It's a miracle. This African figured it out. 🤠
Читать полностью…Siegfried Muller is a German mercenary of the Kommando 52, honorary chairman of the Mercenaires Internationale (yes there is an international group of big bad mercenaries), and the Chief Executive of the corporate colony of Ruanda-Urundi since 1964. Muller is often dubbed "Africa's Most Dangerous Man" for good reason.
"A lot of Germans who served in the Wehrmacht and SS had reasons like "I was just doing my orders and what I was told" to justify their part in the war. I pulled that whole "just doing my order" card then Americans said "welcome aboard" when I enlisted in the CLG. We always have a choice and my choice is to stay on the Fuhrer's and American's good side."
~ Colonel Siegfried Muller
"A Surprising Climate Find" - Raymond Zhong, New York Times, 27JUN24
>As the planet warms, atoll nations like the Maldives seemed doomed to shrink. Scientists have begun to tell a surprising
new story.
>What they found is startling: Even though sea levels have risen, many islands haven’t shrunk. Most, in fact, have been stable. Some have even grown.
>One study that rounded up scientists’ data on 709 islands across the Pacific and Indian Oceans showed that nearly 89 percent either had increased in area or hadn’t changed much in recent decades. Only 11 percent had contracted.
‼️⚠️ IMPORTANT ⚠️‼️
🔴 Illegal immigrant raped and strangled 16 y.o girl WHILE their boat sank
🔸 On June 17, a sailboat with 70 people on board (Iraqi-Iranian Kurds and Afghans) that set sail from Halicarnassus (Bodrum, Turkey), sank 120 nm (222km / 138 mi) east of Calabria, Italy.
‼️ 12 people survived
🔸 The sailboat left from the city of Gundogan, an area full of 5 star hotels
‼️ According with witnesses, the 27 year old Iraqi man raped and killed the 16 year old Iranian girl after seeing his wife and daughter drawn, he did so in front of her mother that also survived and reported it to the police
🔸 The man has been arrested
⚠️ Both videos are from the boat in question, first leaving the Turkish coast and then sinking in the Mediterranean
💭 The sheer silence already shows the absurdity that Europe lives through, where cases of such barbaric crimes are now commonplace, in the name of diversity of course
Full Trump vs Biden Presidential Debate 2024
"Wild New Study Suggests Gravity Can Exist Without Mass"
- Clarke Watson, 13JUN24, Science Alert
>Now a wild new study suggesting that gravity can exist without mass, conveniently eliminating the need for one of the most elusive substances in our Universe: dark matter.
>Dark matter is a hypothetical, invisible mass thought to make up 85 percent of the Universe's total bulk. Originally devised to account for galaxies holding together under high speed rotation, it has yet to be directly observed, leading physicists to propose all sorts of out-there ideas to avoid invoking this elusive material as a way to plug the holes in current theories.
>The latest offering in that vein comes from astrophysicist Richard >Lieu at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, who has suggested that rather than dark matter binding galaxies and other bodies together, the Universe may contain thin, shell-like layers of 'topological defects' that give rise to gravity without any underlying mass.
Race war update. North Korea will send soldiers to Ukraine within a month. North Korea has one of the largest armies in the world with around 1.3 million active soldiers.
On June 19, during his visit to North Korea, putin said: Soldiers from North Korea will not take part in the war in Ukraine.
This report from the U.S. Department of Defense appeared today:
The Central Military Commission of North Korea announced that North Korea would ally its armed forces with the russian military. And as part of the military alliance between North Korea and russia, the North Korean army's engineer unit would be sent to Donetsk in Ukraine.Читать полностью…
"We’ve been accidentally cooling the planet — and it’s about to stop" - Shannon Osaka, Washington Post, 25JUN24
>Humans’ fossil fuel burning has cooled the planet while warming it — presenting problems for the future.
"Robot face with lab-grown living skin created by scientists hoping to make more human-like cyborgs"
- Olivia Land, New York Post, 25JUN24
I suffered the latest anti-racist Ameriboomer rant so you wouldn't have to. SecurityGuy42, in the middle of a pneumonia cough, cursed Hitler, cursed White Supremacism, claimed American Germans are historically committed to anti-Nazism and anti-racism. He is fully committed to Christ. He believes the US will experience a civil war like no other within the year.
He lets us all know he is a real combat engineer. He has seen war. He is triggered by civilians asking any variant of "how many enemies have you killed?" The taxpayer will never get an answer from this golem of where our million dollars per year went for supporting this particular soldier during a combat operation, because he refuses to provide us with concrete numbers. (PTSD fraud)
Remember the state funded soyence propaganda ... "one race ... human race" they're definitely not different species bro 😂
Читать полностью…Everything is fine, goy
Читать полностью…"Will the Gulf Stream really collapse by 2025?" - Georgina Rannard, BBC, 26JUL23
>The Gulf Stream system of warm ocean currents could collapse as early as 2025, a scientific study has warned.
>The end of the system, which drives the Atlantic's currents and determines western Europe's weather, would likely lead to lower temperatures and catastrophic climate impacts.
>But leading scientists have reservations about the study and say it is not established science.
>It is far from certain the system will shut down this century, they say.
>The most recent assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate >Change concluded that the system, known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Amoc), would not collapse as quickly as the study has suggested.
>"There's been worries that this current is weakening for as long as we have had measurements of it - since 2004," he said.
Story Time: I also need to vent a bit on how fucking useless Gen Z is as well
Hired this guy I know (23 years old) because he said he was extremely short on money and needed to pay his bills. "No problem" I thought as I had a big brush clearing job come up and could use some help. Told him as I cut a tree line and trim brush all he will need to do is drag brush out of the tree line and pick up sticks, leaves, etc.. Literally simple, mindless work. Not going to expose what I offered him for pay but it's about 1 weeks worth for 90% of Americans. I wanted to help the dude out you know?
Day of the job and we're on site. I get to work cutting and trimming this brush line while I look back and see him moving brush - Cool. I work hard, I work fast and I'm not a bitch when it comes to working hard as a man should. I finish trimming 150+ feet of tree line to go back and see this kid sitting in his truck scrolling through tik tok and 10ft of brush was cleared. Had to repeatedly and continually tell him to get back to work dragging small brush out of this tree line. I go to the other side of the tree line to finish one thing up that took me maybe 30ish minutes - I go back after I am done? Small pile of brush the size of a chair was picked up and moved. Now I'm legitimately pissed off and seeing red. It was hot during this job and I wanted to get it done and go home to get out of the damn heat. This useless Gen Z dude literally did the bare minimum and close to nothing. I told him because of the work he barely did I'm not going to pay him what I originally offered. Considering I did 90% of the job by myself.
Gen Z dude get's pissed off and demands I pay him what I offered for work that he barely did. Saying he called out of work to make more money. Again, I was not paying this dude a small amount of money, it was a pretty significantly large amount because I wanted to help someone who was struggling to pay their bills.
But you know what? Now I see why these retarded, Gen Z lazy, fat fucks are struggling to pay their bills. Because they're fucking lazy, they're retarded, they're slow and they're entirely out of shape. Even the most "based" Gen Z are entirely useless and can't do the simple task of picking up fucking sticks. Yes, I am still pissed off because of this hence why I am ranting.
You know why? Because as an actual, growing, thriving business owner - I can't find a single "man" that can work efficiently. I can't find a single person to work fucking hard to earn the money they want to earn. It's horrible. The entitlement almost everyone I hire to the "Hard earned pay" they don't deserve as well is fucking unbearable.
By the way, I am a zoomer myself so I am going to shit on my own right now. What the hell is wrong with my generation? I can't wrap my head around why they're so addicted to tik tok - why they are extremely fucking lazy and useless and why they are unbearably entitled to things they don't earn. What the fuck is wrong with them? If Gen Z is THIS bad then Gen A is going to be even worse and that's a complete understatement.
Okay - Rant over. Sorry everyone but I needed to get this off my chest
🇺🇸🗳📹 — CNN's analyst John King immediate reaction is to consider that Biden will be replaced, as supposedly the Democratic Party elite is plotting a declaration of public intervention to remove Biden from the race
“It’s continued throughout the night from oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, to what do we do about this…we have a problem."Читать полностью…
I'm sorry to tell you this, but Judea won a final victory against Rome in 1945.
The scientific output of a civilization that believes in ritual child foreskin sacrifice to a fire demon is zero.
Global cooling is back on the system's propaganda boys
JUST IN - 6-3: SCOTUS allows government to "pressure" social media to remove "harmful misinformation." Challenge "lacks standing."
we're back
>Among the report's recommendations, CNAS suggests considering older individuals for a draft first as a "future combat environment" might necessitate personnel with more life experiences or advanced skills.
What's the global warming impact of EV battery plant fires?
😳 AIPAC to spend astonishing $100,000,000 in US political bribes this year alone
This is election interference on a scale America has never witnessed…