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English Language

📒make of (1)

to understand, or to make sense of, someone or something

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Our new neighbours are a bit strange. I'm not quite sure what to make of them.

💬 What did you make of Joe's story? Do you think it really happened like that, or do you think he was making it up?


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English Language

💠 bastard 🇺🇸


an unpleasant, despicable person

❕For example

🔺Gary can be a real selfish bastard sometimes.

🔺If he's such a bastard to you, Cindy, why don't you split up with him and find a nicer guy to go out with?


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English Language

📒The nearer the Church, the farther from God


  1) The implication is that those who are most involved in any religious system, its organizers and high priests, are in danger of separating themselves from God.

2) If written as "The nearer the church, the farther from God", the implication might be a warning about placing too much importance on material buildings, and a reminder that God is everywhere.


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English Language

💠 on the wagon 🇺🇸


not drinking alcohol, esp. of an alcoholic or a heavy drinker

❕For example

🔺Benny wants to go on the wagon, so he's going to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting tonight.

🔺How long have you been on the wagon this time?


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English Language

📒Nothing so certain as death


    We can be 100% sure that we will die.


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English Language

💠 grinding 🇺🇸


dancing in a sexually arousing way

❕For example

🔺When Mario and Carla starting grinding on the dance floor, the others stood back and cheered them on.

🔺Pete says the thing that drives him totally wild is when a girl pulls him close and starts grinding on him.


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English Language

📚under a cloud

If someone is under a cloud, they are suspected of having done something wrong.

❗️For example

🔸 Ever since the rumours of corruption started, the president has been under a cloud and he probably won't win another election.

🔸Henry has been under a cloud since the money disappeared and he bought a new car.


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English Language

📒hold down

to stop something from rising by pressing down on it or putting a heavy object on it

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The vet's assistant held down our dog while the vet gave her the injection.

💬  I held the board down with my foot while I hammered it in place.


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English Language

📚leave well enough alone | let well enough alone

If you leave well enough alone, or let well enough alone, you don't try to improve or change something that's already good enough.

❗️For example

🔸 The kids seem happy enough now so let's just leave well enough alone and forget about finding a new school for them.

🔸Unless there's a problem, I'd suggest you just let well enough alone and let your staff get on with their work.


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English Language

📒cross off

to remove a name or an item from a list by drawing a line through it

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Cross off all the people you've already contacted.

💬  Cross each item off once you've got it, OK?


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English Language

📚burn your bridges | burn your boats

You have burned your bridges, or burned your boats, if you were in a situation and you then left it after doing something that made it impossible to go back there.

❗️For example

🔸 If you insult the boss when you leave, you'll be burning your bridges and you'll never be able to go back to work there again.

🔸I knew I'd be burning my boats if I dropped out of school, but I didn't care because I was determined to be a photographer.


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English Language

📒No man is an island


    Human beings do not (or should not) live in isolation. All people are interconnected. A person is not like an island, standing alone and surrounded by sea.


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English Language

📒They also serve who only stand and wait


We all have a place in this world and we all perform a function, regardless of our ability or disability. The word order of this sentence may make it more difficult to understand. In normal English it would be something like: "They (those people) who only stand and wait, also serve."

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English Language

📚make a mountain out of a molehill

If you make a mountain out of a molehill, you make a small problem seem to be a much bigger problem.

❗️For example

🔸You've just got a cold so stop making a mountain out of a molehill. You're not going to die from it!

🔸Come on, you only lost $10. It's not that much, so I think you might be making a mountain out of a molehill.


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English Language

📒stand down

to resign or retire from a job or a position

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 The CEO decided to stand down when he turned seventy so that a younger person could take over.

💬 Many people were demanding that the Minister of Defence stand down after he admitted some prisoners had been tortured.


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English Language

📚vim and vigor

If you have vim and vigor, you have lots of energy and enthusiasm for life.

❗️For example

🔸Our grandmother is always full of vim and vigor when we go to visit her.

🔸If you want to have lots of vim and vigor when you get older, you need to eat good food and get plenty of exercise when you're young.


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English Language

📒charge with

If someone is charged with a crime, they are officially accused of committing it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The company's directors were arrested and charged with tax evasion.

💬 Even though they weren't charged with a crime, hundreds of people were kept for many years in a U.S. prison in Cuba called Guantanamo Bay.


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English Language

📚talk through your hat

If you're talking through your hat, you're talking about something without knowing much about it, or you claim something is true when it isn't.

❗️For example

🔸Evan says that quantum physics proves that space and time don't really exist, but Kathy says he's talking through his hat.

🔸I proved that George was talking through his hat by checking on the internet to find out if what he said is true - and it isn't.


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English Language

📒go back

to return to a place, a person, a condition, etc.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  I'm feeling much better, thanks. I should be able to go back to work tomorrow.

💬  Sandra left her passport at home, so she had to go back and get it.


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English Language

📒Good wine needs no bush


    Something of good quality does not need to be advertised.


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English Language

💠 app 🇺🇸


a computer software application

❕For example

🔺Check out this killer app I downloaded last night!

🔺Karen found this amazing app that makes you look really good in photos. It's great for Facebook photos and stuff.


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English Language

📒Give credit where credit is due


    The implication is that even if we are reluctant to praise someone, we should do so if the praise is deserved.


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English Language

💠 grinding 🇺🇸


dancing in a sexually arousing way

❕For example

🔺When Mario and Carla starting grinding on the dance floor, the others stood back and cheered them on.

🔺Pete says the thing that drives him totally wild is when a girl pulls him close and starts grinding on him.


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English Language

📒Say well or be still


    If you cannot speak good of someone or something, then it is better not to speak.


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English Language

💠 goof off | goof around 🇺🇸


waste time, play around

❕For example

🔺Whenever the teacher leaves the classroom she tells her students to keep working, but as soon as she leaves they start goofing off.

🔺 It's the kids who goof around in college instead of taking their studies seriously who'll be in trouble when they try to join the workforce.


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English Language

📒catch on (1)

If something catches on, it becomes popular.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Mobile phones took a while to catch on, but now everybody's got one.

💬  More and more people are learning how to meditate. It's really catching on.


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English Language

📚worth its weight in gold

If something is worth its weight in gold, it is extremely valuable or extremely useful.

❗️For example

🔸 Your grandmother's stories are worth their weight in gold, so you should try to record them or write them down.

🔸A personal recommendation from someone like Professor Clark is worth its weight in gold. You'll be able to get a job anywhere you like with that.


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