the world comes back to man attempting to give himself law, rather than getting it from the gods.
The Christian tries to do this by saying "conscience is the voice of God". Bad enough when the king's conscience is the voice of the god; Christianity makes every man's conscience the voice of the god. What kind of law can be based on this?
What Christianity does openly, Platonism does covertly. Platonism makes every man a lawgiver by interpreting the gods' actions and commands allegorically. The worshipper must decide for himself if the deeds of Odin or Zeus are lawful. If their deeds don't meet his personal standard, they are deemed "allegorical"; the god must have meant something different, something to be filled in, naturally, by the worshipper himself. The result is that the gods are in no position to correct us, because where we disagree, it must be "allegory". This is a subtle, and for that reason especially dangerous, crowning of the individual.
The Enlightenment completes this self-law by simply doing away with the god. Because if the god can never correct us, even in principle, what is the difference if he doesn't exist?
Don't be fooled by the toga, the tonsure, or the tri-corner hat. Whether Platonism, Christianity, or the Enlightenment, all these are just modernity.
Only folkish paganism presents any alternative.
Sift Footed Achilles, Son of Peleus and Immortal Thetis, Affliction on the Trojans, Slayer of Hector
by Brother Bjorn
As mentioned before, Moon is addressed as king in songs and prayers
Jaunas mėnuo, kunigaiksti!
Young/New moon, king!
Jaunas mėnulaicis
Dangaus karalaici
Young/New moon
King of the sky
Jaunas mėnuо jaunikaitis
Dangaus zemes karalaitis
Young/New Moon
King of the sky and land
In Lithuanian (and other Slavic) traditions Moon is a masculine deity and Sun’s husband. In songs and prayers he is often addressed as king or prince. He has close connections with young women and love magic e.g. he could bless the water which a young woman washes her face with. Blessed water will make her more beautiful and healthy.
In folklore Moon can also kidnap a young woman is she is close to water and insults Moon or points a finger at the Moon which is a taboo.
Stream will begin shortly 😎
Читать полностью…An idol of Perun at night
Читать полностью…Hercule’s club (donarkeule) pendant
Читать полностью…Perun by Benjamin Ostler
Читать полностью…So the Argonauts laid a table of viands beside him, and the Harpies with a shriek suddenly pounced down and snatched away the food. When Zetes and Calais, the sons of Boreas, saw that, they drew their swords and, being winged, pursued them through the air. Now it was fated that the Harpies should perish by the sons of Boreas, and that the sons of Boreas should die when they could not catch up a fugitive. So the Harpies were pursued and one of them fell into the river Tigres in Peloponnese, the river that is now called Harpys after her.
Apollodorus' Library Book I
Enjoy the eclipse
Hail Sunna!
For all those traveling to see the eclipse this coming Monday the 8th, here are the local times it'll occur
Читать полностью…I want you for Folkish Paganism!
Читать полностью…Art by Alexander Subota
Читать полностью…Paganism is not occult
Since christianity began as an occult cult slowly creeping it’s way into Europe most Europeans now who try to return to the pre-christian faith end up with a very post-christian worldview. They see divine as something supernatural i.e. above and outside real, natural world. Gods are seen as omnipotent and omnipresent, even though all myth show that Gods are potent, but not omni. There’s an attempt by those occult-minded to separate divine and nature. They remove Gods from daily surrounding, essentially from reality. Their great deeds are shoved into so-called mythical time which is some schrodinger's cat of time e.g. to occultists Odin has both eyes and only one eye at once. Do not mistake this with the concept of cyclical time, since in it the Gods and the world still change, but eventually reset, while in the mythical time there’s neither change, no return.
^ Self-law is also the reason christianity exists. Without it the first converts would never dare abandon the ancestral tradition. But when one places himself the moral pedestal and looks down on the tradition judging his Gods and forebears heresy is always the result. It was like that even before christianity with platonism, naturalism and all those other -isms. Modern woke left is the same thing. socrates, xenophanes, plato, akhenaten, buddha, zoroaster, zalmoxis etc do not look like blue-haired troons of today, but the basis of self-law is still there.
Читать полностью…Getting back on Instagram. Are there still any channels there worth following?
Читать полностью…There is a simple reason why folkish paganism is going to win. We're a fertility cult.
Unlike Christians, our religion is not an instrument of modern globalism bent on destroying its own flock. Unlike secular humanists and fake pagans, we actually have children. Even Muslims and other migrants end up with sub-replacement fertility after about two generations.
Go to a folkmoot. You'll see children everywhere. Folkish paganism is a life-affirming fertility cult, and the fastest growing religion in the world.
Folkishness is the future.
In the stories about kidnappings they are a result of the girl’s actions. A woman carrying water at night says that the Moon is too dim and, interestingly, in all those stories she claims that her ass is brighter.
Mano subinė labjaus švieč nekaip tas mėnuo!
My ass shines better than this moon!
Mani gurni spožāhi nekā tu!
My hips are brighter than you!
Tai švietėjas, tai mėnuо, nieko nesimato nei kur eiti, geriau aš su save rūrū pašviesčiau.
This light, this moon, can’t see where to go, I’d shine brighter with my ass.
After such insults Moon takes the girl. Lithuanians say that one can see a woman with a shoulder pole on the surface of the Moon.
I will soon write a little more about the Moon and Sun in Slavic tradition, specifically Lithuanian
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Read the Full Article
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Speaking of club-wielding Gods here’s a nice depiction of Dagda (even though there’s some obvious christian influence here) by osullydoodle.
Читать полностью…Folkishness is not simply in-group preference, it's much deeper than that. It's the idea that moral duties only apply to our team. People who are outside the in-group are also outside moral regard. There's no room for universalism in folkishness.
This may sound harsh, but it's the natural and basic worldview of Indo-Europeans. When a Dane plundered a Gaul, when a Samian plundered an Athenian, he wasn't taking something from someone, he was taking what was his, by right. There were no rights except those granted by your kin, and what rights other kin granted to themselves had no force. This doesn't mean we have to view other peoples as our enemies. We can trade with Chinese or Arabs, we can even appreciate them. But they have no rights that we don't give them. Our relations with them are bounded by what's good for us.
What does this matter? There's been a lot of discussion over the years about a homeland for every people. This is a moral end we're expected to accept. The folkish worldview is that all moral ends are ends that serve my folk, and everything outside that is non-moral or practical. This may offend universalists, but your folkish forefathers wouldn't have even questioned it.
Revivalism 120
Solar Eclipse & Pagan Revivalism:
The earliest evidence we have for Paganism was found in an ice-age cave in modern-day Germany dated 40,000 years ago. Meanwhile, christianization in Europe (depending on the nation in question) ranges between 1,724 (Armenia) to 637 years ago (Lithuania).
In other words, for a thousand or so years, give or take, our folk have been under the shadow of the axial-age via judeo-christianity. But just like the Eclipse, this shadow won't last. christianity has been in terminal decline for decades, only growing in sub-saharan africa. As judeo-christianity subsides, our revival is growing at an ever increasing rate. It'll take time, probably past some of our lifetimes, but the trends show that Pagan Revivalism is inevitable, and our light will return to this world once more!
Gods guide us unto glory and victory!
Who is looking forward to the eclipse?
Читать полностью…Speaking of pseudo pagans, platonists are not alone. There are naturalists (like varg), euhemerists, stoics etc. Some just don’t realize is that not all self-proclaimed Pagans were/are Pagan. Back in the day they were exiled/executed.
Читать полностью…Indo-European is a subversive term
Indus Valley was conquered and ruled by a tribe of Europeans until they racemixed and went extinct. Today India is dravidian genetically and culturally. It’s disgusting.
There’s no reason for the Indo- part when talking about the ancients.