Created by @r_channels
Quantum Mechanics Based Algorithm "Wave Function Collapse" To Generate 3d Terrain (From Scratch)
2D Island Map generator in Unity Tutorial / full project
Procedural Worldmap (PSX style) (WIP)
20+ Minutes 1024km² Open World Exploration
Voxel Procedural Generation for Mountains using Gradient System for Perlin Noisey
Hello. I am new here. I am experimenting with a voxelated style for generating realistic mountains. I am thinking of either the DSA algorithm or gradient style Perlin noise. This is going to be added towards a resource management game. Can you please give some advice on what should I use that is free?
How to generate random contour maps in a boardgame?
I'm looking for a way to do this for my first boardgame but I couldn't yet find a good way of doing that with tabletop game mechanics. Any ideas to help me?
I made my own Perlin-like Noise in Google Sheets
If you're like me, you enjoy pushing the boundaries of software applications for fun and profit. In an abundance of that enterprising spirit, I've taken a unique approach to procedural generation using Google Sheets.
I created a Perlin-like noise generator, which I’ve named the "tentpole noise algorithm," relying entirely on cell formulas and MOD functions for pseudo RNG with a seeded approach.
Here's a breakdown of how it's structured:
First Layer - Establishing Tentpoles: The initial setup involves defining high and low points using modulus operations to determine peak positions:This mimics the function of tentpoles, setting the maximum and minimum
=IF(MOD(C$5,$C$1) + MOD($A7,$C$1)=0,IF(MD5(CONCATENATE($C$3,C$5,$A7))>"8",((HEX2DEC(RIGHT(MD5(CONCATENATE($C$3,C$5,$A7)),1))-5)*$C$4),0),0)
Second Layer - Canvas Logic: This layer applies logic to smooth the terrain between the tentpoles, simulating the canvas stretched over them
Originally designed for terrain generation, this algorithm has been equally effective for simulating environmental attributes like moisture and temperature in my game.
Here’s a link to the spreadsheet in case anyone wants to see it in action.
Once I had this working, I converted the logic to C# and put it into my project, Xyzzya—a platform that merges worldbuilding with advanced AI and procedural generation to create dynamic, living worlds. For more insights into how procedural generation shapes the core of Xyzzya, you can check out our latest blog post here:
Profiteer a strategy with procedural generation, now updated to version 1.5
We have made an update for Profiteer, version 1.5 is now available
- New resource Workers added
- New building Workers Barracks added, now each building needs certain amount of workers to produce profit
- Every turn barracks take a certain amount of money for their sustainability
- Floor tiles have been changed as well as resources now facing to the different directions
- New camera VFX, now everything pixelated tell us what do you think about it
- Bug fixes
Future changes:
- New system that will make game a bit harder
- Upgrades for the buildings
- Visual changes
- Smaller changes
Thanks for the reading!
Update on Just Keep Digging
currently have 25 different ores, this is a very copper heavy part in the world you can also see some emeralds and quartz as well some nickel. From the last time I posted here I cleaned up the cave generation as well.
Issues with Generating Multi-Layer Terrain and Ecosystem Using PCG and Tilemap
Hi everyone,
I am currently working on generating a multi-layer terrain and ecosystem using procedural content generation (PCG) techniques based on tilemaps. As shown in the attached image, I used Voronoi and Delaunay triangulation to generate the main structure. I have a map to record information, and I am using four corner values to represent the blending of a particular tile.
Currently, I am facing several problems:
1. I am unable to properly handle mountains. The edges of the mountain tiles have transparent sections that I can't seem to resolve.
2. I find the terrain I generate to be monotonous and lacking in variety. I am looking for algorithms that could increase the complexity of my terrain, such as:
Implementing multi-layered mountains.
Creating a more complex ecosystem.
Any advice or suggestions on how to achieve these goals would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!
I want to generation type
Finally got the caves to spawn in our procedurally-generated mines! This half of Museum Keeper is starting to come together!
Conway's Game of Life - Zombie Outbreak Edition. The beginnings of a little strategy game I'm working on.
Currently developing 'Card Chronicles: Devious Deck,' a roguelike deckbuilder. I implemented the dungeon using a recursive backtracker algorithm and Poisson Disc Sampling to place objects. I like these algorithms because of their simplicity. What do you think? Do you have any suggestions for better
Made a technical breakdown/update video for my procedural galaxy generator
Dirt paths (on top down map)
Hi! I’d like to draw dirt paths on my map. I have coordinates of the path itself, and its width, as vectors. I want to make the edge appear noisy and uneven. My plan is to create a black bitmap mask for the paths, then use it to mask a texture.
How can I make the edges of the path uneven instead of smooth and regular? (I can work with bitmaps and filters, so no need to do it with vector coords.)
How can i make a planet map manually
I wanna draw and make my own planet texture but i dont know how to draw a seamless mercater projection effect. I also dont want the textures to be mirrored or bad quality and unrealistic.
BTW I want a free way of doing this
3d Architectural Models created with AI
Procedural mountains, hex map
Procedural planet & galaxy in the space game I'm working on.
thingy torus
Completed procedural generation of maps and buildings. Each playthrough is now unique as the buildings vary significantly. The topology is also randomized; for instance, the ground floor may be located on different sides of a river (highways), with connections on upper levels.
I'm finally releasing my procedural tree generator as open source. Over 30 tunable parameters and option to export to .glb. Link to demo/source in comments!
Playing with terrain massif generation
Games with procedural generation after 2020
My supervisor asked me to collect ~5 games which were published in the last 5 years and use procedural generation. Can you guys list a couple of them by any chance?
It doesn't matter what aspect of the game was generated procedurally, just contain in any way.
Thanks all!
NetWorks is a music-generating algorithm, based on complex systems science, that seeks to tap into the ceaseless creativity, and organic coherence, found in nature through fine-tuning the connectivity of networks, which channels how information flows through them, and the rules that transform the information as it interacts via their nodes.
Constraints on the connections and interactions between the parts of systems are central to their coherence. Alicia Juarrero in her book, Context Changes Everything writes: “Coherence-making by constraints takes place in physical and biological complex systems small and large, from Bénard cells to human organizations and institutions, from family units to entire cultures. Entities and events in economic and ecosystems are defined by such covarying relations generated by enabling constraints.”
In NetWorks, the transformation of information via the nodes is extremely simple, nodes send and receive simple values (negative and positive integers) that are added/subtracted together.
Michael Levin, in his groundbreaking work on developmental bioelectricity, points out the important ability for cells to coarse grain their inputs. Cells track and respond to voltage and, as a general rule, are not concerned with the details, specifically, the individual ions, ion channels or molecules, that contributed to their voltage. It is the voltage patterns across cells which control cellular differentiation during morphogenesis and ontogeny.
In discussing the role of the observer, Stepen Wolfram points out the importance of equivalence in human thought and technology. He uses gas molecules and a piston as an example: the huge number of possible configurations of the gas is not important so long as they are equivalent in determining pressure. All that matters is the aggregate of all the molecular impacts. Equivalence is a key aspect on how we as observers make sense of the world, in that many different configurations of systems contribute to their aggregate features that we recognize while we, like our cells, can ignore most of the underlying details.
Similarly, in the NetWork algorithm, nodes aggregate their inputs which are feedback into the network through their links. It is the network’s unfolding pattern of values that are sonified.
The pieces in NetWorks 11: Unfamiliar Order consist of eight interacting voices. Voices can interact such that, for example, the depth of vibrato performed by one voice can influence the timbral characteristics and movement through 3D (ambisonic) space of a note played by another voice. The covarying relationship between musical attributes result in expressive context dependent performances.
Headphone listening is recommended as the piece was mixed using ambisonic techniques.
Music from Langton's Ant (Hexagonal rule L2L2L2RRR)
Looking for examples of using non grid-based prebuilt sections and filling the gaps with fully procedural sections.
I'm sure something like this has been done before, I suppose I could use some kind of voronoi or a small grid, I just get the feeling It's going to look weird if I don't come up with something smart.
Neon OctaHelix - Made by me
Any ideas on how to add randomization to the tile blending shader? Perhaps by using Perlin noise? Is this possible at all? The noise could be precalculated, but the problem is that the shader is reused by tiles with different positions in the world, so I would need to have multiple instances of them
The island now generates 5 biomes, each using their own terrain settings