Created by @r_channels
Upcoming open source framework LayerProcGen: Layer-Based Infinite Procedural Generation
Star Wars Lego - Shuttle Ship - Infinite Map Generation - Random other ships spawning towards you
After almost 30 hours, I have upgraded the github project from colordodge on github, to the modern version of threejs. I then integrated ldraw lego star wars shuttle into the code, and was even able to get other shuttle ships to fly at me. Labor of love. What do you guys think?\_wars\_threejs\_infinite\_procedural\_map\_lego\_shuttle/
Behold: The best route between two points
ugly tiles from the 80s and other experiments w/ python filtering
How I could give a biome weight for each tile in my world?
My procedural world is made of tiles determined by three noisemaps. Each biome has a min definition for each noisemap. Then I subtract the min definitions from the noisemap value at each tile and add those differences to get the “biome difference”. Then I iterate through my biomes to see which biome is closest to the tile or has smallest biome difference.
Now I’m trying to find out how biomey a tile is… how deep in the biome is the tile, if it’s right on the edge of the biome or nah.
Any ideas can’t find out how to adjust biome differences to see how deep the tile is..?
A Map Generation Tour (for a Roguelike)
A Map Generation Tour
For anyone interested, a montage of procedurally generated maps, followed by a little walking around in them to show how they look up close. The game is still in a very early state (no combat in this video), but I wanted to share the recent progress on the surface map generator.
These maps use drunken walks, waypoints and paths, and a lot of cellular automata to produce these 100x100 tile terrain maps, most of which have interesting room layouts and sightlines for a roguelike that will (mostly) be about ranged combat!
This came about when I decided to go from a game that is about delving to the bottom of a dungeon to a more open-ended sandboxy kind of idea, in which the player roams the world. Each submap is based on the tile it is represented by in the overmap, which is also procedurally generated. I have created a variety of cave maps as well, but I thought this video is already pretty long so I'll post those down the road. Enjoy!
Best method for triangulating Fibonacci sphere?
Integrating Story and Procedural Generation: Where to Start?
While I do have some experience with procedural generation. I'm uncertain how to handle incorporating linear story into procedurally generated progression. This means the game generates a random progression for the player to follow. But I'm not sure what I should do. Here are some of my inquiries, if anyone has more experience than me:
* Should world generation come after or before generating a progression dependency chart?
* How should I handle location-linked story events? A lot of story events can be forced to happen anywhere but what if I need them to happen in a specific place? The world won't always generate every possible 'biome' and town type so how can I handle those requirements?
* Should I define what locations connects to which through a graph? That seems incredibly useful to have for defining progression as to avoid forcing the player to travel locations very far away, making them only travel between immediate vicinities.
* Should story be held in a separate dependency tree from player progression? I had the idea of having the story tree be static and everything in-between the static story points be procedurally chosen.
* How to handle more open-world design, such as multiple possible pathways both in story and in player progression.
My current idea was to first generate the world, place each item and possible locations that may have requirements (such as a dungeon needing to be near a town.) and then generate a progression chart for items, making sure the player will always be in the vicinity of the next objective. The progression chart for the items then is used as the guide for the conditions to story events that will be integrated into part of the progression chart. But what do I know? Haha.
Droidbuddy Friend Generator (text) - Random name and character stats RPG style!
How my world generation works for my game
Audio Reactive Projection made in TouchDesigner
Phototropism — all code, all real-time
Procedural Generated Universe - getting started?
I have an idea in my head for a game set in an Elite style proceduraly generated Universe. I've found a few universe generators I could use but I'd really like to understand the theory better and build something myself.
Are there any good resources you could point me towards (I can already code but this field is completely new to me)
Thanks in advance!
I transferred my old heightmap generator from Python to C#. Much faster now, including multithreading.
Any learning resources for doing procedural animation?
I recently watched this devlog and is truly amazed by it, so I would like to know more about how to do something similar. Thanks!
urban birb feedback at dogs park live on twitchgrainstorm app (generative organic)animals entretainment oriented dur 57min
im trying to get some f e e d b a c k from the birds that are nearby a dogs park, nearby either a sort of avenue this week. Im actually succeeding really, many of them come to me explicitly so excited exhibitting what can they do which, honestly has been pretty cool and unexpected...
i had the chance even to make a pretty decent reply in real time, imitating one bird as he o she showed up, you know, like a glimpse of luck but i could handle it nicely enough and im so proud of how everything has resulted out...
note: i will be making this this week from ( U S ) 0 1 : 0 0h t o 2 : 0 0 a m . its been pretty cool, ..the lives on twitch get saved during 7 days, so if you miss the exact timetable, and youre curious still, you can visit my very humble profile :) ..okay \^ \^ c h e e r s
PD: you may want to s k i p i t u p to the 25 minute or so, since it took me a while until i could map out the birds as i wanted, it was a risky thing to do but i really think it was worth it
"this is about having fun getting feedback from birds that sing in areas that are right at spots in between the city and nature spaces and hours later i have done something simmilar, this time only recording the sounds of the birds and playing it out back at them. This time it was calmer, sunset hour say, and they really have come to me to sing to me and its been really awesome experience, mostly becaus ethey have been singing real good and using sounds that truly never heard before in a complexity maybe that it was unkown to me for real. I mean that if anyone is curious, just need to tell me and i will borrow that files."
also i want to a p o l o g i z e i n a d v a n c e about the low sound volume the videos are having, apparently twitch set it up that way, and it makes sense since live generative music can lead to some extra high peaks and that cause the overall volume to shut down a lot, but hey, this is supposed to be a nice time youre having with your pet and its gonna be positive just let the sound go a litle and make all sorts of things right?
thanks you all
ok, but what if minecraft was *mostly* realistic? (completed around dec 2023, an improved version is in the works)
Seamless connection of marching cubes chunks using transvoxel
Been working on procedural terrain using marching cubes, and decided to implement level of detail. This algorithm I found helps you to connect marching cubes chunks of different levels of detail. Pretty cool!
Shaded view
Wireframe view
Procedural Ivy update
Audio reactive 3D Animation (realtime) - TouchDesigner
Procedural map generation: preventing blocked maps?
I'm struggling with making sure a level’s objectives, collectibles, and exits are fully walkable.
Here's a picture of a level my game can generate and my current solution.
The darkened tiles are debug data. They represent "blocked" tiles: an entity already spawned there and requested those tiles blocked. An entity blocks its own tiles and surrounding tiles. This clearly works -- it leaves walkable space around every entity -- but it generates very grid-like patterns. And looks boring.
(Ignore the two sections with barrels in consecutive tiles.)
The struggle is real. I've tried a few other simple ideas but they tend to quickly lead into corner cases. One such idea was create an "unbreakable path" for every room that allows walkable entities and leave all other space for "blocking" entities. How do you make sure a treasure chest, which would be blocking, is obtainable?
Do you just create whatever and throw out rooms whose contents and exits aren't pathable from everywhere? I remember reading something about Diablo 1's random level generator and how it was designed to toss out entire levels depending on pathing requirements.
Raytraced sphere #5 | Turtletoy
My attempt at procedural gameplay in the procedural city project (the opening scene - learn to fly on the job)
Decided my word game needed animated procgen landscapes
truth is that i have suffered so much while at it..mhh, but it turned out an actually pretty decent proud, and my cat loved it i can tell
Procedural characters in my building and simulation game
Procedural generation of tile partition for building placement
Desired Outcome
I have a big polygon I want to divide further so I can place buildings on it procedurally. The polygon can be convex or concave. Thanks to the Clipper2 library from Angus Johson I already managed to do the polygon inset, but now I'm stuck on the part where I have to create parralel lines between the inset bounds and the outward bounds of the polygon. Here's a picture of what I want to do:
Creation of parralel lines between the polygon inset and the outward boundary
Each little "partition", the space between the parralel lines, would be somewhere I would place a building onto. Ultimately this would be part of a procgen city, where the user can choose between voronoi based or l-system based
Does anyone know how can I proceed achieve this? Any help would be much appreciated!
A little mandelbrot
Juggernaut Name Generator - including random stats and a hex color!
Procedural city generation : unique building geometry