Created by @r_channels
OpenGL procedural terrain with trees and snow
HUMOR Recommended videos on an inverse kinematics tutorial.
So YT is using its mobile layout on desktops now I guess.
My procedural rhythm game is releasing in September (for free)! I'm looking for playtesters. Answer here if you're interested.
Hi, I am developing a 4X space strategy game. It relies heavily on procedural generation. All procedural assets are generated on-demand while the game is running. In this clip there is a procedural background, with a procedural planet and the spaceships are also procedural!
Randomized trapezia tilings
Just announced my new game Super Mining Mechs. Any thoughts on how I can spice up the procedurally generated maps?
know if there are other rooms next to it, leaving many paths open. I tried to solve this by creating small storerooms and dead-end paths, but it didn't convince me. These small storerooms could be part of the already created rooms, without needing so many additional elements.
The appearance created was a bit "strange" since it left remains of rooms that couldn't be played because they were inaccessible, so this first iteration was discarded.
Once again, we returned to the design phase and changed the way rooms are created. In the first version, all open rooms were created based on their position, whether it was a corner, etc., but always with the maximum number of open paths. This created a lot of debris in the form of tiles and inaccessible objects.
For the new version, I segmented the layout creation into three phases:
1st Phase, a zone from the 16 available is chosen, and the starting room is created.
2nd Phase, using a 4-direction system, the dungeon layout is created. At this point, the rooms haven't been created yet, only marked which rooms are activated for the dungeon.
3rd Phase, as the dungeon is already created, we can now sequentially check the relationships between rooms. Each room checks the 4 directions (north, south, east, and west) and chooses its most suitable layout with the necessary connections. This way, each room now has more consistency, and I don't have to find patches to close open paths.
Here are the results after the first tests:
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As you can see, the dungeon now "looks like a dungeon," with everything connected. However, the system still needs refinement. I added checks to ensure that when a dungeon doesn't generate with a minimum size, it resets the generation. It should also always create an entrance and an exit door. If it doesn't, the generation resets again. These steps are invisible to the player since the generation occurs during level transitions with a fade to black, making these small delays imperceptible. We'll continue improving the system later, but for now, it's sufficient to move forward in other game areas.
The most interesting part of this is content generation:
Each room, once its layout is chosen, can be filled with whatever we want, as long as it respects the entrances and exits. This means I can create hundreds of small rooms with different layouts, even separating decoration content.
Currently, I am considering variations of different basic layouts:
Large room, rounded, narrow, diamond-shaped, divided into sections, divided corridors, etc.
And each with different content variations adapted to the layout:
Enemies, puzzles, traps, enemy waves, bosses, treasures, shops, and combinations of the above.
The difference between an empty room and one prepared with content (this way, the scale of each room is better seen).
With in-game lighting:
How do you complete each level?
By reaching the room with the closed door. Each level will have a closed door that opens by fulfilling a condition in that room. The player must discover it:
Solve a puzzle in the room.
Defeat all the enemies in the room.
Defeat a mini-boss
And this is all, I hope it has been useful to you.
Desperately looking for book resources for procedual 3d shapes or cave generation
I want to find a book that covers 2d/3d math functions that create specific shapes or procedually generating a cave like this ( Technically once could just make some empty space and just have a composition of this plus some other shapes to actually make it sort of "realistic" or walkable even. It seems to be using a procedure like this too (, but I'm having a genuinely a hard time finding material about simple shapes/math functions to use as a basic composition for it.
Or would it be better to just to repurpose an L system that's used for plant generation? any ideas? The resources that I see seem to be only for simple random caves or 2d stuff meant for simple indie games. Thanks in advance
Cooperative survival RPG game set in a procedurally generated world of Wild West.
You liked the ores back then, so I also made procedural forest/wood types with generated visuals and stats
Any good resources for procedural generation in godot4?
Do you have any good resources to recommend for procedural generation in godot4? I only create 2d games and the question is mainly about them.
I'm thinking of creating dungeons, open maps, story, enemies, all equipment, events, economy etc.
I will accept everything with open arms!
How do I properly generate procedural terrain??
I find myself restarting projects about procedural terrain generation.
I love this topic, and i'd like to program an API that allows me to easily create lots of stuff. But i just don't know how to tackle everything at once.
I gotten past the noise generation and the mesh generation (using terrain elevation and isosurface techniques), but how do i go further??
How do i place grass, trees, rocks? Rivers, paths, roads, structures?
Is there a set of techniques that are used for each process (placing rocks, structures, rivers, biomes)?
And then another technique that joins everything together?
Free 3d models
a longer walk inside my OpenGL procedural terrain
We have added procedural generated biomes to our strategy game
We have been working this days on adding biomes in game and also fixed some of our previous problems in game
* We added a new biome system, so there are 4 major biomes such as grasslands, swamp, snow-lands and desert
* We have changed our camera shaders back to normal, due to the fact that our players didn't liked how it was looking
* We have changed the balance so now buildings gain more profits and barracks are cheaper
* Small bug fixes
**Our plans:**
* We are planning to add upgrade system for the buildings
* Tutorial, so new players can understand what's going on way easier
* Some extra mechanics which are for now in secret
Thanks for reading!
Link to the game: [](
How to create a interesting world ?
Hi everyone ! I'm doing a project where I need to recreate a voxel engine and add procedurale generation to it.
I watched this very good video of a Minecraft dev (see link) and I understand the theorical part, but I block to applicate it.
To explain, in the video he explains that Minecraft use 3d noise to determine if there is a block at a position xyz. The value return is called density and if it's above 0, there is a block. Density can be affected by 2 values: squashing factor and height offset. Squashing factor will make the terrain more flat or more chaotic, while height offset will move it up or down. These 2 values are determined by multiples 2d noise Map.
For the moment, I created pretty decent 2d noise Map like in the video, but I struggle to make them influence my 3d noise. I think it Can be a problem of World size (my World is 16384 x 256 x 16384), but i'm not sure.
I can't provide any screenshots for the moment, I will be able tomorrow, but if you got any documentation about something similar I would be really happy to see it, thanks !
Non-prefab 3D dungeon generator
Problems with lakes in islands. HELP!!
Hi redditors, i am generating this procedural islands, and it also generate this lakes.
I want the lakes to be connected, so a boat can enter here and explore them
looks like a face lol
i can generate this texture showing the water in red, it can be useful.
Thanks for your help!!
Generating city maps using graphs - First article of a series (hopefully)
Working on procedural dungeon generation for my voxel game
Generative hash images from text
I'm creating a mini dungeon system for my game
For the game I'm developing (The Shadowed Rune) I need a simple system to have randomized dungeons. This is the process I have followed.
The goal is to work on smaller dungeons, between 4 and 6 rooms (including entrance and exit), so they are relatively short (about 5-10 minutes). The tower where 'The Shadowed Rune' takes place consists of 7 main floors. Each floor is divided into several sections. Each random dungeon will be one of these sections. The last section of each level will be a boss fight. After defeating it, you'll ascend to the next floor of the tower. All sublevels will share the same theme.
The challenge? Making these 'mini-dungeons' interesting. As the game's description states, the key is to combine action levels with puzzle levels that force you to use elements to solve them. Therefore, the room positions must be random and offer enough variety to surprise the player.
Each floor has a theme based on an element, but that doesn't limit the appearance of others. However, it does influence the type of puzzles that will appear.
Another reason for dividing the structure into rooms is to facilitate cooperative play. It's clear that completely disconnected rooms could be created, where you move from one to another without returning to the previous one. But I think we would lose one of the strengths of 'The Shadowed Rune':
Each room (called Chamber in the programming) is designed separately, to test it with semi-random bases of connection between objects - activators - runes - enemies. Others will be more closed puzzles, but I hope to have enough variety to avoid repetition.
The initial idea is that the room can be completed with the elements it provides. This ensures that the player doesn't get stuck because they lack an element or a previous rune. But if they have other equipped runes and other elements available, they could access secret areas, solve puzzles more easily, and get better loot. (The game is filled with small rooms and hidden areas with storerooms and loot that can be accessed with the right runes, without compromising the normal progression of the adventure).
This also allows you to complete the entire level and, before crossing the last door, decide to take a small detour and explore areas that, with a recently obtained rune, might lead to a hidden area.
On the technical side, I can share that each tower floor is laid out as a 4x4 grid (16 cells) (enough to create different types of layouts). When you leave the camp, the character enters the first level of the tower: "The Flooded Basements."
At that moment, the game starts generating, choosing one of those 16 cells as the target and moves, creating a path according to the programmed algorithm until it reaches the fixed limit or completely blocks. In that case, it places the character in the initial room, and the adventure begins.
I am creating this system from scratch, without using third-party code, to ensure I have control over it at all times. The main design challenge was to create a basic layout for the 16 tower positions and ensure that the paths are always connected during creation.
These were the first tests, only with terrain and some objects:
Going deeper for those who might find it useful. Each room is designed in a small, closed level. Once tested, it is saved in files for later reuse. This way, we can have hundreds of rooms without loading them all into memory, as only the necessary ones are loaded, even allowing the combination of “tiles” and “instances” in separate files for even more combinations.
Once everything is initially set up, we design the rooms with basic walls and floors and include collisions adjusted to the Z-axis. Now the code knows which room to place in each space. However, it doesn't
Ghost in the Shell-inspired Map Generator (made in p5.js)
Tiling voronoi diagram (3x3 sample of a 16.3k x 16.3k tile)
Around The World, Part 16: A matter of scale
I made a voxel engine/game with procedurally generated terrain
Procedural generation of rocky planets!
Merging Voronoi with Perlin noise for my thesis, any opinion?
Ever feel like it's easy to make cool-looking stuff that isn't presentable? Was generating environments for my steam capsule
Climb faster using the procedurally-generated vines in our underground!