English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions Lists of idioms used in everyday conversational English, with their meaning. Invite Link: https://telegram.me/joinchat/AAAAAD_o0iRTdgVGUYQAJw Buy Ads: 👇👇👇 https://t.me/+MMFYrxlF-LdlOGQ0
IELTS SPEAKING Mock Exam - Julia from Australia 🦘🇦🇺🐨- Band 9.0 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3)
📔 boxed in
feeling restricted or stuck due to one's limited options
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 Sandra felt boxed in after having her third child because she couldn't afford child care.
🗣 Once I started working for myself as a freelancer I didn't feel so boxed in about what type of clients I could work with.
📔 in demand
something that is needed or desired by many people
popular and wanted
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 What kinds of new college graduates are in demand with private companies these days?
🗣 Full-figured and ethnic models are more and more in demand each year.
📔 See eye to eye
To agree with someone about something
To have the same opinion as someone else about something
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 My mom and I don't see eye to eye on politics so we discuss other things.
🗣 Happiness is seeing eye to eye with your wife about how to spend money.
📔 up for grabs
possible for anyone to have
available and ready for anyone to take
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 Apple just announced a contest and a new MacBook is up for grabs.
🗣 There are some gently-used ski jackets up for grabs in the staff lounge if anyone is interested.
📔 wait tables
to serve customers food and beverages in a restaurant or cafe
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 I waited tables for five years to pay expenses while I was in college.
🗣 Waiting tables is a popular job for students and artists.
📔 spit (out) the dummy
To have a childish overreaction or angry outburst to a negative situation or outcome; to act in a bad-tempered manner, likened to a temper tantrum of a child. "Dummy" here refers to a plastic teat used to soothe teething infants (also called a "pacifier" in the U.S. or a "soother" elsewhere), which they may spit when in the middle of a tantrum. Primarily heard in Australia.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣John spat the dummy when I told him I'd sold his old comic book collection.
🗣Don't go spitting out the dummy just because Cheryl got the promotion instead of you.
📔 go to wrack and ruin
cliché To fall into severe or total decay, degradation, or ruination, as from disuse or lack of upkeep. ("Wrack," a now-archaic word meaning wreckage or destruction, is also often spelled "rack.")
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣It greatly pains me that my grandfather's estate has been left to go to wrack and ruin. If only we'd been able to afford for someone to look after it all these years.
🗣The neighbor's property has really gone to wrack and ruin lately. I'm thinking about filing a complaint with the neighborhood association!
📔 lay hold of (someone or something)
To grasp or grip someone or something.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Lay hold of that end of the sheet and pull it straight.
🗣I tried to lay hold of her before she fell off the step, but it happened too fast.
📔on the upswing
📋Showing or experiencing a noticeable or conspicuous increase, improvement, or expansion.
🗣The last few years were hard on our company, but we're finally starting to get back on the upswing.
🗣The small country has been one of the few economies in the region to be on the upswing since the recession.
📔 run a temperature
To have an abnormally high body temperature (a fever), which is indicative of or caused by illness.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Dan: "How's Pete feeling?" Marshall: "Well, he ran a temperature last night, but he seemed a lot better this morning after some rest."
🗣I think I've started running a temperature. Maybe I should go lie down.
📔 lap up
To ingest something, usually a liquid, by licking. A noun or pronoun can be used between "lap" and "up."
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Those kittens must have been hungry—they've already lapped up all the milk in the saucer.
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📔 talk twenty to the dozen
To talk (to someone) very rapidly, hurriedly, and/or energetically.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣My aunt can get talking twenty to the dozen if you get her on a topic she's passionate about.
📔 within arm's reach
Close enough to touch, either literally or hypothetically. Easily attainable.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Can you pass me that book over there? It's within arm's reach of you.
🗣Once I found out I had an A in Chemistry, I knew that 4.0 GPA was within arm's reach.
📔 with reckless abandon
With rash, unrestrained impulsiveness, enthusiasm, or zeal.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Ever since my brother got that car for his birthday, he's been motoring around at night with reckless abandon.
🗣The insurgents set upon the town and began firing their weapons with reckless abandon.
📔 up the walls
Extremely busy or overworked; having many things to contend with at once. Primarily heard in UK, Ireland.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣Sorry I haven't been in touch, but between work and our new baby, I've just been up the walls lately!
🗣Thank goodness you're here, Mary, we're up the walls in here! Could you take this order out to table 10 straight away, please?
📔 poetry in motion
Something that is very elegant, graceful, and/or beautiful to observe, especially dance or the performing arts.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣The ballet was sublime to watch, truly poetry in motion.
📔an/the olive branch
A symbol, expression, or gesture of peace, reconciliation, truce, etc. Used most commonly in the phrase "hold out/offer (someone) an/the olive branch."
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣The conservatives in Congress seem to be offering the olive branch to Democrats on the issue of raising the debt ceiling.
🗣If you find yourself in a spat with a friend, try to be the bigger person and be the one to hold out the olive branch.
📔 brace of shakes
Instantly, quickly, or in an extremely short amount of time, as of a task or event. "Brace," taken from the old French for the arms' breadth from hand to hand, means twice; the phrase as a whole refers either to an old nautical term, meaning the time it takes the sail to shake twice as it takes up the wind, or else the short time it takes to shake a dice-box twice. Often used in the phrase "in a brace of shakes."
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣I'll have that ready for you in a brace of shakes.
🗣We'll be there in a brace of shakes.
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📔 squirrel away
To hide, save or put things away to use in the future.
To put in a safe or secret place for future use.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 She squirreled away money each month to buy a new car.
🗣 If you're just squirreling away various English learning materials instead of using them, you'll never improve your English.
📔 wear the pants
to be the person who makes all of the decisions or is the dominant partner in a relationship
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 My grandma was a tiny little lady but she definitely wore the pants in her marriage.
🗣 Everyone thinks the director's so tough but his secretary wears the pants in their work relationship.
📔 tighten one's belt
to spend less than usual in order to save money.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 I have a feeling my son will be tightening his belt this semester since we decided to give him a strict allowance rather then sending him money every time he asked.
🗣 We had to tighten our belts when my husband lost his job.
📔 sweater up
to put on a sweater in order to stay warm in cold weather
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 I really love to sweater up in the winter. I can't wait to go shopping at LL Bean for a few new sweaters.
🗣 My brother took a really cute picture of our kids sweatered up and playing in the leaves. I think I'll use that one for our Christmas cards this year.
📔 little slice of heaven
Something or someone that a person loves so much that they have the feeling they can't live without it.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 Listening to her playing the piano is a slice of heaven.
🗣 Staying in on a cold winter night and watching TV is a slice of heaven for me.
📔 hungry eye
experiencing pain, weakness, or nausea through lack of food.
A glare that a man or woman gives to someone of the opposite sex, characterized by extreme sexual lust and desire.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 She stared at me with hungry eyes.
🗣 That creepy man over there looks like he has the hungry eye for that hot lady at the bar.
📔 jam session
an often impromptu performance by a group especially of jazz musicians that is characterized by improvisation.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 The musical siblings then invite Lisa over to Billie’s studio for a special jam session.
🗣 Playing some favorites by The Allman Brothers Band during a jam session led to the birth of tribute group Midnight Rider.
📔 fork in the road
Literally, the point at which one road splits or separates off into other roads.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣 There's a fork in the road up ahead—which way should I go?
🗣 OK, keep going straight until you reach the fork in the road, then turn right.
📔 hit the books
this is a commonly used expression among students, especially American college students who have a lot of studying to do. It simply means “to study,” and is a way of telling your friends that you’re going to study.
🤔For example ⬇️
🗣“Sorry but I can’t watch the game with you tonight, I have to hit the books. I have a huge exam next week!”
🗣 “Danny was in danger of failing, so before his last math test he left the show early to go home and hit the books.”