💠 whack 🇺🇸
to murder, esp. within the context of organised crime
❕For example
🔺There's a contract out to whack Tony B. because he'd whacked Jimmy S., and he'd whacked Jimmy because Jimmy had whacked Paulie T., and so on.
🔺If those Mafia informers don't get protection, they'll be whacked for sure.
📒slip up
to make a small mistake, usually because of carelessness
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 I'm usually pretty reliable, but sometimes I slip up, like everybody.
💬If our goalkeeper hadn't slipped up, we would have won the match.
💠 louse up 🇺🇸
to spoil something or make it fail
❕For example
🔺She really wants this job, so I hope she doesn't louse up the interview.
🔺Don't worry. He won't louse it up. He's been doing these deals for years.
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📚on your last legs | on its last legs
If you say you're on your last legs, it can mean you're close to exhaustion, or it can mean you're close to death. If a thing is on its last legs, it's close to breaking or wearing out.
❗️For example
🔸Bobby looks like he's on his last legs. Do you think he can make it to the top of the mountain?
🔸My old printer is on its last legs. It's time I got a new one.
📒 There's no such thing as a free lunch
We cannot get something for nothing. We must pay for everything. Nothing in life is free.
📚wheeling and dealing
If you're wheeling and dealing, you're involved in the complex world of making deals and exchanging favours in business or politics, or both.
❗️For example
🔸You'll need to be good at wheeling and dealing if you want to do well in politics.
🔸The amount of wheeling and dealing that's needed to sort out a contract with the local government is incredible.
📒 Out of office, out of danger
The implication is that people in high government or official jobs are not safe. They will be safe only when they leave their job.
📚a raw deal
If you think that you got a raw deal, you think you weren't treated fairly or as well as other people.
❗️For example
🔸Doctors in small hospitals in country towns get a raw deal. They earn less, and usually work longer hours, than doctors in big-city hospitals.
🔸If it wasn't for the transport workers union, drivers would still be getting low wages and a raw deal all round.
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📒stop over
to stop at a place and stay there for one or two days while on your way to somewhere else
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 We're going to Vietnam on business, but we're stopping over in Hawaii for a couple of days on the way.
💬 I'm stopping over in Bangkok for one night on my way to Sydney.
💠 toffee-nosed 🇺🇸
snobbish, pretentiously superior towards people of lower social class or income
❕For example
🔺Just ignore him. He's a toffee-nosed prat.
🔺Those fashion shows are full of toffee-nosed snobs showing off their gaudy trinkets and baubles.
📒mistake for
to wrongly think that a person or thing is someone or something else
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 Fake Gucci bags look real and can easily be mistaken for genuine Gucci bags.
💬 There's a guy who lives near here who often gets mistaken for David Beckham. He looks just like him.
💠 mug (2) 🇺🇸
the face
❕For example
🔺Hey Harvey! Were you at the Liverpool game on Saturday? I was watching it on TV and I'm sure I saw your mug in the crowd.
🔺Looks like Larry's growing a beard. Good idea if it means we don't have to see so much of his big ugly mug!
📒shut out (2)
to stop yourself thinking about or feeling something that upsets you or hurts you
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 She still finds it difficult to shut out the memory of her grandmother's illness.
💬 The thought of losing her is unbearable, and no matter how hard I try, I just can't shut it out.
📒 Silence is golden
This saying emphasizes the value of saying nothing.
📚a raw deal
If you think that you got a raw deal, you think you weren't treated fairly or as well as other people.
❗️For example
🔸Doctors in small hospitals in country towns get a raw deal. They earn less, and usually work longer hours, than doctors in big-city hospitals.
🔸If it wasn't for the transport workers union, drivers would still be getting low wages and a raw deal all round.
📒 Variety is the spice of life
Monotony is bad for us. We need plenty of change. It adds interest to our lives, just as spice adds interest to food.
📒insist on
If you insist on something, you say that you must have it or it must be done.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 We used to sell on credit, but after not being paid a few times we now insist on payment in advance.
💬Our youngest son insists on putting tomato sauce on just about everything he eats.
💠 funk 🇺🇸
(in phrase be in a funk) an unhappy, depressed mood
❕For example
🔺He's been in a real funk since his girlfriend left him.
🔺Everyone in the office has been in a funk since we heard that our company might be going bankrupt.
📒pull in
If a train, a truck or a car pulls in, it arrives somewhere.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The train you want will be pulling in on platform 9.
💬 A truck pulled in to the yard and the driver jumped out.
💠 empty-nester 🇺🇸
a parent whose children have grown up and left home
❕For example
🔺After spending many years raising their children, Kevin and Joan are now empty-nesters after their youngest daughter went to live with some friends.
🔺We're still getting used to being empty-nesters. The house seems so quiet all the time.
📒knock down (1)
If something like a building or a wall is knocked down, it is destroyed on purpose.
🤓For example ⤵️
💬 The old hotel was knocked down so that a new one could be built.
💬If we knocked the tool shed down, we could put a vegetable garden there instead.
💠 dope (2) 🇺🇸
a stupid person, a fool
❕For example
🔺How come those dopes who work in the U.S. Treasury didn't realise what was going on?
🔺Max says the problem with democracy is that there are too many dopes out there, and they'll only vote for someone they can relate to, meaning another dope.
📒 Ignorance of the law is no excuse
It is no defence to say that we didn't know that something we did was illegal.
📚a roller coaster | a roller-coaster ride
You can say an experience is a roller coaster, or a roller-coaster ride, if it involves many emotional highs and lows, or really good times alternating with really difficult times.
❗️For example
🔸The movie follows a young guy's emotional roller-coaster ride as he tries to come to terms with being alone in a small town in Australia.
🔸Eric writes about the roller coaster of rock and roll, with the highs of success and fame followed by the lows of drug addiction and depression.
📒 There's no such thing as a free lunch
We cannot get something for nothing. We must pay for everything. Nothing in life is free.
📚know where you stand
If you know where you stand, you know exactly where you fit in a social or work situation, or in someone's life.
❗️For example
🔸Nobody bothered to ask Ken for his opinion, so he says he now knows where he stands in the company.
🔸Shelley didn't even invite me to her party, so I know where I stand with her now.
📒 Would you buy a used car from this man?
Do you trust this man? I don't.
📚ring a bell
If something rings a bell, it sounds familiar or you think you've heard it before.
❗️For example
🔸The name rang a bell but I couldn't remember exactly where I'd heard it before.
🔸Does the name "Hunter S. Thompson" ring a bell?