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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: A turbo in a car expels the exhaust quicker so you go faster. Save the cost of buying one by simply drilling a couple of holes in the exhaust.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Scared of Riding in Planes and Are American? Get Yourself Put on the No Fly List!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Keep your car dirty to avoid it from getting scratched

I just saw a video of a turkey look at a clean car and try and attack its own reflection.Without that video, there's no way an insurance company will believe that your car is scratched because of a bloody bird

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Life Tips

SLPT: Watch movies at 2X speed so you can watch twice the amount of movies.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need to get rid of garbage or unwanted crap? Put it in a Amazon or FedEx box and leave it on your front porch in plain sight

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Life Tips

SLPT: I want revenge!

Someone ripped off my son! I have his address, mobile, email and Xbox gamer tag.

With the prevalence of doorbell cameras, messing with his house or car is not a plan.

But, I do know that he planned to sexually assault his 15 year old neighbour, the scumbag likes to brag!

How can I fuck him up?

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Life Tips

SLPT: From time to time, search for unrelated things to throw off your NSA agent spying on you. If you're single, search for diapers and restaurant reservations

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you've just watched a movie for the first time and really enjoyed it, you can choose to sleep less that night, so that your brain stores less memories, and the next time you watch the movie, you'll enjoy it more than if you had slept well


This is a parody on the feeling of wanting to forget you watched a movie so that you can fully enjoy it again.
Don't sabotage your sleep. It's bad for your health.

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Life Tips

SLPT: how to stop Chinese telemarketers

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Life Tips

SLPT: You can get rid of slander on you by making sure all of it is true

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Life Tips

SLPT: Use two rubix cubes to look slightly more impressive

Buy two rubix cubes, and scramble one. Hide the other. Occasionally swap them, so guests will pick up the fact you know how to solve a rubix's cube. Make sure to rescramble when you swap back.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Couldn't think of shittier LPT

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Life Tips

SLPT: To prevent a future Crowdstrike revert to using Win3.1

If you want to make sure you are not impacted by IT issues related to Crowdstrike just use and old version of Windows.

It actually worked for Southwest airlines while others such as Delta, United and American Airlines were impacted.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Save time and gas (or electricity) by boiling a big amount of water at the beginning of the week, put it in jars and freeze it for later use. You're welcome.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Smartest way to weigh your poop.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Lie on LinkedIn

Ashamed of your hourly job at the broken glass factory? Just go on LinkedIn and say you own a consulting firm. Be sure to write multiple posts about motivation and how everyone else is a lazy fuck.

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Life Tips

SLPT: drain and store the fuel from your car after use so that your car can’t get stolen

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Life Tips

SLPT cant sleep? poke urself in the eyes and ull want to keep your eyes shut

typing this with one eye

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Life Tips

SLPT: if someone is keeping you awake because of snoring, just imagine them dying in their 50s because of sleep apnea

While it wont necessarily bring you to sleep, it will at least make you happy and drive away the anger, which is often the biggest factor keeping you awake. The best part is, the worse and more insane sounding the snores are, the unhealthier they probably are.

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Life Tips

LPT: You can find thumb drives on park benches and in parking lots. Lots of times they have free porn, video games, and sometimes coupons for free McDonald’s food!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Can I share my life?

Is it a good place to share my life trauma and secrets?

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Life Tips

SLPT: Food poisoning is nature's colonic.

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Life Tips

LPT: It's important to make sure your work is prepared in case you get "hit by a bus".

For example, I always have a Slack message scheduled to send "April Fools!"

Just in case.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to be a successful psychotherapist. Charge outrageously high price for your service. Then you will have easy time assuring anyone who can still afford your service that all their anxieties/depression are just the result of their distorted thinking, instead of bad life circumstances.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Wrap flowers you want to press in parchment paper, put a plate on top of them, and the microwave them for 30 second intervals to dry them out quickly

This tip actually does work! But the shitty part comes in if you are allergic to pollen. Microwaving them will cause the pollen to spread in the air of your home and absolutely destroy your allergies

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Life Tips

LPT: Your boss threatening to fire you over spending too much time on the toilet? Bring your computer with you and work from the toilet.

Then you can actually sue your boss over uncompensated work.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Just use Google

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to Be Fit [OC]

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Life Tips

SLPT: Pose as a hitman, saying you collect half on hiring and half on completion, then just never kill or collect the other half

What's the person who hired you going to do? Tell the cops you scammed them out of a hit?

Even if they're stupid enough to do it, they'll be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, while you'll be charged with... you know, I'm not sure. Fraud? anyway it won't be as bad for you.

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Life Tips

LPT: Anxiety Loophole Remedy

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