Monkeypox is now spread in the sex trade industry in the Congo. Only 10% of cases are laboratory confirmed. This is not a "public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC) under the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR)." "Of 51 cases hospitalised between September 2023 and January 2024, 24 were sex workers, five of whom were male. Considering that sex work is likely concentrated around mining areas and that there are no direct travel connections to Europe, the relevance of this transmission route for potential importation into sexual networks in the EU is likely limited, including into sexual networks of men-who have sex with men (MSM), where the majority of Monkeypox transmission in the EU has occurred to date."
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Bird-Brained Public Health Management of H5N1 Avian Influenza
Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex Inept or Methodically Slow-Walking World into Mass Vaccination?
To sort out all of this madness and give us a practical approach to influenza A (including H5N1), our guest is Dr. Clayton Baker, a Harvard trained internist in Western New York State who is a voice of sanity in the midst of bird flu madness.
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Unnecessary, Excessive Routine Childhood Vaccination Leading to Chronic Illness
Dr. McCullough with Mat Staver on Freedom Alive
The public is becoming acutely aware of the ever-growing list of routine childhood vaccinations on the ACIP schedule, effectively mandatory in some states to attend school. Many legacy illnesses had dramatic reductions in case count and mortality long before the introduction of vaccines including smallpox, measles, diphtheria, pertussis, and influenza. This was due to improved living conditions, sanitation, nutrition, and antibiotics. So why are healthy young babies vaccinated for adult infectious diseases of the past? Could this be causing harm?
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
‘Medical Warfare’: Doctors Who Questioned COVID Shots, Promoted Ivermectin Lose Certification @DrPaulMarik
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Is Blood Supply Free of mRNA and Spike Protein?
Dr. McCullough Responds on American Sunrise
Dr. Gina Loudon recently disclosed having surgery and signing a consent for blood transfusion if needed during or after the operation. She had concerns over COVID-19 vaccinated blood donors contributing mRNA and Spike protein to the blood supply.
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Risk Stratification for Future Cardiac Arrest after COVID-19 Vaccination
Integration of Clinical, Laboratory, and Imaging Data Aid in Prognosis
We continue to see vaccinated persons suffer cardiac arrests three years after most took the shots in 2021.
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Peer-Reviewed Manuscript Calls for Market Withdrawal of all COVID-19 Vaccines and Boosters
Please note this peer-reviewed paper has also been published and cross indexed on the EC PrePrint Server ZENODO:
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 3(2), 1112-1178, ISSN: 2766-5852, 2024.
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Dr Peter McCullough & Dr Adi Paterson on The Chris Smith Show
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
High Mortality Rate with COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis
Japanese Database Reports 9.6% of Symptomatic Cases are Dead 64 Days after Injection
@PeterMcCulloughMD .
Routine Infant Hepatitis B Vaccination Fails to Protect Into Young Adulthood
Parents Should Not Expect a Long-Term Benefit
What happens later in life when young people go into the medical field and are potentially exposed to hepatitis B in sick patients? Posuwan et al evaluated a prospective cohort of young people (mean age 18 years) going into medicine and evaluated their antibody titers as a proxy of enduring immunity to hepatitis B.
@PeterMcCulloughMD .