There's another pair of eyes staring at this place in the distance.
New visitor destroyed patio furniture, but was so cute we forgave him!
Backyard Cam Night 254 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Backyard Cam Night 256 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Chances of Raccoon roundworm exposure
So we’ve had a raccoon living under our trailer for awhile now, took us some time to realize it, we have a company trying to trap and remove it/them currently. I initially was the most worried about rabies, but was reading on roundworm since I’ve been starting to notice some odor and now I’m completely terrified. As I said, they’re under our trailer, you can hear bumping between the floors and sometime hear them climbing over or under our air vents, which is where my fear is lying. From what info I can find the most common way to get infected is through ingesting, but I’ve seen inhalation from airborne particles can also happen. If their latrine is near any sections of the vents could we be sending those particles into the air in our home while running our AC? We have a 10 month old son, so keeping the house a comfortable temperature is necessary, but now I’m so worried about his health. Any advice?
Backyard Cam Night 253 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Lots of raccoons this week caught on cam, including one that got injured.
Backyard Cam Night 249 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam enjoying dinner & pop tarts on spring night
Backyard Cam Night 251 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Backyard Cam Night 255 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Backyard Cam Night 257 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
My 3 Mask-eteers! Get to snacking ladies!
Backyard Cam Night 252 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
I recorded a raccoon on my backyard wildlife cam! It looks like a juvenile to me. Does anyone know?
Backyard Cam Night 250 Wild Raccoon Reality Cam just enjoying dinner on a spring night
Trigger Warning- involves separation of mother and babies
Hello. I came across a wildlife rescue page in Vermont the other day. She had taken in 4 baby raccoons, umbilical cords still attached. Some a$$hole found them in his workshop near where his kids play. He wanted them gone immediately. He would not budge when the woman from the rescue begged him to at least wait for the mama to come back to retrieve her babies…
Reading that absolutely destroyed me. I feel like I’m mourning someone. Just thinking of the mama coming back and NEVER finding her babies… she must have been elated and excited to be a new mommy and probably full of milk. I’m 30 weeks pregnant myself… maybe that’s why I’m so upset? Just the fact that she’s out there alone right now and she can’t find her babies. Her primal urge to nurse them and take care of them. The babies of course are in good hands… but I can’t help but think of the heartbroken mama.
Can someone please tell me that raccoons get over things quickly? I’m having a real hard time. Really wish I never saw the post.