Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels
SLPT: Make sure to sweeten your coffee with instant iced coffee instead of sugar, so you get more coffee per coffee.
the math never lies
SLPT: Another life tip
SLPT: If you are pee shy, count down from 100
SLPT: Big pile of forgetting stuff
SLPT: Want plump lips? Use any baking extract!
It burns painfully bad, so it can make your lips plump! (I experienced this 3 minutes ago by drinking almond extract because I was curious)
SLPT: How to win in court
SLPT: for high school students who ride the bus
Look really eager to have elementary kids sit next to you, that way, nobody will let them.
SLPT | babe wake up new money method just dropped
SLPT: Thanks for the life tip
SLPT | and then I face magnus carlson as enemy 😐
SLPT: If you’re homeless, break into a home.
SLPT: If you can't keep your shirt tucked in at the back of your pants, try pushing your shirt right into your rectum to keep a tight hold so that it doesn't untuck itself.
SLPT: I photoshopped my bank statements and paystubs to get my one bedroom apartment in NYC. You wanna live alone? Get Adobe.
SLPT | rent too high? You can lower them really fast 😎🤭
Stop smoking hard drugs more than a week or so just took the oral test today will it pass or should I be worried... LOWES CUSTOMERSERVICE? Texas lmk asap in recovery 🙏
SLPT: Winter technique
SLPT: healthy masculinity
SLPT: You can change the focus and the zoom of your vision automatically
All too often these days you see folks paying exorbitant prices for prescription glasses or even surgery that they don't need. They have no clue that one can change the focus and the zoom of their vision automatically. Next to your eyes, right where the skin is pretty much on the bone, rub gently and slowly in a circle to increase focus or zoom as much as necessary. The area next to your left eye is for zoom and the area adjacent to your right eye is for focus. Make sure not to rub too fast or too vigorously or you make damage your eyesight irrevocably or even blind yourself. Hopefully now that this now out to the public, nobody will have to constantly clean perpetually smoggy glasses any longer!
SLPT: Poor diet giving you diarrhea? Do some opiates to firm up your stool.
If you're like me and only eat fast food for lunch and frozen chicken tenders for dinner, then you probably have a lot of diarrhea.
Opiates (heroin, oxy, fentanyl) all cause constipation. Doing them regualry will counteract your shitty diet and give you nice regular bms
SLPT: If you're stuck in life, make a decision after a sleepless night
SLPT: Sleep a great way to make your budget work
SLPT: increase your chances of dying in your sleep
Was attending a seminar a few months ago. Apparently night time heart attacks have a very strong association with obstructive sleep apnea (91% of the time). So, most people say they wish to die in their sleep versus other ways of dying. So if you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it is suggested that you not get it treated. (Disclaimer: you actually should get treatment)
SLPT | you need money? Just borrow money from your family and never pay back (results may vary)
SLPT | I’m standing there not knowing if I can buy my food tomorrow 😀