/r/grandorder posts via @reddit2telegram_bot @r_channels
[Help and Question Thread] - May 05, 2024
#VIP Links
* [FGO Timers](https://fgo.mitsunee.com/) - timers for various fgo events and deadlines.
* [Event compendium](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397)
* [Upcoming banners (by Servants)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rKtRX3WK9ZpbEHhDTy7yGSxYWIav1Hr_KhNM0jWN2wc/edit#gid=0)
* [Latest FGO APKs](https://fgo.square.ovh/apk.html)
* [Item drop rates spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/htmlview?sle=true#gid=0)
* [Item drop lookup tool](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/drop-lookup/#/)
* [1/2 AP Campaigns](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jxcPru2BrdZuq-zCK4UL2fvPuOKxFotCdJTCYz-uo94/edit)
#General resources
* [Newbies guide by Boris](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XlYhSDrrDo5_QlAbNICLQ4USnXiRwMFtjbHo_p6ZSSM/)
* [Newbies guide by Khadroth](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YSnPg72Y5oxjtPM5k47kDNa13NCA_RfRg2r2NbxPoW8/edit)
* [3T Simulator](https://gakiloroth.github.io/)
* [Gameplay overview](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/7h00kn/fgo_gameplay_overview/)
* [Error messages](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/4lir1b/compilation_of_fgo_error_messages/)
* [Event shop materials](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=0)
* [Craft Essence rerun list](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o0beLBAx_eAgAQgujF7DEZIgDlQfVlRLs33e97sfGAY/)
* [Material calculator](https://fgosim.github.io/Material/)
* [Fate/Save calculator](https://shipfu.moe/fgo/)
* [GSSR calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1dT7wE61H11dOaukY_INLuwtmFf5iyDdb8TXAKymttCY/copy)
* [GSSR Advisor](https://fategc.com/gssr)
* [Damage calculator](https://maketakunai.github.io/) and [GamePress version](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/command-chain-calculator)
* [Kyte's blog](http://blogs.nrvnqsr.com/blog.php/1056-Mining-for-Bits)
#JP resources
* [News page](https://news.fate-go.jp/)
* [JST now](https://time.is/GMT+9)
* [NP damage chart](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OTrMARN9I06zD_jIhGdmHFWpkePoSWv_xgEk3XPzZWY/edit#gid=1993499094)
* [Account recovery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZQb6d6iT616BjCrCafVUyAmyulZq-IqbgCCszlJglJw/edit)
#NA resources
* [News page](https://fate-go.us/news/index.html)
* [PST now](https://time.is/GMT-8)
* [Interlude & Rank Up release dates](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/all-interludes-and-rank-quest-release-dates)
* [NP damage chart](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p1OSVrIZ37eV-ttzZgZdyADTGXiFLP7JtBFdzh1TFIo/edit?usp=sharing)
* [Account recovery](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FU8UkUfgw4rgXbhOomt4Vqgg4Mk1UnuZp8dQM9K1EdY/edit)
#Useful links
* [FGO Guide subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/new/)
* [FGO Wikia](http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Fate/Grand_Order_Wikia)
* [FGO Wiki](https://grandorder.wiki/Main_Page)
* [GamePress](https://grandorder.gamepress.gg/)
#Story solo guides
* [Camelot](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av14089849)
* [Babylonia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v2Zhs5HGZw)
* [Shinjuku](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbwrIIJTN-c)
* [Agartha](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VngrwnxEAP4)
* [Shimosa](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av36773146)
* [Salem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEloel9J5NA)
* [LB1 Anastasia](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51687114)
* [LB2 Gotterdammerung](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av74683150)
* [LB3 SIN](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80276537)
* [LB4 Yuga Kshetra](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1T441157ke)
* [LB5 Atlantis](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80130220)
* [LB5.2 Olympus](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1LK4y1m7wK)
#Story Compilations
* [Main Story](https://r-grandorder.github.io/tri-hermes/story.html)
* [Event - Old (Has Archived TLs)](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/a01bwp/event_summary_compilation/)
* [Event - New (Updates impending)](https://r-grandorder.github.io/tri-hermes/events.html#_2018-20)
* [FGO Mortalis Stella](https://mangadex.org/title/22226/fate-grand-order-mortalis-stella)
* [FGO EoR Shinjuku](https://mangadex.org/title/34187/fate-grand-order-epic-of-remnant-pseudo-singularity-i-quarantined-territory-of-malice-shinjuku-shinjuku-phantom-incident)
* [FGO EoR SE.RA.PH.](https://mangadex.org/title/34887/fate-grand-order-epic-of-remnant-deep-sea-cyber-paradise-se-ra-ph)
* [FGO EoR Shimosa](https://mangadex.org/title/34870/fate-grand-order-epic-of-remnant-variant-singularity-iii-a-stage-of-corpse-hills-and-bloody-rivers-shimousanokuni-showdown-with-the-seven-swordmaster-heroic-spirits)
* [FGO EoR Salem](https://mangadex.org/title/38955/fate-grand-order-epic-of-remnant-pseudo-singularity-iv-the-forbidden-advent-garden-salem-heretical-salem)
* [Fate/Strange Fake](https://mangadex.org/title/14441/fate-strange-fake)
* [Fate/Type Redline](https://mangadex.org/title/44059/fate-type-redline)
* [FGO From Lostbelt](https://mangadex.org/title/44028/fate-grand-order-from-lostbelt)
* [Case Files](https://mangadex.org/title/22436/lord-el-melloi-ii-case-files)
* [Emiya-san chi no Gohan](https://mangadex.org/title/18712/emiya-san-chi-no-kyou-no-gohan)
Note: You can support a lot of the aforementioned manga officially through this website! --> https://web-ace.jp/tmca/
* [Angel Notes](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/73-Angel-Notes-Translation-by-Evospace?p=2301&viewfull=1#post2301)
* [Kara no Kyoukai](https://emptyboundaries.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/kara-no-kyokai-translations-2/)
* [Fate/Zero](https://www.novelcool.com/novel/Fate-Zero.html)
* [Fate/Apocrypha](https://fateapocryphathetranslation.wordpress.com/)
* [Prototype Fragments Volume 1 Complete PDF](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7349-Fate-Prototype-Blue-Silver-Fragments-Complete-Version?p=2873149&viewfull=1#post2873149) + [Volume 2 Full Translations](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7349-Fate-Prototype-Blue-Silver-Fragments-Complete-Version?p=2905568&viewfull=1#post2905568) + [The Rest of the Translations](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/5621-Fate-Prototype-Fragments-of-Blue-and-Silver-Fan-Translation?p=2528915&viewfull=1#post2528915)
* [Fate/Requiem Volume 1](https://brokasteltranslations.tumblr.com/post/616735224495226880/faterequiem-volume-1-the-boy-among-the-stars)
* [Fate/Strange Fake](https://humbertozero.tumblr.com/post/150696689780/how-to-read-fatestrange-fake-light-novel-read)
* [Lord El Melloi II Case Files](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/5943-Lord-El-Melloi-II-Case-Files?p=1946725&viewfull=1#post1946725)
* [El Melloi Adventures Volume 1 Summary](https://reignsan.tumblr.com/post/643219555933667328/complete-el-melloi-adventures-volume-1-summary)
#Drama CDs
* [Garden of Avalon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5Gr4IXkfWs)
* [Heroic Spirit's Lore Strange Tales: Edmond Dantes](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1__UIt7q4hzRt8dI_7EVUTa5iuaR4pr5)
##VNs and Games
* [Tsukihime](https://lparchive.org/Tsukihime/) and [English patch if you want to play the VN, get VN Separately](http://mirrormoon.org/projects/complete/tsukihime/)
* [Kagetsu Tohya English patch for VN](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/258-Kagetsu-Tohya)
* [FSN All 3 Routes](https://lparchive.org/Fatestay-night/) and [English patch for VN](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/4745-Fate-Stay-Night-Realta-Nua-PC-version-Mirror-Moon-TL-insertion-project)
* [FSN Fate Route ReTL](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9110-Fate-stay-night-A-New-Translation-Fate-Release)
* [Fate/Extella](https://lparchive.org/Fate-extella/)
* [Fate/Hollow Ataraxia English Patch](http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/5046-Fate-Hollow-Ataraxia-Translation-Patches/page1)
* [Fate/Extra English patch](https://iwakuraproductions.wordpress.com/category/fateextra-ccc/)
* [Fate/Extra CCC Gilgamesh Route](https://tsukinoura.wordpress.com/entry-index/) and [ZVN's Video typeset Playthrough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTEAKYP21DI&list=PLtzekLVKG1PDSNm1M5npANBcvEPfDiaIZ)
Clock Tower. We could also infer that Soujuurou will be the one that will deal the final blow on Gazamy, seeing as he has apparently a troublesome magical attribute for magi.
Alright, to sum it all up, here's a TL;DR:
The setting for Shizuki Soujuurou's final decisive battle will probably be on the winter season of 1991 at the ruins near the Clock Tower. His possible final enemies are either Stanrobe Calhin and Gazamy. It's also possible that he's a wraith himself or Aoko throwing his death away did some unfavorable consequences to him. And most of all, he will persevere on this final battle.
And that concludes my post. What are your thoughts about it? Also, if you think I missed some other important points, please do feel free to add them as I gladly welcome them.
Soujuurou Shizuki's "Fate": A Breakdown of Possible Lore Implications (FGO x Mahoyo Collab Spoilers)
"In coordinates unknown to all, the wraith's thrust kills the evil spirit"
For such a cool line to be Sono-G's official chant for his Noble Phantasm in FGO, it sure does hold some intriguing hints. Said hints will never be answered unless Nasu decides to release the rest of the Mahoyo trilogy. For the time being, let's try to dissect this line using all the information we have so far. Bear with me, this might be long.
Note: This is NOT a theory. I'm simply making inferences or speculations using whatever current information we have, scarce as they may be. Theories tend to have more substantial information.
We have three hints: "coordinates unknown", "wraith", and "evil spirit" Let's try to break them down in order.
1. "Coordinates Unknown"
With the word "coordinates" itself, this is obviously referring to a location. Since this is Soujuurou's NP chant, our major hint would be the background in his NP: a snowy place filled with ruins. According to Mahoutsukai no Yoru Privilege (the material book that comes with the release of Mahoyo VN), Shizuki Soujuurou's "day of decisive battle" says "土の上にも三年". If translated, it means "three years on a stone", which is a Japanese proverb of "perseverance prevails". Whatever that means, it's clearly not describing a location. However, if we go to Aoko Aozaki's profile from the same material book, her "day of decisive battle" is on "snowy ruins" (廃墟に雪). I also looked up Alice's "day of decisive battle" and it says "Tower of London" (ロンドン塔), which is clearly Clock Tower-related.
While the location is the focus, let's not forget taking note of the time too. The events of Mahoyo VN were set in late 1980s, so around 1986 to 1989. In Mahoyo Collab, Soujuurou used up all of his might to punch the Shiny Star last 1999 to give Aoko a window of opportunity to delay the Singularity. It was also noted that he did the same feat 8 years ago. That makes the possible timeline for Mahoyo 3 to be around 1991. I also looked up the winter season of London and apparently it happens at around December to February. British folks, please feel free to correct me on this.
With those information provided, we can make an inference that Soujuurou's decisive battle will happen on snowy ruins alongside Aoko Aozaki and possibly Alice Kuonji, and that he will persevere on doing it. It's also possible that the event will happen around the winter season of 1991 at the Clock Tower.
2. "Wraith"
This one's a bit tricky to find. To start, a wraith is basically a disturbed soul of a dead person that remains attached to the world because of strong regrets, grudges, or even unfinished businesses. Matou Zouken himself is an example of a wraith. However, in Nasuverse, wraiths can become stronger by consuming the souls of living people and increase their Magical Energy. Some wraiths increase their potential to the point that they could rival Heroic Spirits. Cursed Arm Hassan is an example of the latter statement.
In Tsukihime, there's this particular wraith called Stanrobe Calhin. He's one of the 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors (still remains in the Remake)
Aesc/Tonelico with Ordeal Call 2 Uniform
Drew my wife Castoria.
[NA Event] Learning with Manga! FGO ~ Mississippi Mythicizers ~ Day 17
[News page](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2024/0412_manga_collabo/)
[Roll thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1c7pk9j/the_buns_are_superb_i_give_this_burger_a/)
# Information:
**Event name**: Serial Film Myths - Mississippi Mythicizers
* Duration: 19 April 2024, 1AM PDT - 9 May 2024, 8:59PM PDT
# Guides
* [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/FGO_Learning_With_Manga_Collaboration_Event_(US))
* [Gamepress walkthrough](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/learning-manga-collab-walkthrough)
* [Infographic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmississippi-mythicizers-riyomanga-collab-event-map-shop-v0-nt9msc7wp8vc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfa4a3f3fc75ca604e0490bd0bc9172b3db0a1f29) by kevinrealk
* [Support list recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fup8bctdw2yuc1.png)
## Excavation Guide
[Original guide written back when JP event was happening](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/events/2022_events/20220427_riyo.html#excavation)
* The main quest is locked behind a point ladder. In order to get points, you have to mine the excavation board.
* You mine the excavation board with tools, which you get from free quests. There are 3 types of tools: Red Shovels, Blue Hammers, and Yellow Pickaxes.
* You can increase the rate of these dropping by equipping the **First Day of Filming** CE onto your party.
* Different tiles have different possible rewards. A list of rewards per tile type can be found here: [https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png](https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png)
* In addition, there are gold mats hidden underneath some of the tiles. The 4 tiles overlapping those gold mats must be dug in order to get the mat underneath.
* You can choose to target mine mats if you want to optimize tool usage for specific mats. Alternatively, if you are too lazy, you can click the Auto Dig button and it will keep mining as long as you have tools.
* It takes 220 red, 210, blue, and 210 yellow tools to fully uncover the map.
* You can reset the board at any time and should actively reset if you are only looking for specific mats/tiles.
* Although you can exchange tools for different colors, the event behind point ladder locked means you will slow your event progress. Only consider swapping once the point ladder is done.
## FAQ
* The Boss Gauge on the side does nothing. Don't worry about it.
* You can get additional rewards when doing free quests: CE EXP, QP, and FP.
* Buy the shop CEs, equip them when you're running free quests.
* You must do worse nodes in order to progress in the event because the main story (and free quests) are locked behind the point ladder. You're going to have a bad time if you think you can just slack 1 week and then do the 90+ node immediately. You need 70k points to unlock the 90+ node.
* If you are appling this event, you can consider only borrowing the First Day of Filming CE. IF you are not appling and you want to clear event shop, you should prioritize borrowing gacha CEs from friends after you've finished the event story.
* You can consider appling this event if any of the following are true:
* You have an absurd amount of apples that you cannot reasonably spend during other heavy farming events (GUDAGUDA 7 and Morganfest later this year are relevant ones).
* You missed Teslafest and need gems to level your servants and have a reasonable amount of apples (200+).
* You need multiple of the mats from this event and you value it more than mats from other events.
* For most players with lower apple counts it is not recommended to apple this event due to future events being better for drops and the general playerbase undervaluing lotto efficiency.
* Furthermore, for older events that have done a lot of lottos already, the gems from this event are misses, meaning a sizable amount of excavations goes to waste.
* This is the event to roll FP. There is CE EXP and a limited time FP servant. The
NieR Re[in]carnation Characters in Type-Moon
[Friend Request Hub] - May 04, 2024
Stuck in a story node and really need a specific unit? Need to grab a servant or CE for collection purposes? This thread is for you!
* [Support List Split Guide](https://i.imgur.com/y6PAjOu.png)
JP Event Witch After the Holy Night: Murder at the Kumano Hot Springs - The Robin Saw It All! Magicians Die Twice! ~ Day 09
# Info
[Roll Thread](https://redd.it/1cdijqt)
Event News Page
[Event Banner Page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/new_chapter_id_pu/)
Event CM
Event Duration: April 26, 2024 20:00 \~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
# Guides
[Fandom Wikia](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Kumano_Hot_Springs_Killer_Case)
Atlas Academy Main Event Page
[Atlas Academy Mission List](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/event/80472)
# [NicoNikon Event InfoGraphics](https://twitter.com/niconikon01/status/1784162990008438794)
# New Updates
SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Announcement
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki NP 1 Showcase](https://redd.it/1cdi4mp)
SR Berserker Welfare Soujuurou Shizuki Announcement
[SR Berserker Soujuurou Shizuki NP Showcase](https://redd.it/1cdi78n)
Collab CEs
[SSR Caster Alice Kuonji Announcement](https://redd.it/1cdiakw)
SSR Caster Alice Kuonji NP Showcase
[Aoko Aozaki Gameplay and NP Showcase 2](https://redd.it/1cdib4n)
New Mystic Codes
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Ascension Artwork](https://redd.it/1cdiln0)
SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Kit Breakdown
[High-Def Collab Event CEs](https://redd.it/1cdis8r)
SR Berserker Soujuurou Shizuki Ascension Artworks
# Translations
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Profile](https://redd.it/1cdjapi)
SR Berserker Shizuki Soujuurou Profile
[Beast Lair Event Story Summaries](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9791-FGO-JP-Event-Mahoutsukai-no-Yoru-After-Night-Murder-at-the-Kumano-Hot-Springs-The-Robin-Saw-It-All%21-Magicians-Die-Twice%21)
Rayshift Full Event Translation
Thread is tentative and will be updated as we get guides and more
Traum stream on the 12th
[NA Event] Learning with Manga! FGO ~ Mississippi Mythicizers ~ Day 16
[News page](https://webview.fate-go.us/iframe/2024/0412_manga_collabo/)
[Roll thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/1c7pk9j/the_buns_are_superb_i_give_this_burger_a/)
# Information:
**Event name**: Serial Film Myths - Mississippi Mythicizers
* Duration: 19 April 2024, 1AM PDT - 9 May 2024, 8:59PM PDT
# Guides
* [Fandom wiki](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/FGO_Learning_With_Manga_Collaboration_Event_(US))
* [Gamepress walkthrough](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/learning-manga-collab-walkthrough)
* [Infographic](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fmississippi-mythicizers-riyomanga-collab-event-map-shop-v0-nt9msc7wp8vc1.png%3Fwidth%3D1080%26crop%3Dsmart%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dfa4a3f3fc75ca604e0490bd0bc9172b3db0a1f29) by kevinrealk
* [Support list recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fup8bctdw2yuc1.png)
## Excavation Guide
[Original guide written back when JP event was happening](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/events/2022_events/20220427_riyo.html#excavation)
* The main quest is locked behind a point ladder. In order to get points, you have to mine the excavation board.
* You mine the excavation board with tools, which you get from free quests. There are 3 types of tools: Red Shovels, Blue Hammers, and Yellow Pickaxes.
* You can increase the rate of these dropping by equipping the **First Day of Filming** CE onto your party.
* Different tiles have different possible rewards. A list of rewards per tile type can be found here: [https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png](https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png)
* In addition, there are gold mats hidden underneath some of the tiles. The 4 tiles overlapping those gold mats must be dug in order to get the mat underneath.
* You can choose to target mine mats if you want to optimize tool usage for specific mats. Alternatively, if you are too lazy, you can click the Auto Dig button and it will keep mining as long as you have tools.
* It takes 220 red, 210, blue, and 210 yellow tools to fully uncover the map.
* You can reset the board at any time and should actively reset if you are only looking for specific mats/tiles.
* Although you can exchange tools for different colors, the event behind point ladder locked means you will slow your event progress. Only consider swapping once the point ladder is done.
## FAQ
* The Boss Gauge on the side does nothing. Don't worry about it.
* You can get additional rewards when doing free quests: CE EXP, QP, and FP.
* Buy the shop CEs, equip them when you're running free quests.
* You must do worse nodes in order to progress in the event because the main story (and free quests) are locked behind the point ladder. You're going to have a bad time if you think you can just slack 1 week and then do the 90+ node immediately. You need 70k points to unlock the 90+ node.
* If you are appling this event, you can consider only borrowing the First Day of Filming CE. IF you are not appling and you want to clear event shop, you should prioritize borrowing gacha CEs from friends after you've finished the event story.
* You can consider appling this event if any of the following are true:
* You have an absurd amount of apples that you cannot reasonably spend during other heavy farming events (GUDAGUDA 7 and Morganfest later this year are relevant ones).
* You missed Teslafest and need gems to level your servants and have a reasonable amount of apples (200+).
* You need multiple of the mats from this event and you value it more than mats from other events.
* For most players with lower apple counts it is not recommended to apple this event due to future events being better for drops and the general playerbase undervaluing lotto efficiency.
* Furthermore, for older events that have done a lot of lottos already, the gems from this event are misses, meaning a sizable amount of excavations goes to waste.
* This is the event to roll FP. There is CE EXP and a limited time FP servant. The
London [commission] (Long)
Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order! Episode 173
Didn't find what you need? Ask the helpful masters around here!
* Assume good faith - Assume that the player really doesn't know and try to help them out. In the event of trolls, either downvote, ignore, or report them to the moderators.
* Have patience and wait some time before asking again. Do not post a new thread on the sub for the question. Repeat offenders will be warned or punished.
* Keep jokes in moderation - Try not to clog up the thread for people who are trying to learn.
If you break these rules, then you will be in a hella hella bad time.
[Tsukihime Remake Arcuied Days 1-5 English Patch](https://tsukihimates.com/patch/)
[Lore Sunday] - May 05, 2024
#What is this thread for?
Curious about the lore for a TM franchise you haven't consumed? Got theories and need cited source material? Want to know how the laws of Nasuvese works on a fundamental level? Need to find that *one* line you can't find proof of anywhere because TM wiki is hilariously unreliable?
This is the place!
This thread will be a Q&A sort of location that will serve as a "lore library" of sorts that you can use for any inquiries.
This is **NOT** meant to be a place for containing all lore discussion and theory posts, as those are still highly encouraged to be submission posts outside of this thread so more people can see your ideas!
#Translated Source Material Links
* [TMdict - contains all Side Material translated](https://www.tmdict.com/en/)
* [Chaldea Records - Compilation of in-game profiles and materials](https://chaldea.tmdict.com/)
* [TRI-HERMES Lore Database](https://r-grandorder.github.io/tri-hermes/) ~ WIP
##FGO Materials
* [Story Summary Compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandOrderWiki/wiki/story)
* [Event Summary Compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandOrderWiki/wiki/events)
* [Interlude Summary Compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandOrderWiki/wiki/interludes)
* [Material Profile Translation Compilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/FGOGuide/comments/8epytu/fategrand_order_material_full_translation/)
* [FGO Arcade Lost Jerusalem Part 1 Translations](https://youtu.be/302tjt1y6_U)
* [FGO Arcade Lost Jerusalem Post-Raid Translations](https://youtu.be/EjM4E3btMsQ)
* [Camelot Zero, premise of Camelot singularity written on Nasu's Blog](http://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6031-Fate-Grand-Order-Story-and-Lore-%28CONTAINS-SPOILERS%29?p=2440713&viewfull=1#post2440713)
* [FGO Arcade Babylon Translations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZc-ANQ17gk)
* [Kara no Kyoukai Movie Series](https://www.crunchyroll.com/the-garden-of-sinners)
* [F/SN Unlimited Blade Works - Ufotable](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fatestay-night)
* [Fate/Zero](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fatezero)
* [Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fatekaleid-liner-prisma-illya) - Trust me, just read the manga.
* [Fate/Grand Order - First Order](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fategrand-order-first-order)
* [Emiya Gohan](https://www.crunchyroll.com/todays-menu-for-the-emiya-family)
* [Lord El-Melloi II's Case Files {Rail Zeppelin} Grace note](https://www.crunchyroll.com/lord-el-melloi-iis-case-files-rail-zeppelin-grace-note)
* [Fate/Grand Order - Moonlight Lostroom](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fategrand-order-moonlightlostroom-)
* [Fate/Grand Order - Demonic Front: Babylonia](https://www.crunchyroll.com/fategrand-order-first-order)
Note: Nonexistent Tsukihime anime and first two of the Heavens Feel Trilogy Movie Series can be found in the internet somewhere, I believe in you to find them. Wink wink.
Note 2: Fate/Apocrypha and Fate/Last Encore can be found on Netflix, along with Deen/Stay Night as well as Zero, UBW, and First Order.
* [Tsukihime Arcuied Route](https://mangadex.org/title/1417/shingetsutan-tsukihime)
* [Melty Blood](https://mangadex.org/title/1552/melty-blood) , [Act 2](https://mangadex.org/title/3919/melty-blood-act-2) , [X](https://mangadex.org/title/3226/melty-blood-x)
* [Kara no Kyoukai](https://mangadex.org/title/1714/kara-no-kyoukai-the-garden-of-sinners)
* [Fate/Zero](https://mangadex.org/title/3388/fate-zero)
* [Prisma Illya](https://mangadex.org/title/2728/fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya), [2wei](https://mangadex.org/title/2749/fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-2wei) , [3rei](https://mangadex.org/title/7635/fate-kaleid-liner-prisma-illya-3rei)
* [FSN Heaven's Feel](https://mangadex.org/title/15286/fate-stay-night-heaven-s-feel)
* [Koha Ace GO](https://mangadex.org/title/56604/fate-koha-ace)
* [Fate/Extra CCC Foxtail](https://mangadex.org/title/10808/fate-extra-ccc-fox-tail)
* [Fate/Apocrypha](https://mangadex.org/title/18936/fate-apocrypha)
* [FGO Turas
and is particularly at 11th rank. According to Kagetsu Tohya, he was a DAA that got killed by the Church. However, his soul remained as a wraith and still has enough power to cause immense destruction to everything near him. As such, he received the titles "Duke of Predation" and "City Devourer". Him as a wraith is so strong that he still has 200 years left before his soul eventually dissipates.
The reason why I mentioned this character is because of Aoko Aozaki. In MBAACC, there was this particular scene of Aoko confronting Dust of Osiris. The latter was conducting a ritual that's world-threatening. Aoko then said that such a huge ritual might attract "Stantia: the First Wraith", which is referring to Stanrobe Calhin.
With those information provided, we can infer that Aoko Aozaki has some history of Stanrobe Calhin. We just didn't know when it happened. This makes Stanrobe a potential candidate of being Soujuurou's final enemy.
However, there's an obstacle to this inference. The line obviously implies that the "wraith's thrust" is Soujuurou's punch (or in this case, his NP in FGO). Does this mean that Soujuurou is a wraith? Or rather, did the reversal of his death courtesy of Aoko did something to him? Perhaps we'll never know until new Mahoyo content arrives.
3. "Evil Spirit"
With barely any clues at hand, it's clearly hard to decide on where should we begin with this, as "evil spirit" is a pretty broad term. But thankfully, I wouldn't get to search much on this thanks to Petrikow's (TM translator on Beast's Lair) Twitter post regarding Soujuurou's NP. They mentioned a character named Gazamy.
Obviously I didn't know who the hell this "Gazamy" character is (also my first time hearing this character), I had to look up on TM wiki if he has a page. Seems like he has one.
The first-ever mention of Gazamy happened in Fate/hollow ataraxia, when Rin Tohsaka was talking about disasters in the Mage's Association (Clock Tower). Apparently, Gazamy is ranked 1st. This was further supported in Fate/complete material III when it mentioned Gazamy was treated as the number one disaster mage and was locked up below the Clock Tower, alongside other dangerous sealing designated mages. In the same material book, Nasu also said in an interview that Gazamy has a magical attribute that's troublesome for magi to deal with. In later works, which is the material book for Lord El-Melloi II Case Files, we now know that Gazamy disappeared at the end of the last century, which is around the 1990s.
Just like what I've said earlier, it's possible that Mahoyo 3 will occur around 1991 due to the "8 years" hint coming from the Mahoyo collab. In connection with Gazamy, we can make an inference that the Mahoyo trio will probably make an encounter with him as he managed to escape prison in the
JP Event Witch After the Holy Night: Murder at the Kumano Hot Springs - The Robin Saw It All! Magicians Die Twice! ~ Day 10
# Info
[Roll Thread](https://redd.it/1cdijqt)
Event News Page
[Event Banner Page](https://news.fate-go.jp/2024/new_chapter_id_pu/)
Event CM
Event Duration: April 26, 2024 20:00 \~ May 17, 2024 12:59 JST
# Guides
[Fandom Wikia](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Kumano_Hot_Springs_Killer_Case)
Atlas Academy Main Event Page
[Atlas Academy Mission List](https://apps.atlasacademy.io/db/JP/event/80472)
# [NicoNikon Event InfoGraphics](https://twitter.com/niconikon01/status/1784162990008438794)
# New Updates
SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Announcement
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki NP 1 Showcase](https://redd.it/1cdi4mp)
SR Berserker Welfare Soujuurou Shizuki Announcement
[SR Berserker Soujuurou Shizuki NP Showcase](https://redd.it/1cdi78n)
Collab CEs
[SSR Caster Alice Kuonji Announcement](https://redd.it/1cdiakw)
SSR Caster Alice Kuonji NP Showcase
[Aoko Aozaki Gameplay and NP Showcase 2](https://redd.it/1cdib4n)
New Mystic Codes
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Ascension Artwork](https://redd.it/1cdiln0)
SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Kit Breakdown
[High-Def Collab Event CEs](https://redd.it/1cdis8r)
SR Berserker Soujuurou Shizuki Ascension Artworks
# Translations
[SSR Foreigner Aoko Aozaki Profile](https://redd.it/1cdjapi)
SR Berserker Shizuki Soujuurou Profile
[Beast Lair Event Story Summaries](https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/9791-FGO-JP-Event-Mahoutsukai-no-Yoru-After-Night-Murder-at-the-Kumano-Hot-Springs-The-Robin-Saw-It-All%21-Magicians-Die-Twice%21)
Rayshift Full Event Translation
Thread is tentative and will be updated as we get guides and more
next good opportunity won't be until November 2025, so get to rolling.
* It is a misconception that you should save the 4\* CE EXP from the FP gacha and use them during anni.
* During this event, if you feed the CE EXP immediately, it will take 1.434M FP to level 100 a CE.
* If you were to save the 4\* CE EXP and spend it during anni (3x super success), it would take 1.347M FP to level 100 a CE.
* You would have to deal with inventory management and second storage management for the opportunity to save less than 100k FP per FULLY leveled CE. This is less than 12.5k FP per 1\* CE bomb. It is not worth it.
## Challenge Quest:
* Gamepress guide: Will be added later
* [Appmedia guide](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/75475138)
* The boss summons adds every turn and reduces its HP for every summon. The adds have various buffs and card resists.
Noteworthy mechanics:
* The boss is permanently charmed on their 1st HP bar. Each add that's summoned reduces the boss by 100k max HP.
* If there are 6 enemies, the boss will remove its max HP debuff until you kill one of the adds.
* When you break the boss's HP bar, the charm is removed.
* The adds can give party evasion and will do it often.
* If you bring a cat characteristic servant the enemies will get permanent 20% defense and permanent terror.
* Use AOE attacks, preferably with sure hit or pierce invuln (Origin Bullet is very good on this). Don't let 6 adds be on the field.
Example videos:
* [Habetrot/Tamamo/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfIGO2967IQ)
* [Habetrot/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs914VbTkVg)
* [Mary Anning/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze6wz2Lodbs)
* [Taisui/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKtK2kE6FGM)
* [Taisui/Santa Martha/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=149Qi_CtkGs)
* [DVR/Castoria/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ6suyZW9GM)
* [Teach + low rarity + friend Merlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7XJkW1hGOI)
* [Marie solo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVZsk0DSRJI)
Have fun digging!
NA Event Learning with Manga! FGO ~ Mississippi Mythicizers ~ Day 17
News page
Roll thread
# Information:
Event name: Serial Film Myths - Mississippi Mythicizers
Duration: 19 April 2024, 1AM PDT - 9 May 2024, 8:59PM PDT
# Guides
Fandom wiki)
[Gamepress walkthrough](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/learning-manga-collab-walkthrough)
Infographic by kevinrealk
[Support list recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fup8bctdw2yuc1.png)
## Excavation Guide
[Original guide written back when JP event was happening](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/events/2022_events/20220427_riyo.html#excavation)
The main quest is locked behind a point ladder. In order to get points, you have to mine the excavation board.
You mine the excavation board with tools, which you get from free quests. There are 3 types of tools: Red Shovels, Blue Hammers, and Yellow Pickaxes.
You can increase the rate of these dropping by equipping the First Day of Filming CE onto your party.
Different tiles have different possible rewards. A list of rewards per tile type can be found here: [https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png](https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png)
In addition, there are gold mats hidden underneath some of the tiles. The 4 tiles overlapping those gold mats must be dug in order to get the mat underneath.
You can choose to target mine mats if you want to optimize tool usage for specific mats. Alternatively, if you are too lazy, you can click the Auto Dig button and it will keep mining as long as you have tools.
It takes 220 red, 210, blue, and 210 yellow tools to fully uncover the map.
You can reset the board at any time and should actively reset if you are only looking for specific mats/tiles.
Although you can exchange tools for different colors, the event behind point ladder locked means you will slow your event progress. Only consider swapping once the point ladder is done.
## FAQ
The Boss Gauge on the side does nothing. Don't worry about it.
You can get additional rewards when doing free quests: CE EXP, QP, and FP.
Buy the shop CEs, equip them when you're running free quests.
You must do worse nodes in order to progress in the event because the main story (and free quests) are locked behind the point ladder. You're going to have a bad time if you think you can just slack 1 week and then do the 90+ node immediately. You need 70k points to unlock the 90+ node.
If you are appling this event, you can consider only borrowing the First Day of Filming CE. IF you are not appling and you want to clear event shop, you should prioritize borrowing gacha CEs from friends after you've finished the event story.
You can consider appling this event if any of the following are true:
You have an absurd amount of apples that you cannot reasonably spend during other heavy farming events (GUDAGUDA 7 and Morganfest later this year are relevant ones).
You missed Teslafest and need gems to level your servants and have a reasonable amount of apples (200+).
You need multiple of the mats from this event and you value it more than mats from other events.
For most players with lower apple counts it is not recommended to apple this event due to future events being better for drops and the general playerbase undervaluing lotto efficiency.
Furthermore, for older events that have done a lot of lottos already, the gems from this event are misses, meaning a sizable amount of excavations goes to waste.
This is the event to roll FP. There is CE EXP and a limited time FP servant. The
Considering the hate against tunguska, what would you do to improve it?
I personally dont have anything against it, but I see a big part of the fandom with it
So, only lore wise what could fix tunguska?
(Nothing will save the final boss fight and that debuff)
Return to Dystopian Chaldea 16
Preview of my Velvet Crowe in FGO sprite [commission] (Ivanshinoda)
next good opportunity won't be until November 2025, so get to rolling.
* It is a misconception that you should save the 4\* CE EXP from the FP gacha and use them during anni.
* During this event, if you feed the CE EXP immediately, it will take 1.434M FP to level 100 a CE.
* If you were to save the 4\* CE EXP and spend it during anni (3x super success), it would take 1.347M FP to level 100 a CE.
* You would have to deal with inventory management and second storage management for the opportunity to save less than 100k FP per FULLY leveled CE. This is less than 12.5k FP per 1\* CE bomb. It is not worth it.
## Challenge Quest:
* Gamepress guide: Will be added later
* [Appmedia guide](https://appmedia.jp/fategrandorder/75475138)
* The boss summons adds every turn and reduces its HP for every summon. The adds have various buffs and card resists.
Noteworthy mechanics:
* The boss is permanently charmed on their 1st HP bar. Each add that's summoned reduces the boss by 100k max HP.
* If there are 6 enemies, the boss will remove its max HP debuff until you kill one of the adds.
* When you break the boss's HP bar, the charm is removed.
* The adds can give party evasion and will do it often.
* If you bring a cat characteristic servant the enemies will get permanent 20% defense and permanent terror.
* Use AOE attacks, preferably with sure hit or pierce invuln (Origin Bullet is very good on this). Don't let 6 adds be on the field.
Example videos:
* [Habetrot/Tamamo/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VfIGO2967IQ)
* [Habetrot/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rs914VbTkVg)
* [Mary Anning/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze6wz2Lodbs)
* [Taisui/Hans/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKtK2kE6FGM)
* [Taisui/Santa Martha/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=149Qi_CtkGs)
* [DVR/Castoria/Castoria](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ6suyZW9GM)
* [Teach + low rarity + friend Merlin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7XJkW1hGOI)
* [Marie solo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVZsk0DSRJI)
Have fun digging!
NA Event Learning with Manga! FGO ~ Mississippi Mythicizers ~ Day 16
News page
Roll thread
# Information:
Event name: Serial Film Myths - Mississippi Mythicizers
Duration: 19 April 2024, 1AM PDT - 9 May 2024, 8:59PM PDT
# Guides
Fandom wiki)
[Gamepress walkthrough](https://gamepress.gg/grandorder/learning-manga-collab-walkthrough)
Infographic by kevinrealk
[Support list recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fup8bctdw2yuc1.png)
## Excavation Guide
[Original guide written back when JP event was happening](https://r-grandorder.github.io/fgo-guides/events/2022_events/20220427_riyo.html#excavation)
The main quest is locked behind a point ladder. In order to get points, you have to mine the excavation board.
You mine the excavation board with tools, which you get from free quests. There are 3 types of tools: Red Shovels, Blue Hammers, and Yellow Pickaxes.
You can increase the rate of these dropping by equipping the First Day of Filming CE onto your party.
Different tiles have different possible rewards. A list of rewards per tile type can be found here: [https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png](https://i.imgur.com/aOyHrCH.png)
In addition, there are gold mats hidden underneath some of the tiles. The 4 tiles overlapping those gold mats must be dug in order to get the mat underneath.
You can choose to target mine mats if you want to optimize tool usage for specific mats. Alternatively, if you are too lazy, you can click the Auto Dig button and it will keep mining as long as you have tools.
It takes 220 red, 210, blue, and 210 yellow tools to fully uncover the map.
You can reset the board at any time and should actively reset if you are only looking for specific mats/tiles.
Although you can exchange tools for different colors, the event behind point ladder locked means you will slow your event progress. Only consider swapping once the point ladder is done.
## FAQ
The Boss Gauge on the side does nothing. Don't worry about it.
You can get additional rewards when doing free quests: CE EXP, QP, and FP.
Buy the shop CEs, equip them when you're running free quests.
You must do worse nodes in order to progress in the event because the main story (and free quests) are locked behind the point ladder. You're going to have a bad time if you think you can just slack 1 week and then do the 90+ node immediately. You need 70k points to unlock the 90+ node.
If you are appling this event, you can consider only borrowing the First Day of Filming CE. IF you are not appling and you want to clear event shop, you should prioritize borrowing gacha CEs from friends after you've finished the event story.
You can consider appling this event if any of the following are true:
You have an absurd amount of apples that you cannot reasonably spend during other heavy farming events (GUDAGUDA 7 and Morganfest later this year are relevant ones).
You missed Teslafest and need gems to level your servants and have a reasonable amount of apples (200+).
You need multiple of the mats from this event and you value it more than mats from other events.
For most players with lower apple counts it is not recommended to apple this event due to future events being better for drops and the general playerbase undervaluing lotto efficiency.
Furthermore, for older events that have done a lot of lottos already, the gems from this event are misses, meaning a sizable amount of excavations goes to waste.
This is the event to roll FP. There is CE EXP and a limited time FP servant. The
Ch.1 of the Nibelungenlied be like:
Everyday until you like it.