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📒kick off (2)
to force someone to leave something like a team or a committee
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Anyone who is caught using performance-enhancing drugs will be kicked off the team.
💬 When they saw the evidence, they kicked Dan off the committee for accepting bribes.
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📒 Fair exchange is no robbery
Swapping one thing fairly in return for another is not the same as stealing.
💠 louse up 🇺🇸
to spoil something or make it fail
❕For example
🔺She really wants this job, so I hope she doesn't louse up the interview.
🔺Don't worry. He won't louse it up. He's been doing these deals for years.
📚stick out like a sore thumb | stand out like a sore thumb
If someone sticks out like a sore thumb, or stands out like a sore thumb, everyone notices them because they're not the same as the people around them.
❗️For example
🔸Kenny stuck out like a sore thumb at the party. He was the only person wearing a suit and a tie.
🔸When I was in the Nigerian countryside I stood out like a sore thumb. I was the only white person around.
📒buy out
to buy somebody's share of a company or a partnership in order to take control of it.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Many workers weren't happy when a group of new investors bought the majority shareholder out and took control of the company.
💬 My sister wants to buy out my share of the family business.
📚a ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate
If you give a ballpark figure or a ballpark estimate, you give a number which you think is fairly close to the actual one.
❗️For example
🔸We don't know the exact cost, but a ballpark figure would be around six million dollars.
🔸I know you can't tell me exactly when it'll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate?
📒fill up (2)
to fill someone's stomach with food
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Sam says there's nothing like a big bowl of hot porridge to fill you up in the morning.
💬 Whenever I visit my mum, she fills me up with all the things she made for us when we were kids.
💠 bent 🇺🇸
dishonest, corrupt
❕For example
🔺We always knew those cops were bent, but we've never had the evidence to prove it.
🔺Even though she'd been cheating on her taxes for years, Cathy didn't consider herself bent. She said everybody did it.
📒 First things first
1) Be patient: do things in the logical order. 2) Do the most important things before the less important things.
📒knock out (1)
If you are knocked out, you are hit so hard that you lose consciousness.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Muhammad Ali knocked out George Foreman in the eighth round and won the fight.
💬 He slipped over in the bathroom and knocked himself out.
💠 chicken out 🇺🇸
to change one's mind about doing something because of fear
❕For example
🔺I was going to go sky diving, but I chickened out at the last minute.
🔺Gary said he felt too sick to go bungee jumping, but his friends said he was just chickening out.
📒 The road to hell is paved with good intentions
People who believe they are doing good can end up doing bad (the law of unintended consequences). 2) There is no value in simply planning to do good if you don't actually do it.
💠 turps 🇺🇸
alcohol, alcoholic drinks
❕For example
🔺My mate Barry was on the turps for years before he started going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
🔺When I saw Bruce, I said "Geez mate, you don't look too hot. Get stuck into the turps last night, did ya?"
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💠 funk 🇺🇸
(in phrase be in a funk) an unhappy, depressed mood
❕For example
🔺He's been in a real funk since his girlfriend left him.
🔺Everyone in the office has been in a funk since we heard that our company might be going bankrupt.
📚talk turkey
If you talk turkey, you discuss something seriously, usually to do with business or money.
❗️For example
🔸After the owner had shown him around the apartment, Shane decided it was just what he wanted, so he said, "OK, I'm interested. Let's talk turkey."
🔸I started to say something about the deal, but Mr Hamilton said, "Not now, my boy. We never talk turkey at the dinner table."
📒queue up
If you queue up, you join a line of people waiting for their turn to do something.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 When we went to the bank we had to queue up at the counter.
💬 Don't you hate it when you've been queuing up for a ticket, and they run out just before you get to the counter?
📒 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Different people see beauty in different ways. What one person finds beautiful may not appeal to another person.
💠 mega 🇺🇸
very big; extremely
❕For example
🔺Those guys who started software companies back in the seventies are mega rich by now.
🔺The Beatles were one of the mega bands of the century, for sure.
📒 If you play with fire you get burned
If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to get harmed.
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📚like a fish out of water
You feel like a fish out of water if you're surrounded by people who are different to you, and it's making you feel a little uncomfortable.
❗️For example
🔸I was the only black person in a church full of white people, and I felt like a fish out of water at first. But lots of people came up and talked to me after the service, and I soon felt quite at home.
🔸Sayoko travels to a lot of unusual places. She says feeling like a fish out of water is sometimes interesting.
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📚chew the fat | chew the rag
If you chew the fat, or chew the rag, you have a long, friendly chat with someone.
❗️For example
🔸I sometimes call Wendy late at night and we chew the fat for an hour or so before going to sleep.
🔸Why don't you come over on Sunday morning and I'll make some breakfast and we can chew the rag for a couple of hours?
📒go down (3)
When the sun or the moon goes down, it gets lower and lower in the sky until it disappears below the horizon.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 What time does the sun go down?
💬 We sat on the beach and watched the sun go down.
📚wide of the mark
If something is wide of the mark, it isn't true or accurate, or it misses the target.
❗️For example
🔸The manager expected sales to double this year, but his prediction was wide of the mark. They only increased by ten per cent.
🔸Ronaldo's first shot was wide of the mark, but his second one went right into the back of the net for a goal.