Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order! Episode 167
English Tsukihime released date confirmed for June 27th
good luck to anyone who's planning on summoning him
School Girl Mélusine. (by her original artist CHOCO)
Lost:Einherjar Hassan who we still know nothing about
[NA Event] Battle in New York 2024 ~ Space Odysseus Versus Nikola Tesla Day 09
[News page](https://fate-go.us/news/?category=NEWS&article=%2Fiframe%2F2024%2F0312_biny_2024%2F)
[Roll thread](https://redd.it/1bf92zx)
# Info
* Duration: 15 March 2024, 01:00 PDT - 28 March 2024, 20:59 PDT
* Requirements: Lostbelt 1 clear
* Farming node rotations:
* First League: 15 March - 18 March
* Second League: 18 March - 23 March
* Third League: 23 March - 28 March
# Guides/Resources
* [Avalon's spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fD8vaNmcQqzvo9T6u0Mf1qmAHyQVKa1Tf6JgRAxrq6Q/edit#gid=468023407)
* [Rat's video archive](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Ratentaisou/NA_Battle_in_New_York_2024_Video_Archive).
* [Gamepress](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/battle-new-york-2024-walkthrough)
* [Appmedia](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/75246582)
* [r/grandorder Guide](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/events/2022_events/20220316_binny.html)
* [NicoNikon Infographic](https://twitter.com/niconikon01/status/1504035019018616837)
# Tesla Cup
* [Wikia guide](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_in_New_York_2022#Tesla_Cup)
* You cannot reuse servants if you've used them in the previous quests
* There's an option to reset the quests so you can try out a different party, the rewards can only obtained on the first clear.
* The final quest requires all of the previous quests to be completed beforehand. If you reset, you have to redo the other quests before being able to do the final quest.
# Exhibition Quests
* [Wikia guide](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_in_New_York_2022#Exhibition_Quests)
* Old Quests from previous Battle in New York events.
* The finale quests for both has an upgraded version with increased HP values for the bosses
# FAQ:
**Do I farm 90 or 90+?**
* Both 90 and 90+ drop the same amount of lotto currency. 90+ has the benefit of also giving shop mats. Whether you farm 90 or 90+ is dependent on a few factors:
* Which one is easier to farm (whether that be team comp or plugsuit) -Do I want the mat drops from 90 or 90+ -Personal restrictions
* Players will often farm 90+ until they shop clear and then choose between 90 and 90+. If you cannot farm one rotation's 90+ node, potentially wait for a different one.
**When do I MLB?**
* [See this chart (the CE is from a different event but it's the same timing)](https://i.imgur.com/uC9e99j.png)
Ramadhan Mashu Day 10 - Bangladeshi Saree and Restraint. @RyouMirul
Happy 34th birthday to Hitomi Owada who voices as Abigail Williams
[Free-Talk Friday] - March 22, 2024
A lounge to chill and talk to each other in the community for stuff outside of FGO or even life stuff.
* [Music of the Week](https://youtu.be/oLCy-Jtk_J0?si=pUClE88v-by6ih-v&t=54) \- **MY FIRST STORY / THE FIRST TAKE『I'm a mess』**
JP Event Chaldea Boys Collection 2024 ~ Charlemagne's Montjoie and Chivalry Day 17
News page
Event site \- click here to look at all the CEs and their in-depth descriptions (in JP)
Roll thread
# Info
Duration: 6 March 2024, 6PM JST - 27 March 2024, 12:59PM JST
Requirements: Fuyuki clear
[Craft Essence selection](https://news.fate-go.jp/wp-content/uploads/2024/cbc2024_cp_gfqda/info_image_04.png) \- ticket given to exchange for 1 CE of choice (voiced)
My Room backgrounds will change every 2 days. 2 servants can be chosen to save images of.
Login 8 days to receive 7 summon tickets, 7 teapots and 1 command code
# Links
[Fandom Wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Charlemagne%27s_Montjoie_Chivalrism!)
NicoNikon infographic
Nasu’s planned Passionlip swimsuit temporarily blocked by Type-Moon CEO/Art Director Takeuchi
Poolside Shinji is angry for some reason (@Artrum4)
Amadeus Is Not Impressed with Gudako's Rolls (Translated) [Azuko]