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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: Always fall part way for a scam to make sure it is a scam and not actually a good deal or lawsuit.

By the time youre about to pay out a sum, gave social, or something you will definitely know its a scam because it is.

Scammers are easily identifiable and often have an uncanny way of speaking which is an immediate tell tale sign.

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Life Tips

SLPT: if you have an ugly child you don't need to worry about censoring details of their first day of school chalk board social media pics

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Life Tips

SLPT: Vote for Trump so the economy crashes and you can afford a house!

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Life Tips

SLPT: To save time while microwaving, never use the zero (0) button

Need to microwave something for 10 seconds? Type in 11 instead - you won't have to waste time searching for the zero button and dragging your finger all the way to wherever it is.

The great thing about this is that it works no matter how much time you need to cook something for:

20 seconds? 22 seconds instead
30 seconds? 33
1:00? It's 1:11 now
2:00 is 2:22

This trick is extremely versatile and saves me probably 60-90 minutes a day, which I use to research investment opportunities and cultivate a garden of rare plants. Wanted to share it here with all of you.

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you exercise regularly, shower in a bucket and rinse your workout clothes in the collected grey water. It saves time and water!

I like to use a large trug bucket.

Otherwise, the topic says it all, but I will note I'm not claiming credit for the entire idea, just the bucket modification. The idea of showering with workout gear is well established e.g.\_tip\_take\_your\_workout\_clothes\_into\_the\_shower/

But a bucket rinse is a good blend of better rinsing, water saving and (imo) time saving. Yes, it's grey-ish water but honestly I don't think it's that bad (if I'm truly filthy, I'll do an initial wash outside of the bucket).

Bonus modifier 1 is when my shoes are filthy/muddy I'll give them a good rinse them in there too (obvs they go in after the clothes because they do make the water nasty).

Bonus modifier 2 is putting the water into the garden.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Breathe harder and as fast as possible so you can get more air per air and stretch your lungs to hold more air.

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you're committing a crime (based) and notice a CCTV camera, start performing normal tasks with very weird movements and move your body in weird ways so you can fool the authorities into thinking the CCTV footage is AI-generated

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Life Tips

SLPT: most mobile games will stop showing you ads for games when you install the game in the ad. Install the entire library, and you will have adfree gaming!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Do you have spring allergies? Get AIDS!

As I’m sure you all know, allergies are caused by our immune system overreaction to some stuff and flagging it as bad, thus causing the allergy. Simplest solution would be to contract aids (no need to have sexual relations with a hooker, you can use any dirty needle from an aids patient!) and aids will weaken your immune system to the perfect point where you won’t have allergies any more!

Problem? Solved!

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to Behave Normally in a Public Place

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Life Tips

SLPT: Don't ever call those suiçide hotline numbers because it's a trap!

If you call those suiçide hotline numbers, they will notify the police, as they are legally required to do so, since you pose a danger to yourself. Within minutes, you'll have cops at your door who will interrogate you, then they will take you away and put you in the looney bin. Not only will all your neighbors see these events transpire, but you'll also have to explain to your family why you ended up in a padded cell.

Imagine how humiliated and mortified you would be having to go through all that. Save yourself a world of embarrassment and don't ever call those numbers. If you're depressed or having a mental health crisis, the BEST thing you can do is keep your feelings bottled up forever. Don't ever tell a soul about your anguish and I assure you, everything will work out fine. Trust me! You don't want anyone to think you're "crazy".


(As farfetched as this scenario sounds, it actually did happen to author, Angela Nissel, who described it in her memoir — "Mixed: My Life in Black and White".)

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Life Tips

SLPT: When someone you don't want to hug tries to hug, Kung fu finger strike their abdomen to change to handshake

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Life Tips

SLPT: Get paid to cry

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Life Tips

SLPT Making millions

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Life Tips

SLPT, when you're pregnant or considering it, watch videos on matriphagy, especally if they bring up human fetuses

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Life Tips


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Life Tips

SLPT: Good use

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Life Tips

SLPT: Any watch with a second hand is a step counter if you walk at one step per second

Additional SLPT: stop walking so fast or too slow or more than sixty steps

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Life Tips


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Life Tips


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Life Tips

SLPT: When you are too obese, you can block the bad odor that arises out of the toilet when you're pooping.

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Life Tips

SLPT Save money on tongue depressors by getting a bunch of them for free with a box of popsicles

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Life Tips

SLPT: Put a plastic bag over your head to make you pass out so work feels shorter

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Life Tips

SLPT: Create a reverse only fans where you keep spamming pics of your balls to people unless they pay you $10 to make it stop

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Life Tips

SLPT: Set yourself on fire to become more visible as a pedestrian

The last few years have seen a stark increase in traffic accidents and pedestrian deaths. Setting yourself on fire is an easy way to illuminate yourself in dark environments. By making it difficult to be missed by car drivers, you increase your chances of survival while crossing the road.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Always order the Pu Pu Platter

This choice will make potential romantic partners as well as business associates question their worth in your eyes. Why did he order the Pu Pu Platter? Does he think I’m a piece of poo? It’s all mind games. 💩

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Life Tips

SLPT: Become hugely fat and tackle your childhood bullies.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need money? Just commit check fraud

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Life Tips

SLPT: Simple tips for billionaires

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Life Tips

SLPT: instant everlasting fame

Ever wanted to become the most famous person in a shortest period of time and be registered in the hall of fame at ur uni? Just run naked around in the campus for a solid hour.

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