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Life Tips

SLPT: Always the Grandparents

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Life Tips

SLPT: Life hack

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Life Tips

SLPT: new money saving method just dropped

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Life Tips

SLPT: Love drinking but don’t wanna be an alcoholic? They say that alcoholics go to meetings but drunks don’t, so drink as much as you want and as long as you don’t ever go to a meeting, you’re not an alcoholic!

Source: I used to go to AA when I was an alcoholic. I quit AA so now I’m not a true alcoholic, even though I’m still drinking as much as ever.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to Become a Millionaire

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Life Tips

SLPT: Do all the drugs but cyclicly-

-that way, when you think you’re getting addicted to one you can just move on to the next one, so on and so forth.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Die young. You'll save a fortune in taxes.

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Life Tips

SLPT: if you think you bombed a quiz, simply break into your professor’s office and steal all of the quizzes so they have no choice but to give everyone an A

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Life Tips

SLPT: Unnecessary chemotherapy is a great way to lose weight.

It can't be any worse than Ozempic, right?

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Life Tips

SLPT: When Exercising drink plenty of salt water to replenish your salt loss

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Life Tips

SLPT: Leave your baby in the hot tub for 3 hours so all the dirt and germs are purged thoroughly

Regular baths or wipes just don't cut it! Hot, bubbling water is comfortable and cleansing for the little fellas! Leave them in for a few hours. It might even learn to swim if you let the hot tub running for long enough.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Lazy cleaning hacks

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Life Tips

SLPT: Wise tip

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Life Tips

SLPT: Take this

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Life Tips


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Life Tips

SLPT: Stairway to Heaven

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Life Tips

LPT Easy way to clean a toilet

Place a live cat in the toilet bowl, close and hold the lid shut, flush 3 to 4 times.. extra flushes can be used for stubborn stains.
(This of course is a joke, don’t abuse animals)

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Life Tips

SLPT: Stop wasting plastic on $4 cases of water bottles! If you book a night at the Ritz-Carlton in Manhattan, you’ll probably have an ice bucket in your room. Fill the bucket down the hall at the ice machine, then wait for it to melt. All the water, none of the plastic! Only $1,395!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Upload your photos upside down

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Life Tips

SLPT: if you're blind, take out your eyeballs. You don't need them anyways, and now the eye sockets can become cute little pockets for coins and stuff

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Life Tips

SLPT: Want to wake up early?

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Life Tips

SLPT: eat raw meat in front of everybody

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Life Tips

SLPT: Preheat the gas lines in your home for increased combustion efficiency.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Cut a gloryhole into the confessional booth so the priest will always forgive you.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Afraid of something? Simply pavlov yourself into getting aroused. That way you’ll be too horny to feel fear.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Quick Tip

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Life Tips


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Life Tips

SLPT: If you don’t get along with your colleagues, simply accuse them of sexual harassment so they get transferred/fired.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Come out to your parents as gay, even if you're not. This way you can be gay later if you want but also you can see if they truly accept and love you regardless of your sexuality. If they disown you, get new parents and come out to them as gay. Rinse and repeat.

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Life Tips

SLPT: To cut down on Reddit use, get banned in your favorite subs.

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