Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels
LPT If you take an MLM job with "unlimited earnings potential" you can list your yearly income as "Unlimited" when applying for credit cards and loans.
To be fair you can do it no matter what and it is fraud, but you can do it.
SLPT Request: How to launder 85k of crypto money?
Just as the title says, don't want a million questions, but in short I basically bumped into some crafty folks and now got a small fortune in crypto from ill-gotten gains. Got any ideas of what to do with it? I can't just withdraw to my bank they'll ask questions. Maybe BTC ATM or crypto debit card? Any input helps thanks 👍
SLPT - Sign up for online services that get hacked so they’ll give you free credit monitoring
SLPT: If you get pulled over, the best way to greet a police officer is by telling them that your taxes pay their salary.
SLPT- Want to know your worst physical features but nobody is willing to tell you? Have a caricature artist sketch you!
Make sure you tell them not to hold back and they will highlight all your flaws for you!
SLPT: How to Find Inner Peace
SLPT: How to get an inheritance with ABBA
Lifehack: Connect with Elderly Women Through ABBA - Get a House and Inheritance as a Side Effect!
Alright folks, buckle up for a weirdly specific, but insanely effective life hack. Want to establish genuine connections with elderly women, brighten their day, and potentially gain a house and a sizable inheritance in the process? Here's how to do it:
Step 1: Become a Die-Hard ABBA Fan
Let me tell you something—elderly women LOVE ABBA. You don't even have to be that into ABBA at first, just pick up a few hits like "Dancing Queen," "Mamma Mia," and "Take a Chance on Me" and pretend you've been a fan since the ‘70s. Familiarize yourself with some deeper cuts too, like "Fernando" or "The Winner Takes It All" to show you're not just surface-level. The key is genuine enthusiasm—you’ve got to believe in the magic of ABBA.
Step 2: Spark the Conversation
Whenever you meet an elderly woman, naturally steer the conversation toward music. Say something like, “I was just listening to ABBA the other day... they really don’t make music like that anymore, do they?” You'll be shocked at how their eyes light up. A little nostalgia trip can go a long way in forming a real bond. Ask them about their favorite songs, memories from that era, or if they've seen Mamma Mia! live. Watch as they open up.
Step 3: Take It a Step Further
Once you've established the ABBA connection, suggest listening to an album together, or better yet, having an "ABBA night." Vinyl records, YouTube karaoke, or even just watching an old concert on DVD—whatever fits the vibe. Share stories, get nostalgic, and before you know it, you're their favorite younger person. Maybe you even help them set up Spotify so they can stream their favorite songs—instant brownie points!
Step 4: Build Genuine Relationships
Now, this is key: don’t just stop at ABBA. Use this as a springboard to develop a real friendship. Offer to help with errands, spend time together, and ask about their lives. The relationship needs to be authentic—people can smell insincerity from a mile away, especially if you’re thinking about long-term gain. Plus, elderly women are often lonely and crave companionship, so you're doing something kind here.
Step 5: The House and Inheritance Perks
Here’s where things get wild. Over time, you might find yourself becoming part of their inner circle. They might invite you over to their house more often, or even share stories about their estate and family. Be patient—this isn't a short game. As you become a trusted companion, they might even ask you for advice on things like managing their property or estate. If they don’t have immediate family around or someone trustworthy, don’t be surprised if you end up being their go-to person for important decisions. And yes, sometimes that includes wills.
Before you know it, you could find yourself on the receiving end of a nice inheritance or even the key to their house. Sure, it’s a side effect of a genuine connection, but it’s not unheard of.
TL;DR: Get into ABBA, chat up elderly women about the band, build a real friendship, help them with daily tasks, and as a potential side effect, you might end up with a house or inheritance. Win-win for everyone involved. ✨👑
SLPT: Can't decide if dark text on a light background or light text on a dark background is easier to read? Split the difference--medium text on a medium background!
SLPT: Untill you get kicked out..
SLPT- Short on Cash?? Not anymore!
SLPT: if you need to make a phone call, but forgot to bring quarters for the pay phone, just assault a police officer. When you get taken to jail, they have to give you a phone call.
SLPT: Benefits of Aloe Vera
SLPT: Perfect pasta
SLPT: Ladies are you tired of buying expensive skirts? Use this one simple trick garment makers don't want you to know!
Buy a pair of pants from the plus-sized section of the store. Cut the legs off, and trim them down to size for two new skirts!
SLPT: Dating in 2024
SLPT: Taking the vegetables off your double bacon cheeseburger decreases the amount of calories consumed
SLPT- Drive away unwanted roommates by converting to Santeria and hosting animal sacrifices in the apartment
You have the right to practice your religion. Just make sure you sacrifice the animal cleanly and without extra pain, then prep it for dinner! If you use a food animal like a chicken, there are no rules against slaughtering a meat animal, and likely no rental contract forbids animal slaughter, just keeping pets. Plus, it's your religion, so anyone who protests can be told they are discriminating.
SLPT: Do not finance a pizza
SLPT Get free energy by stealing batteries. Never run out of power.
SLPT: Whenever someone says "either you tell them or I'll tell them myself", make them tell them. Because there's a chance that they might not be able to properly prove it to them.
SLPT: Name your dog or cat ‘Help’. That way if Help should run away and you have to canvas the neighborhood looking for them, the Police and Fire Department will eventually show up and will be happy to join in the search
SLPT: "Chamomile" is pronounced "Shamomeela".
SLPT - Fed up of the tooth fairy? Next time, put the tooth under a pillow, and release a big moth at the same time
May only work with little humans scared of moths
SLPT: Put all of your eggs in one basket. That way you’ll always know where your eggs are.
SLPT: Mantras to repeat to manifest success
1. "If I don't do this, I'll lose everything."
- This mantra drives people by focusing on the fear of losing their status, financial security, or the progress they've already made.
2. "I'm not good enough unless I prove myself."
- The fear of inadequacy or feeling like a fraud (imposter syndrome) can push some to overperform to prove their worth, even if it’s exhausting.
3. "Someone else will take my place if I slow down."
- The fear of competition or being replaced can be a strong motivator, driving individuals to work relentlessly to stay ahead.
4. "I’ll never forgive myself if I fail."
- This thought focuses on the fear of personal regret and self-blame, compelling people to avoid failure at all costs.
5. "If I don't do it, no one else will."
- A sense of overwhelming responsibility can push someone to work tirelessly because they believe they must bear the burden alone.
6. "I’m running out of time."
- The fear of not achieving success within a certain timeframe (whether it’s a personal deadline or biological clock) can drive people to act urgently and avoid wasting time.
7. "This is my only chance."
- The fear of missed opportunities can make someone believe that if they don’t seize this moment, they’ll never have another shot.
8. "I’ll be a disappointment to others."
- Fear of letting down family, mentors, or anyone who believes in them can be a strong motivator for many successful people.
9. "If I don’t succeed, everyone will see I’m a fraud."
- This ties into imposter syndrome, where the fear of being exposed as undeserving drives some to work harder to cover perceived inadequacies.
SLPT: Carry Turkish Lira in case you get mugged
Carry Turkish Lira on yourself at all times so if you get mugged, you can hand the cash over to them and they will think it's normal money and run away. Little do they know it's actually less than $1.
SLPT: Improve Your Handshake to Boost Your Appeal
SLPT: When shopping in a store park in the curb side/online order spots close to the store. Nobody is ever there.
SLPT: If you’re not sure if you have any active warrants, stop by your local police department, they will look that up for you FOR FREE!