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Students are you ready to take mathematics exam tomorrow morning right at 2:30 if so Send message saying "ok " to check your readiness ..... !
Читать полностью…The main consequence of cheating is that a
student fails in his exams. In some instances,
the student can copy from a friend who also
does not prepare well. In top of that, a student
starts feeling horrible because of cheating. Even
when a student sits next to a person who
studies hard and gets good grades by cheating,
he feels horrible eventually because he knows
that he does not deserve the marks put.
Another consequence is the fact that a student
does not learn anything. The main purpose of
exams is to indicate how much a student has
gained during the study period. Thus, when a
student cheats in exams, he might pass well
but, in fact, the student’s knowledge does not
reflect what the student has scored in exams.
Firstly, exams are held to test the intellectual
capacity of students. Since every student wants
to be deemed as an educated person, some of
them start cheating in exams. Mostly those
students who do not use their study time
properly are the ones who cheat. They realize
that exams are coming, but they have done little
or no preparation, so they need to find the way
out. And the easiest one is cheating.
Secondly, the desire for good grades motivates
students to cheat. Many people usually want to
see how a student performs in his exams after
the end of every academic year. This fact makes
pressure on students especially those who do
not prepare well for exams.
☆ very Soon we will be back with our different charity works!
☆ As you know very well our voluntary charity work won't depend on some occation like corona ( covid 19). It is beyond that! Coz we are lasallian...we are not limited!
☆ There is on going discussion among ourselves how and what to start!
☆ Sometime soon we will be going to charity sisters to say hi our friends and family members!
☆ Please inform our lasallian who are in dire.
♡ Very Excited to meet you there !!
ተጨማሪ ፦
የ8ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና ሕዳር 22 እና 23 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም የሚሰጥ ሲሆን ፈተና ላይ መቀመጥ የሚችሉት 7ኛ ክፍልን ተምረው ያጠናቀቁና የ8ኛ ክፍልን የአንደኛ ሴሚስተር ትምህርት የተከታተሉ ብቻ ናቸው።
በተመሳሳይ ደግሞ የ12ኛ ክፍል ብሔራዊ ፈተና መውሰድ የሚችሉት የ11ኛ ክፍል ትምህርት ያጠናቀቀቁና የ12 ኛ ክፍልን የመጀመሪያ ሴሚስተር ትምህርት የተከታተሉ ብቻ ናቸው ተብሏል።
የ12ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ፈተና ከሕዳር 28 እስከ ታህሳስ 1 ቀን 2013 ዓ.ም እንደሚሰጥም ምክረ ሀሳብ ቀርቧል። (ኢዜአ)
@tikvahethiopiaBot @tikvahethiopia
In conclusion, this essay has expounded various
reasons that make students cheat. These
reasons include lack of self-respect, need for
proving ones’ intellect, peer pressure and the
desire for good grades. However, it has been
established that cheating has dire consequences
for students. These include the fact that the
student might fail exams or be spotted by the
examiner, what might result in expulsion. The
student also does not want to learn anything,
while cheating. All things considered, it should
be noted, that cheating is a bad way to pass
exams. One should work hard to achieve good
The peer pressure is also one of the main
reasons of cheating in exams. Researches show
that some students suffer from identity crisis,
which rouses the desire to identify with a
certain group of students. Therefore, they follow
the group’s ideology to become its part. Thus,
some students cheat in exams because their
friends do that.
Thirdly, lack of self-respect is also a reason for
students’ cheating. Pupils with high self-esteem
usually understand why they attend school and
they strive to use their time productively and
when exams come, they are prepared. However,
students with low self-esteem do not take their
studies seriously. Therefore when exam time
approaches, they feel the pressure to appear
smart like the students who prepared for their
exams. This explains why they start cheating in
Cheating at schools is something that confuses
many people, because they cannot understand
why students cheat in exams even when they
have enough time for preparation. However,
there are various reasons for students cheating,
f or example, the desire for good grades, the
peer pressure and lack of self-respect. However,
it should be noted that cheating has dire effects
on students. The main one is failing in exams.
Moreover, the person who cheats ceases
studying at all. Thus, this essay explicates the
causes and effects of cheating.
Bisrate Gebrieal school
Dear parents, guardians, and grade 8 and 12 students, as you might have heard it from different sources, the education biro is advising us to prepare you adequately for 2012 E.C up coming National Examination. Although it is not yet the date and other details are officially communicated, but we are highly encourage you to make use of your time effectively while you are at home protecting yourself and everyone around you from Corona ( covid 19). I hope you have been reading the different materials we were forwarding through out. Therfore sometime next week, we are going to realse through telegram the model exam for you to do it at home. Some time leter also we will send you the answer key form to send us back the answers through telegram. Be safe!