Created by @r_channels
Quickly make worlds with Infinite Lands! Node-Based procedural terrain generator using Burst Compiler and Jobs
Procedural Valley with Infinite Lands! [GIVEAWAY in the Comments]
We are currently working on procedurally generated buildings. What do you think?
Infinite Lands! My procedural node-based infinite world generation asset is finally available in the UnityStore!
Galaxy Builder Decks | Analog Scifi-Setting Procedural Generation tool - New Star System cards - Shuffle, Draw, can have whole Sectors and Systems in minutes right on the table.
Do you guys know about any 1D perlin/simplex noise function modules for python?
What the title says, preferably it should have a way to change frequencies and amplitudes (for octaves to make fractal noise) and a way to redistribute values to edit the terrain.
If you can't find any perlin/simplex noise any type of noise that can make terrain is fine, as long as it's 1D
Procedural creation of creatures in unity 3d
So i’ve just started working on a project that includes completely procedurally generating creatures complete with meshes, colliders, and procedural animation (then maybe textures). I’ve done some research and it looks like nobody has done it yet and if i could achieve it then it would make my game the most unique game out there and would be a massive step in the gaming industry. So i’ve seen procedural terrain generation tutorials, and this video seems to be the closest thing to what im looking for. So in a seperate post’s comment someone suggested generating the spine first, then creating the mesh around that. So i was thinking i could make a sphere around the spine then set all the vertex a certain distance from the nearest point of the skeleton, so then we have a mesh around the skeleton. Then using some noise or whatnot it can generate patterns and bumps in the vertex distance from the skeleton to create texture and interesting features. Let me know your thoughts on this idea, and if this idea is even possible. Ill update this post with progress.
Advice about Procedural Generation for a tile-based map
Hi all, I am working on a game that involves a 2D gridded map and my team and I are at the point where we are in need of some sort of proc-gen system to generate unique maps. This map at a base level consists of buildings, roads, and generic obstacle tiles, and additionally fences between tiles that act as walls. Below I have attached some images of a hand made map that is an example of what we would like the maps to look like. I was wondering if there was a particular proc-gen method that would be recommended for something like this. I have looked mainly at WFC because of how popular it seems but I was wondering if there was a better algorithm that I was overlooking. Any and all advice is very appreciated!
An example map that was hand-made
That same map top down \( the grid lines are a bit easier to see\)
Procedural creatures and how they can cause you headaches when developing a game - New DevLog for "Where Beasts Were Born"!
Is there an existing and available algorothm to generate moderne building floor plan?
I'm making a top-down view 2D game, and I'd like to make procedural maps.
As it's set in the modern time/near future in an urban area, I started looking to make a procedural generator. I just need to create a 2D plan of a building.
Through my researchs, I stumbled across those 2 articles, which seems encouraging: (centered around a corridor for office-like building) (for habitations like houses or apartments)
I've started prototyping some things to see the feseability of those, and it seems to be a little above my current level, and that it will take me some times to make something anywhere close to those...
So I was wondering, is there any available procedural generators for those type of maps, if possible for video game application?
Enjoyed making random star sectors recently. Mix of Perlin, Voronoi and custom gray-scale textures. Next is the planetary systems themselves!
Board game map generation
I would like some way to make random maps for board games similar to risk (irregular tile shapes)
I have no idea where to start doing something like this and I am not going to attempt doing it myself
currently I have a level editor that will let players enter the bonuses and graph but generating the actual meshes is what I am looking for.
I am using Unity and c# but if your program can output as .txt files then that is perfect.
[Question] Looking for a Hex-crawl algorithm
Oh great masters of /r/proceduralgeneration...
I want to user or develop a hex-crawl or square-crawl map generator for table-top, and I need an algorithm to base it on. Does anyone know of one?
To define a hex-crawl, if it is an unfamiliar term: A style of game where the player(s) explore an undefined map one space at a time. Spaces are revealed as they are explored and do not change once revealed. However, in order to figure out what is in a space, the space must be explored (you can't just "look from a distance"...usually). In most hex-crawls, hexes are fairly large (25-miles across).
It needs to satisfy the following requirements:
* Reveals spaces one at a time as players travel across the map.
* No invisible state-tracking (no figuring out what a space is without revealing it. There can be no memory other than information related to previously revealed spaces)
* The algorithm must be capable of producing contiguous features (if you encounter a stand of trees, it must be able to logically generate a forest if you continue to explore)
* The algorithm must take neighboring spaces into account when generating the contents of a space being revealed.
* The algorithm must be compatible with physical math-rocks :)
Any of the above rules (except for the math-rocks rule) can be violated as long as not all of them are being violated, and as long as the violation buys us something (an LOD system would be neat, for example. I've never seen a table-top system that embraced LOD).
Anyone know of something like this, or know any good places to start looking?
Resources for learning ProcGen techniques?
Hello, everyone! I am increasingly interested on this field, and I'd like to ask for some learning resources recommendations!
Textbooks, good tutorials on the web, code repositories, etc.
All is welcomed!
A shader I made a few months ago for a game jam #WhirlpoolDay
Had to rewrite this from UNITY tutorial to GODOT. the fact i am new to GODOT and never used UNITY does not help. so it took 4 days of work.
Method for combining words?
Hi. how would you go about an algorithm/method for combing words in a way that seems natural? I'm thinking similar to Pokémon names Turtle + Squirt = Squirtle, Lizard + charred = Charizard. I know of markov chains for creating words based on similar ones but that doesn't really combine them in this way.
Creating a Queens game map on Linkedin
How to generate biomes and smaller things like trees?
I'm making an open world game in Unity and have been using various noises to generate the landscape, but there's 2 things I can't figure out.
Separated Biomes
1. How would I go about dividing the map into separate biomes, preferably on their own island?
Kind of like this how each biome has it's own island\/section
Individual Items
2. How would I go about placing trees/foliage around ensuring they're properly spaced apart? If each tile had a random chance to spawn a tree, there would be sections that were clumped up and others that were empty. I'm looking for sort of a randomized grid.
Or for that matter, just placing an individual item like a lone treasure chest or single unique quest item without it being duplicated on the tiles around it.
note: I'm using multithreading where each task is responsible for a single row of the map, so I may not be able to use any methods that need to know about other rows.
Any help would be appreciated, or if there's some online guide to doing all this stuff would be great too. Thanks!
Exploring noise + instances in the browser
giant nugget
ProcGen Radio Station
Raymarched procedural planets with atmosphere simulation.
What are the most common algorithms for generating terrain?
post-apocalyptic technopoly | python + gimp
Top down trees: help me break down the problem!
I would essentially like to automate drawing trees like this tutorial:
I'm drawing in 2D, and can apply filters, mask areas, and composite things. (I'm using Core Graphics and Core Image, Apple APIs, fwiw.) But I'm trying to break down the bits of the problem that a human can easily solve:
Firstly, drawing the tree outline. I know the circle I want to turn into a tree. Step two of the tutorial is to draw the tree shape. A human can put in the natural looking wiggles fairly easily. But how do I code that? One idea I had is to add randomly sized small circles on the path round my large circle, then stroke the whole thing. But I'm not sure that will get me quite enough random-looking foliage.
The second question is about stroking the lines -- any tips about how to implement something akin to one of Photoshop's natural looking brushes?
Birds eye view of world generation in Just Keep Digging
This part of the map has stringy caves and is fairly hot and moist so mushrooms are spawning.
Steam Page:\_Keep\_Digging/
Timelapse of designing a building in my procgen building creation tool
Terrain and texture generation
3D procedural galaxies