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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: Men, are you afraid of balding? Just jerk off 3 times everyday to lower your Testosterone

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Life Tips

SLPT: It's all natural, no steroids

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Life Tips

SLPT: Copyright is the key

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Life Tips

SLPT: This message was brought to you by companies who want you to work till you die.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Shortcut to Heaven

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Life Tips

SLPT - Want to start a diet, but have tempting junk food in the pantries? Just eat it all in a sitting to "cleanse" your home from bad food and get a fresh start.

TW for eating disorders

Two effects at work here :

By eating all of your junk food in a condensed timeline, your body can't assimilate it at once. Sure, your intestines will be at war, but all of the caloric surplus won't be converted to fat and will be used for energy instead.

By eating junk food in large quantities, there's a chance the sheer amount of calories will disgust you and prevent you from buying junk food from the grocery store in the future.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to add colors to my dull life

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Life Tips


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Life Tips

SLPT: Neat trick I learned when staying in a hotel or bed and breakfast, drink the toilet water to see how clean the bathroom is.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Struggling to avoid driving sickness? My daughter's 5-year old friend proposed a solution...

"You can just look through my kaleidoscope the whole way!"

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Life Tips

SLPT: Fiber Intake

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Life Tips

SLPT: Is it acceptable?

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Life Tips

SLPT: One simple trick electricians don't want you to know about!

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Life Tips


Take some of your ex's old photos and make a fake tinder profile, set up dates with all the guys but ask for 20 bucks in gas.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Get a job

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Life Tips

SLPT: This is what you're all arguing over, do you feel ridiculous yet?

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Life Tips

slpt: go get your lip pierced directly after your root canal so it won’t hurt

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Life Tips

SLPT: turn mishaps into maps!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Spend less time cleaning

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Life Tips

SLPT: Spilling coffee beans all over the floor is a great motivator to pull out the vacuum! It also helps you spot areas that you missed!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Inflicting Critical Hit

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Life Tips

SLPT: The most practical tip for a brand new setup

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Life Tips

SLPT: Impress new people by emphasizing the "x" in Lacroix as "Lacroyks".

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to Behave Normally in a Public Place

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Life Tips

SLPT: Bring ice so you don't have to pay

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you can't concentrate, change your render distance. Now it shoud work smoother

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Life Tips

SLPT: It's not only cows that emit methane. So, to continue eating beef without worrying too much about climate change due to greenhouse gasses just eliminate all other sources of methane - like hippos, giraffes, rhinos and others.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need to paint? Wear your most expensive clothes, it will make you be more careful, and you will get less paint on yourself.

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Life Tips

SLPT: When you are waiting for something to start, begin running around as fast as you can. Special relativity will cause you to skip a few nanoseconds from your perspective.

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Life Tips

SLPT: A full tank of gas increases weight and decreases gas mileage. To maximize miles per gallon (MPG), only fill the tank with one gallon at a time.

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