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English Language

💠 veep 🇺🇸

the vice president

❕For example

🔺If a president dies during his or her term, the veep takes over and becomes the president.

🔺What do you think about the Republican Party putting a woman on their ticket to run for veep?


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English Language

📒die down

If something dies down, it gradually becomes weaker in strength or lower in volume or magnitude.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬   The anger people felt about what the previous government had done to their country took a long time to die down.

💬The new president waited for the applause to die down before he began to speak.


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English Language

📚feel the pinch

If you are feeling the pinch, you're finding it harder to survive on your income.

❗️For example

🔸Since the price of oil went up, lots of businesses have been feeling the pinch.

🔸Inflation has been pretty bad recently, so we've all been feeling the pinch.


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English Language

📒 If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

If you cannot win against someone or something, it may be easier or better to join forces with them.

Note: 'em (informal contraction) = them


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English Language

📚under the weather

If you are under the weather, you're not feeling well.

❗️For example

🔸Hiroko's feeling a bit under the weather. He thinks he might have the flu.

🔸Sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to make it to work today. I'm feeling a bit under the weather


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English Language

📒 Better the foot slip than the tongue

It is better to take a bad step in walking than to say the wrong thing in talking. We can do a lot of damage when we say something by mistake. The elliptical nature of this saying may make it difficult to understand. The full version might be something like: "It is better that your foot should slip than that your tongue should slip."

Note: foot (noun): the end part of the leg on which we stand or walk | slip (verb): slide by accident | tongue (noun): large, movable fleshy part in the mouth that we use for talking and tasting


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English Language

📚a pat on the back

You've given someone a pat on the back if you've told them they've done something well, or done a good job.

❗️For example

🔸Don't you think Salim deserves a pat on the back for his report? Why don't you tell him it was excellent work?

🔸Our boss doesn't often praise us for our work, so if he gives you a pat on the back for something, you've really earned it.


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English Language

📒 Many a true word is spoken in jest

Something said as a joke may often contain wisdom and truth.

Note: jest (noun): a joke; something said for amusement or comedy


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English Language

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English Language

💠 yips 🇺🇸

(in phrase the yips) nervous tension that causes mistakes

❕For example

🔺Tiger Woods never seems to get the yips. He always looks calm, even when he's playing a very important shot.

🔺A champion golfer needs to know how to avoid getting the yips.


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English Language

📒pay out

to pay a sum of money to somebody, especially a large sum

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  If you win the lottery, they'll pay the money out in installments over several years.

💬Most insurance companies will try to find any reason they can to avoid paying out claims to their customers.


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English Language

💠 user 🇺🇸

a person who regularly takes mind-altering drugs

❕For example

🔺Kelly's been a user for many years and she'd like to stop using drugs altogether, but she can't do it by herself.

🔺All the people who go to Narcotics Anonymous meetings are users who are recovering, so they really understand the problems other drug addicts have.


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English Language

📒have on (2)

If you have something on at a certain time, you've arranged to do something at that time.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 If you don't have anything on tonight, we could see a movie if you like.

💬I have a lot on tomorrow, but maybe we could meet on Thursday.


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English Language

💠 bloody 🇺🇸

an intensifying expletive used before an adjective, adverb or noun; very, really; total, complete

❕For example

🔺It's bloody hot in here. And now the bloody air conditioner won't work. Bloody hell!

🔺You'd have to be a bloody idiot to vote for a party that's just ruined the economy.


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English Language

📒do about

If you do something about a problem, you do something to fix it or solve it.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 My printer won't work and I'm not sure what to do about it.

💬What do you think we should do about our company's falling market share?


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English Language

📒 A just war is better than an unjust peace

Fighting between countries for a fair and good cause is better than no fighting in a situation that is unfair.

Note: just (adj.) = based on what is fair or morally right

war (noun) = fighting or armed conflict between countries

unjust (adj.) = not based on what is fair or morally right

peace (noun) = quiet and tranquillity; freedom from war

Compare: "An unjust peace is better than a just war." - Marcus Tullius Cicero (106BC-43BC)


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English Language

💠 ripped (2) 🇺🇸

intoxicated, drunk, drugged

❕For example

🔺Why do people think they have to get ripped on drugs to have a good time?

🔺Mike was drinking way too much at that party. He was totally ripped!


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English Language

📒pull up (2)

If a vehicle such as a car or a taxi pulls up, it stops.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬   I told the taxi driver to pull up outside the post office.

💬As the truck pulled up at the intersection, its brakes made a loud hissing sound.


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English Language

💠 ute 🇺🇸

a pickup truck

❕For example

🔺After shooting two kangaroos, Bruce threw them into the back of his ute and drove back to town.

🔺Nearly every farmer in Australia owns a ute.


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English Language

📒go after (1)

to chase and try to catch someone or something

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  After the guy had grabbed my wife's handbag I went after him, but he was too fast and he got away.

💬A lion won't go after an animal unless it's pretty sure it can catch it.


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English Language

💠 ex 🇺🇸

a former partner or lover

❕For example

🔺I got divorced last year, and I've only seen the ex twice since then.

🔺I saw my ex at a party last night, and he was with some other guy.


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English Language

📒write down

to write something on a piece of paper

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  After chatting to the girl for a while, Shane wrote down his name and number on a piece of paper and gave it to her.

💬Most insurance companies will try to find any reason they can to avoid paying out claims to their customers.


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English Language

📚play it by ear

If you play it by ear, you don't plan ahead but you do whatever seems best at the time depending on the situation.

❗️For example

🔸I like those comedy shows where they play it by ear and just say whatever they like and do whatever they like.

🔸Jean says he's not sure what goes on in the meetings, so he'll just play it by ear and see what happens.


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English Language

📒 Zeal, when it is a virtue, is a dangerous one

According to this saying, "good zeal" cannot exist. It seems that zeal is inherently dangerous. When zeal is not a virtue, by definition it is not good. When zeal is a virtue, according to this saying it is dangerous, which is also not good. This saying relies heavily on paradox for its effect.

Note: zeal (noun) = enormous energy or enthusiasm for a cause or an objective
virtue (noun) = quality regarded as morally good in a person


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English Language

📚zero-sum game

A zero-sum game is a situation in which any gain by one side or person is at the expense of a loss to another side or person involved in the situation.

❗️For example

🔸The stock market has become a giant zero-sum game in which one investor gains what another investor loses.

🔸In a zero-sum game, if you add the total gains of the participants and the total losses of the participants, the sum will always be zero.


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English Language

📒 Bad news travels fast

"Bad news" means news about "bad" things like accidents, death, illness etc. People tend to tell this type of news quickly. But "good news" (passing an exam, winning some money, getting a job etc) travels more slowly.


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English Language

📚talk turkey

If you talk turkey, you discuss something seriously, usually to do with business or money.

❗️For example

🔸After the owner had shown him around the apartment, Shane decided it was just what he wanted, so he said, "OK, I'm interested. Let's talk turkey."

🔸I started to say something about the deal, but Mr Hamilton said, "Not now, my boy. We never talk turkey at the dinner table."


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English Language

📒 All that glitters is not gold

The attractive exterior of something is not a good indicator of its real nature. It may look valuable, but not be valuable.


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English Language

📚easy come, easy go

You can say "easy come, easy go" to express the idea that if something comes to someone easily, such as money they get without working hard for it, they can lose it just as easily and it won't matter to them much.

❗️For example

🔸Harry's very easy-going, especially when it comes to money. It's easy come, easy go, as far as he's concerned.

🔸The share market's been falling recently, and I've lost a fair bit of money, but it's easy come, easy go, really, because it's just money I've earned from shares in the past.


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