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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT : If a guy wants to fight you, drop your pants and run after him

This is a hit or miss SLTP. If it works, it is very efficient and the enemy runs away. If the guy you are facing loves men, you are screwed

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Life Tips

SLPT How Do You Achieve Happiness?

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Life Tips

LPT: If you want to know if an idea is actually good, just imagine someone stupid saying it

If it still sounds like a good idea when a stupid person says it, then it’s probably not stupid.

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Life Tips

LPT: If you want to open your pop can, and can’t find your can opener, just forget it in your deep freezer!

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Life Tips

SLPT: If your favorite team is losing there is one simple trick

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Life Tips

SLPT: This “shitty” life pro tip might not have been appreciated elsewhere, but it’s a perfect fit for this group! Enjoy!

Van life? Toilet out of commission at home? Stuck in traffic? Frequent urination SOS emergency? Gotta go now? Endless uses! Make bathroom breaks easier and more sanitary with this simple solution.

Grab a bucket, line it with biodegradable toilet bags, and add some kitty litter to the bottom. When nature calls, the kitty litter will absorb the liquid, preventing spills and eliminating odors. For added convenience, use a lid to keep any smells contained until you can properly dispose of the bag.

Happy travels and smooth "movements"!


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Life Tips

SLPT how to loose weight with a tooth pick.

jab your gum with it so that it hurts to eat...

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Life Tips

LPT Background Noise

Love to play music while working? Play a video game soundtrack. They are designed to work as background music and not disrupt your focus

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Life Tips

SLPT: Take your meds people!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Menthol cigarettes cause positive breathalyzer results. Always keep a half-empty pack of cigs in your car for plausible deniability.

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Life Tips

SLPT: To reduce simmering times when preparing soups and stews, you can just buy that shit in cans

LIke there's a whole aisle of it.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Get a bright smile by shoving a LED down you throat.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Can't afford rent? Don't quit your job, just live at your workplace.

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Life Tips

SLPT: When you’ve been looking for something for a while and finally find it, keep looking for it in a couple more places

This way when people say “It’s always the last place you look”, you can call bullshit.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Instead of saying “I can’t afford that” try saying “I ain’t got no money for that shit”.

When discussing finances, framing it as “I ain’t got no money for that shit” emphasizes intentional hostility and that they should mind their own business about your budget. It helps reinforce financial nosiness and goal setting for them not to ask again.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to survive a cannibal attack

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Life Tips

SLPT: Easily accomplish any task you desire by following the steps and doing it.

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Life Tips

SLPT: keep your cat warm and safe while you’re away

We’ve all been there: picking through the burnt wreckage of your home, screaming your spouses name in between cursing at God. But your cat had to be warm while you were at work, so you left a heating pad running. And then electrical fire.

But do you have to risk everything to keep your cat marginally more comfortable?

Not any more!

Simply leave the oven on low with the door open, then pop a cat bed on the open door

Electric oven? No problem, just leave a small charcoal grill going. Mmm that smoky goodness! (Just crack a window, obviously)

What are some other ways you can safely keep Dr. Mittens toasty while you’re out there doing dumb human shit?

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you shit yourself, remove your underwear, and use it like a poop slingshot to vanquish your enemies.

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Life Tips

SLPT: If Elon Musk ever gives you hard time tell him to 'go milk your tiny penis, pervert'

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Life Tips

LPT: When buying apples, fill half the bag with cheap apples and half with expensive apples

There's a 50% chance you'll be undercharged for the expensive apples.

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Life Tips

SLPT Sucking dick for crack

While having a conversation and making a joke about blowjobs for crack my friend pointed out that everyone has it backwards.
The move is to start by sucking dick for crack, then you're never homeless or in need of money. Granted you might have to spend a small fortune on chapstick.

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Life Tips

SLPT Genius

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to make a fema- woman feel special

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Life Tips

SLPT: Every time someone knocks on the door or tells a knock knock joke. Bark like a dog to establish you are the pack leader.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Next time you buy cookie dough from the store, try warming it up in the oven before you eat it.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Always lower your expectations to zero so that if you don't get that job or score that date, you won't be disappointed.

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Life Tips

SLPT: When life gives you lemons,

Make crystal meth. You can sell it and make millions of dollars and be invited to cool Hollywood parties.

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Life Tips

SLPT : Most issues can be fixed by just waiting it out

A study shows that 90% of people just do too much when facing a problem instead of just doing absolutely nothing. Yet it appears the latter turns out to be 100% more efficient.

Think about that next time you're facing an issue.

Can't pay rent? Don't try to get more money. Just wait it out.

Want to see more people? Don't try to participate in activities or all this nonsense. Just don't do anything.

Eventually you'll be expelled, not having to worry about rent anymore, and living outside meeting plenty of new people!

Don't believe me?

As I was hungry earlier, I got up to make some food, then I thought about this study, and convinced myself to just wait it out until my problem is fixed.

Most people would think there is no way this worked?

Well before I knew it, my wife was making food! Got a full plate of delicious food delivered to me by life itself, without lifting a finger!

So, remember, next time you're facing a life altering issue, just consider giving this a try!

Even works for deadly diseases! (You die)

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Life Tips

SLPT: Are you old and afraid to die alone? Become a bus driver. Weak vision and lack of reflex are your friends. You're welcome.

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