Pro life tips Courtesy of @r_channels
SLPT: Save time by putting on pants before realizing you’re already late. Advanced mode: No pants.
SLPT Wife doesn’t like you getting drunk all the time? Get shitfaced while doing household chores!
SLPT: If you're feeling overwhelmed, just remember that sometimes it's okay to do the bare minimum. Sometimes, surviving the day is an achievement in itself.
SLPT: Make people feel strong by farting when they hug you
SLPT: Just made this. The wife isn’t happy about it but I think some of you guys might like it.
SLPT: Lost your car in a crowded parking lot? Instead of wandering around aimlessly, just hit the panic button every few seconds to set off the alarm. Bonus: You’ll confuse everyone else looking for their car, too!
SLPT: How to properly label a product
SLPT: The strip club is a great place for a young man who is scared of women.
They’re nice to you
You learn to talk and flirt with a gorgeous woman
The exposure makes you realize they are just normal people
You may see some ass and tits which also helps wit the exposure part of realizing it’s not such a huge deal
Just be careful with letting them milk your money and it’s a good place to go.
I went 3 times in my life when I was younger and it oddly gave me a huge confidence boost even though I knew they were just doing it for the money.
I should mention a more gentleman type of strip club is best.
Maybe not the most ghetto out of control one you can think of (I feel like this is what people imagine when this topic comes up)
SLPT: Want to avoid doing laundry? Just buy new clothes and throw the dirty ones away. Eventually you'll run out of money and have to move back in with your parents, where your mom will do your laundry anyway. Problem solved!
SLPT: If you are an introvert and have to go to an event, look up photos of the location, where the event will take place and choose your outfit according to the colors and patterns of that place, so that it is harder for others to see and interact with you.
SLPT: Taking good care of your digestive system
SLPT - secret to immortality unlocked in England.
SLPT: got a scammer texting/calling you? Pretend to be a police investigating your own murder!
SLPT: No motivation to brush your teeth? Next time you're on the toilet, keep chewing on toilet paper.
You'll feel so disgusted with your mouth that you'll want to at least do a couple of rinses, which naturally transitions into brushing your teeth.
Also you can sort of "pseudo brush" your teeth and get some obvious gunk out of your teeth ahead of time.
SLPT: You know what to do
SLPT: Great results require great determination
SLPT: Avoid static shock in carpeted offices by wearing insulated safety boots
I’m a technical trainer and my days are split between office work and training mechanics. On the days I am just in the office and wearing sneakers, I get shocked by door handles in cold weather. But when I’m wearing my safety boots with an EH (Electric Hazard) rating, I don’t have that issue.
So if the shocks bother you, just start wearing safety boots all day
SLPT: Gargle bleach to make your mouth clean
Bonus I you swallow it so your stomach can be clean as well
SLPT Stop wasting toilet paper and use both sides not just one side.
SLPT: Always keep your music on while driving during your daily commute. This prevents you from listening for noises from your car that could be potential problems.
SLPT going to stay in hospital for a bit? Try to get something really contagious like c.diff or anthrax as a secondary issue first. Your chances to score a private room will be much higher.
SLPT: Take the highway to hell
SLPT: If you are convicted and can’t find a way to prove your innocence, just run for presidency and it’ll take care of itself
[SLPT] How to order pizza like an alpha
SLPT: Pretend you're popular by changing your name to Fore and spending all day on a municipal golf course
SLPT - If you want to get a girl to like you end your compliments with “for a woman”
For example, if you want to say she’s very smart say “you are very smart for a woman” or if she drives well “you drive very well for a woman”, thank me later.
SLPT: Block every ad you see to get the main benefit of Premium.
Eventual you will end up blocking all the ads available and will basically have Premium service.
SLPT: Beat the frozen ice cream
SLPT- Are always having to pick up after your dogs? Sick of all the bags you’re “wasting”?? Well, not anymore!!
SLPT: A wise tip to make the milk last longer