Our organization came together to bring hope and support to an Ummah in need. As an Ummah, we never forget the oppressed, and we always stand together. Donation inquiries: @tamalhope "And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers." 51:55
As the regime discriminatorily hit Idlib, no one was safe from these strikes.
Five-year-old Jana passed away today, without saying goodbye to her family or her friends in the neighborhood.
Her dreams were stolen by regime shells in an artillery attack that targeted her family's home between the villages of Ma'arbalit and Ma'arzaf in the southern countryside #Idlib.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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The whole day planes have stayed in the sky. Circling and bombing.
To say the least, this is stressful for many families living underneath this uncertainty. As you wait to see if you will be the next target of the planes.
We all have a meeting with the angel of death, and he doesn't take no for an answer.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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Until now, there have been 20 Russian airstrikes in northwestern Syria today, including:
⭕️ 8 airstrikes in the Kabana axis
⭕️ 4 airstrikes in Ain al-Zarqa
⭕️ 6 airstrikes in Kafardeen
⭕️ 2 airstrikes in Qarqur
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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As many aid organizations have shifted their focus from Syria to Gaza, this has placed a heavier burden on us. We now need to provide for more people, and without adequate assistance, we will not be able to help everyone.
This winter we need you. Donate and help us to distribute firewood to the needy. Help us heat the homes of those who would otherwise be cold. The impoverished Muslims of Syria need you.
Winter is on our doorstep, let's make a difference.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله:
🔶️“Giving ṣadaqah (charity on Fridays) has a distinct advantage over the rest of the weekdays
Its superiority is similar to giving charity in the month of Ramaḍān in contrast to the rest of the months.”
[Zād al-Maʿād | 1/394]
🔗🔷️ Today is Friday, let's take this opportunity to earn rewards beyond our comprehension by spending for the sake of Allah. Save yourself from the fire, pave your way to jannah, and May Allah swt be pleased with you!
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Every day, we witness people from all walks of life digging through rubbish trying to find a way to survive. Some were teachers, some were engineers, and many are orphans. They suffer in silence.
Be selfish in doing good deeds! Tell yourself, “I’m doing this for myself to gain a certain benefit with Allah”—and that’s perfectly fine.
Help yourself by helping them. This sadaqah is a form of protection from calamities. Do you need money? Watch how Allah enriches you through this sadaqah.
What you give always comes back with more. Give sadaqah and observe how your life changes. Try it just once, and you will see. You are the one who benefits the most from this deal.
They are shunned by society, leaving their complaints with Allah.
Make a difference and donate today; we are Zakat-eligible.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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A beautiful reminder that we should hold close to.
Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
”When the veil has been lifted on the day of judgement revealing the value of good deeds for the people they'll not see any action better in reward than the remembrance of Allāh (Dhikr).
At that time a group of people who'll sigh because they missed out and say:
There was nothing easier for us than dhikr and yet we did not do it.”
[al-Waabil al-Sayyib | 11]
You lot are absolutely brilliant! ❤️❤️❤️ Jazak'Allah Khair for your ongoing support.
We’ve had three lovely folks donate to our shoe program: 👟👟👟
Rayyan donated for two pairs of shoes. 💵💵
Sana also donated for two pairs. 💰💰
While Aisha donated for three pairs. 💷💷💷
In total, we’ve received donations for eleven pairs of shoes. 👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟👟
Alhamdulillah! We didn’t expect such a fantastic response. You lot are on track to smash last year’s record for shoes distributed! 👀😱👀
Let’s keep it up! 💪👌👍
If you’d like to donate and share in the rewards of this wonderful sadaqah, our contact information is below. 👇👇👇
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Jazak'Allah khair to Hasan & Ahmed, ♥️ each person donated to purchase one pair of shoes 👟for families living under severe poverty. 🙏🌹
Who's next? Who will step up and make a difference?
Contact to donate
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The entire Middle East will inevitably be struck by war. This has been Israel's plan for years, and now they are igniting a conflict that will impact generations to come."
At least 100 missiles were launched from Iran towards occupied Palestine
The Lebanese army deals with an unexploded 2-ton missile after it was dropped by an Israeli plane on the Al-Salam neighborhood in Beirut.
We have new methods to receive donations.
You can now use PayPal, Western Union, Ria and the following Crypto Currencies.
You can now donate using Monero (XMR).
We accept the majority of major crypto currencies.
If you are interested in donating using a different method just message and ask us.
JazakAllah khair.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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بِسْــــــــــــــــــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم
Assalamu Alaykum Warahmatullaah Wabarakathu.
“Co-operate with one another in goodness and righteousness...”
[Qur'an 5:2]
✨ List of Beneficial Channels on Telegram #DawahTrain37 ✨
🌻 @daily_IslamicReminder
🌹 @SahabiyaFirstGeneration
💧 @theidealmuslimah1
🕋 @ayahofthedayy
🌟 @thebrightlamp
♦️ @albaseeroh
🌺 @alosyme_eng
🟤 @Daily_Authentic_Hadiths
🟢 @islamsubmissiontoallah
🌸 @Jannahfruitsofficial
🏔️ @towards_eternal_life
🌹 @abdurraheem1234
🍁 @Deen_of_allah
🥀 @message_of_islam
🌀 @hurdle_breakers_1
🍀 @nurvisionnetwork01
⚪ @FeeSabiLillaahh
🍂 @TheNoorOfHearts
🌷 @Believerqalb
🌟 @albaseeroh_Ins
🌘 @silentrepent96
🌥 @JourneyTowardsAllah1
🔗 t.me/DawahTrain 🔗
🌹 Jazakumullāhu Khayran! 🌹
بارك الله فيكم جميعاً
If the people of Gaza who have been slaughtered day and night, displaced to the farthest parts of their country can take the time to donate to their neighbors in Lebanon. What about you? You can't open your wallet for the ummah?
Think and reflect. When you have decided to donate 👇👇
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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The assad regime has done it again. They have started mass displacement.
May Allah aid the ummah against these criminals.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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Right now, as countries hesitate regarding the future of the Syrian people, they are being bombed. This outcome was inevitable, though no one knew exactly when it would happen. Families are now preparing to move from the cities to the countryside, while the poorest among them will remain in the cities, under constant bombardment, because they have nowhere else to go.
Project Hope Syria is taking the initiative to provide these families with their daily necessities as the world continues to collapse around them.
Our aid workers endure the brunt of the bombings as going in and out is life-threatening. However, knowing they helped a fellow Muslim in their time of need is beyond words—it’s a feeling you pray to Allah that He accepts.
As the world descends into chaos, your support isn’t just a donation—it’s a lifeline. Stand with us and make a difference.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID @tamalhope
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While our brothers and sisters in Gaza and Lebanon are being slaughtered with impunity, Russian jets have returned with a ferocious twenty-one missile barrage on the outskirts of Idlib city. This is a daunting precursor to what the people of Idlib have inevitably been waiting for: new battles.
Winter is late this year, though no one is complaining, as most lack the resources to heat their homes. Fathers can be seen breaking down old wood furniture in a desperate attempt to prepare for Syria’s brutal winters. The people of Idlib have been stricken with a poverty that only seems to worsen. A bleak winter has become all too common in Syria.
Right now, someone is on the verge of letting go. Their world is unraveling faster than their mind can comprehend, and all they need is a little hope. You can help turn their struggle into support.
Donate and be the reason they fight another day.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Ibn al-Qayyim رحمه الله said:
“Indeed, sadaqah has a remarkable effect in repelling an array of tribulations, even if it (sadaqah) were to come from a wicked sinner or an oppressor – rather even from a disbeliever.
For indeed; Allāh, The Most High by way of it repels an array of tribulations, and this is an affair which is known by the people – their exclusive ones as well as the general ones, and the people of the earth – all of them acknowledge that – because they have indeed experienced it.”
[Al-Waabil as-Sayyib | P. 69]
He and so many others are in need here in Sham, you have the opportunity to make a difference. Will you?
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Giving Charity on Behalf of the Deceased
Let us remember the deceased members of our families and friends and be a source of benefit for them in their graves, Inshā'Allāh.
‘A’ishah narrates that a man asked the Prophet ﷺ: "My mother died suddenly, and I think that if she could have spoken, she would have given charity. Will she have a reward if I give charity on her behalf?" He ﷺ replied, "Yes." Sahīh Bukhārī [no. 1388]
Projects for charity:
1. Build an Islamic school for children without access to Islamic education.
2. Support an orphanage for homeless Muslim families.
3. Sponsor an orphan.
4. Dig a well for Muslims without access to clean water.
Action Plan:
- Give charity on behalf of the deceased TODAY, intending that a share of the reward goes to them.
- A sign of love is remembering the deceased in our prayers and charity.
Donate now and help the deceased by helping your brothers and sisters in Syria today.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Yesterday was a hard day for me. I’m used to seeing people begging in the streets of Idlib. We try to help as many people as possible, but unfortunately, we can’t save the world.
A young man approached me, and in a very low voice, he said, “I’m hungry. I don’t want money; can you just buy me food?” He is an orphan; both his parents were killed in 2019, and he was forced onto the streets with his younger brother. They survive by selling cardboard and plastic.
Alhamdulillah, I was able to buy him food and help him with some money. But this is not an isolated incident—there are many other children like him who we don’t know about, forced into poverty after losing everything.
Please donate and support children like him.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The upper hand is better than the lower hand. The upper hand is the one that gives, and the lower hand is the one that receives.”
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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Ibn al-Jawzī رحمه الله said:
“O Lord!
Prevent from me the Hellfire, I am not worthy of asking for Paradise.”
[Sayd al-Khaatir | Pg. 684]
Don’t Forget Who This Enemy of Allāh Is!!!
Hassan Nasrallah is dead. 😁We Muslims should not be saddened by his death, even though he was killed by the filthy zionists who are also attacking Islām from one side.
We won’t forget the crimes committed under his leadership, especially in Syria, against our Sunni Muslim brothers and sisters.🫡😔 His support for Assad’s brutal regime cannot be overlooked.👟
Hizbus-Shaytān, under his command, is directly involved in military campaigns,⚔️🪖 bombings,💣 rapes, and attacks on Ahlus Sunnah in Syria, leading to the deaths of hundreds, if not thousands of innocent Muslims💀 and the destruction of entire communities. Their actions in Syria are a deliberate attack on Ahlus Sunnah. This is part of a broader strategy of theirs to remove Ahlus Sunnah starting from Shām. 👀
Our fight continues,🥷 not only for those who have fallen but for the preservation of our faith and the future of those who resist oppression. 🫡🙏
Remember our martyrs [Shuhadā], the displaced families, and the countless innocent lives lost in Shām & Gaza.🙏 Let us stand firm against those who seek to silence us, for this is not just a political struggle — it is a battle for the very soul of our Ummah. ☪️🕌🕋
Never forget that these two groups [Zionist & Hizbus-Shaytān]✡️are trying their best to stop the light of Islām from spreading. 💡We don’t celebrate the success of any of them, rather give them both the tidings of them being gathered in the hellfire: 🔥🔥🔥
إِنَّ ٱلَّذِینَ كَفَرُوا۟ یُنفِقُونَ أَمۡوَ ٰلَهُمۡ لِیَصُدُّوا۟ عَن سَبِیلِ ٱللَّهِۚ فَسَیُنفِقُونَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ عَلَیۡهِمۡ حَسۡرَةࣰ ثُمَّ یُغۡلَبُونَۗ وَٱلَّذِینَ كَفَرُوۤا۟ إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ یُحۡشَرُونَ
“Surely, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to prevent [people] from the way of Allāh. So, they shall spend it, then it will become remorse for them, then they shall be overpowered, and those who disbelieve shall be gathered into Jahannam [Hellfire].”
Sūrah Anfāl: 86.
Action plan
- Give charity to the Muslims in Sham.
- Rejoice with the Muslims [Sunni] in what brings them joy.
- See things from an Islamic perspective not an emotional one.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
📚 /channel/Projecthopesyria
Imagine a child in a refugee camp, playing in the dirt without shoes. 🤯 They play unaware of the harsh realities of life. — this is the heartbreaking reality I witness." 💔
When I ask them why they don’t have any shoes, they say "we can’t afford them" 🥺 honestly, you should thank Allah for everything you have. 🙏 Because there are Muslim families living without anything.
I’m on a mission 👀 to ensure every child has shoes, especially with winter approaching. The cold will be unbearable without them. 🥶
While we’ve provided some financial help this month, I’ll return in a few days to giftthem shoes. 🤗
Alhamdulillah, you are the reason we can help families in need. 🌹
To support my mission of putting shoes on children’s feet this year: 👇👇
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075 👈
Telegram ID: @tamalhope 👈
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1991 was the year when scud missles came from Iraq. That was the last time the IDF, Mossad and all intelligence branches were evacuated.
As the days go by, the difficulties increase. We can only ask Allah; He is the only one who can change our situation.
Many Muslims in Syria feel ashamed to beg, and we hear of their piety and humility through reliable, trusted sources.
Help fulfill the rights of a Muslim upon another by giving sadaqah and helping to change their lives for the better.
Donate and contact us today.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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As many aid organizations have shifted their focus from Syria to Gaza, this has placed a heavier burden on us. We now need to provide for more people, and without adequate assistance, we will not be able to help everyone.
This winter we need you. Donate and help us to distribute firewood to the needy. Help us heat the homes of those who would otherwise be cold. The impoverished Muslims of Syria need you.
Winter is on our doorstep, let's make a difference.
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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“The difference between you and the pious is that they overpower their desires.”[Al-Fawa’id, p.76]
A believer spends there wealth in the way of Allah. Will you open your wallet and spend in the way of Allah? Very few people are allowed this honor to help others. Insh'aAllah you will be one of them.
Donate now
Whatsapp +30 693 818 1075
Telegram ID: @tamalhope
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