Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels
SLPT: Tip to get free meals forever
SLPT: Choose your ideal age to get married
SLPT: You only know if the girl tied up her hair lol
SLPT - Credit Card Retirement Plan
Open at least 10 credit cards in your 20s, and every three months, request a credit line increase. Keep this going until you hit a limit of $100k or more on each card. When retirement rolls around, instead of worrying about living expenses, max out each card one by one. Then, die.
You won’t have to pay it all back. Retirement funded!
For those with spouses and/or kids, YMMV.
SLPT put a scale right next to your toilet to quickly and easily weight your poops
We've all gloated about dropping major dung, felt the warm emptiness after birthing a 3 day shit snake, but have we all taken quantitative data on how mean the stink slink really is?
When I can feel I got a mean one I hop on the scale, let the brown down, then check again. I feel proud of a pound but 2 or 3 is ecstacy.
SLPT- Do you have a company wide Drug Test coming up? Feared of being Fired?? Well, even the playing field with this one trick!
SLPT: Want abs? Take more naps
Every time you wake up, you doing a sit up.
SLPT: shave your head for Halloween
Just do it ✔
Inspired by
SLPT: Hide potatoes wrapped in tin foil around your house and then if it burns down, at least you have a tasty snack
SLPT: How to be unsociable and sociable when you feel like it
SLPT: If you ever need to dispose of a body in a wood chipper, make sure to freeze it first otherwise it's going to be a big mess in next doors yard
SLPT: If you glue a wasp to your hand you can slap your boss as hard as you like and say you were saving him
SLPT If you are a gifted student, drop out of high school and get your GED. Go to community college, after 18 credit hours, you don’t need to send your high school transcripts to colleges you are applying at. Bonus, it’s easier to transfer to a college than apply as a freshman.
SLPT: How to became Employee of the Year? Watch out for drug tests
SLPT : With free meat inside
SLPT - Should you ever get bit by a boomslang and are bleeding both inside and out, get bit by a russel's viper to counteract the venom.
SLPT: You know what to do to lose some weight
SLPT : Set your morning alarm tone to a recording of your boss’s voice, so every time you wake up, you’re filled with mild panic and can’t fall back asleep.
SLPT: Organizing cables made easy
SLPT: How to avoid being labeled as the boring teacher.
SLPT: Shout "Arnold Palmer's Penis!" at Trump yard signs and bumper stickers.
It shows your support for the interests of the less fortunate among us.
LPT: got a heavy cold and can't stop sneezing? Lay on your back - get a 'free' abs workout!
Title says it all really. Whenever I go into a sneezing fit I just roll on my back and get some crunches in lol!
SLPT: When cooking rice, if you realise you have used too much water, just throw in a couple of mobile phones to soak up the excess
SLPT: While driving, put your phone in a large shell and the police will think you’re listening to the sea
SLPT: To save time brushing your teeth, mix toothpaste into your coffee in the morning. Fresh breath and caffeine in one sip
LPT: Remember it’s important to vote. ….Although, if the lines are long, and you happen to find a buddy who wants to vote for the other guy…
SLPT: Fool proof Halloween costume idea
SLPT: How to send out a clear message
SLPT: Want a free helicopter ride? Get in a horrendous road traffic accident.
SLPT : What is to do?