Dr. Mike Yeadon @DrMikeYeadon, a former vice president of Pfizer, is a professional research scientist with over 30 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology. Applying his experience and knowledge to the contents of the covid injections, Dr. Yeadon can work out the intentions of the “vaccine” designers. He explained how he was able to do this and what the only conclusions could be during a presentation to the Impfopfer Resistance Conferenceheld in Vienna, Austria, on 9 November 2024. Impfopfer (English: Vaccine Victim) is Austria’s largest association for those who have suffered or are suffering from vaccine harm.
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Dr. Peter McCullough @P_McCulloughMD Calls On Trump to REPEAL the 1986 Vaccine Injury Act
This would strip Big Pharma of its liability shield, making them accountable for injuries caused by their products.
“Americans deserve safe vaccines. And when they are applied, the company should stand behind their products, and they should have this liability shield removed,” Dr. McCullough said.
Dr. McCullough also urged President-elect Trump to pull the COVID jabs off the market.
“They have not had the safety track record America wanted to see. And sadly, so many have suffered injuries, disabilities, and even death.”
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"The COVID shots...[are] considered countermeasures... therefore you have to apply to the countermeasures injury compensation program or the CICP. The CICP is a dismal failure...It has a 98% denial rate."
Only 17 of 13,468 claims have been paid out, with an average of ~$4,200 for 16 of the claims
Dr. Joel Wallskog describes forBrianne Dressen and Dr. Paul Marik on a recent FLCCC @Covid19_Critical webinar how the COVID bioweapon injections (**my term**) are not considered to be "vaccines" by the U.S. federal government, but rather "countermeasures," and therefore those injured by the jabs, or who have family members killed by the jabs, are not eligible for compensation via the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or VICP. Instead, those who've been maimed or had family members slaughtered by the COVID injections must apply for the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), which has a 98% denial rate.
"The VICP is a fairly robust program. It does cover legal fees. It pays out what I call as real money, real dollar amounts. It has a three year timeline to file. I think it has about $4 billion in it right now," Wallskog says. "But because of the public health emergency...the COVID shots didn't go through the normal regulatory process, and even the government didn't consider them vaccines. They were considered countermeasures. And therefore, if you're injured, if you're an American injured by the shots, you aren't able to apply for the VICP."
"The CICP is a dismal failure," the physician, who himself was injured by one of the bioweapon injections, says. "They don't cover legal fees. The amount of money they've been paying out is ridiculous. It's a one year to file [deadline]. And literally, if you file one day after one year, you are rejected...They rejected 2,029 applications just for missing the filing deadline."
"Right now the CICP has received 13,468 claims related to COVID-19 shot injuries. They have rejected over 98% of them."
Wallskog goes on to note:
"They've only paid out 17—one–seven—Americans, for their injuries from the COVID shots for a total of a little over $400,000; but one case was listed as myocarditis for $370,000, and we're assuming that's a myocarditis death. So if you take out that one case, I call it an outlier of a very large payout of 370,000 dollars, the other 16 people have received a total of $67,320. So for those 16 people besides that outlier, the average payout for one of those 16 is $4,207."
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"Kary Mullis died and...Luc Montagnier, and Peter Duesberg had a stroke. Those are the three most powerful, outspoken, credentialed, opponents and critics of Anthony Fauci...They knew it was coming... They had the injections already in the vials before 2020."
Dr. David Rasnick, PhD, a cancer and AIDS researcher, describes for Charles Kovess et al. how Nobel Prize winners Kary Mullis and Luc Montagnier were possibly assassinated in order to keep them from interfering with the COVID narrative. Likewise, Rasnick speculates that Dr. Peter Duesberg, a molecular biologist and professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley famous for challenging the HIV-causes-AIDS hypothesis, was inflicted with a stroke.
Mullis, who invented the polymerase chain reaction technique that would be deployed for the now infamous PCR test for COVID, died in 2019. Montagnier, who won his Nobel Prize for the supposed discovery of the HIV virus, died in February of 2022. Deusberg had his stroke in 2021 according to Wikipedia.
"I mean, it's very, very suspicious or it's circumstantial at this point, but it did not escape my notice [that] Kary Mullis died, and also Luc Montagnier, and Peter Duesberg had a stroke," Rasnick tells Kovess et al. "Those are the three most powerful, outspoken, credentialed, opponents and critics of Anthony Fauci in the world...[And] two of them died. One of them had a stroke."
Furthermore, Rasnick says that the Deep State (my term, it's unclear exactly who he's referring to) says that the COVID bioweapon injection rollout (my term) was obviously planned prior to 2020.
"You know, look at it this way: They knew it was coming as a planned thing anyway. You know? They had the injections already in the vials before 2020."
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Dr. Robert Malone @RWMaloneMD: "We have the artifactual evidence of what was known in the form of the Pfizer common technical document that was first obtained by Byram Bridle from the Japanese it was prevented from being distributed by the US FDA and it revealed extensive understanding that we had this widespread biodistribution of these products that they caused the encoded protein to be manufactured in virtually every major tissue throughout the body."
"It was known that there was a strong inflammatory and toxic reactions associated with these lipid nanoparticles. This is fundamental knowledge. It was in the field of these cationic-based lipid nanoparticle delivery systems. It was known that these particles will deliver both RNA and DNA into cells and tissues. It was known that the modification, the pseudo-uridine, altered the immune response to the RNA. That's the whole reason why the incorporation of pseudo-uridine was performed."
"It was known that the pseudo-uridine would increase the longevity of these products, that this was not natural RNA. It was not known and not investigated as to whether or not these products would be quote shed. It was not known and not investigated whether or not these products would cause reproductive toxicity, whether they would be secreted in body fluids. A number of things that should have been investigated under normal FDA protocols and procedures not the least of which is characterization of the contamination or adulteration of the short DNA fragments, which are intrinsic to the manufacturing process, and which in prior FDA regulations have always been considered to be a risk for a form of genotoxicity called insertional mutagenesis."
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REPORT: A new peer-reviewed study has called for a complete SUSPENSION of the COVID-19 injections.
This news comes after the authors of the study found a shocking and horrifying increased risk of BRAIN CLOTS following COVID-19 injection.
The numbers are absolutely terrifying:
• The study found brain clots are 112,000% more likely after COVID-19 vaccination than flu vaccination.
• Moreover, when compared to all vaccines combined, COVID shots are 20,700% more likely to cause brain clots.
As such, the study’s authors and other health experts demand:
• “An immediate global moratorium” on the use of COVID-19 vaccines.
• “Absolute contraindication” for women of reproductive age.
• A full investigation into the alarming breach of safety thresholds.
• Accountability from regulators and manufacturers for ignoring these risks.
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CNN says “public health experts” are “very worried” that RFK Jr will erode confidence in the already-declining rates of vaccines.
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How Merck Pushed Gardasil Vaccine to Pay for Vioxx Lawsuits — and Why the HPV Shot Is So Dangerous
Two decades ago, Merck introduced Vioxx, a profitable NSAID (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), despite knowing it could cause numerous heart attacks. After facing overwhelming lawsuits and ultimately withdrawing Vioxx, Merck quickly pushed Gardasil, a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, to market to recover losses.
Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it, even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), infertility and death. Notably, many of these issues mirror those associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.
Learn more about the dangers of the HPV vaccine, the reasons behind its risks — including its tendency to cause rather than prevent cervical cancer — and the extensive negligence of the FDA and the CDC. These lessons are crucial for understanding the events surrounding COVID-19.
More from A Midwestern Doctor via Dr. Joseph Mercola ⬇️
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BOMBSHELL 🚨 40% of worldwide Covid vaccine SERIOUS case safety reports (including DEATH) have been DELETED from EMA's EudraVigilance database.
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First, Trump revealed that he will take action to REMOVE fluoride from public drinking water on day one.
Now, Trump is not ruling out the possibility of banning certain vaccines, and we have to imagine he's talking about the COVID shot.
This revelation was revealed during a conversation with NBC News.
Trump added that he would speak to RFK Jr. on the matter, referring to him as a “very talented guy.”
During his presidential run, Kennedy said he would prosecute officials who engaged in criminal wrongdoing throughout the COVID debacle.
Let's hope that dream becomes reality during a Trump administration.
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Humans are being taken over from within by 'biotechnological mutation' through fake vaccines, PCR tests and other sources - Dr Wilfredo Stokes who has been studying the effects since the rollout. This is what he's found and he asks for help in exposing this 'war on humanity'.
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Prof Byram Bridle June 2021
This publicly funded Canadian Immunologist risked his entire professional career by speaking out about the safety of mRNA technology in mid 2021
It cost him everything
He has not been allowed back on campus or into his office since this time.
His crime?
Sharing with the public, his concerns about PFIZER DATA proving the complete biodistribution of their mRNA throughout the body.
This data was provided BY PFIZER to medical regulators INCLUDING MEDSAFE as part of the product submission process.
How do we know Medsafe received this data?
Because we were told in an OIA
Even to this day, NZ Medsafe and MOH have NOT corrected their fallacious statement that the "Pfizer mRNA remains in the shoulder muscle"
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🔊Dr. Daniel Nagase: "Replicon technology...is beyond nuclear weapons. If you think nuclear weapons are bad, think about something like a nuclear bomb that can make copies of itself...and set a timer to explode one year later, 10 years later, 50 years later even."
E.R. Physician Dr. Daniel Nagase describes for Dr. Joseph Sansone how replicon technology—also known as "self-amplifying mRNA"—is "beyond nuclear weapons" in regard to the existential dangers it poses to humanity. Nagase, who has previously said that replicon technology could result in a "cancer that can spread between people," notes that these self-amplifying mRNA shots could be put on a delayed release timeline of up to 50 years or longer.
Note that the replicon shots have already been unleashed in Japan, on the Japanese people—particularly the elderly population. (See tweet 2.)
"I wrote an article on my Substack called 'Japan's plan to destroy the world.' And that is how dangerous Replicon technology is," Nagase tells Sansone. "This is beyond nuclear weapons. If you think nuclear weapons are bad, think about something like a nuclear bomb that can make copies of itself. And not only just make copies of itself, it can make copies of itself and set a timer to explode one year later, 10 years later, 50 years later even...this is the nuclear weapon of biology."
"It's a self-replicating [technology]...that's what a replicon is. It can do anything. It has the power power to copy itself. It has the power to steal genes from other species. It's omnipotent. It's basically the omnipotent virus."
Nagase adds:
"The more copies of Replicon you have out in the environment, the faster you're gonna get one that is deadly, one that can spread, one that can spread without causing too many symptoms. In fact, from a natural selection standpoint, the evolutionary pressure for a replicon is to cause as minimal symptoms as possible to enable the host to carry out the regular activities during the day...."
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Mainstream media NewsChannel5 asks if COVID vaccine caused problems in the heart of young athletes.
The deaths of four teenage Cross-Country athletes in the last six months in Tennessee are raising red flags in the medical community, particularly among cardiologists.
“It certainly is concerning. It's concerning to us as physicians, as parents, as teachers and coaches...”
“There have been questions raised about the COVID vaccine and the impact on the heart and if that is manifesting in young athletes. Is that a question that needs to be asked?”
“I think we should ask every question that we can think of at this moment and we're not going to discount anything as we wait for answers.”
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Urgent warning over new Covid-19 variant on rise across Ireland – five symptoms to watch out for
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The prestigious Cleveland Clinic has issued a chilling warning of an incoming wave of deaths that will kill off huge numbers of people who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
However, rather than issuing a red alert to the public about the looming catastrophic death wave, the Ohio-based nonprofit academic medical center quietly dropped the bombshell in a recent update on its website.
According to Cleveland Clinic, mass mortality is expected to surge due to a ticking time bomb of myocarditis among the Covid-vaccinated.
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🚨 COVID Vaccines Pose 112,000% Greater Risk of Brain Clots, Strokes Than Flu Shots
COVID-19 vaccines pose a 112,000% greater risk of brain clots and strokes than flu vaccines and a 20,700% greater risk of those symptoms than all other vaccines combined, according to a peer-reviewed study that calls for a global moratorium on the vaccines.
The study, published last week in the International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, found reports of 5,137 cases of cerebral thromboembolism after COVID-19 shots over 36 months. This compares to 52 reported cases following flu vaccination and 282 cases for all vaccines over the past 34 years.
According to the study, this represents an “alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis adverse events” following COVID-19 vaccination.
The study’s authors — independent researcher Claire Rogers, obstetrician and gynecologist Dr. James A. Thorp, independent researcher Kirstin Cosgrove and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough — used data from the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), for their analysis.
The data also indicated 9,821 reports of atrial fibrillation — an irregular heart rhythm that is “the most common identifiable cause of cerebral arterial thromboembolism” — following COVID-19 vaccination in 41 months, compared to 797 cases reported in 34 years for all other vaccines combined.
Rogers told The Defender the findings confirm anecdotal evidence of an increased incidence of stroke seen during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
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💊 Medications, Illegal Drugs Linked to Surge in Child Seizures
Medications, especially first-generation antihistamines, play a significant role in this troubling trend. These drugs, often prescribed for everyday ailments like the common cold, are now linked to a higher risk of seizures in children.
Common medications like diphenhydramine cross the blood-brain barrier, disrupting normal brain activity and lowering seizure thresholds in vulnerable children.
Natural alternatives like quercetin, stinging nettle and vitamin C may provide safer options for allergy relief without the neurological risks associated with antihistamines.
More from Dr. Joseph Mercola ⬇️
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U.S. Pumps $667 Million Into World Bank’s Pandemic Fund
The U.S. has committed $667 million to the World Bank’s Pandemic Fund, a “multilateral financing mechanism dedicated to strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response.”
Including the U.S. commitment, the fund raised nearly $1 billion in its latest pledge campaign — half of its $2 billion target — amid warnings of a greater-than-50% chance of a new pandemic in the next 25 years.
The Pandemic Fund was established in 2022 by the member states of the G20. Its largest private contributor — at $15 million — is the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which also holds seats on the fund’s governing board.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, a global public-private partnership that promotes vaccines — and is heavily funded by the Gates Foundation — also holds a seat on the Pandemic Fund’s board.
Fear of mpox and bird flu helped the fund reach commitments totaling $982 million at last week’s G20 Finance and Health Ministers’ joint meeting in Brazil. The fund also secured “co-financing from international organizations” totaling $1.8 billion.
“The large sum of money given to the Pandemic Fund, coupled with calls for urgency, reveal the biopharmaceutical complex’s wishes for another global pandemic and further genetic injection deployments,” epidemiologist Dr. Nicolas Hulscher told The Defender.
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A U.S. federal judge has denied AstraZeneca’s motion to dismiss a case involving a Utah woman injured by the COVID-19 vaccine during clinical trials.
READ MORE: https://thecanadianindependent.substack.com/p/a-us-federal-judge-has-denied-astrazenecas
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A team of leading emergency pediatric medicine researchers is sounding the alarm over surging cases of heart damage in children who received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”
During a major study, the eminent Irish researchers analyzed the cases of dozens of children who had been hospitalized with heart-related problems.
Alarmingly, every single one of the children had been given at least one dose of a Covid mRNA vaccine before they were admitted to hospital.
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💉 ‘This Is a Winnable Battle’: Experts Explain How Citizens Can Work With Local Health Authorities to Get COVID Vaccines Removed
Removing COVID-19 vaccines from public health departments across the U.S. is a “winnable battle” — but the battle won’t likely be won “from the top down,” according to Dr. John Tribble, a physician and board member of Idaho’s Southwest District Health.
According to Tribble, “Local public health agencies aren’t obligated to blindly follow federal agencies when it comes to COVID-19 vaccinations or other issues of public health and safety. They have the power and moral obligation to protect and educate their constituents.”
In other words, the CDC recommends COVID-19 vaccines and the FDA approves them — but that doesn’t mean local health departments have to promote the shots. Tribble said:
“So much of what was inflicted upon us during COVID-19 — the COVID-19 vaccines, the mask mandates, the business, school and church closures — would have been prevented with local health departments that prioritized personal freedom and critical thinking over blind trust in federal health agencies. We need individual citizens willing to take accountability for their own local health officers and health boards.”
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Former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who backed President-elect Donald Trump, said Wednesday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) bureaucracy should be winnowed down.
Before the election, Trump had floated Kennedy as having a role in his administration, namely targeting federal agencies that oversee health care, food, and drugs.
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They fear RFK Jr’s MAHA agenda. Do you think CNN is bought by Big Pharma?
“Doctors blast Trump & RFK’s remarks on fluoride and vaccines”
“I love Bobby, but he should be nowhere near America’s government… he’s very dangerous”.
They are scared 😆
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Across the country, Covid-era mask mandates have begun to return to public places, causing outrage among freedom-loving citizens.
An entire hospital system has just issued a new mask mandate for all patients and visitors across multiple locations.
A public subway is also pressuring passengers to wear face coverings.
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Healthcare Workers Reject COVID, Flu Shots Amid ‘Tremendous Erosion of Trust’ in Health Agencies
The number of healthcare workers receiving COVID-19 and flu vaccines declined during the 2023-24 cold and flu season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC said more research is needed “to identify effective strategies to improve vaccination at a time when health care personnel are susceptible to low vaccine confidence.”
Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), told The Defender the data didn’t surprise her.
“It is no longer possible to deny safety signals and lack of effectiveness,” Orient said. “A large percentage [of healthcare workers] have themselves had several episodes of COVID, had adverse reactions themselves, or know someone who did.”
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, an ear, nose and throat specialist who was suspended by Houston Methodist Hospital for treating COVID-19 patients with ivermectin, said, “85% of healthcare workers are opting not to get the COVID shots because they know these shots are all risk and no benefit.”
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Dr. Theresa Deisher presents the dangers of residual human fetal DNA fragments are an unstudied risk to vaccine recipients, yet there's a growing scientific body of knowledge demonstrating the high likelihood of autoimmune response and gene mutations in children with a genetic vulnerability.
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🚨 These medications are associated with serious side effects, including pancreatitis, bowel obstruction and stomach paralysis, with 80% to 90% of users experiencing at least one adverse event.
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Please watch and share Matt Le Tissier’s raw story as he exposes the truth surrounding the football industry and Covid!!
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