📒 A bad penny always turns up
Bad or nasty people have a habit of showing up or returning.
💠 dope (1) 🇺🇸
heroin, cannabis; any illegal drug
❕For example
🔺Harry's been arrested again for buying dope.
🔺We had to send some students for counselling on the dangers of using drugs after they were caught smoking dope in the toilets.
📒 If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
If you cannot win against someone or something, it may be easier or better to join forces with them.
Note: 'em (informal contraction) = them
💠 jailbait 🇺🇸
someone below the legal age of consent
❕For example
🔺He claims he had no idea the girl was jailbait, and insists that she told him she was nineteen years old.
🔺One of the greatest novels in the English language is about a man who falls for a girl even though he knows she's jailbait. It's called "Lolita".
📒 If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
An employer who pays low wages will have bad staff.
📒wear out (2)
If something wears you out, it makes you feel tired and lacking in energy.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Helen doesn't really like teaching young kids. She says the job really wears her out.
💬 It's no wonder that you get worn out. You're raising three kids and you have a full-time job.
📚on your last legs | on its last legs
If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.
❗️For example
🔸Bobby looks like he's on his last legs. Do you think he can make it to the top of the mountain?
🔸My old printer is on its last legs. It's time I got a new one.
📒mixed up in
to be involved in something illegal or immoral, such as organised crime or corruption
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Jake was mixed up in the drugs trade when he got arrested for selling marijuana.
💬 Several high-ranking generals were mixed up in organised crime and oil smuggling.
📚a quick study
If you're a quick study, you can learn new things quickly.
❗️For example
🔸Albert was always a quick study, except when it came to learning languages.
🔸I only need to show Sue how to do something once, and she gets it. She's a quick study, that girl.
📒stand by (1)
If you're standing by, you're ready to do something or help somebody.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The airport's rescue team stands by around the clock in case there is a fire or a plane crash.
💬 A doctor is always standing by at the boxing stadium in case one of the fighters needs medical attention.
📚run rings around | run circles around
If you run rings around someone, or run circles around them, you do something much better than they do.
❗️For example
🔸The Democrat candidate ran rings around the Republican candidate in their debate on the economy.
🔸We watched this dance contest and some kid from Brixton ran circles around a guy from Chelsea.
📒 Least said soonest mended
When we do or say something bad to someone, a long apology and discussion does not help. In such a case, the less we say the better.
💠 ute 🇺🇸
a pickup truck
❕For example
🔺After shooting two kangaroos, Bruce threw them into the back of his ute and drove back to town.
🔺Nearly every farmer in Australia owns a ute.
📒 A good payer is master of another's purse
Someone who is known to always pay exactly as promised can borrow money from other people at any time.
💠 meathead 🇺🇸
a stupid person
❕For example
🔺How did a meathead like that guy get elected to represent the people in his state?
🔺I was watching the tennis yesterday and some meathead yelled out just as Rafael was serving. The security guys found him and threw him out.
📒come out (2)
to become known
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Many people would be shocked if the truth about the so-called terrorist attacks ever came out.
💬 The full story behind his arrest might never come out.
📚face the music
If someone has to face the music, they have to accept the consequences of doing something wrong.
❗️For example
🔸To avoid facing the music and accepting his punishment for doing something bad, our little boy will tell lies with the skill of a well-trained actor.
🔸Henry stole some money and bought a car, and when he realised he'd have to face the music he drove across the border to escape.
📒mistake for
to wrongly think that a person or thing is someone or something else
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Fake Gucci bags look real and can easily be mistaken for genuine Gucci bags.
💬 There's a guy who lives near here who often gets mistaken for David Beckham. He looks just like him.
📚an ivory tower
You can say someone's in an ivory tower if they're in a place that separates them from everyday life, such as a university.
❗️For example
🔸People often complain that academics stuck in their ivory towers don't really understand the problems of the average person.
🔸Peter's dream is to get tenure in a university and spend the rest of his life hidden away in an ivory tower.
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💠 aggro 🇺🇸
aggressive, violent
❕For example
🔺If you're near a British pub around closing time, be careful. People who've had a few too many drinks can get pretty aggro and they might be looking for a fight.
🔺These young guys think they have to look tough and do this whole aggro thing to get some respect.
📒 Jack of all trades, master of none
Suggesting that a person who can do many different types of work is probably not very good at any of them.
💠 toffee-nosed 🇺🇸
snobbish, pretentiously superior towards people of lower social class or income
❕For example
🔺Just ignore him. He's a toffee-nosed prat.
🔺Those fashion shows are full of toffee-nosed snobs showing off their gaudy trinkets and baubles.
📒 One tongue is enough for a woman
Some people think that women talk too much. If they already talk too much, they don't need another tongue. One tongue is sufficient (but see Origin below).
💠 meathead 🇺🇸
a stupid person
❕For example
🔺How did a meathead like that guy get elected to represent the people in his state?
🔺I was watching the tennis yesterday and some meathead yelled out just as Rafael was serving. The security guys found him and threw him out.
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📒hand back
to give something back to someone by hand
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 If the immigration official doesn't hand back your passport straight away, don't worry. He's probably just seeing which countries you've visited.
💬 If someone gives you their business card, don't hand it back. Keep it and give them yours in return.
📚the gift of the gab | the gift of gab
If you've got the gift of the gab, or the gift of gab, you have the natural ability to talk in a way that people find entertaining or persuasive.
❗️For example
All good salespeople have the gift of the gab, so people trust them and believe whatever they say.
🔸If you want to be a politician, you'll do much better if you were born with the gift of gab.
📒dying for
If you're dying for something, you really feel like it or you want it very much.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 I'm dying for a cup of tea. Let's have a break and I'll make one.
💬 After working non-stop for a month, Charles said he was dying for a day off so he could stay home and do nothing.
📚elbow grease
If something needs elbow grease, it needs a lot of hard physical work.
❗️For example
🔸We'll need a bit more elbow grease to get these walls really clean.
🔸The secret of a really shiny car is turtle wax and elbow grease.