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📚a voice (crying) in the wilderness
You're a voice in the wilderness, or a voice crying in the wilderness, if you're expressing an unpopular opinion or insight.
❗️For example
🔸When Galileo stated that the sun was the centre of the solar system, he was a voice crying in the wilderness. Most people thought he was crazy or evil, or possibly both.
🔸Clara says petrol engines should be banned because of the damage they cause to the environment. She says most people laugh when she says this, and she feels like a voice in the wilderness.
📚wide of the mark
If something is wide of the mark, it isn't true or accurate, or it misses the target.
❗️For example
🔸The manager expected sales to double this year, but his prediction was wide of the mark. They only increased by ten per cent.
🔸Ronaldo's first shot was wide of the mark, but his second one went right into the back of the net for a goal.
📒keep from (1)
If something or someone keeps you from doing something, it means you can't do it.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Are you busy? I don't want to keep you from your work.
💬 Most parents find it very difficult to keep their kids from eating unhealthy snacks.
📚learn the ropes
If you learn the ropes, you learn how to do a job properly, or how things work and how to get things done.
❗️For example
🔸Ruth will teach you what to do, and it shouldn't take you too long to learn the ropes.
🔸It can take quite a while for a new lawyer to learn the ropes in a big legal firm.
📒see to
If you see to something, you take responsibility for it and make sure it's done.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The police chief promised he'd see to it that whoever was behind the attacks would be caught and punished.
💬 That's a nasty cut. You'd better go to the hospital and have it seen to.
📚a raw deal
If you think that you got a raw deal, you think you weren't treated fairly or as well as other people.
❗️For example
🔸Doctors in small hospitals in country towns get a raw deal. They earn less, and usually work longer hours, than doctors in big-city hospitals.
🔸If it wasn't for the transport workers union, drivers would still be getting low wages and a raw deal all round.
📒 Soon learnt, soon forgotten
Something that is easy and quick to learn is easy to forget.
💠 empty-nester 🇺🇸
a parent whose children have grown up and left home
❕For example
🔺After spending many years raising their children, Kevin and Joan are now empty-nesters after their youngest daughter went to live with some friends.
🔺We're still getting used to being empty-nesters. The house seems so quiet all the time.
📒 He who pays the piper calls the tune
The person who pays a musician can decide what music he wants to hear. And the person who pays for any service has the right to say exactly what he wants.
💠 poop 🇺🇸
excrement (n.) | to defecate (v.)
❕For example
🔺Oh no! I've stepped in some smelly dog poop.
🔺We were driving home when my six year old son said, "Daddy, I need to poop ... badly."
📒 Many a true word is spoken in jest
Something said as a joke may often contain wisdom and truth.
Note: jest (noun): a joke; something said for amusement or comedy
💠 sharp 🇺🇸
❕For example
🔺Bernie looks real sharp in his new suit.
🔺If Glen spent a bit more on clothes, he could look really sharp.
📚wheeling and dealing
If you're wheeling and dealing, you're involved in the complex world of making deals and exchanging favours in business or politics, or both.
❗️For example
🔸You'll need to be good at wheeling and dealing if you want to do well in politics.
🔸The amount of wheeling and dealing that's needed to sort out a contract with the local government is incredible.
📒take away
If you take something away, you take it somewhere else.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The waitress took away the dirty dishes and then brought our coffee to the table.
💬 Would you like to eat your pizza here or take it away?
📚music to your ears
If something is music to your ears, it's just what you want to hear.
❗️For example
🔸When Halle heard Jason say "I do" at their wedding, it was music to her ears.
🔸After I'd done my final dive, the judges all said 9.9 or 10 and the crowd cheered. It was music to my ears!
💠 meathead 🇺🇸
a stupid person
❕For example
🔺How did a meathead like that guy get elected to represent the people in his state?
🔺I was watching the tennis yesterday and some meathead yelled out just as Rafael was serving. The security guys found him and threw him out.
📒 The greater the sinner, the greater the saint
1) If a bad person can become good, a very bad person can become very good. Someone with great energy for doing bad, may, when he chooses, apply it equally to doing good.
2) Converts are the most zealous. In a day-to-day sense, for example, someone who has given up smoking may preach more about the virtues of not smoking than someone who never smoked.
💠 gasbag 🇺🇸
a person who talks too much
❕For example
🔺Are you sure we should invite Betty? She's such a gasbag that no-one else will have a chance to say anything.
🔺My wife's friend Gillian is such a gasbag. I swear, from the moment she arrives until the moment she leaves, she talks non-stop.
📒 If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys
An employer who pays low wages will have bad staff.
Note: peanut (noun) = a seed like a hard pea, typically eaten by monkeys | peanuts (noun) = a very small sum of money |
pay peanuts (verb) = pay very low wages | monkey (noun) = a small to medium-sized, human-like animal living in trees in tropical countries
💠 KO | kayo 🇺🇸
a knockout, especially in boxing (n.) | to knock someone out, usually with a punch (v.)
❕For example
🔺Three of the boxers won their fights with a kayo, and the rest won on points.
🔺The fight was stopped after Tony KOed his opponent in the fourth round.
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📒talk over
to discuss a situation with someone, usually before making a decision
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 I'd like to talk it over with my family first.
💬 Before deciding whether to take the job or not, Sandra wanted to talk it over with her husband.
📚(your) hands are tied
You can say your hands are tied if you're prevented from doing something that you'd normally have the power or the authority to do.
❗️For example
🔸The president says he'd like to spend more on schools in poor districts, but says his hands are tied by what he calls "budgetary restrictions".
🔸I'd really like to give you the contract, Mr Gambino, but my hands are tied because of those laws on giving contracts to people with criminal records.
📒go after (2)
to try to get something
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Are you planning to go after Alex's job when he retires?
💬 If Rupert thinks there's a chance to take over a profitable company, he'll go after it with everything he's got.
📚dressed (up) to the nines
If you are dressed to the nines, or dressed up to the nines, you are wearing very smart clothes for a special occasion.
❗️For example
🔸Have you seen Harry? He's dressed to the nines and he looks amazing.
🔸Everyone was dressed up to the nines for the Academy Awards, with the men in tuxedos and the women in evening gowns.
📒insist on
If you insist on something, you say that you must have it or it must be done.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 We used to sell on credit, but after not being paid a few times we now insist on payment in advance.
💬Our youngest son insists on putting tomato sauce on just about everything he eats.
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📒 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
Even though we may want to say "No" to temptation (doing something bad), our body may be unable to resist it.
💠 straight 🇺🇸
heterosexual, not gay
❕For example
🔺We have two sons; Ben and James. Ben is gay and James is straight and we love them both dearly.
🔺Why do we feel we have to label people as straight or gay or whatever? Aren't human beings a bit too complicated for that?
📒 A bad penny always turns up
Bad or nasty people have a habit of showing up or returning.