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📒slip up
to make a small mistake, usually because of carelessness
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 I'm usually pretty reliable, but sometimes I slip up, like everybody.
💬If our goalkeeper hadn't slipped up, we would have won the match.
📚a matter of life and death
If something is a matter of life and death, it's extremely important and it could involve someone's survival.
❗️For example
🔸Education about HIV and AIDS is a matter of life and death. If people aren't told to protect themselves with condoms, they could die from the disease.
🔸Getting someone to hospital quickly after an accident or a heart attack is a matter of life and death. Just a few minutes can make all the difference.
📒pull down (2)
to lower one's pants or trousers
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 My doctor told me to pull down my jeans so he could examine my leg.
💬 Molly pulled her pants down and showed us the new tattoo on her bottom.
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📒 The Devil sometimes speaks the truth
1) Sometimes what Satan says is true, to make us more ready to believe his lies. 2) Don't believe everything at face value. Be aware that liars can use the truth to trick us.
💠 kickback 🇺🇸
a payment made, often secretly or illegally, to someone who has helped to arrange a deal or a job
❕For example
🔺Several corrupt politicians were arrested for getting kickbacks from companies that were given huge government contracts.
🔺We'll have to pay a $50,000 kickback to the school's principal if we want to get the job of building their new assembly hall.
📒 Fortune knocks once at every man's door
We all get at least one good opportunity in life; everybody has the opportunity to be successful in life.
💠 quarterback 🇺🇸
to lead and make decisions
❕For example
🔺We need someone who can quarterback the sales team when they go to trade fairs.
🔺Who's going to quarterback Monday's staff meeting?
📒 Opportunity seldom knocks twice
Take any opportunity or chance when it comes - it may not come again.
💠 knackered (2) 🇺🇸
severely damaged
❕For example
🔺My car is knackered. I was driving home last night when it coughed and spluttered and started smoking, and then it groaned and died.
🔺My printer was fine yesterday, but when I turned it on this morning, nothing happened. I think it's knackered.
📒 Empty vessels make the most noise
Stupid people speak loudest.
💠 oddball 🇺🇸
a strange or eccentric person (n.) | strange, weird (adj.)
❕For example
🔺Our new accountant is a real oddball. He's always squeezing this little rubber ball, and he even takes it into the toilet!
🔺My girlfriend took me to see one of those oddball European movies she likes. I can never understand them.
📚back to square one
If you have to go back to square one, you have to stop and start again, usually because something isn't working as well as expected.
❗️For example
🔸We were going to start the new company next month, but it's back to square one now that Omar has changed his mind about investing in it.
🔸After they lost the election, the Liberal Party had to go back to square one and come up with some new policies and some new ideas.
📒lose out
If you lose out, you fail to benefit from something that others are benefitting from.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Thanks to my stockbroker, I've lost out big time. He told me to sell all my telecom shares - and now they're worth a fortune!
💬 The Education Ministry has lost out again in this year's budget because the government needs the money to pay for the war.
📚a white lie
If you tell a white lie, you say something that isn't true in order to be polite or so as not to hurt someone's feelings.
❗️For example
🔸Sometimes it's better to tell a white lie than to tell someone a painful truth.
🔸I really didn't want to go to my boss's dinner party, so I told a white lie and said I had to go to a friend's wedding party that night.
💠 gasbag 🇺🇸
a person who talks too much
❕For example
🔺Are you sure we should invite Betty? She's such a gasbag that no-one else will have a chance to say anything.
🔺My wife's friend Gillian is such a gasbag. I swear, from the moment she arrives until the moment she leaves, she talks non-stop.
📒 Give credit where credit is due
The implication is that even if we are reluctant to praise someone, we should do so if the praise is deserved.
Note: credit (noun) = public praise or acknowledgment
due (adj.) = merited; deserved
💠 ivories (2) 🇺🇸
piano keys
❕For example
🔺Lay down a groove on those skins, my man, and I'll start tinklin' the ivories when the baby's rockin'.
🔺And that's Mr. Ron Carter on double bass, Mr. Wayne Shorter on saxophone, and the cool cat on the ivories over there is Mr. Joe Zawinul!
📚know where you stand
If you know where you stand, you know exactly where you fit in a social or work situation, or in someone's life.
❗️For example
🔸Nobody bothered to ask Ken for his opinion, so he says he now knows where he stands in the company.
🔸Shelley didn't even invite me to her party, so I know where I stand with her now.
📒print out
to make a printed copy of a document
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Could you print out the contract and leave it on my desk, please?
💬 Print a test copy out and let me check it before you send the file to the printers.
📚around the clock
If something occurs around the clock, it goes on all day and all night.
❗️For example
🔸I have to finish this report by Tuesday, so I'll be working around the clock until I get it done.
🔸What the young people of this town need is a drop-in centre that's open around the clock.
📒send for
to ask for someone to come to you, or to ask for something to be sent to you
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 If someone gets hurt, send for an ambulance and a doctor straight away.
💬 After her car broke down, Lisa sent for a tow truck to come and take it to a garage.
📚face the music
If someone has to face the music, they have to accept the consequences of doing something wrong.
❗️For example
🔸To avoid facing the music and accepting his punishment for doing something bad, our little boy will tell lies with the skill of a well-trained actor.
🔸Henry stole some money and bought a car, and when he realised he'd have to face the music he drove across the border to escape.
📒die out
If something like a species of animal or a language is dying out, it is disappearing and could soon be lost forever.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Several languages will die out soon if more people don't start learning them and speaking them.
💬 Some people believe polar bears could die out within twenty or thirty years because of global warming.
📚friends in high places
If you have friends in high places, you know people in powerful positions in business or government.
❗️For example
🔸You'll need friends in high places if you want to get to the top.
🔸Martin mightn't be the most brilliant man, but he'll do well because he's got plenty of friends in high places.
📒miss out
to miss the chance to get something you'd like to have, or do something you'd like to do
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 We tried to buy tickets to the Nick Cave concert, but they'd sold out. If we'd tried to buy them earlier, we wouldn't have missed out.
💬We all feel sorry for Tim. He missed out on a spot in the Olympic team because he injured his foot during the selection trials.
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📒 Facts are stubborn things
We cannot avoid the truth, even when it is not what we want to hear or express.
💠 up 🇺🇸
full of positive feelings; hopeful
❕For example
🔺The lively music and colourful lighting made everyone feel positive and up.
🔺Jane's been having a hard time lately, but she's feeling up today.
📒 Where there's muck there's money
There is money to be made in dirt and dirty jobs. For example, many people have made fortunes by processing rubbish or waste materials.
Note: Another version of this saying is: "Where there's muck there's brass."
Origin: This saying originated in England in or before the 19th century. The 17th-century book "A collection of English proverbs" (Rev. John Ray) includes a similar idea: "Muck and money go together."