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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT: Never too late to open a soda bottle the right way.

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Life Tips

SLPT - don't clean your mirrors! You won't be able to see your problem areas

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need more Bowls for your home? Lots of people will be leaving unattended Bowls on their porches tonight, and it’s socially acceptable to wear a mask in public

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Life Tips

SLPT Request - Gloves to leave dents in cars that nearly kill me while riding a bike.

Hi. I cycle commute, and I'm getting sick of the close calls. I always punch the car when they almost hit me, which tends to alert the drive who is usually scrolling tik-tok.

Anyway, what kind of protective gloves would you recommend that could protect my hands while cycling, and leave a good dent in the car that nearly killed me. Also, if it can break a car window that's a bonus.

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Life Tips

SLPT: do something illegal? It’s only illegal if you’re actually prosecuted. Until then it’s legally ambiguous and you’re therefore off the hook, provided you don’t get caught.

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Life Tips

SLPT - You don't need to waste time 'piercing film lid' on microwave meals.

Just put them in the microwave sealed, they will open themselves!

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to make every day special

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Life Tips

SLPT: Want to save on rent? Move into your workplace and tell HR you're 'just super dedicated.

Tired of paying for a place you barely spend time in? Just bring a sleeping bag to work, claim you're staying late to “maximize productivity,” and never leave! Free rent, free coffee, and you’ll never have to commute again. Bonus: You’ll always be the first one at the morning meeting!

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Life Tips

Slpt: how to get drunk for cheap

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Life Tips

SLPT: No need for veneers to have that beautiful smile

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to properly host a Zoom Meeting

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Life Tips

SLPT: save up a fart so when your wife kisses you she can play you like a saxophone

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Life Tips

SLPT: A Pro Tip for a quick nap at work

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Life Tips

SLPT: Pro Tip to avoid some charges lol

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you keep your keyboard in poor condition, the people you live with will have a harder time cracking your passwords.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to properly use office equipment

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Life Tips

SLPT - Want to get your SO flowers? Steal some from a graveyard

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Life Tips

SLPT: Happy Halloween

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Life Tips

SLPT: When your work bestie takes sick days to go on vacation, get a get well card and have the entire office sign it. This way no one will suspect your friend is on vacation and you are doing them a solid.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Need a way to get you out of bed fast in the morning? Receive unexpected kisses from your coprophilic puppy.

I just got up.


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Life Tips

SLPT: Party while you're sick

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Life Tips

SLPT: Have a kid and name them after yourself. That makes them a junior and you a senior. From then on you can enjoy senior discounts at all the places that offer them

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Life Tips

SLPT Save fuel by putting your vehicle and neutral and waiting for the world to turn.

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Life Tips

SLPT: frugal habits won’t stick? Quit your job. The threat of homelessness will force you to save every penny

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Life Tips

SLPT: Crying relieves pressure on the soul

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Life Tips

SLPT: Spread disinformation in r/Ask by commenting just before the posts are locked

Posts in r/Ask are automatically locked after 500 comments.

So wait until there are 480 comments in a popular post and then comment whatever bullshit you want. The post will soon be locked and no one will be able to reply to you with a correction.

Your bullshit will stand unopposed.

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Life Tips

SLPT - Running low on ketchup?

Just add some water into the bottle and give it a shake. Get every last drop!!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Blame that person you hated the most

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Life Tips

LPT: How to make a vampire scared of you

replace all lightbulbs with sunlamp bulbs
have garlic fingers ready to serve to guests
get a guy with crosses tattooed on his neck to crash your house
wear too much cologne
have an unavoidable number of mirrors
invite a vampire into your house and see if they're a coward
why the cologne?
turns your sweat into holy water
water + alcohol + essence

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Life Tips

SLPT: Save money, go Vegan!

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