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Dr. Paul Marik

New COVID Variants Called FLiRT Are Spreading Across the U.S.

A new group of COVID-19 variants is circulating across the United States.

According to tracking by the CDC, the family of variants, nicknamed "FLiRT" after their mutations, are currently the dominant strains in the country.

One of its variants, KP.2, accounts for about 25% of all infections in the U.S. and is currently the dominant variant. The variants are part of the Omicron family.

Megan L. Ranney, the dean of the Yale School of Public Health, told WebMD that FLiRT also has some concerning features, like changes in the spike protein, which play a role in helping SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, take hold, and thus make people sick.


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Dr. Paul Marik

Staggering Drop in Male Fertility; Pfizer Docs Show Anti Sperm Antibodies Is a Problem After Injection

FDA knew and covered it up;

The Pfizer trials show anti-Sperm antibodies as an adverse event (ASA)
The body then views sperm as an invader and will then attack sperm which can lead to infertility

Documents came out out after the EUA was approved to show shocking harms to male fertility

The FDA had these documents in their hands from April 2021 and yet covered up the evidence

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Dr. Paul Marik

Former CNN Anchor Shocks the World With His COVID Vaccine Secret

Chris Cuomo, who once ridiculed people for not getting injected, broadcasted to the world that he is one of the “millions” who are suffering from vaccine side effects.

The admission came during an in-depth interview with nurse practitioner Sean Barcavage, who was featured in a New York Times article on COVID vaccine injuries.

If you think this is fake news, take a listen for yourself—you’ll be surprised by what you hear.

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Dr. Paul Marik

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Dr. Paul Marik

VIRAL SEPSIS: A New Presentation of the Covid Virus?


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Dr. Paul Marik

The WHO’s 77th World Assembly begins May 27 in Geneva, where the new pandemic accord - which we discussed on a recent webinar with Dr. @DrMerylNass, Dr. Kat Lindley @ KLVeritas, and State Representative Kathy Edmonston - will be the primary focus. Today, Dr. Nass posted an update on her Substack, "The attempts to impose control over us 'for pandemics' are being implemented at the state, federal, and world level... All these laws need to be revoked or (at the WHO) stopped".

Read here: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/the-attempts-to-impose-control-over


Last month, Dr. Meryl Nass @DrMerylNass, Dr. Kat Lindley@ KLVeritas, and Louisiana State Representative Kathy Edmonston joined host Joyce Kamen and Dr. @ PierreKory for a discussion on WHO overreach, what happens if federal governments sign over our rights, and what states can do about it.

Watch FLCCC Weekly Webinar, 'States Challenge World Health Organization Jurisdiction', here: https://covid19criticalcare.com/states-challenge-world-health-organization-jurisdiction/


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Dr. Paul Marik

Pfizer Trials: 3% of People DIED within 3 Months & 28% Were Permanently Disabled. Even Pfizer’s own data show that

Even with their own massaged (corrupt) data this was the best Pfizer could say about the outcomes of the Pfizer covid vaccine trials

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Dr. Paul Marik

The battle against high LDL-C (commonly labeled as “bad” cholesterol) has long been fought with statins - drugs that cut down cholesterol production in the liver. As of 2021, the global statins market was estimated at around $15 BILLION, and is expected to reach $22 BILLION by 2032.

Nicholas Norwitz, a Harvard medical student who holds a doctorate in metabolism and nutrition from the University of Oxford, has explored uncharted territory in cholesterol management through his innovative experiment.

If Oreos can be more effective at lowering cholesterol than statins, how many natural alternatives can outperform the commonplace drugs sold to us by Big Pharma?

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Dr. Paul Marik

Africa Challenges Tyranny + Japan Rejects the WHO

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 Texas Fires Back at Pfizer, Asks Court to Reject Drug Giant’s Bid to Dismiss ‘Deceptive Marketing’ Lawsuit

The motion stated:

“This is a case about how Pfizer’s misstatements led Texas consumers to make choices they would not have otherwise made, and Pfizer’s censorship of scientists that set the record straight. Pfizer enriched itself based on these misleading statements to the tune of billions of dollars … Pfizer is not immune.”


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Dr. Paul Marik

“The results come as Pfizer tries to regain its footing after the rapid decline of its Covid business. Demand for those products has plunged to new lows, and they transitioned to the commercial market in the U.S. last year. As revenue suffers, the company is trying to improve its bottom line and shore up investor confidence through its cost cuts and a renewed focus on treating cancer after its $43 billion acquisition of Seagen last year.”

Full Story: https://cnbc.com/amp/2024/05/01/pfizer-pfe-earnings-q1-2024.html

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Dr. Paul Marik

Ed Dowd Reveals Alarming Death Statistic That Nobody Is Talking About

Why are so many young people dying?

The mainstream media reports that shoveling in cold weather, sunbathing, etc. could be causing people to drop dead.

But there’s an alarming data point they’re silent on.

Life Insurance CEO Scott Davidson reported in January 2022 that death rates among working-aged people between the ages of 18 and 64 were “up 40 percent over what they were pre-pandemic.”

Davidson compared a 10 percent rise in deaths to a once-in-200-year flood.

But a 40 percent rise, as Ed Dowd notes, is “off the charts.”

Davidson also mentioned that the bulk of these excess deaths among the 18 to 64 age group in 2021 were non-COVID deaths.

“The majority of those deaths happened in quarter number three and four of... 2021. What does that mean? When did the mandate start? Quarter number three and four, 2021,” pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole has previously stated.

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Dr. Paul Marik

Matt Hancock “The AstraZeneca Jab is Safe.. Get The Jab” (Feb.2021)

Health Secretary, Matt Hancock insisted the AstraZeneca jab does NOT cause blood clots and is perfectly safe. He encouraged the public to take the experimental clot shot despite 13 countries banning its use & overwhelming evidence of harms and deaths


Total number of reports of suspected ADRs with a FATAL OUTCOME

Total number of reports of suspected ADRs

Total number of suspected adverse reactions

Total number of reports of suspected ADRs which were serious


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Dr. Paul Marik

RFK Jr. Reveals What the NIH Isn’t Telling You About Mass Shootings

Why are there so many mass shootings?

According to Kennedy, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is “not allowed to look for the answer to that question.”

Why is that?

“Because they’re frightened that there’s a big shot, a big food processor, Big Ag, Big Pharma that is going to be angry at them with the answer. So, they simply won’t do it.”

Kennedy suggests that “something happened” around the time of the infamous Columbine High School mass shooting in 1999.

That something, he suspects, is the use of SSRI antidepressants.

“When Columbine happened, [families of the victims] sued [Luvox]. And there are SSRIs. I’ve talked about this. I’m not saying this is the answer. [I’m] saying it’s something that we should look at—that SSRIs have black box labels and benzos that say, ‘known to cause suicidal and homicidal behavior.’ It says that.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

NHS GP touts the new mRNA cancer jab, despite safety concerns.

"I want to know that the mRNA technology is completely safe, and I think that we need some more long-term data."

Why weren't these people asking the same thing about mRNA Covid injections?

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Dr. Paul Marik

Dr. McCullough @P_McCulloughMD Issues Chilling COVID Vaccine Forecast

“We need to be concerned for 5 to 15 years after the last shot because these are genetic products.”

“We’re seeing late blood clots and cardiac arrests years after the shots.”

According to Dr. McCullough, the spike protein is deadly and even more long-lasting than messenger RNA.

“It causes heart damage, brain damage, blood clots, immunologic problems — may cause cancer. And so, it is imperative that we consider a platform of base spike detoxification.”

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 CDC Stonewalls Requests for COVID Vaccine Safety Monitoring Documents

“If the CDC carried out the follow-up investigations on safety signals detected in VAERS as described in the Standing Operating Procedures document for COVID-19, the agency should be able to provide CHD with the requested email communications + response plans.” — Risa Evans


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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 ‘High Stakes for Our Country’: 49 Senators Call on Biden to Reject WHO Agreements

The senators said before considering the amendments, the administration should focus on developing a comprehensive set of reforms for the WHO, given how it failed during the COVID-19 pandemic “and did lasting harm to our country.”


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Dr. Paul Marik

Pfizer CEO: Cancer "Is Our New COVID"

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla told Fox Business on Wednesday (May 1) that the company expects to score big on “blockbuster” cancer drugs now that the COVID-19 crisis is over and the global demand for its vaccines and COVID drugs is falling.

In the interview, Bourla praised the measures as a “very good cost containment” campaign, crediting it for the “very good results” his company showed in early 2024. Pfizer is also on the verge of striking gold again with its new strategy, he said.

“Oncology, it is our new Covid,” the Pfizer CEO said.We did what we did with Covid. We are very proud to have saved the world but it is behind us now. We want to do [it] once more and I think oncology is our best chance to do it.”


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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 New York Times Investigation Finds People Injured by COVID Vaccines Are Being ‘Ignored’

“The mainstream media, including The New York Times, is finally — three-and-a-half years late — acknowledging the devastating harm from the COVID shots.” — Mary Holland, CHD CEO


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Dr. Paul Marik

S H E D D I N G - risk for the "unvaccinated"?

Dr. Pierre Kory describes shedding and its consequences. Shedding involves the transfer of exosomes from "vaccinated" to "unvaccinated" people. There were no studies on shedding prior to the conditional approval of the injections. The gene therapy known as "Covid-19 vaccination" is - as civil rights activist Dr. Reiner Füllmich and numerous scientists determined two years ago - the greatest crime in human history. New pathogenic and fatal effects of mRNA therapy are emerging every day. Heart attacks, turbo cancer, infertility, thromboses, strokes, infant mortality - the indicators of pathogenic effects are increasing rapidly. There is no end in sight. Now "unvaccinated" people are also affected.


I’ve been very sceptical of “shedding”, based on simple toxicological principles.
I don’t believe it can happen unless
1. The injected material is itself amplified or
2. Some people are several orders of magnitude more sensitive to toxic effects.
Pierre is flat wrong about the “pandemic” and anyone pushing “early treatment” for non existent diseases ought to stop, given this actively assists the perpetrators in preparing the public mind to be assaulted again by fear provoking propaganda and lies, like they did in 2020.
Best wishes

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Dr. Paul Marik

The president of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists blocked an email from CHD’s Reform Pharma initiative rather than explaining why the organization keeps pushing the COVID-19 shots for pregnant women.

“Sacrificing the lives + health of pregnant women + their unborn babies in exchange for money is unacceptable." — Justine Tanguay


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Dr. Paul Marik

EXCESS DEATHS: "The methodology has changed to assess excess deaths... we just came through a pandemic, so immediately changing it afterwards seems deeply concerning or worse" (Neale Hanvey MP)

Excess deaths issue is complex, we need proper investigation

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Dr. Paul Marik

BlackRock CEO explains how the real goal of depopulation (Covid19, Midazolam, Remdesivir, "vaccines", euthanasia, abortion, Ukraine war, Gaza genocide) is to make it easier to substitute humans with machines.

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Dr. Paul Marik

Rep. Brad Wenstrup Grills Peter Daszak in Heated Exchange

Daszak confirms that in 2018 he submitted an application for a project named Diffuse. Ralph Baric from the University of NC and Shi Zhengli from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were collaborators.

Daszak admitted a strategy of downplaying the role of non-U.S. collaborators in the proposal to avoid negative perceptions by DARPA reviewers.

Wenstrup highlighted concerns regarding the biosafety protocols that were to be used for the research involving recombinant SARS coronaviruses. The issue here was that the work might be conducted under a lower biosafety level (BSL-2) in China, raising concerns that Daszak valued saving money over biosafety.

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Dr. Paul Marik

🚨 Gardasil Vaccine Caused Cancer That Killed 22-Year-Old, Lawsuit Alleges

“I do not want to die at such a young age and hope that I can help get the word out there that this vaccine is not for everyone and my life could have been so different had we known.” — Haley Ferguson


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Dr. Paul Marik

🔥 Tom Woods Torches the 'Experts' Who Pushed 'Reckless & Insane' COVID Lockdowns

"During the COVID years, we heard plenty of state propaganda about social distancing and masks and why your kids couldn't go to the playground. What we absolutely did not hear were stories about people who suffered under these restrictions, and there are more of them than we can possibly count. Readers of my email newsletter wrote to me every day about families pitted against themselves, about devastated careers, about missed surgeries, about loved ones forced to die alone, about isolation and grief and frustration and sadness and incredulity that any of this could be happening in the first place. We never got to hear those stories. They weren't allowed. If you complained about the lockdowns, that was because you were a selfish person who wanted to get a haircut and then k*ll your grandmother. People were shamed into keeping silent..."

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Dr. Paul Marik

"A Shadow of What I Was": Dad Who Suffered Brain Injury Days After Getting COVID Vaccine Sues AstraZeneca - Sky News

A dad who suffered a brain injury just days after receiving a British-developed COVID vaccine has told Sky News he would never have had the jab if he had known of the risk of rare but serious side effects.

Jamie Scott, who has two young boys and is now unable to work, is suing AstraZeneca for what he says is damage caused by the jab in April 2021. He alleges the pharmaceutical giant exaggerated the vaccine's effectiveness and downplayed its risks.

In his first TV interview, Mr Scott told Sky News: "I took it to protect the elderly people around me."

"AstraZeneca and the government need to explain the risk whenever you take medicine. If there's a risk—I've got a young family—I would never have taken it."

Ten days after having his first dose of the vaccine, Scott woke up with a severe headache, started vomiting and had trouble speaking.

He was taken to hospital where he was diagnosed with a clot that was stopping blood draining from his brain, as well as a hemorrhage in the brain itself. Scott had surgery and was in a coma for just over a month. His wife Kate was told that if he survived he would never be the same again.

Scott now has a poor memory, has trouble reading, writing, listening and speaking, is partially blind in both eyes and suffers from pain and fatigue. He says he can't drive or play an active part in his boys' lives.

"Everything about me has changed. Everything is difficult," he said.

"I am happy to be alive. But I'm a shadow of what I was and every day is difficult."

Read the full story:👇

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Dr. Paul Marik

The Shocking Truth About Skin Cancer: What You’re Not Being Told About the Sun

Is everything we’ve been told one big fat lie? The answer seems to be a resounding yes.

While the public is constantly told to avoid the sun to prevent skin cancer, what they’re not telling you is that sunlight is arguably the most important nutrient for the human body.

And get this: avoiding sunlight can double one’s risk of dying prematurely, and it also increases the risk of all other cancers.

Sunlight also:

• is critical for mental health
• reduces the risk of breast cancer
• is vital for cardiovascular health
• increases one’s longevity

So, why all the fearmongering? The answer seems to be “follow the money.”

A Midwestern Doctor writes:

“A remarkably sophisticated public relations campaign was launched to transform society for the benefit of [the dermatology] industry.”

The demonization of the sun has “allowed the dermatologists to cast themselves as heroes and to stir up as much anxiety as possible about the sun—especially as a psychological investment they had to make constantly putting sunscreen on would make them more likely to go to their dermatologist.”

Moreover, the skin cancer fear campaign has created “a massive sales funnel by being allowed to do a massive number of routine full body skin exams (on otherwise healthy individuals) and hence have a huge pool of potential cancers to biopsy or excise (remove).”

Lastly, the war against sunlight has allowed them “to piggyback onto the fear the medical industry has marketed around cancer to justify charging a lot of money to do something questionable to prevent cancer and having every patient go along with it the second they hear the dreaded ‘c’ word.”

So, there you have it. Now, you understand why they want you to fear the sun.

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Dr. Paul Marik

Dr Shankara Chetty & Professor David Miller on The Sonia Poulton Show - 4 April 2024


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