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ET art

የአዋቂን ጉዞ ወደ 200ሺህ ውድድር በመቀላቅል በየሳምንቱ የተዘጋጁ ሽልማቶችን እንዲሁም በውድድሩ ማብቂያ ከ 1 እስከ 3 ከወጣቹ ላፕቶትፕ እና ሌሎች ሽልማቶችን ጨምሮ ታገኛላቹ።


ነፃ የስልጠና እና የተለያዩ እድሎችን እንዲሁም አዝናኝ እና አነቃቂ ቪድዮዎችን በየጊዜው ለማግኘት አዋቂን ተቀላቀሉ::


Promotion Details
Contestant name: #ጆn
Contestant ID: #690600940

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ET art

Logo interior model

Size / 2.3*1.1m/
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ET art


Anyone Interested can be a member
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You can register using this Google Form Link (WETOPIA Membership Application Form)

OR you can visit us in person at our office and fill out the application form on working days.

After filling out the application form and submitting the needed requirements, you can get your Digital Membership ID card at the office.
REGISTER NOW and Benefit from our offers as a community

Office Address: Gerji Infront of Unity University Plus Burger Building 1st floor.
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Telegram: /channel/Utopitecture

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ET art

Meskel string art

Size / 40*80cm/
Price 1000 bir
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ET art

Watch "የጥበቦች ስብስብ በልደታ መርካቶ | ART + ARCH EXPO" on YouTube

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ET art

From the exhibition....

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ET art

በወቶጲያ አዘጋጅነት ለሁለተኛ ግዜ የሚካሄደው አመታዊው የጥበብ ማዕድ በትናንትናው እለት በልደታ መርካቶ (ፍሊንትስቶን) ህንጻ ላይ ተከፍቷል።

WAC2021 ፤ ኪነ ህንጻ + ስነጥበብ በሚሰኝ ርዕስ እየተካሄደ ሲሆን ፦
- የኪነህንጻ ንድፎች ፣
- የቀለም ቅብ ስራዎች ፣
- የንድፍ ስራዎች ፣
- ፎቶግራፍ እንዲሁም ልዩ የእደጥበብ ውጤቶችን በአንድ ላይ ለእይታ አቅርቧል።

አውደርዕዩ ከ80 በላይ ተሳታፊዎች ሲኖሩት ተማሪዎችን እና በስራ ላይ የሚገኙ ሙያተኞችን ከእይታም በተጨማሪ ለውድድር ያሳተፈ ነው።

አውደ ርዕዩ ከጥበብ ጋር የተያያዙ አሳታፊና አዝናኝ መርሃግብሮችንም አጠቃሏል።

እስከ መስከረም 16ም ለህዝብ ክፍት ሆኖ እንደሚቆይም አዘጋጆቹ አሳውቀዋል።


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ET art

...........🌼እንኳን አደረሳችሁ🌼.........

#ገባን #ገባን #ገባን

እንኳን ለሚመጣው አዲስ አመት በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን ... በአዲሱ አመት ከነበሩት string art and sketch ስራ በተጨማሪ የተለያዩ የእደ ጥበብ ስራዎች አካትተን መተናል በዚህም መሰረት የተለያዩ መንፈሳዊ ስዕላትን(ለፀሎት ቤት) እንዲሁም የቤት ውስጥ ማስጌጫ የሚሆን ስእላትን በተለያየ መንገድ በትእዛዝ እንሰራለን

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ET art

...........🌼እንኳን አደረሳችሁ🌼.........

#ገባን #ገባን #ገባን

እንኳን ለሚመጣው አዲስ አመት በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን ... በአዲሱ አመት ከነበሩት string art and sketch ስራ በተጨማሪ የተለያዩ የእደ ጥበብ ስራዎች አካትተን መተናል በዚህም መሰረት የተለያዩ መንፈሳዊ ስዕላትን(ለፀሎት ቤት) እንዲሁም የቤት ውስጥ ማስጌጫ የሚሆን ስእላትን በተለያየ መንገድ በትእዛዝ እንሰራለን

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ET art

Size / A4 /

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ET art

Size / A4 /

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Teklhaymanot string art
Size / 60*60cm/
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ET art

abune teklhaymanot ...proccessing

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ET art

👉 price 200

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ET art

እንኳን ለጌታችንና ለመድኃኒታችን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የልደት በዓል በሰላም አደረሳቹ!!!

✝️🙏✝️   መልካም ልደት   ✝️🙏✝️

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@ tsega_t14

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ET art

Medhanialm wall art

Size / 1m*80cm/
Price 800 bir
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ET art

Logo interior model

Size / 85*60cm/
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ET art

Meskel string art

Size / 35*50cm/
Price 500bir
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On hand
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ET art

​​"You employ stone, wood, and concrete, and with these materials you build houses and palaces: that is construction. Ingenuity is at work. But suddenly you touch my heart, you do me good. I am happy and I say: This is beautiful. That is Architecture".

I See world's cozy I pretty I jaw dropping I buildings & places on architectural view I

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ET art

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ET art

Don't miss the big Art expo.... #wetopia #ወኢትዮጵያ at instagram.

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ET art

#Wetopia #2021exhibition #ወቶፒያ #Arch+Art

We Are Coming With A Big Expo
With Bigger and Surprising Prizes !!

To exhibit your works join the group

For Partnership Inquiry contact us via

Join on
Telegram: /channel/Utopitecture

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ET art

...........🌼እንኳን አደረሳችሁ🌼.........

#ገባን #ገባን #ገባን

እንኳን ለሚመጣው አዲስ አመት በሰላም አደረሳችሁ እያልን ... በአዲሱ አመት ከነበሩት string art and sketch ስራ በተጨማሪ የተለያዩ የእደ ጥበብ ስራዎች አካትተን መተናል በዚህም መሰረት የተለያዩ መንፈሳዊ ስዕላትን(ለፀሎት ቤት) እንዲሁም የቤት ውስጥ ማስጌጫ የሚሆን ስእላትን በተለያየ መንገድ በትእዛዝ እንሰራለን

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ET art

#Witness_the_Artistic_Creativity_Level_of_this _Generation

The Best Annual Art+Arch Exhibition by WeTopia Community.

At Lideta Merkato
From መስከረም 12-16,2014/SEP 22-26,2021

Come and Witness the Artistic and Creativity Level of this Generation.
You Don't wanna miss it!!!

We Are Coming With A Big Expo
With Bigger and Surprising Prizes !!

REGISTER NOW via google form


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Telegram: /channel/Utopitecture

#Community #ወቶጲያ #ወኢትዮጵያ

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ET art

Size / A4 /

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Size / A4 /

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ET art

#Register_For_WeTopia_Exhibition #Wetopia #2021exhibition #ወቶፒያ

We Are Coming With A Big Expo
With Bigger and Surprising Prizes !!

REGISTER NOW via google form

For Partnership Inquiry contact us via


Join on
Telegram: /channel/Utopitecture

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ET art

Beflgut ayent colour design mazez yechlalu bzi yanagru @EshevivaARCH

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