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In 2002, Kenya formally donated 14 cows to the US as a way to show compassion to them after the 9/11 tragedy.
@googlefactss #history
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Usain Bolt suffers from a spinal disorder known as Scoliosis.
@googlefactss #celebrities
Almost three quarters of all of Kenya’s athletics come from one tribe, the Kalenjins.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
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Siam was renamed Thailand, then re-renamed Siam…then re-re-renamed Thailand.
@googlefactss #funfact
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The sun orbits the galactic core at the speed of about 220 km/s and takes about 230 million years to make one revolution around the center of the Galaxy.
@googlefactss #space
In Ukraine, pumpkins are a symbol of rejection.
@googlefactss #traditions
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“Ukraine” roughly means “Borderlands”, and was referred to as “the Ukraine” during Soviet times, but no longer.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
When you look at a clock, and the second hand seems to freeze for a moment, your brain is actually generating a false memory, and your perception of time stretches slightly backward. This effect is called chronostasis.
@googlefactss #research
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There is a festival in Nepal known as 'Kukur Tihar' which is dedicated solely to thanking dogs for their loyalty and friendship.
@googlefactss #traditions
The longest female beard ever recorded was measured at 30cm.
@googlefactss #record
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Although violet and purple look very similar, violet is a true color with its own set of wavelengths on the spectrum of visible light, while purple is a composite color made by combining blue and red.
@googlefactss #colours #funfact
Bill Gates once released mosquitos during a Ted Talk, stating that “poor people shouldn’t be the only ones to have this experience.”
@googlefactss #funfact
France classifies books as an “essential good,” along with electricity, bread, and water.
@googlefactss #funfact
In Ancient Rome, after a person pooped, a communal sponge was used to wipe. The sponge was then rinsed in a bucket of salt water or vinegar before being used by the next person.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
Paleontologists found fossils of “Machimosaurus rex,” a prehistoric crocodile that would have been the size of a bus, 30 ft. long and weighing 3 tons; the skull discovered is over 5 ft. long, the world’s largest sea-dwelling crocodile.
@googlefacfss #archeology
After the collapse of the South Sea company in 1720, which bankrupted many and severely affected the economy of England, a proposal was made in parliament to place bankers in sacks filled with snakes and throw them into the River Thames.
@googlefactss #history
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Islam encourages shaving your pubic hair.
@googlefactss #religion
Having chronic pain can damage your brain over time because of constant brain activity in areas of the brain that should normally be at rest.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
In Taiwan, cheating on your spouse is punishable by a 1-year sentence in jail.
@googlefactss #laws
The bolt that holds the rotor onto the body of a Huey Helicopter is called the 'Jesus nut' because if it fails the helicopter would detach from the rotors and the only thing left for the crew to do would be to pray to Jesus as they fall from the sky.
@googlefactss #technology
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Gray whales’ mating ritual involves a third “male escort” whale courting the female. Although the male escort equally vies for her attention, there is absolutely no aggression between the males. The birthing ritual, on the other hand, involves a second female whale assisting the mother
@googlefactss #marinelife #nowyouknow
“To take something with a grain of salt” refers to an Ancient Roman recipe for an antidote that protects against all kinds of poisons. The recipe was to take two dried walnuts, two figs, and twenty leaves of rue; pound them all together, with the addition of a grain of salt. It was believed that if a person took this mixture fasting, he will be proof against all poisons for that day.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
A tiny bit of Viagra is enough to keep fresh cut flowers standing up for an extra week.
@googlefactss #funfact
Even under a worst-case scenario, no Rubik’s Cube is farther than 20 moves from being solved.
@googlefactss #funfact
The Gell-Mann Effect is when we believe everything the media tells us except for anything for which we have direct personal knowledge, which they always get wrong.
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
"Silhouette" is derived from the French finance minister, Étienne de Silhouette. de Silhouette's strict economies made his name synonymous with anything done/made cheaply. Before photography, silhouette profiles cut from black card were the cheapest way of recording a person's appearance.
@googlefactss #funfact
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In Italy, c. 1500 AD – c. 1700 AD, males (mainly before the age of 9 years) destined to be castrati singers underwent castration by either having their spermatic cords severed or their testis crushed with the fingers as to retain the higher voice register necessary for their operatic part.
@googlefactss #history #music
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Guard llamas are real thing and they can tear an animal apart with their teeth and sharp nails. They are used to protect farm animals from coyotes and foxes. Most llamas also have innate dislike for canines and will chase and attack such intruders with “extreme prejudice.”
@googlefactss #nowyouknow
Avocados contain more fat than any other fruit or vegetable on earth. Also, their trees secretes an enzyme that prevent the fruit from ever ripening on the tree, allowing farmers to use the trees as storage house for up to seven months after they reach full maturity. This is the reason avocados are always in season.
@googlefactss #pomology
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It is such a stigma to adopt children in South Korea that women are recommended to wear a maternity pillow to appear pregnant until the adoption is finalized.
@googlefacfss #cultures
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