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Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels

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Life Tips

SLPT to get rid of the spiders in your bathroom

Just burn down the house! The spiders are dead and new spiders can't hide in that bathroom anymore either. It's also a perfect opportunity to remodel.

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Life Tips

SLPT If you need to fart in a restaurant

If you need to fart in a restaurant... wait until the food arrives at the table to silently deploy... your fellow dinners will either think it the waiting staff or the smell of the food

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Life Tips

SLPT: Save Time by Cooking All Your Meals for the Week in One Giant Pot

Why waste time cooking every day when you can just make one massive meal for the whole week? Throw all your ingredients—breakfast, lunch, and dinner—into one giant pot and cook it all at once. This way, you only have to clean one pot, and you can enjoy the unique flavor blend of pancakes, spaghetti, and chicken soup all week long. Bon appétit!

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Life Tips

LPT The odds of winning the Euromillions is 1 in 139M. If you run a Euromillions simulator and lose 138,999,999 times, you will win on your real lottery attempt.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Pet owners, after you grate cheese, give your pets a treat by letting them lick the grater. They'll have loads of fun getting the cheese out of the nooks and crannies

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Life Tips

SLPT : overweight? Just lose your job!

Can’t gain weight if you can’t afford to eat

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Life Tips

SLPT: Have a knot in your shoelace? Get some very sharp scissors and carefully cut either side of the knot to remove it.

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Life Tips

SLPT: On the first date, forget your wallet on purpose so she has to pay.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to protect your face in a fight

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Life Tips

SLPT to sneak an empty pizza box in regular trash without recycling...wet it, crumble it up and throw it right in there!

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Life Tips

SLPT - Easy way to get taller

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Life Tips

SLPT: Herion is a gateway drug

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Life Tips

SLPT: According to Google, you can get monkey knockout gas at your local Walmart

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Life Tips

LPT: How to be a professional Karen/Ken

Here are 3 of the best tips when you need to call upon your inner Karen/Ken:

1. Raise your voice. You need to assert your dominance. This is especially useful when other people are around. Raising your voice will grab the attention of onlookers and add more pressure to whoever it is that you’re interacting with.

2. Hand gestures. Express your outrage with your hands. Learn to sync your raised voice with your hand gestures for optimum performance.

3. Wear a hat. When the previous two tips fail, this is your ace in the corner pocket. When they’re not budging, take your hat off and throw it on the ground. If you want to take it to the next level, stomp on the hat once it’s on the ground while pointing at it and say “this is completely acceptable.” This is an advanced technique that requires mastery of the first 2 tips. If done correctly, 9 times out of 10 you will get your way.

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Life Tips

SLPT: You can save a lot of money on sunscreen this summer by becoming an isolated hermit

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Life Tips

SLPT Convert you temperature scale from Fahrenheit to Celsius and get a lower temperature

Feeling the heat, just change from F to C and you get a lower number.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Moving to NYC? Stay safe by maintaining eye contact with anyone you find intimidating.

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Life Tips

LPT: If you're putting off seeing a doctor because you're scared they'll discover a health problem you didn't know about, don't worry. Doctors will miss your health problems anyway. They'll tell you you're completely fine, and that always makes people feel better!

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Life Tips

SLPT: How To Improve Your Work/Life Balance

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Life Tips

SLPT: landlord doesn’t allow cats? Get one anyway and if the landlord comes over, hide it in the ceiling.

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Life Tips

SLPT: If ever your car breaks down, write on it in big and bold letters "Help, me please." ; then stand next to it. People will stop to correct you on your punctuation and you can ask them for help.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Save Money on Toilet Paper

YSK you can flip your toilet paper over and use it again, it has two clean sides. Help control your TP costs with this one SLPT.

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Life Tips

SLPT - Are you an Uber Driver? Play non-stop political podcasts.

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Life Tips

SLPT: How to find a partner

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Life Tips

SLPT: If you need to get rid of a bunch of junk just drop it off on someone's porch and leave a note thanking them for all they've done for you. Wrong address if you get caught.

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Life Tips

SLPT You don't have to bleed during your period if you're upside down!

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Life Tips

SLPT: Sex life disappointing you lately? Consider becoming a priest or nun to make it seem intentional

Aunt Thelma won't harass you about getting married any more once you rock up to the Thanksgiving table in that fresh cassock.

Just look her straight in the eye and say, "I'm married to Jesus now, and he is a tender and attentive lover."

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Life Tips

SLPT Lacking kitchen/home appliances? Use workplace office equipment instead.

Office shredders can be used for everything from salad to cheese. Laminators can seal food bags. Automatic staplers can repair torn clothes. Workplace radiators are great for toasting bread. Automatic soap dispensers can be repurposed for sauce delivery. Use your imagination but don't let HR catch you 😜

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Life Tips

SLPT The single most useful word you will ever learn is nah

When the schoolchildren talk about how the rules of society are enforced at the barrel of a gun by the state's monopoly on violence, they're only partially correct. Most rules are enforced through social pressure. While implicit threats do exist, the reality is most of that is unnecessary. People are often kept compliant and subservient through fear of being ostracized for violating social norms. What I'm about to equip you with is the ultimate counter spell to those social norms: nah.

Let's suppose you're lying in bed ganking it when your boss calls you and says, "Hey, can you come in today?" For most people, there will be at least some sense of pressure to agree. What nah permits is for you to decline in such a way that there is no rebuttal. You're not offering an excuse to be reasoned through. You're not bowing to the power dynamics as established. You're not even really conforming to linguistic norms. You're refusing. One simply cannot argue with that.

As another example, let's say someone thinks they've caught you being problematic. They've dug up a shitpost you made ten years ago and are now demanding you apologize. You can simply tell them nah and walk away. Just leave and say nothing else to them. If they try to defame you further, just tell any followers they gain nah. What can they do? They have no recourse. You have ended the interaction by demonstrating they are not owed your time. You don't owe anyone any explanation for your actions. If an interaction at any point seems like it might cause you harm, you can shut it down immediately with nah.

Wife wants to divorce you? Nah. Judge wants to fine you? Nah. Girl scout wants to offload those kinda shitty lemon cookies on you? Nah. You are your own master. You don't need to acquiesce to societal demands. You didn't sign a social contract. You didn't agree to the EULA. Consent must be active and enthusiastic and can be revoked at any time. That revocation comes in the form of nah.

But what if nah doesn't really convey just how over the whole thing I am? Thankfully, it's an endlessly adaptable word. Simply add the number of A's and H's necessary to convey your feelings. Also remember, it can be used to cut people off in conversation and silence dissent. No one is owed your attention or willingness to interact. Just hit them with a nah and walk away. Simple as.

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Life Tips

SLPT: Beginner driver? buy or rent a car model that is used for cop cars.

So that people won't bully you on the road as much.

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