Special moisturizer that quickly absorbs,hydrates & moisturizes the skin & contains a blend of Aloe Vera extract leaves the skin clean,refreshed & Soft.
👉apply smoothly on face & neck to provide a perfect moisturizing effect.Apply during Day time
Spirulina is well known as balanced nutritious food while the high fiber cereals are usually recommended by the nutritionists.
DXN spirulina is made from high quality cereals and spirulina powder and one of the best nutritional source.
🍄💚 Benefits of Spirulina Cereal: 💚🍄
-it has chlorophyll, beta carotene, iron , vitamins, minerals , protein, amino acids, anti-oxidants and calcium.
✅helps regulate metabolism.
✅helps reduce anemia in older adults
💪may provide multiple exercise benefits to enhanced endurance and muscle strength.
But spirulina is not a medicine.,but a food supplement.
Available at Hand
When to take your supplements:
Vitamin D3/K2 - with fat & daytime
Magnesium - away from high fat/fiber
B-vitamins - 30 min before caffeine
Omega-3s - with fat away from iron
Inositol - daytime or evening
Creatine - post-lift w carbs/protein
Collagen - post-exercise w vitamin C
Salt & electrolytes - b4 caffeine/coffee
CoQ10 - with fat and after a meal
1. CANCER: The Reishi mushroom helps reduce the risk of cancer and even helps fight the disease incredibly. It has more than 154 types of antioxidants, and contains beta-glucan, lentinan, organic germanium synergize together and become the best weapon against cancer, this helps your body at protecting cells and destroying cancer cells.
2. HEART DISEASE: Mushroom helps prevent heart disease and stroke. Effective for controlling blood pressure, improving circulation, reducing blood fats and preventing arteriosclerosis because it has natural adenosine and triterpenoids ganoderic acid.
3. ANTI-AGING: mushroom(Reishi) contains plenty of antioxidants such as polyphenols, flavonoids, vitamin C, etc. that attack free radicals, as well as organic germanium helps cellular oxygenation which means it helps with longevity and to fight against the effects of aging.
4. WEIGHT LOSS: Mushroom helps the body with weight loss, burning fat and it naturally stimulates metabolism, due to the synergy of the compounds. By activating our metabolism our cells begin to use more energy reserves (fat).
5. ENERGY: mushroom(Reishi) increases energy in both our body and mind, organic germanium is in the fungus which helps oxygenate cells which in turn enhances the total energy of the boby.
6. SKIN: The mushroom(Reishi) antioxidant protects the skin against the harmful effects of free radicals, which are the cause of wrinkles and aging skin. Reishi also helps to fight skin cancer.
7. ARTHRITIS: Reishi helps prevent, reduce and combat the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to the synergy of triterpenoids, organic germanium and immunomodulators, allowing control against inflammation and improves the immune system.
8. BONES: Due to the presence of calcium and vitamin D, and other compounds that help calcium absorption enhancing our bones, Reishi mushrooms helps preserve bone density.
9. CHOLESTEROL: Reishi helps reduce cholesterol levels, also improves the ratio of good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, by reducing bad cholesterol level, this is due to the presence of triterpenoids and adenosine.
10. OBESITY: Reishi helps prevent obesity by stopping the movement of glucose in fat cells. Those who follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly and consume reishi are less likely to become obese.
11. DIABETES: Reishi improves metabolism in relation to lipids and glucose, and prevents sudden increases in the level of blood sugar, balancing the general metabolism.
12. BLOOD SUGAR: Sugar in the blood tends to increase with age, but the polyphenols and polysaccharides in reishi helps reduce blood sugar levels.
13. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Reishi helps reduce blood pressure due to the purification of blood and promotion of elasticity of arteries.
14. Gastritis: The wonderful compounds in reishi, fight efficiently as our defenses against Helicobacter pylori. Furthermore, the cells of the stomach work better thanks to the synergy of compounds controlling acid secretion.
15. CONSTIPATION: The large amount of insoluble fiber in reishi such as hemicellulose allow the colon to function properly. This improves digestive functions and allows the removal of harmful compounds in the body.
16. ALZHEIMER: Reishi helps strengthen memory, although there is no known cure for Alzheimer, reishi helps slow down the process of reduction of acetylcholine in the brain, which is what causes Alzheimer’s.
17. Parkinson’s disease: Reishi mushroom antioxidants help prevent cellular damage in the brain, which is one of the causes of Parkinson’s evil, those who regularly consume reishi are less likely to develop this disease.
18. ADDICTIONS: Thanks to the synergistic effect of organic germanium compounds as antioxidants, this improves the function of the nervous system, thereby controlling addictions.
19. MIGRAINE: reishi has compounds that relax the nervous system together with the triterpenoids that control pain and inflammation; this helps control and combat the
WHY do the instructions for medicines demand that pills be swallowed with water?
Other drinks may contain substances that react with the contents of the pill or affect its physiological effects.
Even carbonated water without syrup changes the effect of some medicines by speeding up their absorption.
Top 16 Benefits Of Drinking DXN Morinzhi Juice
1. Good analgesic:
DXN Morinzhi Noni Juice is a good analgesic. If one has pain anywhere in the body including headache, shoulder pain, joint pain, it is a first choice as a supplement.
2. Immune-booster:
It also helps to boost the immune system to fight diseases better. It also acts as an antidepressant and a sedative so it helps to relax the mind and sleep better.
3. Skin and hair:
Because of its ability to restructure damaged protein it is fantastic for the skin and the hair.
4. Anti-cancer effect:
As noni speeds up the healing processIt is effective against cancer.
5. Cardiac problems:
Any cardiac problems, including hypertension can also be treated well with Noni Juice of DXN: Morinzhi.
6. Balances cholesterol:
Noni can be the choice for those suffering from high cholesterol level.
7. Improves brain functions:
As noni boosts brain functions, diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia can be fought with it too. It is an excellent choice for children as well to improve their memory functions.
8. Bowel diseases:
Most of the diseases arise from the bowel. Noni has been proven to be very effective in IBS: irritable bowel syndrome. Loose motions or constipation can be taken care of with regular consumption of DXN Morinzhi Noni Juice.
9. Anti-allergic:
As an immune-booster, it can help fight allergies.
Morinzhi Noni Juice can also be applied.
10. Fighting addictions:
Regarding the effect of Xeronin, Morinzhi can be also a great choice to fight addictions like cigarette smoking and alcoholism.
11. Anti-allergic:
As an immune-booster, it can help fight allergies.
It also helps in inflammatory conditions like arthritis by helping to releave the inflammation and the pain.
13. Respiratory system:
Noni is also provenly effective in treating asthma.
14. Improves energy level:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can also be fought with DXN Morinzhi Noni Juice. In this condition the person drains out his energy very fast and hence cannot perform on the optimal level.
15. Diabetes:
Diabetic people can also let out a sigh of relief: since noni can balance the hormonal sytem, it also regulates insulin level. Regular consumption of DXN Morinzhi Noni Juice can help the sugar levels get to optimal level.
16. Reproductive- and urinary system:
Noni has a very good effect on the reproductive and the urinary system.
The condition of endometryosis, where the endometrium of the uterus gets inflammed, can be well dealt with DXN Morinzhi Noni Juice. When women suffer from repeated urinary tract infections and have burning urination, noni becomes a good choice.
Available worldwide.
Dr.Paul Speaking with Joe Rogan Podcast on the health benefit of lion'smane mushroom.
DXN MycoVeggie
👉high fiber dietary supplement
👉Nourishing meal replacement that promotes healthy weight loss
👉100% natural & organic
1.Shitake mushrooms (have been used > 6000 years)
2.Lyophilllum mushroom
3.St.George mushroom
4.Lion'smane mushroom
5.Split gill mushroom
6.Elm Oyster
7.Grey Oyster
9.psyllium grain(Highest fiber food)
10.Leaves(mulberry,Noni,Ginko Leaf)
11.Healthy foods(Ginger,orange,lime,lemon grass,corn)
12.Green Tea
13.Dried tangerine peel
14.Cinnamon & Bark
15.Star Anise & Clove
👉 Weight loss
👉can loose 2-6 pounds in two weeks
👉Mix one scoop of MycoVeggie in a cold glass of water,stir & drink immediately
👉Drink 2 glass of water right after
👉Consume this in the morning & Evening before meal
👉Exercise or walk for at least 30 minutes
It reverses hair loss and regrows hair without the nasty side effects of Finasteride or Minoxidil
It’s called TB-500 (aka Thymosin Beta-4) and it attacks hair loss from every angle:
1) Moves stem cells to where they’re needed for regrowth (stimulates stem cell migration to follicles)
2) Promotes stem cell differentiation into specialized hair-producing cells
3) Reactivates the natural hair growth cycle (via Wnt/β-catenin signaling)
4) Increases blood flow and nutrient delivery to hair follicles (enhances angiogenesis via VEGF)
5) Supports hair follicle elongation (via remodeling the extracellular matrix through MMP-2 production)
6) Reactivates dormant hair follicles (shortens telogen to anagen transition)
7) Boosts hair density/fullness (promotes follicle clustering for greater density)
8) Stabilizes hair follicles to prevent shedding (via laminin-integrin activity for anchoring)
9) Activates cell survival & repair signaling (via PI3K/AKT and MAPK pathways)
10) Accelerates wound healing (via keratinocyte migration & ECM remodeling)
It’s 2025: Hair loss is a choice
📌 የአለማችን ድንቅ ስጦታ👇
ሬሺ እንጉዳይ በመባል በተለምዶ የሚታወቀው ጋኖደርማ በዓለም ላይ ዋናው የአልካላይን ምግብ ነው ፡፡ የሳይንሳዊ ስሙ ጋኖደርማ ሉሲድየም ሲሆን የቀይ እንጉዳዮች ዝርያ ነው። የቀይ እንጉዳይ አምስት ዋና ዋና ንጥረ ነገሮች
👉organic Germinium (ኦርጋኒክ ጀርሚኒየም)
የጋኖደርማ ጥቅሞች ለጤንነት ፡፡
1⃣የልብ ጤንነት
3⃣ለጉበት ህመም ፈውስ ነው።
4⃣ለኩላሊት በሽታ ሕክምና ከፍተኛ ጥቅም አለው።
5⃣የአእምሮ ጤንነት ተቀዳሚ ምርጫ ነው።
6⃣የበሽታ መከላከያ ስርዓትን ከፍ ያደርጋል
7⃣ያለእድሜ እርጅናን ይከላከላል
8⃣ክብደት ለመቀነስ
9⃣ካንሰርን ይከላከላል
1⃣0⃣ከውጥረት እና ጭንቀት ይገላግላል።
1⃣1⃣ የቆዳ ጤንነት
1⃣2⃣የሽንት ቧንቧ ኢንፌክሽን ይከለከላል
1⃣3⃣የደም ስኳር መጠንን ያሰተካክላል።
There’s a reason Reishi has been called the mushroom of immortality for centuries
- Anti-stress & immune boost
- Stem cell development
- Mitochondrial biogenesis
- NGF ⬆️
- Neural progenitor development
- Endocannabinoid enhancement
Available at Hand!
መልካም ጤንነት ለሁላችን።
WHY is it beneficial to sleep during the day?
The point is that sleeping during the day prevents "burnout". It restores the body, reduces stress, and gives you the opportunity to rethink the situation.
Also daytime sleep reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Those who sleep in the afternoon at least 3 times a week, reduce the risk of heart disease by 40%.
Scientists claim that daytime sleep is a powerful weapon against myocardial infarction.
WHY does the heart run for a lifetime without tiring?
The secret is that the heart, although it works throughout a person's life, still "finds" time to rest. Our heart consists of two atria and two ventricles.
The fact is that the ventricles and atria never contract simultaneously - they always work in alternating shifts.
If we calculate the time during which the heart remains in a relaxed state, we get that it rests for approximately the same amount of time as it works.
♦♦#ጨጓራ #ህመምን #እንዴት# እንከላከል# (how to prevent gastritis) ♦♦#
ወድ ተከታታዮች ዛሬ የብዙ ሰው ችግር የሆነውን የጨጓራ ህመም በተደጋጋሚ እየታከምን የማይሻለን የሚል ጥያቄን እናነሳለን ነገር ግን አኗኗራችን ማስተካከል ዋነኛው ነው ፤ መድሀኒትንም ያግዛል ፡፡
የጨጓራ ህመም በሆድ እቃ ክፍል አካባቢ ደጋግሞ የሚከሰት የማያቋርጥ ቋርጥ ህመም ሲሆን ፤ህመሙ የተለያዩ የሰውነት ክፍሎች ላይ ጨምሮ ህመም ያስከትላል
በላይኛው የሆድ ክፍል ላይ የሆድ ቁርጠት
ማቅለሽለሽና ማስመለስ
የደረት አካባቢ ማቃጠል
ምግብ በሚወሰድበት ጊዜ ቶሎ መጥገብ
የሆድ መንፋት
እምብርት አካባቢ የሚሰማ ህመም
እንዴት እንከላከል ???
ቶሎ ቶሎ ቀላል ምግቦችን መመገብ
ሲጋራን ማጨስ ካለ ማቆም
አልኮል መጠጦችን መቀነስ
ጥዋት ጥዋት በባዶ ሆድ ውሀን መጠጣት ልምድ ማረግ
በጨጓራ ባክቴሪያ ላለመጠቃት ንጽህነናው የተጠበቀ ምግብ መመገብ
ቅመማ ቅመም የበዛባቸውን ምግቦች አለመመገብ
ቅባታማ ምግቦችን መቀነስ
ከምኝታ ከ ሁለት ስአት ቀደም በሎ እራትን መመገብ
አትክልትና ፍራፍሬን ማዘውተር
ተልባን በተለያየ መልኩ መውሰድ ፡፡
✍️የትኛው የደባቴ (depression) አይነት ያጠቃዎታል?
🔹ሜጀር ዲፕሬሲቭ ዲስኦርደር (ኤምዲዲ)/Major depressive disorder(MDD) ፡- ከፍተኛ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት ሲሆን (ክሊኒካዊ ዲፕሬሽን) ይባላል፡፡ ከሁለት ሳምንት በላይ የሚቆዩ ኃይለኛ ወይም አስጨናቂ ምልክቶች አሉት። እነዚህ ምልክቶች በዕለት ተዕለት ሕይወት ውስጥ ጣልቃ ይገባሉ፡፡
🔹ባይፖላር ዲፕሬሽን/ Bipolar depression፡- ባይፖላር ዲስኦርደር ያለባቸው ሰዎች ተለዋዋጭ የዝቅተኛ ስሜት እና እጅግ በጣም ከፍተኛ ሃይል (ማኒክ) ወቅቶች አላቸው። በዝቅተኛ ጊዜ ውስጥ፣ እንደ ሀዘን ወይም ተስፋ መቁረጥ ወይም ጉልበት ማጣት ያሉ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት/ዲፕሬሽን ምልክቶች ሊኖራቸው ይችላል።
🔸 የፐርናታል እና የድህረ ወሊድ ጭንቀት/ Perinatal and postpartum depression ፡- “Perinatal” ማለት በወሊድ አካባቢ ማለት ነው። ብዙ ሰዎች ይህንን አይነት ዲፕሬሽን ከወሊድ በኋላ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት ብለው ይጠሩታል። የወሊድ ጭንቀት በእርግዝና ወቅት እና ልጅ ከተወለዱ በኋላ እስከ አንድ አመት ድረስ ሊከሰት ይችላል፡፡ ምልክቶቹ ሀዘን፣ ጭንቀት ወይም መረበሽን ያካትታሉ።
🔸 የማያቋርጥ ዲፕሬሲቭ ዲስኦርደር/ Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)፡- ፒዲዲ ዲስቲሚያ / dysthymia ተብሎም ይታወቃል። የ PDD ምልክቶች ከከባድ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት ያነሱ ናቸው፤ ነገር ግን PDD ያለባቸው ሰዎች ከሁለት አመታት ወይም ከዚያ በላይ የፒዲዲ ምልክቶችን ያሳያሉ፡፡
🔹 ከወር አበባ በፊት የሚመጣ ዲስፎሪክ ዲስኦርደር/ Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)፡ ከወር አበባ በፊት የሚመጣ ዲስፎሪክ ዲስኦርደር በጣም ከባድ የሆነ የቅድመ የወር አበባ መታወክ (PMS) ነው። ከወር አበባቸው በፊት ባሉት ቀናት ወይም ሳምንታት ውስጥ ሴቶችን ያውካል፡፡
🔹 ሳይኮቲክ ዲፕሬሽን /Psychotic depression ፡- ሳይኮቲክ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት ያለባቸው ሰዎች ከባድ የጭንቀት ምልክቶች እና ውዥንብር ወይም ቅዠቶች አሉባቸው። ቅዠቶች በእውነታ ላይ ያልተመሠረቱ ነገሮች ማመንን ጨምሮ ማየትን፣ መስማትን ወይም በእውነታው የሌሉ ነገሮች መነካትን ያካትታሉ::
🔸 ወቅታዊ አፌክቲቭ ዲስኦርደር/ Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)፡ ወቅታዊ የመንፈስ ጭንቀት፣ ወይም ሴሶናል አፌክቲቭ ዲስኦርደር፣ ብዙውን ጊዜ የሚጀምረው በ ክረምት መጨረሻ እና በክረምት መጀመሪያ ወቅታ ላይ ነው። ብዙውን ጊዜ በፀደይ እና በበጋ ወቅት ይጠፋል::
dxnsheger መልእክት
👉lionsmane mushroom and Reishi Gano mushroom ይጠቀሙ
🍏 25 Alkaline Superfoods to Protect Your Health! 🌱
From fighting cancer to reducing obesity and heart issues, these alkaline superfoods work wonders for your body! Incorporating them into your diet could support overall wellness and help prevent serious health concerns.
ቆዳ ለማለስለስ
የቆዳ መሸብሸብን ለመቀነስ
♦️Ganozhi Soap is specially formulated and enriched with Ganoderma extract and palm oil.
♦️It gently cleanses the skin while preserving its natural oils without damaging skin structure.
♦️The use of palm oil enriched with vitamin E and anti-oxidant agents helps to revitalize your skin and delays the aging process.
♦️Ganozhi soap leaves your skin feeling smoother and softer.
👉Why choose DXN products?
♦️DXN products do not contain any artificial elements nor preservatives, coloring and flavoring.
♦️The cultivation process stresses the importance of maintaining the natural and organic quality of Ganoderma products. Available in our shop
Want to give proper diet to your kids then give them👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
One sachet of Cocozhi contains:
1.Carbohydrates 2.protein
3. Potassium 4.Calcium
5. Phosphate 6.Sodium
7.Iron 8.Vitamin C
9.Vitamin B3 & cocoa
Benefits of Cocozhi:
👉For all ages from kids to adults
👉 Easily digestible
👉 Helps in brain development
👉Helps in mental alertness
👉 Helps in providing energy for physical activity
👉Helps in concentration for studies
👉 Good for eye-sight
👉 Immune system modulator
👉Keeps body slim and trim because of its low calorie content
👉Give your kids and members of the family the boost of energy they need in your own homes!!!
6 signs of high DHT
- deep voice
- beard & chest hair
- reactive aggression
- calm confidence
- low bodyfat
- hard muscles
physiognomy doesn't lie.
ለሰውነቶ👉 For your Body
#Spirulina አረንጓዴው ምግብ
🍀 DXN Spirulina Food Supplement (የአለማችን ድንቁ ምግብ)
👉በአለም የጤና ድርጅት በተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ከፍተኛ የምግብነትና የህክምና ጠቀሜታ እንዳለው የተረጋገጠ። በእኛም ሀገር በኢትዮጵያ ምግብና መድሃኒት ቁጥጥር ባለ-ስልጣን ፈቃድ የተሰጠው።
🌿የሚመረተው Blue green alge ነው።
🌿በውስጡ ከ170 በላይ ንጥረ ነገሮችን ይዟል።
🌿 ሙሉ በሙሉ ተፈጥሮአዊ
🍀የምግብነት ጠቀሜታው
🌳ከፍተኛ የአትክልት ፕሮቲን ያለው
🌳ለደም መመረት የሚያገለግሉ ክሎሮፊል በውስጡ የያዘ ነው
🌳 አንቲ ኦክሲዳንት ባህሪን የያዘ ነው
🌳 አስደናቂ ጉልበት ይሰጣል
🌳 በሽታ የመከላከል አቅምን ይገነባል።
🌳አጥንትን ያጠነክራል።
🌳አላስፈላጊ የሆነ የሰውነት ክብደትን ያስወግዳል።
🌳 ለነፍሰጡር እናቶችና ለፅንሱ ከፍተኛ የምግብነት ጠቀሜታ አለው።
🌳 በማዕድናትና በቫይታሚን(ቢ12,ቢ1,ቢ2,ቢ6) የበለፀገ ነው።
🌳 በኦሜጋ-3 እና በኦሜጋ-6 የበለፀገ ነው።
🩺 የህክምና ጠቀሜታው
🩸 ካንሰርን ይከላከላል።
🩸 ለልብ በሽታ ዋና መንስኤ የሆነውን በደማችን ውስጥ የሚገኘውን የኮሎስትሮል መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል ።
🩸 በሰውነታችን አዲስ የደም ሴሎች የመመረት ስርአትን ያግዛል።
🩸 ሰውነታችንን ከአላስፈላጊ ጎጂ አሰሮች በየጊዜው ያፀዳል።
🩸በደም ውስጥ ያለን የስኳር መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል።
🩸የሰውነት ነርቭ ስርአትን ያጠናክራል።
Contact: +251919400228
Inbox: @abrillo12
Follow us more: @dxn_sheger
Skin issues are caused by poor gut health
Mood imbalances caused by poor gut health
Sleep disturbances are caused by poor gut health
Metabolic Diseases are caused by poor gut health
Autoimmune diseases are caused by poor gut health
They all disappear once you heal your gut
CORDYCEPS: The parasitic fungi 👇👇👇👇pre-workout
- Upregulates androgen receptors (FSH + LH too)
- Reduces lactic acid (less soreness)
- Enhances ATP production (less fatigue)
- Boosts testosterone, dopamine AND BDNF
Shilajit + Cordyceps + B12. Extremely athletic elixir
Vitamin Cheat Sheet
Vitamin A = Skin + eye + liver + immunity
Vitamin B1 = metabolism/stress
Vitamin B2 + B3 = energy
Vitamin B5 + B6 = neurotransmitters
Vitamin B7 = hair and nails
Vitamin B9 (Folate) = supports liver detox
Vitamin B12 = blood health
Vitamin C = antioxidant
Vitamin D = immunity & sex hormones
Vitamin E = antioxidant
Vitamin K2 = arteries & bone health
Mineral Cheat Sheet
Boron = hormones/metabolism
Calcium + Phosphorus = Bone health
Chromium = blood sugar
Copper = iron metabolism
Iodine = thyroid hormones
Iron = oxygen transporter
Magnesium = sleep/anxiety
Manganese = sugar metabolism
Molybdenum = iron metabolism/Detox
Potassium/Sodium = heart health
Selenium = mitochondria (energy)
Zinc = immunity/testosterone/stomach
Functionally Essential Nutrients
Carnitine = Mitochondrial health
Carotenoids = Eye health
Choline = Memory + gastric function
Coenzyme Q10 = Energy production
Inositol = Sleep + brain health
Lipoic Acid = Antioxidant
ለሰውነቶ👉 For your Body
#Spirulina አረንጓዴው ምግብ
🍀 DXN Spirulina Food Supplement (የአለማችን ድንቁ ምግብ)
👉በአለም የጤና ድርጅት በተባበሩት መንግስታት ድርጅት ከፍተኛ የምግብነትና የህክምና ጠቀሜታ እንዳለው የተረጋገጠ። በእኛም ሀገር በኢትዮጵያ ምግብና መድሃኒት ቁጥጥር ባለ-ስልጣን ፈቃድ የተሰጠው።
🌿የሚመረተው Blue green alge ነው።
🌿በውስጡ ከ170 በላይ ንጥረ ነገሮችን ይዟል።
🌿 ሙሉ በሙሉ ተፈጥሮአዊ
🍀የምግብነት ጠቀሜታው
🌳ከፍተኛ የአትክልት ፕሮቲን ያለው
🌳ለደም መመረት የሚያገለግሉ ክሎሮፊል በውስጡ የያዘ ነው
🌳 አንቲ ኦክሲዳንት ባህሪን የያዘ ነው
🌳 አስደናቂ ጉልበት ይሰጣል
🌳 በሽታ የመከላከል አቅምን ይገነባል።
🌳አጥንትን ያጠነክራል።
🌳አላስፈላጊ የሆነ የሰውነት ክብደትን ያስወግዳል።
🌳 ለነፍሰጡር እናቶችና ለፅንሱ ከፍተኛ የምግብነት ጠቀሜታ አለው።
🌳 በማዕድናትና በቫይታሚን(ቢ12,ቢ1,ቢ2,ቢ6) የበለፀገ ነው።
🌳 በኦሜጋ-3 እና በኦሜጋ-6 የበለፀገ ነው።
🩺 የህክምና ጠቀሜታው
🩸 ካንሰርን ይከላከላል።
🩸 ለልብ በሽታ ዋና መንስኤ የሆነውን በደማችን ውስጥ የሚገኘውን የኮሎስትሮል መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል ።
🩸 በሰውነታችን አዲስ የደም ሴሎች የመመረት ስርአትን ያግዛል።
🩸 ሰውነታችንን ከአላስፈላጊ ጎጂ አሰሮች በየጊዜው ያፀዳል።
🩸በደም ውስጥ ያለን የስኳር መጠንን ይቆጣጠራል።
🩸የሰውነት ነርቭ ስርአትን ያጠናክራል።
Contact: +251919400228
Inbox: @abrillo12
Follow us more: @dxn_sheger
DXN PAPAYA FACIAL SCRUB~ኢሞሊየንት የፊት ማጽጃ፣ በፓፓያ ኤክስፕረሽን የተሸፈነ፣ ቆዳዎ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ የተመጣጠነ እና ደካማ ቆዳ እንዲለቅ ያደርገዋል፣ ከመጠን ያለፈ ዘይት ከፊትዎ ላይ ያስወግዳል፣ ጤናማ በሚመስል ፍካት ለስላሳ ያደርገዋል።
ይህ ~
DXN Ganozhi PLUS Toothpaste
#የእርስዎ ፍሎራይድ እና ሳካሪን የያዙ የጥርስ ሳሙናዎች ከባድ የጤና ችግሮች እንደሚያስከትሉ ያውቃሉ?
#ምናልባት የካርሲኖጂክ ውጤቶች አሉት, ይህም ማለት የካንሰር መንስኤ እና ሌሎች ውስብስብ ችግሮች ማለት ነው።
አብዛኛዎቹ የተፈጥሮ የጥርስ ሳሙናዎች ለመጠቀም ደህንነታቸው የተጠበቀ ነው።
#DXN Ganozhi Ganoderma የጥርስ ሳሙና (ጋኖዝሂ ተብሎ የሚጠራው) ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው የቀይ እንጉዳይ ፣ የምግብ ጄል (ከባህር አረም የተገኘ ሶዲየም አልጊኔት) እና menthol (ለጣዕም) ይይዛል።
#Ganozhi የጥርስ ሳሙና 100% ከፍሎራይድ ነፃ ነው፣ ምንም saccharin እና አርቲፊሻል ቀለም የለውም።
#ከፍተኛ ጥራት ያለው ጋኖደርማ, የምግብ ጄል እና ሜንቶል ይዟል።
✨የጥርስ ሳሙናዎን ዛሬ ለመቀየር! DXN Ganozhi ኦርጋኒክ የጥርስ ሳሙና ይምረጡ።
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መልካም ገና
ገናን ለአእምሮ ጤናማ በሆነ መንገድ ማክበር
ደስታን ማጣጣምን፣ ጭንቀትን መቀነስን እና ግንኙነቶቻችንን ማዳበርን ያካትታል።
ጤናማ የሆነ የገና በአልን በማስተዋል፣ በህይወታችን ላሉ ሰዎች ቅድሚያ በመስጠት እና ርህራሄን ለራስ እና ለሌሎች በማሳየት እናክብር።
🌿 Did you know this vital nutrient acts more like a hormone in your body?
It plays a massive role in balancing hormone health, supporting a strong immune system, and optimizing cellular function for energy and longevity.
🔎 Why You Need Vitamin D:
• Helps regulate estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol for better hormonal balance 🌸
• Boosts immune defense by activating T-cells 🛡️
• Supports mitochondria—the powerhouses of your cells—for sustained energy ⚡
📉 Low levels have been linked to mood swings, fatigue, weakened immunity, and even hormone imbalances.
💡 Want help understanding how vitamin D fits into YOUR health journey?
join @dxn_sheger