Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels
SLPT: How to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles on your face
SLPT: If your dentist hurts you during a cleaning, softly moan, lightly caress their arm, and look tenderly into their eyes. If they're into it, you might have found a new BDSM lover.
SLPT: The way to make new friends as an adult
SLPT: when getting frisked by police officers, tell them they missed a spot, the humour will defuse any tension and the situation will be more comfortable for all of you
SLPT: Hate vacuuming? Sprinkle glitter all over your carpet. It'll sparkle so much, no one will notice the dirt!
SLPT : SLTP : Before exam day; eat a bunch of worms in your garden; a bookworm will be bound to be within that bunch which will help you remember better and +5 to your intellect.
SLPT: If you're climbing Mount Everest and find yourself running out of O2 or freezing to death, call 911 or yell for someone to call 911.
Yeah, it might not bring your desired results, but it'll give you hope. A great man once said:
"Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."
Slpt: if you get a fake id, make sure your name, address and actual picture is on it. If you get caught, it is only a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
SLPT: Need to cut down on your food budget? Join a local “free samples” club and make it your new dining strategy. Gourmet meals, one bite at a time!
SLPT: Want to avoid awkward small talk at events? Wear a suit of armor. People will be too intimidated to approach you!
SLPT: when you get to the checkout at the supermarket and the cashier has finished adding up, start crying and taking things out of your trolley saying you’ll just have to go hungry this week. Hopefully a generous do-gooder will pay for your shop.
SLPT: Want to avoid traffic? Just move to a new city every day. You'll always be in a new place with fresh roads to explore!
SLPT: When your kids lose a tooth, have the tooth fairy give them foreign money so they are forced to save it.
Bonus points if it's a currency with a big number, but small value so the kids think they've got a fortune.
SLPT : If someone is sad, ask them if they are sad because of their weight.
SLPT Tired of seeing UGLY public plastic stuff everywhere?
Steal the lightweight item enough time and they'll replace it with something heavier and easier on the eyes(like those river rock trash can's you (I) don't see anymore)
SLPT: Want to avoid traffic tickets? Just don’t drive. No car, no tickets!
SLPT: Want to keep your car clean? Just never drive it. Pristine condition guaranteed!
SLPT for Pet Owners: Be sure to leave your doors and windows open tonight so the sound of fireworks traumatizes your pet into never trying to escape the house again. :
Slpt: If the menu prices are too high, just eat half the meal and take the other half home. Now you got yourself a 2 for 1 deal.
SLPT: Don’t like to do housework?
Announce to your wife/husband that you’ve decided to fire yourself from the job of doing housework. Cite your poor cleaning performance and attitudes as reasons. That way, you can give your partner all the work while appearing to take fully accountability of your laziness.
we must vote third party!!!! There is finally a viable option at hand. PLEASE DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE AND RESEARCH PROPERLY, PEOPLE!!! Down with the empire. We can do this, as the PEOPLE. ENOUGH with the war and Wall Street corruption from the red vs blue facade of a game. They do not care for us, they do not care for our futures. Only their pockets and the pockets of their sponsors.
Enjoy your 4th of July 🇺🇲
SLPT; stick a pencil eraser in your ear while you are young in order to have better hearing when you remove the eraser when you are older.
SLPT: Turn your oncologist into a gynecologist
If you are a man who is diagnosed with prostate cancer just begin identifying as a woman. Women don't have prostates so the cancer disappears, and you can pee on a pregnancy test and get a positive result. Now sit back and experience the love between a mother and her unborn child while nature de-selects you.
SLPT: Want to keep the homeless from sleeping at the entrance to your business after hours? Set up an automatic watering system for that area for your plants.
The plants don't matter; they're just an excuse. They can even be near death, so long as it's a token attempt. The water should spray all over the entrance area and on the ground regularly and semi-randomly to make it nice and wet. and should those kinds of people start getting ideas about 'free water', the water used should be recycled and non-potable (meaning you get the runs if you drink it, perfectly okay for plants though!). The ground will be too wet and humid in the summer, and too wet and cold in the winter.
"But what if they steal the plants and pots and-" Yeah, and? Automatic sprinklers are gonna automatically sprinkle; not your fault the system keeps going if an optional item suddenly disappears. You'll get around to resetting the system. Someday.
If you start to feel a bit guilty, just remember that you are doing your part by beautifying the area ~~by removing the fil~~ with flowers. Also, now that the SC made it legal to fine homeless people for being homeless, you are helping them by keeping them from being fined in your area of business. This keeps them financially secure. Yeah. That's the ticket!
(real talk maybe this one is too shitty?)
SLPT: For those unsure of how they’re perceived age-wise
SLPT: Want to save money on your heating bill? Just leave the oven door open while you're baking. Your house will be warm, and you get the smell of cookies all day!
SLPT: Can’t decide what to wear? Just put on all your clothes at once. You’ll be prepared for any weather!
SLPT : BEFORE drinking, eat some liver so the alcohol will not know which liver to attack.
SLPT: Any Tips on Reaching Peak Productivity? [OC]
SLPT: Always carry an emergency stash or tortillas (just in quesadilla)