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lek eko new gen tetegageme nasa bihedu beka 91gb/s yemiyagene yemeselewal eshi optical cable tetekeme enber ena fast yetebale ssd 20gb/s new writ yemiregewe ena endat new 91gb/s handle yemirareg pc yemetaagenew yehone sew technical negerune biabrara arife teru eneredalen

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4 general knowledge😁😁

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#FactCheck እሁድ እለት በአድዋ ሙዚየም ምርቃት ወቅት የቀረበው የአፄ ምኒሊክ ንግግር እንደተባለው በ "ሆሎግራም" ቴክኖሎጂ የቀረበ አልነበረም 

በመጀመርያ የተወሰኑ ፅሁፎችን ለማንበብ ብንሞክር ለመረዳት የምንችለው ሆሎግራም ማለት ባለ ሶስት አውታር ምስል (three dimensional image) ሲሆን በረድፍ ከሚለቀቅ የብርሀን ምንጭ የሚፈጠር ምስል ነው። ይህ ብርሀን ከኮምፒውተር የሚለቀቅ ወይም ከአንድ ስፍራ የተለቀቀ ብርሀን ወደ አንድ አቅጣጫ በማንፀባረቅ የሚፈጠር ሊሆን ይችላል (ምስሉ ላይ የዝሆኑ ምስል ምሳሌ ይሆናል)። በዚህም ምክንያት የሆሎግራም ምስሎችን ካለ 3D መነፅር በአይን መመልከት ይቻላል።

የሆሎግራም ቴክኖሎጂ በመጀመርያ የተፈጠረው በዩሪ ዴኒስዩክ፣ ኤሜት ሌይት እና ጁሪስ ኡፓትኒክስ የዛሬ 62 አመት ነበር። ይሁንና ቴክኖሎጂው አሁን አሁን በስፋት ጥቅም ላይ እየዋለ ይገኛል።

ታድያ በአድዋ ሙዚየም ምርቃት ወቅት የኢትዮጵያ አርቲፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ ኢንስቲትዩት በአፍሪካ ለመጀመሪያ ግዜ፣ በዓለም ደግሞ እጅግ ጥቂት ሀገራት ሊያሳኩ የቻሉትን የሆሎግራም ቴክኖሎጂ ተጠቅሞ የአፄ ምኒሊክ ንግግርን አቀረበ ተብሎ ተነግሮ ነበር።

ይህን መረጃ በወቅቱ ስሰማ 'እስቲ ይሁን' በማለት አልፌው ነበር፣ ነገር ግን ዛሬ ጠዋት እንደገና አዲስ ሚድያ ኔትዎርክ (AMN) በዚህ ዙርያ በሰራው አንድ ዘገባው "ዳግማዊ አፄ ምኒልክ በዓድዋ ድል መታሰቢያ አዳራሽ  ያቀረቡት ንግግር  በተለመደው እስክሪን ላይ በቪዲዮ ካሜራ ተቀርፆ የተዘጋጀ ሳይሆን ሆሎግራም በሚባል የወደፊቱ ዓለም ቴክኖሎጂ  መድረክ ላይ ልክ በአካል እንደሚታይ ሰው  ሆኖ  የቀረበ ነው" ብሏል።

እውነት ነው፣ ትክክለኛ ሆሎግራም የሚሰራው በብርሀን ልቀት አማካኝነት ነው። እሁድ መድረክ ላይ በአካል የቀረበው፣ ሲተርክም ድምፁ የሚሰማው ግን አርቲስት ተስፋዬ ገብረሀና ነው።

ምስሉ ላይ እንደምትመለከቱት መድረክ ላይ የቆመው አርቲስቱ ጥላው ይታያል፣ ወደ መድረክ ሲመጣ እና ሲመለስ ኮቴው ይሰማል፣ እርሱ መሆኑንም ከእራሱ አረጋግጫለሁ። በእለቱ የሆነው አፄ ምኒሊክን መስሎ የቀረበውን የተስፋዬን ምስል በፕሮጀክተር ስክሪን ላይ ማሳየት ነበር።

በመጨረሻም፣ ቴክኖሎጂው በአፍሪካ እስካሁን እንደ ደቡብ አፍሪካ፣ ታንዛንያ፣ ናይጄርያ፣ ግብፅ፣ ኬንያ በመሳሰሉ ሀገራት ጥቅም ላይ ውሏል።

በነገራችን ላይ የኢትዮጵያ አርቲፊሻል ኢንተለጀንስ ኢንስቲትዩት ሆሎግራም ሰራሁ አላለም፣ በመድረኩ ተባለ እንጂ። በተቋሙ በርካታ ጎበዝ ልጆች እንዳሉ ሰምቻለሁ፣ ግን እንዲህ ያልሰሩትን እንደሰሩ፣ የሰሩትን እንዳልሰሩ ማቅረቡ ትክክል አይመስለኝም።

መልካም ቀን።


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የናሳ WIFI ፍጥነት ወደ 91GB/s ነው። ይህ ማለት አንድ ረጅም ተከታታይ ፊልም ሙሉ ሲስንና ኤፒዞድ ማውረድ ብትፈልጉ ለማውረድ ቢበዛ 1 ሰከንድ ነው የሚፈጅበት

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I got sth attached with it not with the last one

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We can't say programming with SQL but putting data structure

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yuh but not just for cloud computing, as the commenter guy said most of programming works including most software engineering roles, involve building CRUD and UI...if u really think about it you don't need that much DS & Algorithms except for interviews and some performance optimizations like db indexing

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For cloud computing jobs yeah profitable and easy

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Debunking Devin: "First AI Software Engineer" Upwork lie exposed!

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By adding buttons like a web and so..

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I wanted to connect telegram bot command with js variable, does anyone know?

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you have tiktok ende? 👀

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alrighty but didn't recieve any confirmation email though

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niggas just trained on r/surrealmemes

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Dude Man yagbahal alh?

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What do you think about this guys?

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Guys look ke tikvah Ethiopia nw yagengwut
Are you interested in becoming an AI engineer?

Join the Kifiya AI Mastery Training Program (Kifiya AIM 1) by Kifiya Financial Technology and 10 Academy. It's a 3-month intensive course beginning on April 29, 2024, focusing on Machine Learning and Data Engineering. Gain fast career advancement in AI and data science through industry-led projects, expert sessions, and explore fintech career opportunities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Special consideration for women and vulnerable groups.

Eligibility criteria:

- Undergraduates (preferred) aged 22-34

- Has legal right to work in Ethiopia.

- Fluent in English (B1 CEFR level), with some background in Python, SQL, and Statistics.

- Ready to commit 30-40 hours weekly, with a strong work ethic and community spirit.

Submit your application by the deadline of April 17, 2024.

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For some PC Stands for "Pain and Confusion", 1995 😂

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Saying programming language is better than anything

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sorry but i don't think you understand the comment or my whole idea

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You nailed it am looking that SQL is just data structure algorithm for big data in agents except that nothing for me that's why cloud computing is generalized task for db like SQL and others

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Programming languages uses data structure algorithms to solve issues and fix bugs which is additional task for programmers especially like Software engineer workers.🧟‍♂

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I'm considering iOS BTW they built different 64 is 64 but broke to get😁

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Project Ideas for the "Build for our Developer Community" Hackathon 🚀

1. Developer Tools Galore:
Create tools or utilities to simplify common tasks for developers, such as code generators, debugging aids, or version control integrations.

2. APIs and SDKs for Seamless Integration: Develop new APIs or SDKs to streamline workflows, enable new functionalities, or simplify integration of services for developers.

3. Enhanced Learning Platforms: Build coding tutorials, interactive challenges, or learning management systems to help developers hone their skills and expand their knowledge.

4. Collaboration Tools for Teamwork: Develop project management tools, code review platforms, or virtual pair programming environments to facilitate collaboration among developers.

5. Developer Experience (DX) Enhancements: Improve the developer experience of existing software products or services by enhancing documentation, creating developer-friendly APIs, or optimizing workflows.

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You say telegram but how ?

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Nope, just sharing it

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There is no confirmation email, join the hackathon on devpost and you can submit your project.

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Cool, submit your project on time and good luck

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Hi everyone, you got one day left for the hackathon🔥

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