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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: Never lose your house keys

When you leave the house, the door lock acts as a keyholder. Just leave the key there so you never forget. Works with older car keys too, but for newer cars, you can just give it to your neighbour for safe keeping.

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Life Tips

SLPT: keep your credit cards maxed out to prevent fraudulent transactions.

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Life Tips

SLPT: You can turn any game or app into a solo drinking game if you drink every time you get an ad.

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Life Tips

SLPT: rub vape juice around wounds

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor (it constricts blood vessels) so it will reduce bleeding. Remember though, AROUND not ON!!!

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you have a cat or dog at home and if you break something, blame the pet.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to easily rob a bank

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Life Tips

LPT: Chanakya Neeti

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to fly

I'm going to tell you 3 ways to fly.

1. You know when stack your hand on your other hand it makes your hand rise up. Well just do that with your legs.

2. You'll need a box attached to string. Jump then pull the string to move the box up while still midair. If done successfully you can jump on the box again and go higher.

3. You'll need to be holding a pillow the whole time. Just jump and quickly put your hand with the pillow below your feet the jump on the pillow.

sorry if you don't understand i'm nor very good at describing.

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Life Tips

SLPT - Need your house cleaned? Commit a crime there so the crime scene cleaners do it for you!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Respond with "ok" whenever someone sends annoying argumentative texts

This can also apply to comments. When someone texts or comments something long and stupid and argumentative, just respond with "ok" or "k". It really irks them when they don't get a long angry response from you back. If someone is Obviously just trying to play devil's advocate or texts you some long angry passive aggressive text, responding with "ok" will make them so mad. I would personally start out with "ok" and if they keep getting mad after that, say "k".

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Life Tips

SLPT - Save 50% off your next fill up by going when you still have half a tank left!

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Life Tips

SLPT : Loan Forgiveness

go to school forever and never have to repay the debt

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Life Tips

SLPT: No more dirty dishes

Wrap every plate, bowl, and cup in plastic wrap before you use them. When you’re done eating, just peel and throw away the mess

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Life Tips

SLPT: Wanna be a Millionaire? convert your currency to Iranian Rial

The Iranian Rial is one of the cheapest currencies in the world. 100 Euro is already worth 4.672.244 Rial. So you can claim to be a millionaire for a fraction of the effort. Nobody asks a millionaire about the currency of his wealth anyway.

Also, dont like RIAL? change it to the Vietnamese currency, the "Dong" great for word jokes!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Smoking

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Life Tips

SLPT: having fun at the subway

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Life Tips

SLPT: You can make your toothpaste last a lot longer by spitting it back in the tube when you're done.

It's good for 3-4 uses but most people just spit it down the sink which wastes a lot.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Two people who disagree with each other politically can save time but just agreeing not to vote.

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Life Tips

LPT If you’re caught speeding go faster. The police can’t arrest you if they can’t catch you

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to Understand the World

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you show up to the interview high and manage to get hired, you can show up high to work and never be found out!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Name your pets “One” and “Two.” That way, if One passes away, you still have Two.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Breastfeeding

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you can’t find your keys, just move to a new house

Lost your keys? just move to a new house. Seriously, why bother searching when you can take it as a sign to start fresh somewhere else? New place, new you. Problem solved!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need to quickly lie about having a college degree? Just name a state

Um oh I went to Alabama

Works for most states -

Alabama, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, North Carolina etc..

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Life Tips

SLPT if your boss ever tells you to do something that's not a part of your normal job description just do it so poorly that they never ask you to do it again.

What are they gonna do fire you? It's not what you're normally trained to do

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Life Tips

SLPT: Don’t dissuade your cat from vomiting on your bed…

… instead, use that mishap as an opportunity to remind you to wash your bed linens that week:

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Life Tips

SLPT: Hide your account

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Life Tips

SLPT: Make everything look AI generated

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Life Tips

SLPT: Get unlimited free cloud storage by using your Trash folder as storage and constantly deleting and restoring items

Google photos gives 15GB of free storage, but items in Trash do not count towards that total. Get unlimited storage for free by constantly rotating which 15GB are not in Trash at any given time, making sure nothing is in Trash for more than 59 days at once.

If you just delete and restore a different 15GB of photos every day you can set up a 59-day cycle that gets you 885GB of storage for free!

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