/r/grandorder posts via @reddit2telegram_bot @r_channels
Voyager and Abby watching the eclipse
Ritsuka and Illya walking through the forest (Commission) [盛夕]
drawn is that Melusine isn't lying and time will collapse by occurence of a paradox if she doesn't get the Master in her pants sooner or later, and that's why Morgan doesn't do anything to stop her. The alternative is the complete and utter collapse of all laws that make up reality.
That's right! FGO's writers have made it so Melusine getting with your Master and 'Lancelot-ing' Morgan is the literal crux of a time paradox. There's nothing you can do. Melusine's guaranteed future will pass and you will have get with her. You have no choice but to Lancelot your wife and have sex with Melusine or BECAUSE THE PAST DEPENDS ON THAT FUTURE AND IF THAT FUTURE DOESN'T OCCUR THE PAST CAN'T HAPPEN AND OH GOD THE LAWS OF CAUSALITY ARE BREAKING!
FGO's writers came to the conclusion that rather than having any normal ol' romance, the players need A TIME PARADOX to occur in order for their main character to get a romantic interest, except then they wrote that the main character has platonic at best interest in Melusine so now it's more like the writers desperately needed to guarantee that Melusine could have a significant other as if she's the real main character via forcing the players to bang her via literal bootstrap paradox.
And considering how good her kit is and how much special treatment she's getting, you see what I'm getting at here?
##Melusine is the real main character of FGO.
closer to the Master to understand why in the world they'd think like that, which raises several questions as to what the hell the Hindu Gods are into.
Skadi is competing with Mash to be Grand Hater. She tells Napoleon, Odin, who knows who else, to end thyselves. She's imprisoning her children in prison because otherwise she comes off as unavailable and look, it's been a couple centuries since she's had a date.
Alongside this, Skadi is into size differences and has no understanding of tact, hence causing her to give wedding rings to poor underage John Grandorder, write doujins about a weak human (sure wonder who that could be) and a powerful Jotun (Hm. Clearly completely unrelated to Skadi, QUEEN OF THE JOTUN).
Skadi, who the hell shows doujins shipping yourself and someone else to that someone else??? I get you claim to love everyone, but there's a limit...
Ah, Arthur, King of the Britons. The heroic leader who built Camelot and saved the lands from the White Dragon. Surely he has nothing bad about him?
Yup. Arthur has nothing wrong with him.
Artoria? Oh, that's a different case.
Presumably after hearing about her Saber self who dated a 17 year old despite being 35, this Artoria has decided to outdo her and go far beyond weird to "genuinely what the hell".
Lartoria in her free time likes kidnapping young Japanese teenagers to her dreams and keeping them there.
Fortunately, the first emperor of Rome, apparently having nothing better to do that day, broke into Lartoria's dreams, screamed at the Master to confess already as apparently she was just planning to trap them there for all eternity unless they did that.
Having extorted a confession, Lartoria leaves, but vows this isn't the end as she later returns to kidnap the Master into a Singularity to try to get them into debt for fun and then invite them to her private VIP room after talking about how much she wishes there were more children in the world.
Through these actions, we are shown that Mysterious Heroine X was right all along and all Saberfaces deserve jail time.
#Baobhan Sith
Baobhan is a weird case not for anything innately odd about any of the romantic implications, but because of her bizzare dialogues that only become stranger the more you think about it in LB6.
So, Baobhan thinks that human men are just allowed to marry whoever they want. She waits for Beryl to marry her after marrying Morgan.
However, this is not the common opinion in Fae Britain. Barghest specifically comments that it's weird as hell and tells her to stop thinking that.
Further, Morgan never once teaches this to her as far as we see (nor does she have a reason to do so).
And lastly, Beryl himself, never states this either. He's way more concerned with Mash than teaching Baobhan wrong as a joke.
From this, we gauge that Baobhan Sith, independently, with no outside influence, has discovered the concept of the Akiha route.
And as she goes to Chaldea, Baobhan changes. She sees that many of her values were wrong and reforms in the better environment.
EXCEPT THIS ONE! Baobhan, for no apparent reason, really likes the Akiha route, and refuses to let go of the concept. Despite Morgan being married to Ritsuka, despite Barghest telling her that's weird, despite Ritsuka themself presumably working their ass off to tell Baobhan what's wrong and right, even though she reforms all her other evils, she clings onto this for no reason.
Baobhan remains entirely convinced this is perfectly okay. It's not even like she doesn't understand that it's weird and generally considered wrong since in her Summer valentine, she explicitly tells an imaginary Ritsuka in a rehearsal not to tell her mother she's giving them chocolate.
So... Why? As Morgan asks: "Why are you like this, Baobhan Sith?"
While already discussed in this essay, let's put her into this because it's
Our kojiro and musashi cosplays!
Solar Eclipse at Chaldea
Jeanne Alter - by theDURRRRIAN
The Oni is fighting for Democracy [DKClaude3D]
Melusine vs Gilgamesh. Who would win?
Okita Alter by me (sumii_io)
Daily Draco 167
Free Space To Rest On
NA Master Missions 2024/04/07 - 2024/04/14
**Apr 07 2024 (Sun) 16:00 PST to Apr 14 2024 (Sun) 15:59 PST**
**\[Apr 08 2024 (Mon) 0:00 UTC to Apr 14 2024 (Sun) 23:59 UTC\]**
# This week’s master missions:
1. Complete all of this week's Master Missions.
2. Defeat 15 enemies with the Heaven attribute.
3. Defeat 15 enemies with the Earth attribute.
4. Defeat 15 “Wild Beast” enemies.
5. Defeat 15 “Demonic” enemies.
6. Complete Quests 5 times.
7. Complete Quests 10 times.
# How to complete missions using free quests:
* **2x Bordeaux - Orleans - 14AP**
Completed: Defeat 15 enemies with the Earth attribute, Defeat 15 “Wild Beast” enemies, and Defeat 15 “Demonic” enemies.
* **1x Mt. Etna – Septem - 9AP**
Progress: 7/15 enemies with the Heaven attribute.
* **1x Treasure Vault - Novice - 10AP**
Completed: Defeat 15 enemies with the Heaven attribute.
* **6 other quests of your choice**
Total: 33AP+
# How to complete missions using “Water Monster Crisis”:
* **15 Heaven enemies can be obtained by completing two of one of both of the quests below:**
Gold currency node: “Flipper Cape – Chaldea Rescue! – Rescue from Spiritual Phenomena” orSilver currency node: “Turtle Mine – Chaldea Rescue! – Rescue from Cave-In”
* **15 Earth & Demonic enemies can be obtained by farming the best currency node “Turtle Hand Island – Chaldea Rescue! – Rescue from Kaiju”**
Alternatively if you are struggling with completing this quest and don’t wont to farm it the next best farming node “Right Shoulder Harbor – Chaldea Rescue! – Rescue from Harbor Monsters” also provides Earth and Demonic enemies.
* **15 Wild beasts…**
Unless Masters need to farm the bronze currency node fifteen times, complete “Bordeaux” in the First Singularity twice. Masters might want to complete any remaining quests before they do just in case the quests provide wild beast enemies.
# Author's comment:
Pretty straightforward week except for those wild beasts. Happy hunting fellow Masters.
# The Chaldea App:
The master mission guidance provided above was obtained with the help of the Chaldea app that can be found [here](https://docs.chaldea.center/). Khadroth has a guide on how to setup and use the Chaldea app which can be found [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqCOvfyyRVg). Note: the ember missions aren't taken into account currently. These contain heaven enemies with divine enemies for the extreme difficulty.
Delinquent!Gudako: Buddy Ring
PSA: New Master Support Social Media Campaign needs more reactions to reach the goal
We need 50k cumulative reactions to get 5 tickets and a rare prism but currently we are sitting at combined ~44k across twitter and Facebook with 4 days left.
This is a reminder to "Do Your Part™".
The links to the posts are: https://twitter.com/FateGOUSA/status/1773636627597779112
**EDIT**: [mission accomplished](https://twitter.com/FateGOUSA/status/1777501819272315345)
A Con-tinuation of Con-glomerations of various Cons
Gudao x Chaldea Staff (Commissioned)
impossible not to.
Morgan was summoned and then immediately, because she really wanted to piss off PHH for some reason... called them her husband/wife as an insult(???). However, no one got the insult because it's a really weird thing to insult someone by calling them your husband. Morgan then just stuck with it for shits and giggles.
At some point, she further thought "Wait, wouldn't it also be really funny if I not only called the Master my husband but... also acted like his wife? Hah, that'd be hilarious!" because Morgan's sense of humour is incomprehensible after being warped by 2000 years of dealing with Fae who make fart jokes. She then began roleplaying a married life with the Master, much to everyone's confusion.
Then she got really into the roleplay and now has decided she's actually their wife despite us not knowing if the Master is actually reciprocating, and now she's vehemently limiting their interactions with other women because she's terrified of them cheating on her and is also incredibly possessive. Also, she got a wedding ring off camera as seen in her Summer skill animations so guess she somehow actually tied the knot at some point and it's a legal marriage?
Basically, Morgan has an incomprehensible sense of humour and is an unironic roleplayer utterly unable to differentiate reality and her imagination.
Oh, and now we get to the real kicker of FGO's bizzare romances. Everything I mentioned till now was chump change.
Melusine likes the Master because she created a bootstrap paradox by which she desperately needs to get the Master to love her because time will f**king collapse if she can't get in there pants.
I'm not exaggerating. Melusine is apparently omnitemporal and saw that the Master is her soulmate and they get together in the end, only problem being that the Master doesn't actually really care about her beyond cordiality so now she NEEDS to get the Master to like her to ensure that future occurs or god knows what will happen to the very flow of time (in her valentine, you can also ask "Can't fate change?" with regards to how clairvoyance sometimes fails, and she responds by saying "Not this one.") Note: She says this because she doesn't *intend* on changing this, however if you read on, you'll see that even if she intended otherwise, it still couldn't be changed because *that's not how causality works*
However, precisely because of this paradox guaranteeing the Master will eventually get with her or time will cease to function since the past depends on that future occurring, she's fully confident that the Master will eventually date her so she's fine with taking things slow.
That's what she tells the Master anyhow in her valentine, casually discussing how the reason why she immediately fell for the Master after getting summoned was that she literally saw them together as a couple in the future, not even thinking for a second how that means that it all operates by a bootstrap paradox that the only reason she's interested in the Master is because she saw them together in the future, which only occurs because she actively tried to seduce them, which in turn she only does because she saw said future of them dating and so on.
The obvious conclusion is that she's bluffing to get the Master in her pants?
Except, here's the thing. All other "romances" are isolated. Melusine's isn't. It makes constant references to the fact that the Master is already with Morgan. Melusine's fully aware of that but continues trying to get the Master to bang her. Basically, Melusine's ultimate aim is to 'Lancelot' Morgan.
Weirder still, Morgan is aware of this. Considering how possessive Morgan is, trying to get rid of all other Berserkers and what not, this would seem out of character for her to just let Melusine try to seduce her husband.
Therefore the only conclusion that can be
That Time Melusine created a Time Paradox to have Gex (and other insane FGO romances) - A Full Analysis
Melusine rewriting the laws of causality to get laid, Skadi writing self insert x Master doujins, Mash canonically being attracted to cardboard... Fate/Grand Order has accumulated a number of frankly maddening romances over its many years.
Let's delve into them.
Ah, the OG waifu. Best girl. For being there since the start, for being nice and vanilla and sweet, clearly her reasons for liking John Grandorder are simple, no? She's been traveling with them for three years, seen their best and worse, so-
No, Mash is canonically into cardboard. And when I say that, I don't mean the Master's boring or anything. What I'm saying is Mash is actually Fate Aizen and has developed a thousand year plan to manipulate Fujimaru into eventually losing any and all personality so she can have them as her perfect husbando/waifu.
The prelude to Camelot reveals that she is into perfectly average people. It then goes on to explain that no one at Chaldea fits that description so Mash refuses to associate with them. This raises several questions as to whether Chaldea has superpowered janitors or what but let's not delve into that. All I'm getting at here is that Mash is a Hater. Grand Hater. Type Hater.
Her interest in the Master will exist only so long as she is certain to accomplish her Master plan and we must do all in our power to prevent this from happening. FGO Part 3 is Mash vs Chaldea, Alaya, Gaia, All the Types and Zelretch teaming up to beat this monster, and the scary part?
The second side has no hope of victory.
Her attraction to the Master derives from them somehow resembling her ex-crush, Anchin, an adult man, who made a joking promise to marry her the way you do to a child. Because Kiyohime is... TWELVE YEARS OLD. However, Kiyohime operates on ancient 1980s manga logic and took that to be a fully hearted promise. Upon discovering he didn't actually intend on dating a literal 12 year old, she, through sheer force of will, turned into a dragon and burnt him to death.
After this, she's trying to use the Master as a rebound. Regardless, this proves that psychosis and delusion are real and powerful forces in the Nasuverse which lends credence to the theory that mental damage is directly proportional to power level, but we're talking romance so let's move on!
#Jeanne d'Arc
Jeanne Darc, the kind-hearted heroic saviour of France (if you disregard Kojirou) at some point in her life wished she had a brother. Fortunately, as there were less resources back then, this idea of hers disappeared as she went on to fight the English.
Unfortunately, in Chaldea, this hankering was lent support and Jeanne Darc discovered how it was to have a sibling. Rather concerningly, she didn't find this through asking people with siblings or reading stories about brother-sister duos, but by visiting Alabama for vacation.
Jeanne Darc is now the world's strongest Akiha route enjoyer.
Only problem is that she doesn't actually have a younger brother. She decides to get around this by using a laser beam to brainwash the Master into thinking she's their elder sister before giving them lap pillows, squeezing their hands tight, writing literal doujins, and working on a romance story to show them to slowly but surely progress their relationship so that she can one day have the FGO equivalent of the Illya route.
Kama somehow got into the Master's danbooru account, discovered their favourite tags, and is pissed that all they like is vanilla kissing and cuddling and stuff. She has made it her mission to corrupt the Master. Only thing is that Kama's idea of corruption is getting the Master into like, hand-holding and bear hugs, so she's not really accomplishing much.
Also, apparently having vanilla tastes is so incomprehensible to her that she wants to get
NA Event Water Monsters Crisis ~ The Floating Island of Innocents Day 12
News page
Roll thread
# Event Details
Duration: 29 March 2024, 2AM PDT - 18 April 2024, 8:59PM PDT
Participation Requirements: Lostbelt 2 clear
Note that the event has LB6 spoilers even if the requirement is just LB2
Construction-based Quest
Prioritize farming shop currency to buy the Event CEs at the start
An unknown welfare servant is also available, Servant Coins are available from the shop.
# Step by Step Guide
1. Do Main Quest
2. Farm Kons and Shop Currency by doing Free Quests
3. Upgrade your base by doing the Construction Quests
4. Do unlocked Quests
5. Repeat till the next day's timegate is unlocked.
# Links
[Fandom Wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Water_Monsters_Crisis_(US))
Gamepress walkthrough
[Infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1bp3iap/water_monster_crisis_event_map_shop_rewards_and/) by kevinrealk
JP r-grandorder guide
# Event Bonuses
All servants has bonus Kon drops according to their classes.
Event bonus by class/servants
Featured units has attack bonus and bond bonus
Equip the Event CE (Summer Melt) to increase Kon drops
Equip the Gacha CEs to increase the currency Drops
CE bonuses
## Various event quest tips:
8-1: Battle ends after 3 turns.
9-1: Kill the big mob, then kill the other two.
18-2: Battle ends after 5 turns.
18-3: Battle ends after 1st break bar.
18-4: Pick Trung Sisters. 2nd break bar has defensive buff removal and 2x buff block. 3rd break bar has debuffs, bring debuff removal.
Example clear video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmMVsUhEG6s
Taisui/Voyager: Just kill them. They get stronger the longer you take.
Taisui/Ibaraki/Asterios: Ibaraki has guts while the other two are on the field. This is mostly pointless, just bring AOE and then kill her with a facecard after.
Taisui/Nursery Rhyme/Hans: Just kill them. Hans gets accelerated NP charge so buff stacking can happen if you take too long.
Taisui/Benienma/Kiyohime: Just kill them. Don't take too long, the burn will stack quickly.
Example clear vids for the above fights: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WwM3WRD8lY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WwM3WRD8lY)
## FAQs
If you want to clear the event shop, prioritizing borrowing gacha CEs from friends. Only borrow Con CE (Star's Day Off) if you start the event late.
Different servants have bonus drops for Con. Keep this in mind if you want to priorize a certain color when farming. Make sure to also equip the shop CE and Taisui in your party when you get him.
It doesn't matter which crafting/production quest you pick, they all have the same result.
Technically there are some minor story battle effects based on which plan you choose but it's insignificant.
After the event ends, you may reset the choices you have made and pick the other choices to get more silver apples. You will only get silver apples for unchosen routes (it will say which routes you've already picked).
Happy Birthday Meltryllis!
Happy Birthday Melty <3
Achievement Monday - April 08, 2024
Sorry for the massively late post of this. We have the automod scheduled to post it for us but apparently it's just entirely broken on the redesign for whatever reason and didn't notify us. We can't even access the mod tools over there since it says we aren't moderators which is fun. Hopefully this doesn't bleed into any of our other weekly posts but please modmail us if something is missing.
Wanna show off any screenshots of any achievement you got from FGO? Post them here so you don't clutter the subreddit with screenshots!
Cover for "FGO Comic A La Carte PLUS! SP Showdown III" by nipi. Coming 26/4/2024.
this drawing was generated entirely out of spite
Morgans leisure time
Anybody know what happened to this?
NA Event Water Monsters Crisis ~ The Floating Island of Innocents Day 11
News page
Roll thread
# Event Details
Duration: 29 March 2024, 2AM PDT - 18 April 2024, 8:59PM PDT
Participation Requirements: Lostbelt 2 clear
Note that the event has LB6 spoilers even if the requirement is just LB2
Construction-based Quest
Prioritize farming shop currency to buy the Event CEs at the start
An unknown welfare servant is also available, Servant Coins are available from the shop.
# Step by Step Guide
1. Do Main Quest
2. Farm Kons and Shop Currency by doing Free Quests
3. Upgrade your base by doing the Construction Quests
4. Do unlocked Quests
5. Repeat till the next day's timegate is unlocked.
# Links
[Fandom Wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Water_Monsters_Crisis_(US))
Gamepress walkthrough
[Infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1bp3iap/water_monster_crisis_event_map_shop_rewards_and/) by kevinrealk
JP r-grandorder guide
# Event Bonuses
All servants has bonus Kon drops according to their classes.
Event bonus by class/servants
Featured units has attack bonus and bond bonus
Equip the Event CE (Summer Melt) to increase Kon drops
Equip the Gacha CEs to increase the currency Drops
CE bonuses
## Various event quest tips:
8-1: Battle ends after 3 turns.
9-1: Kill the big mob, then kill the other two.
18-2: Battle ends after 5 turns.
18-3: Battle ends after 1st break bar.
18-4: Pick Trung Sisters. 2nd break bar has defensive buff removal and 2x buff block. 3rd break bar has debuffs, bring debuff removal.
Example clear video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmMVsUhEG6s
Taisui/Voyager: Just kill them. They get stronger the longer you take.
Taisui/Ibaraki/Asterios: Ibaraki has guts while the other two are on the field. This is mostly pointless, just bring AOE and then kill her with a facecard after.
Taisui/Nursery Rhyme/Hans: Just kill them. Hans gets accelerated NP charge so buff stacking can happen if you take too long.
Taisui/Benienma/Kiyohime: Just kill them. Don't take too long, the burn will stack quickly.
Example clear vids for the above fights: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WwM3WRD8lY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WwM3WRD8lY)
## FAQs
If you want to clear the event shop, prioritizing borrowing gacha CEs from friends. Only borrow Con CE (Star's Day Off) if you start the event late.
Different servants have bonus drops for Con. Keep this in mind if you want to priorize a certain color when farming. Make sure to also equip the shop CE and Taisui in your party when you get him.
It doesn't matter which crafting/production quest you pick, they all have the same result.
Technically there are some minor story battle effects based on which plan you choose but it's insignificant.
After the event ends, you may reset the choices you have made and pick the other choices to get more silver apples. You will only get silver apples for unchosen routes (it will say which routes you've already picked).
CinnaMorgan say hi