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English Language

📒embark on

to begin something, usually something that will be challenging and time-consuming

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  After quitting her job as a teacher, Sam embarked on a new career as a clothes designer.

💬 We're embarking on a campaign to encourage our young people to eat healthy food.


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English Language

📚year dot | year one

You can say "the year dot", or "the year one", when you're talking about a very, very long time ago.

❗️For example

🔸There have been people living in Australia since the year dot, but Europeans have only been there for about two hundred years.

🔸People have been interested in the stars and the moon since the year one.


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English Language

📒hide away

If you hide away, you go to a place where very few people can find you.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  After writing a very popular book, Paul hid away in a small town in Mexico to escape all the media attention.

💬 There was a small band of rebel soldiers hidden away in the mountains outside the city.


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English Language

📚water under the bridge | water over the dam

You can say a problem or an experience is water under the bridge, or water over the dam, if it happened in the past and it no longer affects the present to a degree that is worth worrying about.

❗️For example

🔸 I wish people would stop talking about my problems with the law. It all happened a long time ago and it's water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned.

🔸Rhonda says her marriage to Mark is water over the dam and it's time to move on with her life.


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English Language

📒enter into

to become involved in something like a discussion, an agreement, or a partnership.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  Before you enter into a business deal, have your lawyer check the contract.

💬 The government has entered into talks with the rebel soldiers.


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English Language

📒 There is safety in numbers


  You are safer as part of a group of people than as an individual. Being in a group makes people more confident about taking action.


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English Language

💠 grinding 🇺🇸


dancing in a sexually arousing way

❕For example

🔺When Mario and Carla starting grinding on the dance floor, the others stood back and cheered them on.

🔺Pete says the thing that drives him totally wild is when a girl pulls him close and starts grinding on him.


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English Language

📒 Keep your friends close and your enemies closer


   You'll be safer if you know more about your enemies than you know about your friends. Look after your enemies better than you look after your friends.


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English Language

💠 indie 🇺🇸


rock music not released by major music labels

❕For example

🔺The indie scene began back in the late 70's and early 80's with bands like Joy Division and The Slits.

🔺 Steve reckons the best indie band of all time is Radiohead.


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English Language

📒 If you play with fire you get burned


   If you fool around with something that is potentially dangerous, you must expect to get harmed.


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English Language

💠 top 🇺🇸


a man who takes the active role in gay or homosexual sex

❕For example

🔺Kenny put an ad on a gay website and it said he'd like to date a top aged 20 to 30.

🔺 When Brian was in a gay bar he met a guy he really liked, but it soon became clear that they were both tops.


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English Language

📒take out (2)

to remove something from a container, a pocket, a bag, etc.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬 Jimmy unzipped his bag and took out his football boots.

💬 Take the meat out of the freezer two hours before you want to cook it.


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English Language

📚eat humble pie

If you eat humble pie, you admit that you are in the wrong and behave apologetically.

❗️For example

🔸Jim had to eat humble pie after we proved that what he'd said was wrong.

🔸Some politicians are so arrogant that they won't eat humble pie even when it's clear they've made a mistake. They just say they were "misinformed".


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English Language

📒knock over (1)

to hit somebody with a vehicle and injure or kill them

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  You should wear a mask over your mouth so that you don't pass on the disease.

💬  We were walking along the side of the road when this crazy guy in a truck nearly knocked us over.


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English Language

📚save the day

If you save the day, you do something to ensure success or to solve a serious problem.

❗️For example

🔸It looked like we were going to lose the game, but Ronaldo saved the day by kicking two late goals.

🔸 Then a guy rides in on a white horse and saves the day by killing the bad guys and rescuing the girl.


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English Language

📒 Dumb dogs are dangerous


   People who say little or nothing are more dangerous than people who speak a lot.


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English Language

💠 mo 🇺🇸



❕For example

🔺I'll be back in a mo.

🔺 Hang on a mo!


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English Language

📒 Talk of the Devil, and he is bound to appear


   1. Speaking about the Devil may invite him to come.
2. We often say "Talk of the devil!" (or "Speak of the devil!") when somebody that we have just been speaking about suddenly appears.


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English Language

💠 mosh pit 🇺🇸


an area in front of the stage at a rock concert where people dance energetically, or "mosh"

❕For example

🔺The best concert I've ever been to was a Nirvana gig in the early nineties when Kurt Cobain jumped into the mosh pit.

🔺 Keep an eye on the kids in the mosh pit in case any of them faints or gets hurt.


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English Language

📚quaking in your boots

If you're quaking in your boots, you are very frightened.

❗️For example

🔸 This big, ugly dog was growling at me and baring its teeth. I was quaking in my boots, I can tell you!

🔸Our sergeant was a scary guy. He could make a new army recruit quake in his boots just by looking at him.


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English Language

📒set up (3)

to make the necessary arrangements for an event or activity

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  We've set up a meeting with some of our biggest clients.

💬 The government agrees that a public enquiry is needed and they promised to set one up within the next few days.


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English Language

📚young blood

If you say "young blood", you mean young people who have fresh, new ideas and lots of energy.

❗️For example

🔸 The company is successful because they're always bringing in young blood, and this helps them keep up with the latest fashions and ideas.

🔸The trouble with the seniority system is that it keeps young blood out of decision-making positions.


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English Language

📒dig up

If you dig up something, you get it from under the ground by digging.

🤓For example ⤵️

💬  The police dug up the murder victim's body and took it away for examination.

💬  My dog loves digging up bones that I bury in the garden for him.


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English Language

📚the moment of truth

The moment of truth is a time when the truth about something is revealed, or when an important decision is made.

❗️For example

🔸 We're getting our exam results today so the moment of truth is nearly here.

🔸We've been at the tennis tournament all weekend, and now we're watching the last game in the last match, so the moment of truth is here at last.


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English Language

📒 Practice makes perfect


   The more you do something, the better you become at it. Regular exercise of a skill or activity helps you become expert at it.


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English Language

💠 coke 🇺🇸



❕For example

🔺If you get arrested for selling coke, you'll be sent to jail.

🔺Have you seen the movie "Scarface"? It tells the story of a guy who becomes one of the biggest coke dealers in America.


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English Language

📒Make hay while the sun shines


    If we want to make hay, we need sunny weather, so when the sun comes we should take the opportunity to make hay. Thus the proverb suggests that we should make good use of any opportunity while it lasts.


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English Language

💠 yakuza 🇺🇸


a Japanese criminal organisation, or a member of such an organisation

❕For example

🔺Many members of the yakuza have amazing tattoos that cover nearly every part of their body.

🔺Everyone knew Hideki was a yakuza because the tip of his left little finger had been cut off.


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