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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: To get your clothes extra clean and smell fresh, put a Tide Pod in the dryer when you dry your clothes

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Life Tips

SLPT- low on cash? To “cheap” to buy candy for the kids?? Problem solved!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Give your useless items to younger relatives.

Broken vacuum? Sent it to the kids! Flat tire from 1991? Pass it on to the next generation! Threadbare old clothes from Montgomery Ward? Give ‘em to your fashion conscious nephew! Scratched up Teflon coated cookware? Send it over to the newlyweds! Vintage Porsche 930? Let it rot!

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Life Tips

SLPT: How not to be late in meetings any more

Set your wrist watch and phone 15 minutes behing the actual time. Then when you reach your meeting or other destination 15 minutes late, pretend as if only you are there on time. If someone points out that your watch is misaligned with internet time, tell them that internet time is AI generated and is wrong and that only you calibrate all of your watches using sun dial.

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Life Tips

LPT: Do not add a Ryanair engine as a topping to your Lasagna!

Emergency PSA!!

Ryanair themself posted this on TikTok a few days ago, but I thought the Reddit dungeon dwellers should also hear this:

Do not add a Ryanair Boeing 7 37 800 plane engine to your Lasagna because of the overload on calories, it will all go straight to your thighs 😳

So now that you know what should not go into your food, bon Appetit yall!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Free power for life hack

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to hide a body

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you forgot to sign up for insurance during open enrollment, simply get married or adopt a child to sign up anytime.

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Life Tips

SLPT Eat crayons to improve your health!

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Life Tips

LPT: When someone in a group claims to being sarcastic, retort with "actually, you are being sardonic". Don't worry about it being correct or not; nobody will refute your statement, and you will appear smart.

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Life Tips

SLPT: if your ex (36F) blocks you on Twitter, buy it for $44 Billion and change the code

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you want to throw parties on the cheap, substitute vodka for 91 percent isopropyl alcohol. It's 182 proof, so a little goes a long way.

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Life Tips

sLPT: Can’t figure out the name of a song? Here's what do do:

Just use it in a multi-million-dollar movie without permission. Then the creators will sue you and will let you know the song's name in court.

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Life Tips

SLPT: See a camera out in public? Don't want to be uploaded to the internet looking like an idiot? Go stand in front of the camera and start screaming and shouting at the person holding a camera that you don't want to be filmed.

They'll think "this reasonable person is right" and not upload the video of you having a complete meltdown over a camera.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Organic is the way to a virus-free life

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to break your phone addiction

Drop it in a full bathtub and leave it off for 24 hours while you wait for it to dry/be repaired.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Real free fun

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to properly use a "helpline"

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to get rich quick

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to heal the inside

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to properly decline work weekend calls

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Life Tips

SLPT: Dust off those old checks and contracts from 1999 and claim they got lost in the Y2K bug! Say the system never processed them because computers thought it was the year 1900. Demand “reimbursement” for all the money you should have been paid.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Tired of skid marks in your tighty whities? Switch to brown underwear. You can wear them for weeks at a time.

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Life Tips

SLPT: do you suffer from clinical depression? Take up a creative outlet by having a baby

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Life Tips

[LPT] Mix Cola with Vaseline

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Life Tips

SLPT: Follow this subreddit to become a better you!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Is your food too bitter, just add something sour, the acidity will lower the PH and make it less bitter

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Life Tips

SLPT: Trying to kick the habit of sugar in your coffee? Alleviate the bitterness by eating a slab of chocolate with every cup.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Ex: you're pretty cute, for a woman

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Life Tips

SLPT: Diet as easy as 1 2 3

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