I know you all busy with Titan. But "Mars High, we have a problem"
Let's take her down commanders, keep it strong!
Thargoids Probably Think Humans are a Hive Mind?
I was thinking about the post asking "Are we the baddies" on the front page of this sub... and my first response was "well... not all of us!"
Then I really sat down and thought about it...
Thargoids have probably very limited information about how our minds operate. We know they kidnapped some humans and tried to assimilate them into their own hivemind, and it maybe failed because.... humans aren't a hive mind?
The Proteus wave wasn't a creation of all of Humanity. The current war kicked off because of this device, but the Thargoids likely assume that Humanity (Hivemind) did it. Maybe they assume Humanity as in one mind is seeking war against Thargoids, instead of having the information required to realize that some Humans are different from other humans.
Maybe Thargoids will never fully understand that each human is an individual entity. Maybe they think all our ships are connected to one mind and our attempts to capture thargoids have been attempts at assimilating the mind. Maybe they think the act of destroying a thargoid "ship" is an attack on the entire mind itself.
Anyway back to killing Cocijo!
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If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!
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Let's be honest, Elite hasn't had a year this good for a long time
Now is the time to prepare: FULL POWER TO SYS, AND TURN ON SILENT RUNNING. The pulse you're about to be hit with will overheat your ship if you leave your vents open, so silent running will protect your ship from overheating.
\- After a short period of time, it will go quiet and you'll hear a massive energy discharge, along with a huge wave of electricity heading towards you. Press AND HOLD the Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer like your life depends on it, because it does. Do not let go of that button until your ship stops shaking. If you let go too early, you will get thrown back out of the cloud and have to start over again. If you do it right, it will take about 3-4 caustic sinks to get into the titan, so there's very little room for error on this.
\- Keep repeating this process until you come into an asteroid field. Eventually you'll stop taking caustic damage and that's how you'll know you're securely in the titan.
\- Once you are securely in the titan, take a breather, (arguably) the hardest part is over!
\- Now you need to turn off some modules. Open your right panel and turn off the following:
Frame Shift Drive, Cargo Hatch, Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer, Caustic Sink Launcher, and Life Support
Yes. We are turning off life support. With a 4A Life Support module, you'll have 25 minutes of oxygen, which is more than enough to do 2 titan heat cycles and re-enable it without dying. The reason we're doing this is because your ship needs to stay under 20% heat in order to avoid being detected by the turrets and interceptors. Some enemies may still see you, and if that happens, you'll want to boost away and drop a heat sink to stay cold. By turning these modules off, your ship will fly at 19% heat, so you can save on the precious few heatsinks you'll have left from escaping interdictions, if you even have any left.
\- Now that your modules are off, it's time to do your bombing run. There are two sides to the Titan, the vent side and the core side. The vent side will have these bulbous looking domes on the edges of the fins of the titan, and they will open when the titan vents its heat. You will target these and fire a single Nanite Torpedo at one. Because your ship will be slow, only worry about shooting 2-3 vents at most. Once you've shot that many, it's time to go to the other side of the titan, the core side.
\- Shortly after you go topside, you'll see an alert and hear a noise that the titan core is venting. Fly towards the center of the titan, put full power to weapons, and dump all your missiles into the giant glowing pineapple-core-looking structure. You may want to fire a heat sink if you have one to stay cold during this part of the attack.
\- The MOMENT, not a little after, the MOMENT the core starts to go down, abort your attack, take a 90 degree turn towards the sky, full power to engines, drop a heatsink and boost away as fast as you can. The titan will engage an extremely powerful EMP blast that will trap you and deal significant damage to your hull (anywhere from 30-60% depending on the ship) and leave you open to fire by other thargoids. You can't escape it going to the left or right, only straight up. You will know when the EMP strike is over by the sound, or by doing a 180 degree turn in Flight Assist Off so you can drift away while watching the light show.
Side Note: You only need 2,000,000 credits worth of damage to the titan for you to receive your cosmetic sticker.
\- Repeat! That's all there is to it. If you still have over 15-20 minutes of Life Support, give yourself a repair limpet and go for another attack run. If you are low on Life Support, abort the rest of your runs and follow the next instructions to get out of the titan:
\- To leave the titan without a rebuy, turn on all your disabled modules, starting with Life Support. Once everything is back on, continue to boost away from the titan. Thermals don't matter for this next part.
\- As you fly back into the caustic cloud, use any remaining caustic sinks the same way you used them on the way in.
\- At some point while flying out,
There she blows. The outpost with the most raging alcoholics in the Galaxy.
TIL you can store multiple/all modules on a ship at once.
Thanks to the 600 storage limit increase, I sold my entire fleet of Storage Units.
In outfitting, click "Stored Modules", on the next screen there is a button in almost the same place "Store Multiple". It then gives you a tree where you can select all the modules you want to remove.
I am Triple Elite, have thousands of hours in, and today, I once again felt like a complete noob. Hope this helps someone else!
Titan Cocijo bugged, so I managed to do this...
Lets be realistic, this new ship with the kit and the midnight black paintjob has major F-117 Nighthawk vibes or at the very least stealth fighter vibes. Just need the pointy nose to be part of the kit.
Two weeks ago, I had never even killed a Thargoid scout. Today I bombed a Titan. If this is how we go out I have no regrets
Hosted a mate in multicrew so he could see the Titan, he got this screenshot of us
On my way to earn my 8th star. Fight well, CMDRs. O7
DAILY Q&A Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!
Greetings, Commanders! This is the Daily Q&A post for /r/EliteDangerous
If you have any questions about any topic, whether it be for the moderators, tips and tricks for piloting or general gameplay/development questions please post here!
Please check new comments and help answer to the best of your ability so we can see this community flourish!
Remember to check [previous daily Q&A threads](/r/EliteDangerous/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ADaily+Q%26A) and the [New Q&A FAQ](/r/EliteDangerous/wiki/faqpart2).
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Midnight Black Matte Mandalay Now Available!
I know it's not the most exotic spot, but I've wanted to go to the top for a while.
Are we the baddies?
I am a slightly newer commander and thus surely don't have all of the information. But recently i started to think a bit more about the current war, and i am wondering: Are we the baddies?
The Sol attack looks like a last desperate attempt by a Hivemind to deal with an existential threat (by us). If this were a movie, this would be the kind of last-ditch plan that people come up with in the last 30 minutes to somehow turn a hopeless situation around. Hopelessly outmatched, losing the war on all fronts, lets do a final last push to kill the human queen and save our race! (Remember that they are a hive, they probably think we work like they do. We should probably put some extra security on the president).
I also found some history recordings by a Jameson who apparently attempted to genocide the Thargoids using biological weapons.
Add to that some superficial clues: We make a contest out of killing as many of them as possible, with rewards for the biggest killers. We harvest their bodies as resources. And we fly about in black ships ordained with alien skull symbols.
Those don't really sound like the actions of the good guys. I mean, true, their ships do kinda look like a rats anus, so we got that going for us, but still: Are we the baddies?
you will hear the titan's pulse attack charge again. This time we're going to let it hit us. When you hear the pulse charging, hit silent running again, but this time activate Flight Assist Off if you haven't already. When the pulse hits you, you will be ejected out of the cloud at over 1800m/s. This will ensure you leave as quickly as possible with as little caustic damage as possible.
\- Once you've exited the cloud, disable silent running, select a star to jump to, and claim your credits for fighting titan cocijo!
Hopefully this helps some of the newer players who didn't have time to engineer.
I won't lie to you or sugarcoat it: this is not an optimal build. It has almost no room for error, is 100m/s slower than it should be, and relies on risky module management to be cold enough to avoid danger. However, it can get you there and survive long enough to get 2m credits of damage if you play your cards right and get lucky on enemy RNG.
Get out there and give the xenos all you've got!
Fly dangerously, commanders o7
PSA/Reminder to new pilots: the Thargoid Titan is meant to be endgame content, but here's how to be a part of it with no engineering! (It's risky and difficult, but possible)
If you're feeling sad/overwhelmed/missing out on the super hyped up titan fight right now, please know that the fight with Cocijo is the end of a 2-year war that Frontier started in 2022. Many of the AX and Guardian weapons we now use weren't even available when the war started back then. Thargoid content, since the beginning of the game, was always geared towards higher level players with the most powerful weapons and ships available, but that doesn't mean you can't participate!
Because this is meant to be late game content, but newer players still want to get in on the action, this is why Frontier has made ships like the Pre-Built Titan Bomber Krait Mk II available for ARX.
That prebuilt ship saves you at minimum 20-30 hours of gameplay, but more realistically 40-60. And those are extremely focused hours. There are commanders with 200 hours in the game who haven't even touched the requirements to unlock the engineers and special modifications needed to survive AX combat.
If getting the pre-built Krait II isn't something you're able or willing to do, check out the Anti-Xeno Initiative Discord for support.
THAT BEING SAID: If you need a ship that will survive long enough to get into the titan and deal 2m credits worth of damage to get your participation sticker, as well as get the Community Goal rewards, **here is a Krait II build with no engineering**. If you pilot it correctly, it will get you into the titan and survive long enough to damage the core.
It will require a lot of in game credits (well over 500,000), but if you have the money, it will work.
Here is how to fight the titan:
\- Get your fire groups ready. Fire Group 1 should have the Thargoid Pulse Neutralizer set to 1 and Caustic Sinks set to 2. Fire Group 2 should have the Enhanced AX Missile Racks set to 1 and Nanite Torpedo Pylon set to 2.
\- Jump into Sol
\- If you get hyperdicted, drop a heatsink and boost directly away from the interceptor with full power to engines. Do not worry if Sol is behind you, you need to stay away from the Interceptor as long as possible, and stay under 20% heat to avoid incoming fire.
\- Once the FSD recharge is over, start the FSD jump while still boosting away from the Interceptor
\- When your FSD is ready to jump, aim at Sol and boost towards it. You will not be hyperdicted again.
\- Upon landing in Sol, you may get interdicted many times on the way to Cocijo's signal source. Repeat the same steps as above, only trigger your supercruise instead of an FSD jump.
\- Once you arrive in Cocijo's caustic cloud, you have basically one shot with that build to get into the titan because of how few caustic sinks you have.
\- Fly straight into the cloud from where you exited supercruise, and boost the whole way there. You need to spend as little time in the cloud as possible. You will hear the "caustic damage" warning go off, and see your Caustic Sink health bar fill up with green goop. Right before that bar fills all the way up, eject the caustic sink so you don't take caustic damage. If you forget to do that, your ship health will turn/flash green and begin to take steady amounts of heavy damage. Eject the sink as soon as possible and it will automatically start to clean your ship within a few seconds and return it to normal.
\- If you see an Interceptor patrolling the cloud, drop a heatsink and slightly maneuver away from it while still aiming for the dark red cloud with lightning. That's where Cocijo is.
\- After a while, you'll hear an ominous charging noise while the center of the cloud glows bright blue.
I hope cocijo lands on this island on the right, it would be cool to have a thargoid ruin there
First heart has fallen
First heart down in 8 hours. Rate of heart destruction likely to increase when UK and US hit Friday night and the weekend . Don’t expect this Titan to last long, get in now.
Get in on attacking Titan Cocijo now, don't wait until the last moment. Every two hearts, the threat level near the Titan increases!
A lot of players think they can just wait until the last moment to get their Titan Bonds and participate in the Community Goal, but that can be a big mistake! The number of interceptors around the titan increases dramatically as the Titan is damaged; at the start, it's just a few cyclopses on average, but by the end you can expect basilisks, medusas, even Hydras, plus a near-guaranteed complement of Glaives on patrol!
In other words, it's somewhat difficult now, but it can and will get a LOT harder. So don't wait! Get in now and get those bonds, before it becomes more difficult!
I made a quick guide on bombing the Titan Cocijo for my friends, hope it's helpful for other CMDRs helping to liberate Sol
Behold: nicest ship in entire game is arrive!
Congrats on 350k CMDRs /r/EliteDangerous!
It’s been a wild end of the year but I think a lot of us can agree that there have been some fantastic updates recently. Coupled with some good story telling and community uplifting events, it’s looking like the future is good.
Can’t wait for colonization and to see this place really explode.
o7 CMDRs